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List of popular names for Brazilian rodents (Mammalia: Rodentia)


Binomial nomenclature in Latin is used to name species, allowing communication between scientists but not with the general public. We compiled popular names in Portuguese, Spanish, and English for the rodent species that occur in Brazil, revealing a large gap in Portuguese, where 11.5% of the species do not have common names, or they share a same name, as 66 of the Echimyidae (“toró”), and 57 of the Cricetidae species (“rato-do-mato”). In contrast, almost all species have common names in English, which are generally unique. To highlight the importance of ecosystem services that rodents provide to society, it is essential to provide common names in the local language where the species was described.

Common name; popularization of science; Rodentia; vernacular name

The use of standardized scientific names is essential for clear and universal communication in science. Unlike vernacular names, latinized scientific names are not subject to regional variations or language differences (Sitas et al. 2009Sitas N, Baillie JEM, Isaac NJB (2009) What are we saving? Developing a standardized approach for conservation action. Animal Conservation 12(3): 231-237.
, Bennett and Balick 2014Bennett BC, Balick MJ (2014) Does the name really matter? The importance of botanical nomenclature and plant taxonomy in biomedical research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 152(3): 387-392.
, García-de-Lomas et al. 2021García-de-Lomas J, García CM, Alba D, Torres JM, Jurado A, Cantero V, et al. (2021) From Linderiella baetica to gambilusa: Involving children in conservation by giving a new species a common name. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(6): 1543-1547.
). Scientists generally prefer to use scientific names over vernacular names for this reason (Jarić et al. 2016Jarić I, Courchamp F, Gessner J, Roberts DL (2016) Data mining in conservation research using Latin and vernacular species names. PeerJ 4: e2202.
). Such standardization is so essential that spelling errors are a problem for search engines, as such errors will prevent certain articles from being found during a search (Bennett and Balick 2014Bennett BC, Balick MJ (2014) Does the name really matter? The importance of botanical nomenclature and plant taxonomy in biomedical research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 152(3): 387-392.
). However, the use of Latin terminology can create a barrier with the general public, potentially reducing empathy and engagement with conservation efforts (García-de-Lomas et al. 2021García-de-Lomas J, García CM, Alba D, Torres JM, Jurado A, Cantero V, et al. (2021) From Linderiella baetica to gambilusa: Involving children in conservation by giving a new species a common name. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(6): 1543-1547.

Much of our knowledge about different species, especially mammals, comes from the shared knowledge of communities that live in direct contact with natural areas and name these species (Víquez et al. 2014Víquez L, Arias-Alzate A, Hurtado-Moreno A, González-Maya JF (2014) Una propuesta para homogenizar la escritura y el uso de nombres comunes en mastozoología. Mammalogy Notes 1(2): 15-17. [Accessed: 14/08/2023]
). The use of common or popular names is preferred in press releases and media coverage, while Latinized scientific names are often absent (Roberge 2014Roberge JM (2014) Using data from online social networks in conservation science: which species engage people the most on Twitter? Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 715-726.

Vernacular names are commonly based on attractive or repulsive characteristics of the animals and reflect the history of the local population’s relationship with the native fauna (Dice 1937Dice LR (1937) The common names of mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 18(2): 223-225
, Simpson 1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
, Superina and Aguiar 2006Superina M, Aguiar JM (2006) A reference list of common names for the edentates. Edentata 2006(7): 33-44.
). Because of this, they can show significant geographic and regional variation. As a result, a single species may have multiple common names across different areas (Papavero 2017Papavero N (2017) Nomes populares conferidos à Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) no Brasil. Arquivos de Zoologia 48(2): 37-93.
, Gonzalez et al. 2020Gonzalez RC, Abegg AD, de Mello Mendes DM, da Silva MB, Machado-Filho PR, Mario-da-Rosa C, et al. (2020) Lista dos nomes populares dos répteis no Brasil - Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9(2): 21-214.). For species that lack a common or vernacular name, creating such a name has the potential to increase public interest, particularly among children, in those species (García-de-Lomas et al. 2021García-de-Lomas J, García CM, Alba D, Torres JM, Jurado A, Cantero V, et al. (2021) From Linderiella baetica to gambilusa: Involving children in conservation by giving a new species a common name. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(6): 1543-1547.
, Marinho and Scatigna 2022Marinho LC, Scatigna AV (2022) A good practice: why we should suggest vernacular names for new plant species. Bionomina 31(1): 108-114.
). Even invasive species need common names to attract attention, facilitate dialogue with the public, and address the environmental issues they pose (Keiter et al. 2016Keiter DA, Mayer JJ, Beasley JC (2016) What is in a “common” name? A call for consistent terminology for nonnative Sus scrofa. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(2): 384-387.
). Even though regionalism influences common names (see Bennett and Balick 2014Bennett BC, Balick MJ (2014) Does the name really matter? The importance of botanical nomenclature and plant taxonomy in biomedical research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 152(3): 387-392.
), and these names may be insufficient or underappreciated by scientists, there is a need to communicate scientific knowledge with the non-scientific lay population and bring them closer to both the native fauna and the environmental crisis that the planet is going through. Vernacular names can make species more relatable and accessible to non-scientific audiences, compared to the use of Latinized scientific names alone.

