Article L1/E1/B1 and L5/E5a/B2a Band Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antenna for GNSS-R Pereira, Lucas S. Schlosser, Edson R. Bouari, Abdou H. A. A. Heckler, Marcos V. T. Vieira, Juner M. Antreich, Felix D. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract This paper presents the design of a dual-band and dual-polarized microstrip antenna for global navigation satellite systems reflectometry (GNSS-R) for the L1/E1/B1 and L5/E5a/B2a bands. In order to allow advanced GNSS-R signal processing and sensing techniques, the design has been carried out for dual-band and dual-polarization operation with isolated ports to receive both left and right-hand circular polarizations. The design procedure to allow receiving both bands independently and with high isolation is described in detail. Numerical and experimental results show that the antenna presents good performance in terms of impedance matching, circular polarization purity and isolation between the ports. The measured levels of axial ratio are 0.86 dB and 1.89 dB for the L1/E1/B1 and L5/E5a/B2a bands, respectively. The measured isolation levels are larger than 30 dB and 40 dB in the L1/E1/B1 and L5/E5a/B2a bands, hence proving that the proposed antenna concept can be properly used in dual-band dual-polarized GNSS-R applications. |
Article Double Sided Band-pass Frequency Selective Surface Based on Matryoshka Geometry Alencar, Marina de O. G. Neto, Alfredo Melo, Marcos T. de Barboza, Amanda G. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract This paper describes the development of a double-sided band-pass frequency selective surface based on Matryoshka geometry, preserving features such as miniaturization, multiband operation and stability of polarization and angle of incidence. Unlike cascaded FSSs, the proposal uses only one layer of substrate, with Matryoshka geometry on one side and a square mesh on the other, reducing volume and simplifying manufacturing by avoiding spacers. The double-sided FSS allows the frequency response to be adjusted using the geometry of the opposite face, which in this work is a square loop. With an attenuation of -10 dB, the proposed configuration offers a free band from 3.48 GHz to 9.06 GHz, compared to the original configuration, which ranged from 5.88 GHz to 7.43 GHz, with only 1.55 GHz free. Initial design equations are presented which facilitate the creation of FSSs for other frequencies and applications. An FSS has been designed, fabricated, and characterized, with good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The resonant frequency remains practically constant for different incidence angles, from 0º to 60º, confirming the angular stability. |
Article A p-HEMT 920 ps True Time Delay Line Integrated Circuit for X-Band Imaging Radars Sreenivasulu, Kilari Ray, Kamla Prasan Raj, Manu Chaturvedi, Sandeep Resumo em Inglês: Abstract This paper presents a novel design of an X-band (812 GHz) 4-bit monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) type true-time-delay (TTD) line for wideband high-resolution imaging radar applications. The designed TTD line circuit offers a maximum time delay of 920 picoseconds (ps) using eight 115 ps delay elements and a distributed switching network. The unit delay line is synthesized using an artificial transmission line (ATL) circuit and implemented in a compact form of 18.5 mm2 using 130 nm gallium arsenide (GaAs) pseudomorphic high-electronmobility-transistor (p-HEMT) technology. The size of the switches and characteristic impedance of the transmission lines have been optimized to minimize insertion loss variation across different delay states while maintaining a flat delay response over a wide bandwidth. A basic 115 ps delay line cell is fabricated to prototype the circuit using GaAs-based MMIC processes. The final 920 ps chip layout simulation exhibited input and output return loss of better than 10 dB, insertion loss of 28±2 dB, and group delay variation of ±10 picoseconds over a 4 GHz bandwidth. |
Article Design and Analysis of a Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide with Chiral Metamaterial and Graphene Interfaces Salman, Hawraa H. Yasser, Hassan A. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract To obtain a long propagation length and a small effective mode area, a new hybrid plasmonic waveguide model is proposed. We design a hybrid plasmonic waveguide composed of chiral metamaterials, silver metal at its center, and surrounded by a graphene interface using the COMSOL environment based on the finite element method. The interface thickness is 1.02nm, where three monolayer graphene were used. The waveguide properties can be achieved with the range of radius 5-60 nm, chemical potential 0.1-1 eV, and refractive index of metamaterial is -3 within the wavelength used. Moreover, we obtained a long propagation length, a small effective mode area, high power confinement, and lower loss. The results showed that the presence of graphene positively affects the waveguide properties, while increasing the chirality parameter, K, does not have a good effect. At the chemical potential 1eV, the propagation length will be 2.45mm in the absence of chirality, while it equals 0.4mm at K=1 with the used wavelength 1.55μm. |
Article Balanced-to-Balanced Filtering Crossover with High Isolation and CM Suppression Zhao, Shipeng Wang, Zhongbao Liu, Hongmei Fang, Shaojun Resumo em Inglês: Abstract A novel planar balanced-to-balanced (BTB) microstrip filtering crossover with high isolation and common-mode (CM) suppression is proposed in this paper. The circuit structure is based on microstrip transmission lines without coupling sections, which can reduce insertion loss and enhance isolation. Specific theoretical analysis of the BTB filtering crossover configuration using transfer matrix and mixed-mode scattering parameters is performed. In order to verify the validity of the theory analysis and design, a microstrip BTB filtering crossover prototype at the center frequency of 2.45 GHz is fabricated and measured with high isolation and excellent CM suppression. |