In the English scientific literature, popular names of species descriptions are ubiquitous, and nearly all species included in the IUCN Red List include common names in English (IUCN 2022IUCN (2022) The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, v. 2022-2. [Accessed: 08/08/2023]
). Several scientific journals do not require the creation of vernacular names when describing a new mammal species, but it seems to be cultural practice to provide common names in English (Eumops chimaera Gregorin et al., 2016Gregorin R, Moras LM, Acosta LH, Vasconcellos KL, Poma JL, Santos FR dos, Paca RC (2016) A new species of Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southeastern Brazil and Bolivia. Mammalian Biology 81(3): 235-246.
, Chimera’s Bonneted Bat in English - Gregorin et al. 2016Gregorin R, Moras LM, Acosta LH, Vasconcellos KL, Poma JL, Santos FR dos, Paca RC (2016) A new species of Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southeastern Brazil and Bolivia. Mammalian Biology 81(3): 235-246.
), and some include Spanish common names as well (Mindomys kutuku Brito, Koch, Tinoco & Pardiñas, 2022Brito J, Koch C, Tinoco N, Pardiñas UF (2022) A new species of Mindomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) with remarks on external traits as indicators of arboreality in sigmodontine rodents. Evolutionary Systematics 6(1): 35-55.
, Kutuku rat in English or rata Kutuku in Spanish - Brito et al. 2022Brito J, Koch C, Tinoco N, Pardiñas UF (2022) A new species of Mindomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) with remarks on external traits as indicators of arboreality in sigmodontine rodents. Evolutionary Systematics 6(1): 35-55.
). Curiously, the same initiative does not occur in many cases, or most cases, in Brazilian Portuguese even for Brazilian native species.

For rodents, this problem is even more pronounced. They make up the most diverse group of mammals in the world and in Brazil (Burgin et al. 2018Burgin CJ, Colella JP, Kahn PL, Upham NS (2018) How many species of mammals are there? Journal of Mammalogy 99(1): 1-14.
, Abreu et al. 2023Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, Loretto D, et al. (2023) Lista de Mamíferos do Brasil (2023-1-2). Zenodo.
), most species are small and elusive (Patton et al. 2015Patton J, Pardiñas U, D’Elía G (2015) Mammals of South America. University of Chicago Press, Chicago , vol. 2, 1384 pp.), and new species are constantly being described (e.g., Peçanha et al. 2019Peçanha WT, Quintela FM, Jorge Ribas LE, Althoff SL, Maestri R, Gonçalves GL, De Freitas TR (2019) A new species of Oxymycterus (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from a transitional area of Cerrado-Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy 100(2): 578-598.
, Caccavo and Weksler 2021Caccavo A, Weksler M (2021) Systematics of the rodent genus Neacomys Thomas (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): two new species and a discussion on carotid patterns. Journal of Mammalogy 102(3): 852-878.
). Allied with this, several species, including native and invasive, are of public health interest (de Freitas et al. 2012de Freitas TPT, D’Andrea OS, Paula DAJ, Nakazato L, Dutra V, Bonvicino CR, et al. (2012) Natural infection of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in Mus musculus captured in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12(1): 81-83.
, Tavares et al. 2012Tavares C, Aragão AI, Leal NC, Leal-Balbino TC, Oliveira MBM, Ferreira GMOG, Almeida AMP (2012) Plague in Brazil: From Now and Then. In: de Almeida A, Leal N (Eds) Advances in Yersinia Research. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer, New York, vol. 954, 69-77.
, Pinto Junior et al. 2014Pinto Junior VL, Hamidad AM, Albuquerque Filho DDO, Santos VMD (2014) Twenty years of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Brazil: a review of epidemiological and clinical aspects. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 8: 137-142.
, Costa et al. 2015Costa F, Costa F, Wunder EA Jr, De Oliveira D, Bisht V, Rodrigues G, et al. (2015) Patterns in Leptospira shedding in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Brazilian slum communities at high risk of disease transmission. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(6): e0003819.
). However, they are not just diseases reservoirs. Rodents play several important roles in the ecosystem, such as structuring frugivory networks (Carreira et al. 2020Carreira DC, Dáttilo W, Bruno DL, Percequillo AR, Ferraz KM, Galetti M (2020) Small vertebrates are key elements in the frugivory networks of a hyperdiverse tropical forest. Scientific Reports 10: 10594.
), aerating the soil (Witmer and Borrowman 2012Witmer G, Borrowman D (2012) Effects of turf rolling and soil aeration on rodent populations. Proceedings of the 25th Vertebrate Pest Conference, University of California, Davis, 338-340. [Accessed 10/07/2023]
), and even pollinating flowers (Biccard and Midgley 2009Biccard A, Midgley JJ (2009) Rodent pollination in Protea nana. South African Journal of Botany 75(4): 720-725.
, Matallana-Puerto and Cardoso 2022Matallana-Puerto CA, Cardoso JCF (2022) Ratatouille of flowers! Rats as potential pollinators of a petal-rewarding plant in the urban area. Ecology 103(9): e3778.
). Unfortunately, many of them will disappear even before we fully know the ecosystem services they provide and before we put together adequate conservation plans (Lacher et al. 2020Lacher TE, McCay SD, Bianconi GV, Wolf LK, Roach NS, Percequillo AR (2020) Conservation status of the order Rodentia of Brazil: taxonomic and biogeographical patterns. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-Ciências Naturais 15(3): 535-556. [Accessed: 01/08/2023]

Given this scenario, an effort is needed to centralize and make the common/popular names of species publicly available, providing a database to scientists and the non-scientific community. This standardization can lead to easy, direct, and homogeneous communication (Vuilleumier 1999Vuilleumier F (1999) Sobre la necesidad de estandarizar los nombres en castellano y portugués de las aves neotropicales. Ornitologia Neotropical 10: 69-75. [Accessed: 14/08/2023]
) between science and the general population. The demand for this list is not recent, as articles published over 80 years ago already brought this importance, such as the compendium initiated by Simpson (1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
) and Dice’s (1937Dice LR (1937) The common names of mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 18(2): 223-225
) suggestions.

The purpose of this article is to compile the common names of Brazilian rodent species and correlate them with their respective scientific names, in order to create an organized database while valuing traditional information. We also provide an overview of the groups lacking popular names and those with many different ones. Like Gonzalez et al. (2020Gonzalez RC, Abegg AD, de Mello Mendes DM, da Silva MB, Machado-Filho PR, Mario-da-Rosa C, et al. (2020) Lista dos nomes populares dos répteis no Brasil - Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9(2): 21-214.), we expect to keep the list constantly updated after new species are described and known names are added. A similar Portuguese version of this paper is provided as Supplementary material S1 Supplementary material 1 Supplementary File S1. A similar Portuguese version of this paper. Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC. Data type: Portuguese version. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: .

We used as our taxonomic baseline the list of species provided by the Brazilian Society of Mammalogy (Abreu et al. 2023Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, Loretto D, et al. (2023) Lista de Mamíferos do Brasil (2023-1-2). Zenodo.
), versions April 2021 and December 2022. There are divergences between the two lists, with some species considered dubious - e.g., Necromys urichi (J.A. Allen & Chapman, 1897). We chose to include all species (276) even though those were removed from one of the two lists. See Abreu et al. (2023Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, Loretto D, et al. (2023) Lista de Mamíferos do Brasil (2023-1-2). Zenodo.
) for taxonomy comments.