Article Strategy for Resource Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks Considering Physical Layer Impairments and Spectrum Fragmentation Silva, Sergio A. Bastos-Filho, Carmelo J. A. Araújo, Danilo R. B. Almeida-Junior, Raul C. A. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract Resource allocation strategies in optical networks are fundamental due to bandwidth limitations, increasing data demand, and the consequent need for spectral efficiency. They allow for improving optical spectrum usage and ensure flexibility in the face of the dynamic nature of traffic and the coexistence of different services, reducing costs and contributing to the system’s reliability. In this context, this work proposes a resource allocation strategy that combines power assignment with spectrum allocation. Power assignment is done by launching the minimum required power plus a margin according to the route’s state. Meanwhile, spectrum allocation is performed through a modified version of the Min Slot Continuity Capacity Loss (MSCL) heuristic, capable of finding a set of frequency slots in a route, which results in minor allocation capacity loss. The choice of the MSCL algorithm was motivated by the possibility of increasing spectral efficiency through the reduction of physical layer penalties and the reduction of spectrum fragmentation by combining freedom degrees: launch power of light, modulation, route, and spectrum. The developed heuristic was tested on two networks with distinct characteristics and compared with two reference approaches. The results demonstrated a significant superiority in terms of reducing the blocking probability. |
Article Exploring Electromagnetic Tube Expansion Based on Field Concentrator: An Analytical Model and Numerical Study Boutana, Ilhem Mekideche, Mohamed Rachid Resumo em Inglês: Abstract This paper delves into the realm of Electromagnetic forming (EMF), a high-speed forming process leveraging pulsed magnetic fields generated via capacitor bank discharge through a coil. Traditionally, numerical analyses of EMF processes focused on electromagnetic tube expansion and the influence of forming conditions. However, in high-energy electromagnetic setups, the magnetic field concentrator adds complexity, transitioning analyses into a 3D modeling domain. This paper consolidates an analysis and numerical investigation inspired by the Muhlbauer approach to elucidate the impact of the field concentrator on electromagnetically expanded tubes. Employing an enhanced finite element model for magnetic tube expansion simulations. This research sheds light on how this additional component influences the EMF process, offering valuable insights into modeling electromagnetic bulging when incorporating the field concentrator. |
Article Outdoor Narrowband Measurements in 800 MHz Band for PPDR Private Networks Fernandes, Victor Guimarães, Alberto G. Castellanos, Pedro V. G. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract In this work, we investigated the path loss (PL) profile of the outdoor radio channel in the 800 MHz band for the Icaraí region in the city of Niterói. This frequency band has recently been reserved by the brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) for utilization in Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) wireless networks, and Icaraí constitutes a potential area to receive coverage provided by a PPDR network whose implementation is of interest to the Niterói government. The investigation relies on narrowband large scale measurements, recorded at various places throughout the neighborhood. As a theoretical framework for the analysis, we consider four log-distance PL models, which have been widely used in recent outdoor channel sounding works. Our findings seek to facilitate the successful establishment and optimization of PPDR networks in Niterói city. |
Article Multidimensional analysis of 5G antenna with coaxial cables and circular slots using computational resources and polynomial analysis Andrade, Filipe C. de Muniz, Giselle Francine B. Brandão, Ana Karine D. C. Santos, Kenedy Marconi G. dos Santos, Polyane A. Silveira, Tagleorge M. Resumo em Inglês: Abstract The study proposes a multidimensional mathematical modeling of antennas using coaxial cables for 5G, with emphasis on the relationship between cable length, frequency, and VSWR. By employing a final configuration incorporating five circular slots of 6 mm and operating at a frequency of 3.5 GHz, a linear pattern in this relationship was identified. Despite the recognized challenges in accurately modeling VSWR concerning cable length, the study enabled antenna optimization through the determination of the proposed antenna’s properties and their respective mathematical correlations. |
Article Single- and Multi-Stopband Reconfigurable FSS Sousa, Thayuan Rolim de Mamedes, Deisy Formiga Souza, Juliete da Silva Silva Neto, Valdemir Praxedes da Resumo em Inglês: Abstract In this work, a reconfigurable frequency-selective surface (FSS) with a very simple biasing network that offers singleor multi-band response is presented. The proposed structure is formed by the V-shaped elements on a single-sided dielectric substrate. A PIN diode is used as active device to make the FSS reconfigurable, and bias lines are inserted for feeding. Initial analysis is performed with passive FSSs to predict the behavior of the proposed reconfigurable structure. The proposed reconfigurable FSS is then designed and evaluated. Three biasing-state configurations are analyzed: off-state, on-state, and intermediate-state. Depending on the state applied to the FSS, it can exhibit single switchable resonance frequency or multi-band response with a Fano resonance. |