The survey for common/popular/vernacular names was carried out between March 2021 and March 2024. We used books (Dennler 1939Dennler JG (1939) Los nombres indígenas en guaraní de los mamíferos argentinos y países limítrofes y su importancia para la Sistemática. Physis 16(48): 225-244., Ihering 1940Ihering R (1940) Dicionário dos animais do Brasil. Secretaria da Agricultura, Indústria e Comércio do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 898 pp., Moojen 1952Moojen J (1952) Os Roedores do Brasil. Instituto Nacional do Livro, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 1, 214 pp., Carvalho 1979Carvalho CT (1979) Dicionário dos mamíferos do Brasil. Nobel, São Paulo, 135 pp., Sigrist 2012Sigrist T (2012) Mamíferos do Brasil: uma visão artística. Avisbrasilis Editora, Vinhedo, 448 pp., Patton et al. 2015Patton J, Pardiñas U, D’Elía G (2015) Mammals of South America. University of Chicago Press, Chicago , vol. 2, 1384 pp., Wilson et al. 2016Wilson DE, Lacher TE Jr, Mittermeier RA (2016) Handbook of the mammals of the world. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, vol. 6, 987 pp., 2017), field guides (Emmons and Feer 1997Emmons LH, Feer F (1997) Neotropical Rainforest Mammals: A Field Guide. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 396 pp., Borges and Tomás 2004Borges PAL, Tomás SWM (2004) Guia de rastros e outros vestígios de mamíferos do Pantanal. Embrapa Pantanal, Corumbá, 148 pp., Canevari and Vaccaro 2007Canevari M, Vaccaro O (2007) Guía de mamíferos del sur de América del Sur. Editorial L.O.L.A, Buenos Aires, 413 pp., Becker and Dalponte 2013Becker M, Dalponte JC (2013) Rastros de mamíferos silvestres brasileiros: um guia de campo. Technical Books, Rio de Janeiro, 3rd ed., 172 pp., Brandão and Hingst-Zaher 2021Brandão MV, Hingst-Zaher E (2021) Atlas craniano: Mamíferos da Mata Atlântica e lista de espécies. [Accessed: 01/08/2023]
), articles (Brandão et al. 2021Brandão MV, Percequillo AR, D’Elia G, Paresque R, Carmignotto AP (2021) A new species of Akodon Meyen, 1833 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) endemic from the Brazilian Cerrado. Journal of Mammalogy 102(1): 101-122.
, 2022Brandão MV, Carmignotto AP, Percequillo AR, Christoff AU, Mendes-Oliveira AC, Geise L (2022) A new species of Akodon Meyen, 1833 (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from dry forests of the Amazonia-Cerrado transition. Zootaxa 5205(5): 401-435.
, Caccavo and Weksler 2021Caccavo A, Weksler M (2021) Systematics of the rodent genus Neacomys Thomas (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): two new species and a discussion on carotid patterns. Journal of Mammalogy 102(3): 852-878.
, Prado et al. 2021Prado JR, Knowles LL, Percequillo AR (2021) A new species of South America marsh rat (Holochilus, Cricetidae) from northeastern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy 102(6): 1564-1582.
, Saldanha and Rossi 2021Saldanha J, Rossi RV (2021) Integrative analysis supports a new species of the Oecomys catherinae complex (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from Amazonia. Journal of Mammalogy 102(1): 69-89.
, Semedo et al. 2021Semedo TBF, Da Silva MNF, Carmignotto AP, Rossi RV (2021) Three new species of spiny mice, genus Neacomys Thomas, 1900 (Rodentia: Cricetidae), from Brazilian Amazonia. Systematics and Biodiversity 19(8): 1113-1134.
), Red List compilations (Bergallo et al. 2000Bergallo HG, Rocha CFD, Alves MAS, Van Sluys M (2000) A Fauna ameaçada de extinção do estado do Rio de Janeiro. EDUERJ, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 1, 145-150., Mikich and Bérnils 2004Mikich SB, Bérnils RS (2004) Livro Vermelho da Fauna Ameaçada no Estado do Paraná. Instituto Ambiental do Paraná, Curitiba, 764 pp., Bressan et al. 2009Bressan PM, Kierulff MCM, Sugieda AM (2009) Fauna ameaçada de extinção no Estado de São Paulo. Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, 648 pp., Tortato and Cremer 2010Tortato M, Cremer MJ (2010) Mamíferos. In: Lista das espécies da fauna ameaçadas de extinção em Santa Catarina. Fundação de Meio Ambiente, Relatório Técnico Final, Santa Catarina, 58 pp., Minas Gerais 2010Minas Gerais (2010) Deliberação Normativa COPAM nº 147, de 30 de abril de 2010. Aprova a Lista de Espécies Ameaçadas de Extinção da Fauna do Estado de Minas Gerais. Diário do Executivo, Belo Horizonte.
, Rio Grande do Sul 2014Rio Grande do Sul (2014) Decreto nº 51.797, de 8 de setembro de 2014. Declara as espécies da fauna silvestre ameaçadas de extinção no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.
, De Fraga et al. 2019de Fraga CN, Formigoni MH (2019) Fauna e flora Fauna e flora ameaçadas de extinção no estado do Espírito Santo. Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica, Santa Teresa, 432 pp.) and databases (IUCN 2022IUCN (2022) The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, v. 2022-2. [Accessed: 08/08/2023]
). We listed names in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and indigenous languages when available. The complete list of references used for our common names survey is available in the Supplementary material 2 (Table S1 Supplementary material 2 Table S1. List of references used in the common names survey. Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC. Data type: Species data. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: ). We did not translate any of the available names, and only listed those that explicitly stated “Brazilian/Portuguese common name”.

Based on the list of vernacular names structured from the search, we present the descriptive statistics containing the number of each species’ names in each language, the subfamilies with more unique names, which subfamily has more named species, and those with fewer popular names.

We found common names in Portuguese, Spanish, English, indigenous, or other languages for most species, except for three: Akodon kadiweu Brandão, Percequillo, D’Elía, Paresque & Carmignotto, 2021, Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas, 1897, and Oecomys matogrossensis Saldanha & Rossi, 2021Saldanha J, Rossi RV (2021) Integrative analysis supports a new species of the Oecomys catherinae complex (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from Amazonia. Journal of Mammalogy 102(1): 69-89.
(Supplementary material 3 Table S2 Supplementary material 3 Table S2. Common names in Portuguese, Spanish, English, indigenous, and other languages with a reference number. Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC. Data type: Species data. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: ).

Thirty-five out of the 276 species on our list did not have a common name in Portuguese (11.5%). Additionally, we found 142 unique names, although occasional spelling variations accounted for the differences observed (e.g., toro versus toró). However, the same name could be used for several different species (i.e., they were not exclusive). The most common name for wild rodents was “toró,” which was used for 66 echimyid species, and “rato-do-mato” was the most common for 57 cricetid species (Fig. 1).

Figures 1-3
Number and proportion of occurrence of common names for each rodent subfamily: (1) Portuguese; (2) Spanish; (3) English.

There were 176 vernacular names in Spanish, and according to our literature database, most were exclusive. Exceptions included ardilla, associated with Hadrosciurus ignitus (Gray, 1867), Hadrosciurus igniventris (Wagner, 1842), and Hadrosciurus pyrrhinus (Thomas, 1898); and erizo, referring to Coendou bicolor (Tschudi, 1844), Coendou prehensilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Coendou spinosus (F. Cuvier, 1823) (Fig. 2). We did not find common Spanish names for 158 species (57%).

We found 570 popular names in English, most of which were exclusive. Exceptions include the “South American water rat” referring to Nectomys rattus (Pelzeln, 1883) and Nectomys squamipes (Brants, 1827); “Amazonian Marsh rat” referring to H. brasiliensis nanus and H. sciureus; “Brazilian squirrel” for Guerlinguetus aestuans (Linnaeus, 1766) and Guerlinguetus brasiliensis (Thomas, 1901); and the “stiff-spined spiny-rat,” referring to Proechimys echinothrix Da Silva, 1998 and Proechimys simonsi Thomas, 1900. The name “hairy-tailed akodont” also referred to different species, but from the different genera (Necromys and Thalpomys). In total, there were only five species (1.8%) lacking common names (Fig. 3).

The species with the greatest diversity in the number of vernacular names were the squirrels, for all languages. Guerlinguetus aestuans presented 23 common names; followed by G. brasiliensis, with 19. Regarding English names, the species C. spinosus, Deltamys kempi Thomas, 1917, Microsciurus flaviventer (Gray, 1867), and Rhipidomys emiliae (J.A. Allen, 1916) all had five popular names each, the most numerous species in terms of common names. We also found 19 species with vernacular names in other languages, from Guaraní to Dutch. However, they were all large and conspicuous species (e.g., squirrels, pacas, and capybaras). Since Simpson (1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
), efforts to categorize small myomorph rodents (a group that encompasses Cricetidae rodents) have been hindered, given their similar appearance.

For the 277 species included in our list and known to occur in Brazil (Abreu et al. 2023Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, Loretto D, et al. (2023) Lista de Mamíferos do Brasil (2023-1-2). Zenodo.
), virtually all had an English common name associated with them. If a species lacked an English vernacular name, it almost necessarily lacked a corresponding Portuguese and Spanish common name. The observed trend of having fewer common names in Spanish for species occurring in Brazil may be related to the fact that these species are not familiar, do not occur in other Latin American countries, or that our efforts did not sample enough Spanish-speaking literature.

Most species that lacked common names were small rodents belonging to the Sigmodontinae subfamily. Diurnal species (following Paglia et al. 2012Paglia AP, Fonseca GAB, Rylands AB, Herrmann G, Aguiar LMS, Chiarello AG, et al. (2012) Lista Anotada dos Mamíferos do Brasil. Conservation International, Arlington, 2nd ed. [Accessed: 01/08/2023]
) or those that frequently interact with humans (e.g., “esquilos”, G. aestuans; “capivaras”, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) or even possess very distinct colors - e.g., “saruê-beju”, Callistomys pictus (Pictet, 1841) - have various names, which differ depending on the region.

Our sampling for common names is likely to be underrepresented, particularly if we consider that native Brazilians and local people have different names to refer to these rodents. Many of these local language names may not be documented, as numerous languages spoken in the region are primarily oral rather than written (Simpson 1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
, iNaturalist -, but see also Superina and Aguiar 2006Superina M, Aguiar JM (2006) A reference list of common names for the edentates. Edentata 2006(7): 33-44.
). We must remember that all Latin America was colonized by European countries, which is why we still have European languages as the main languages in all Latin American countries. This could lead to a bias towards more widely recognized common names in English or other dominant languages, while overlooking the diversity of vernacular names used by indigenous and local communities who have deep, long-standing connections to the native fauna. Such a history of colonization has also led to the creation of several eponyms (naming a species in honor of a person). For recent comments on this matter, see Guedes et al. (2023Guedes P, Alves-Martins F, Arribas JM, Chatterjee S, Santos AMC, Lewin A, et al. (2023) Eponyms have no place in 21st-century biological nomenclature. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 1157-1160.
) and Raposo et al. (2023Raposo MA, Da Silva HR, Francisco BC, Vieira O, Da Fonseca OV, De Assis CP, et al. (2023) Is stability too revered in zoological nomenclature? Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199(1): 7-9.
). For a list of common names and eponyms of mammals, refer to Wilson and Cole (2000Wilson DE, Cole FR (2000) Common Names of Mammals of the World. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 224 pp.) and Beolens et al. (2009Beolens B, Watkins M, Grayson M (2009) The eponym dictionary of mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 592 pp.). These eponyms are present in our neotropical zoological nomenclature.

The use of the same name for several species may be explained by two non-mutually exclusive reasons: 1) small rodents are morphologically alike (Simpson 1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
, Müller et al. 2013Müller L, Gonçalves GL, Cordeiro-Estrela P, Marinho JR, Althoff SL, Testoni AF, et al. (2013) DNA Barcoding of Sigmodontine rodents: identifying wildlife reservoirs of zoonoses. Plos One 8(11): e80282.
), and 2) they are small and elusive, challenging to observe and identify in the wild. As a result, when someone spots one from a distance, they may apply the same common name to refer to multiple, closely related species - a phenomenon known as ethnotaxonomic synonymy (Gonzalez et al. 2020Gonzalez RC, Abegg AD, de Mello Mendes DM, da Silva MB, Machado-Filho PR, Mario-da-Rosa C, et al. (2020) Lista dos nomes populares dos répteis no Brasil - Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9(2): 21-214.). For snakes, this practice of using the same name for both, poisonous and non-poisonous species may lead to foreseeable accidents (Gonzalez et al. 2020). For rodents, such a problem might not occur, but several rodent species are important disease reservoirs (de Freitas et al. 2012de Freitas TPT, D’Andrea OS, Paula DAJ, Nakazato L, Dutra V, Bonvicino CR, et al. (2012) Natural infection of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in Mus musculus captured in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12(1): 81-83.
, Tavares et al. 2012Tavares C, Aragão AI, Leal NC, Leal-Balbino TC, Oliveira MBM, Ferreira GMOG, Almeida AMP (2012) Plague in Brazil: From Now and Then. In: de Almeida A, Leal N (Eds) Advances in Yersinia Research. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer, New York, vol. 954, 69-77.
, Pinto Junior et al. 2014Pinto Junior VL, Hamidad AM, Albuquerque Filho DDO, Santos VMD (2014) Twenty years of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Brazil: a review of epidemiological and clinical aspects. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 8: 137-142.
, Costa et al. 2015Costa F, Costa F, Wunder EA Jr, De Oliveira D, Bisht V, Rodrigues G, et al. (2015) Patterns in Leptospira shedding in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Brazilian slum communities at high risk of disease transmission. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(6): e0003819.
), are considered agricultural pests (Stenseth et al. 2003Stenseth NC, Leirs H, Skonhoft A, Davis SA, Pech RP, Andreassen HP, et al. (2003) Mice, rats, and people: the bio-economics of agricultural rodent pests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(7): 367-375.[0367:MRAPTB]2.0.CO;2), and may increase their breeding success in response to plantations (e.g., Braga et al. 2020Braga C, Sobral G, Zeppelini CG, Fagundes R, Pires MRS (2020) Cornfield effects on breeding and abundance of Oligoryzomys nigripes (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). Mastozoología Neotropical 27(2): 234-240.
). Therefore, the ability to accurately distinguish between similar species is of crucial public concern.

But rodents are not just pests and nuisances; thus, calling them by the same common name poses risks to the group as a whole. As stated previously, several species provide important ecosystem services. For instance, they can act as seed and spore dispersers, as well as pollinators (Carreira et al. 2020Carreira DC, Dáttilo W, Bruno DL, Percequillo AR, Ferraz KM, Galetti M (2020) Small vertebrates are key elements in the frugivory networks of a hyperdiverse tropical forest. Scientific Reports 10: 10594.
, Stephens and Rowe 2020Stephens RB, Rowe RJ (2020) The underappreciated role of rodent generalists in fungal spore dispersal networks. Ecology 101(4): e02972.
, Matallana-Puerto and Cardoso 2022Matallana-Puerto CA, Cardoso JCF (2022) Ratatouille of flowers! Rats as potential pollinators of a petal-rewarding plant in the urban area. Ecology 103(9): e3778.
), services that can be particularly important in defaunated environments (Galetti et al. 2015Galetti M, Bovendorp RS, Guevara R (2015) Defaunation of large mammals leads to an increase in seed predation in the Atlantic forests. Global Ecology and Conservation 3: 824-830.
). Although rodents are known for causing damage to agricultural production, they can also play a role in controlling other agricultural pests such as weeds and insects, which represent a significant portion of production problems in these systems (Brown et al. 2007Brown PR, Huth NI, Banks PB, Singleton GR (2007) Relationship between abundance of rodents and damage to agricultural crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 120(2-4): 405-415.
, Young et al. 2014Young A, Stillman R, Smith MJ, Korstjens AH (2014) An experimental study of vertebrate scavenging behavior in a northwest European woodland context. Journal of Forensic Sciences 59(5): 1333-1342.
, Schäckermann et al. 2015Schäckermann J, Mandelik Y, Weiss N, von Wehrden H, Klein AM (2015) Natural habitat does not mediate vertebrate seed predation as an ecosystem dis-service to agriculture. Journal of Applied Ecology 52(2): 291-299.
, Tschumi et al. 2018Tschumi M, Ekroos J, Hjort C, Smith HG, Birkhofer K (2018) Rodents, not birds, dominate predation-related ecosystem services and disservices in vertebrate communities of agricultural landscapes. Oecologia 188: 863-873.
). Moreover, some species are ecosystem engineers, altering the physical environment they inhabit, contributing to the coexistence of other organism species (Jones et al. 1994Jones CG, Lawton JH, Shachak M (1994) Organisms as ecosystem Organisms engineers. Oikos 69: 373-386.
, Zhang et al. 2003Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Liu J (2003) Burrowing rodents as ecosystem engineers: the ecology and management of plateau zokors Myospalax fontanierii in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Mammal Review 33(3-4): 284-294.
, Zhong et al. 2017Zhong Z, Li X, Pearson D, Wang D, Sanders D, Zhu Y, Wang L (2017) Ecosystem engineering strengthens bottom-up and weakens top-down effects via trait-mediated indirect interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284(1863): 20170894.
, 2022Zhong Z, Li G, Sanders D, Wang D, Holt RD, Zang Z (2022) A rodent herbivore reduces its predation risk through ecosystem engineering. Current Biology 32(8): 1869-1874.
, Lamberto and Leiner 2019Lamberto J, Leiner NO (2019) Broad-headed spiny rats (Clyomys laticeps) as ecosystem engineers in the Brazilian savannah. Journal of Zoology 309(1): 60-68.
, Selden and Putz 2022Selden V, Putz FE (2022) Root cropping by pocket gophers. Current Biology 32(13): R734-R735.
). Therefore, we can reduce misidentifications and promote awareness of their importance by carefully and accurately naming rodent species. Moreover, building a connection between people and these species using appropriate common names can foster a sense of belonging, leading to increased public engagement in efforts to preserve and conserve rodents and their ecosystems.

What’s next?

As future directions, we want to survey the full range of popular names with other Brazilian and South American researchers, and non-academic natives. Following the idea of Superina and Aguiar (2006Superina M, Aguiar JM (2006) A reference list of common names for the edentates. Edentata 2006(7): 33-44.
), we kindly ask our readers to send us common names that they are aware of but were not listed in this survey (regardless of the language):

Moreover, we will send the compiled vernacular names to the IUCN Rodent Specialist Committee. We also appeal to taxonomists describing new species to propose a common name in their host country language, such as Portuguese for species described in Brazil, following Brandão et al. (2021Brandão MV, Percequillo AR, D’Elia G, Paresque R, Carmignotto AP (2021) A new species of Akodon Meyen, 1833 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) endemic from the Brazilian Cerrado. Journal of Mammalogy 102(1): 101-122.
) and Prado et al. (2021Prado JR, Knowles LL, Percequillo AR (2021) A new species of South America marsh rat (Holochilus, Cricetidae) from northeastern Brazil. Journal of Mammalogy 102(6): 1564-1582.
), for instance.

Ultimately, we, together with the scientific and non-scientific community, would like to propose new common names as our next step for those species lacking one. Some of our peers have complained about this initiative, but the scientific Latin names are unlikely to be used in everyday conversations. Previous researchers, such as Dice (1937Dice LR (1937) The common names of mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 18(2): 223-225
) and Simpson (1941Simpson GG (1941) Vernacular Names of South American Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 22(1): 1-17.
), have suggested that effective common names should be short, objective, and refer to the species’ characteristics or habits. We believe that this list can serve as a starting point for creating a standardized methodology for popular nomenclature in Brazilian Portuguese, while also serving as a basis for a broader discussion with members of the academic and non-academic communities encompassing different criteria for such a methodology.

We recognize that numerous rodent species, especially small sigmodontine rodents, are highly similar and challenging to differentiate in the field (see Bonvicino et al. 2008Bonvicino CR, Oliveira JA, D’Andrea PS (2008) Guia dos roedores do Brasil, com chaves para gêneros baseadas em caracteres externos. Centro Pan-Americano de Febre Aftosa. OPAS/OMS, Rio de Janeiro, 120 pp. [Accessed: 01/08/2023]
, Wilson et al. 2017Wilson DE, Lacher TE Jr, Mittermeier RA (2017) Handbook of the mammals of the world . Lynx Edicions, Barcelona , vol. 7, 1008 pp.). Thus, having a common name for each species may not be readily applicable to field identification. We can counter-argue that even large mammal species in South America are frequently being split into multiple distinct species based on genetic and morphological differences (e.g., Ruedas et al. 2019Ruedas LA, Silva SM, French JH, Platt RN, Salazar-Bravo J, Mora JM, Thompson CW (2019) Taxonomy of the Sylvilagus brasiliensis complex in Central and South America (Lagomorpha: Leporidae). Journal of Mammalogy 100(5): 1599-1630.
splitting the cotton-tailed Sylvilagus into multiple species), impending spot-on identification efforts, especially when at the outmost edge of geographic distributions of species.

Citing the iNaturalist website, “Common names change from place to place, and scientific names change from time to time” but popular names are necessary. Popular names are crucial for scientific communication and raising awareness. The availability of common names can be a vital tool for engaging the general public in biodiversity conservation. Given the ecosystem services rodents provide and their recognized importance as disease reservoirs and agricultural pests, we emphasize the significance of popular knowledge about this group of animals.


We would like to thank A. Caccavo and L. Gasparetto for their assistance in data collection, and the anonymous reviewers who, through careful reading, improved the text and suggested additional references for inclusion in our database. This paper is part of the “Projeto Incisivos” initiative, a project dedicated to promoting awareness about rodents. We acknowledge the use of Perplexity AI tool to improve English language of this paper.


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  • Zhong Z, Li G, Sanders D, Wang D, Holt RD, Zang Z (2022) A rodent herbivore reduces its predation risk through ecosystem engineering. Current Biology 32(8): 1869-1874.


  • ZooBank register
  • How to cite this article

    Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC (2024) List of popular names for Brazilian Rodents. Zoologia 41: e23070.
  • Published by

    Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia at Scientific Electronic Library Online (

Supplementary material 1

Supplementary File S1. A similar Portuguese version of this paper.

Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC.

Data type: Portuguese version.

Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.


Supplementary material 2

Table S1. List of references used in the common names survey.

Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC.

Data type: Species data.

Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.


Supplementary material 3

Table S2. Common names in Portuguese, Spanish, English, indigenous, and other languages with a reference number.

Authors: Sobral G, Ferreira H, Ferracioli P, Souza-Gudinho F, Menezes FH, Ferrando CPR, de Albuquerque JG, Luchesi LC.

Data type: Species data.

Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.


Edited by

Editorial responsibility

Guilherme S.T. Garbino

Data availability

Data citations

IUCN (2022) The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, v. 2022-2. [Accessed: 08/08/2023]

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    06 Oct 2023
  • Accepted
    06 June 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3266-6823 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil