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Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, Volume: 70, Número: 9, Publicado: 2024
  • (In)Fertility in the Down syndrome Editorial

    Marqui, Alessandra Bernadete Trovó de; Borges, Maria de Fátima
  • Online hemodiafiltration vs. high-flux hemodialysis in end-stage renal disease: a meta-analysis Guidelines

    Silvinato, Antonio; Floriano, Idevaldo; Bernardo, Wanderley Marques
  • Coenzyme q10 may attenuate cyclophosphamide-induced renal damage Letter To The Editor

    Lei, Daoyun
  • The unacceptable situation of opportunistic screening for breast cancer in Brazil Letter To The Editor

    Rocha, Aline Ferreira Bandeira de Melo; Freitas Junior, Ruffo; Soares, Leonardo Ribeiro; Chala, Luciano Fernandes
  • Platelet parameters may not be related to new-onset atrial fibrillation after coronary bypass surgery Letter To The Editor

    Beyan, Cengiz
  • The Glasgow prognosis score is unsuitable for stroke prediction in infectious endocarditis Letter To The Editor

    Finsterer, Josef
  • Cancer diagnosis in the post-coronavirus disease era: correspondence Letter To The Editor

    Daungsupawong, Hinpetch; Wiwanitkit, Viroj
  • Brazilian PENSA protocol: practical guide to difficult communication Point Of View

    Canosa, Henrique Gandara
  • Lipedema: clinical characteristics, complications, and the importance of evidence-based practice Point Of View

    Paula, Ana Carolina Padilha de; Oliveira, Jônatas de
  • Hirschprung's disease and postpartum trauma leading to fecal incontinence: Why? How? Short Communications

    Tesar, Milan; Sengul, Ilker; Mrazkova, Ivana; Klymenko, Dmytro; Sengul, Demet; Martinek, Lubomir; Pelikan, Anton; Szabova, Olga; Kümmel, Jan; Krhut, Jan; Soares Junior, José Maria
  • Comparison of two labor induction regimens with intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg and adverse perinatal outcomes Original Article

    Santiago, Marcela Beraldo; Santiago, Talita Beraldo; Oliveira, Samuel Machado; Caldas, João Victor Jacomele; Araujo Júnior, Edward; Peixoto, Alberto Borges

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare two labor induction regimens (4 and 6 h), to determine predictors of successful labor induction with intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg tablets, and to evaluate the association with adverse perinatal outcomes. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study that included singleton pregnancies undergoing induction of labor with an intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg tablet between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation. The pregnant women were divided into two groups: Group 1—intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg every 4 h and Group 2—intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg every 6 h. RESULTS: Pregnant women were divided into Group 1 (n=289) and Group 2 (n=278). Group 1 had a higher median number of intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg tablets (3.0 vs. 2.0 tablets, p<0.001), a lower prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage (7.6 vs. 32.7%, p<0.001), and a higher need for oxytocin (odds ratio [OR]: 2.1, 95%CI: 1.47–2.98, p<0.001) than Group 2. Models including intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg tablets every 4 and 6 h [x2(1)=23.7, OR: 4.35, p<0.0001], parity [x2(3)=39.4, OR: 0.59, p=0.031], and Bishop’s score [x2(4)=10.8, OR: 0.77, p=0.019] were the best predictors of failure of labor induction. A statistically significant difference between groups was observed between the use of the first intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg tablet at the beginning (Breslow p<0.001) and the end of the active labor phase (Long Hank p=0.002). CONCLUSION: Pregnant women who used intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg every 4 h had a longer time from the labor induction to the beginning of the active phase of labor and higher rates of adverse perinatal outcomes than women who used intravaginal misoprostol 25 μg every 6 h.
  • Detecting pediatric appendicular fractures using artificial intelligence Original Article

    Kavak, Nezih; Kavak, Rasime Pelin; Güngörer, Bülent; Turhan, Berna; Kaymak, Sümeyya Duran; Duman, Evrim; Çelik, Serdar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The primary objective was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of a deep learning-based artificial intelligence model for the detection of acute appendicular fractures in pediatric patients presenting with a recent history of trauma to the emergency department. The secondary goal was to examine the effect of assistive support on the emergency doctor’s ability to detect fractures. METHODS: The dataset was 5,150 radiographs of which 850 showed fractures, while 4,300 radiographs did not show any fractures. The process utilized 4,532 (88%) radiographs, inclusive of both fractured and non-fractured radiographs, in the training phase. Subsequently, 412 (8%) radiographs were appraised during validation, and 206 (4%) were set apart for the testing phase. With and without artificial intelligence assistance, the emergency doctor reviewed another set of 2,000 radiographs (400 fractures and 600 non-fractures each) for labeling in the second test. RESULTS: The artificial intelligence model showed a mean average precision 50 of 89%, a specificity of 92%, a sensitivity of 90%, and an F1 score of 90%. The confusion matrix revealed that the model trained with artificial intelligence achieved accuracies of 93 and 95% in detecting fractures, respectively. Artificial intelligence assistance improved the reading sensitivity from 93.7% (without assistance) to 97.0% (with assistance) and the reading accuracy from 88% (without assistance) to 94.9% (with assistance). CONCLUSION: A deep learning-based artificial intelligence model has proven to be highly effective in detecting fractures in pediatric patients, enhancing the diagnostic capabilities of emergency doctors through assistive support.
  • Are smartphones a tool to cope with the fear of childbirth? The correlation between the fear of loss of connection and the fear of childbirth Original Article

    Bingol, Fadime Bayri; Aydoğan, Arzu; Karaçam, Zeynep Dilşah; Çayiroğlu, Derya; Karanfil, Büşra; Kaya, Hatice Nur

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: With the spread of smartphones, they have become an indispensable part of life, and nomophobia (No-Mobile-Phone Phobia) has emerged. METHODS: The present research is a cross-sectional study and was conducted with 3,870 primiparous pregnant women between April and May 2022. The research data were collected using the Personal Information Form, Nomophobia Questionnaire, and Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire. RESULTS: The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire score of the pregnant women who participated in the study was 22.3% (n=863) had a clinical fear of childbirth and 19.5% (n=753) had extreme nomophobia. Considering the correlation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire and Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire scores with other variables, it was found that the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire scores increased with the increasing Nomophobia Questionnaire total score (p=0.000, r=236) and the Nomophobia Questionnaire total score and fear of childbirth increased with an increase in the daily phone usage time. It was also revealed that women who had smartphone applications related to fetal development had higher nomophobia levels (p=0.0001), while they had a lower fear of childbirth. CONCLUSION: This study found that one in every five pregnant women was extremely nomophobic and had a clinical fear of childbirth and that nomophobia and the fear of childbirth were correlated at the clinical level. In this regard, women should prefer face-to-face communication rather than smartphones throughout the pregnancy period.
  • Factors affecting poor sleep quality in last trimester pregnant women: a cross-sectional research from Turkey Original Article

    Kaya, Sibel Peksoy; Özçoban, Filiz Aslantekin; Dilbaz, Berna

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine the factors affecting poor sleep quality in the last trimester pregnant women. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary care maternity hospital in Ankara, Turkey. The research was conducted between May and September 2019 with 570 pregnant women in the last trimester. The data were collected through the Personal Information Form, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form, Restless Legs Syndrome Form, Brief Fatigue Inventory, and Perceived Stress Scale. RESULTS: The mean Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score of the pregnant women was 5.98±3.31, and 48.9% of them were found to have over five Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores. Hemoglobin levels, income perceptions, smoking habits, attending pregnant schools, experiencing leg pains or cramping, experiencing back, waist, or neck pains, Restless Legs Syndrome, fatigue levels, and perceived stress levels of the pregnant women were found to be important determinants of sleep quality (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: According to the findings, increasing hemogram levels, attending antenatal education programs, and improving the ability of pregnant women to manage stress are opportunities to improve sleep quality during pregnancy. Careful evaluation of pregnant women in terms of insomnia and affecting factors can be suggested during antenatal follow-up.
  • Summer versus winter: the impact of the seasons on oocyte quality in in vitro fertilization cycles Original Article

    Cho, Regis Yukio; Aseka, Mariana Mitiko; Toso, Kahisa Natiele Fontana Dal; Passos, Arthur William; Kulak Junior, Jaime; Amaral, Vivian Ferreira do; Araujo Júnior, Edward

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of seasons (winter vs. summer) on oocyte quality in infertile women undergoing ovulation induction for in vitro fertilization. METHODS: This retrospective cross-sectional study assessed 155 cycles of in vitro fertilization-induced ovulation in women, with 71 and 84 cycles occurring in the summer and winter, respectively. Oocytes were evaluated for quality, with 788 and 713 assessed during summer and winter, and classified according to Nikiforov's categories: (a) category I, good quality; (b) category 2, medium quality; and (c) category 3, low quality. RESULTS: Thickened zona pellucida (p<0.001), increased perivitelline space (p<0.001), oocyte shape abnormalities (p=0.01), and the presence of refractile bodies (p<0.0001) were more frequent in the summer cycles, whereas cytoplasmic granularity (p<0.001) was more frequent in the winter cycles. In winter, we observed a higher frequency of category 3 (p<0.001) and category 2 (p<0.001) oocytes and a lower frequency of category 1 (p<0.001) oocytes. CONCLUSION: Oocyte dysmorphisms were found in 70–80% of cases and were more common in winter. The main features include a thickened zona pellucida, enlarged perivitelline space, irregular shape, and cytoplasmic granularity. This implies better-quality oocytes in the summer than in the winter. However, retrospective studies have limitations due to data collection biases and potential confounding variables such as diet and exercise. Future research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the underlying mechanisms.
  • The impact of glycosylated hemoglobin and 75-g oral glucose tolerance test glucose levels on birthweight percentile Original Article

    Doğan, Yasemin; Daryal, Ayşe Seda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Our research objective was to validate and contribute further evidence to the studies regarding large for gestational age and birthweight percentile by examining oral glucose tolerance test and glycosylated hemoglobin levels in both healthy women and those with gestational diabetes mellitus. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital involving 106 women who delivered at gestational week 36 or later between February 2022 and February 2023. Maternal, obstetric, and neonatal data were collected from the participant's medical records. Large for gestational age and non-large for gestational age groups were compared. Correlation analysis was used to determine associations among oral glucose tolerance test, glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and the birthweight percentile. RESULTS: Mothers of neonates in the large for gestational age category had higher body mass indexes before pregnancy (p=0.002) and delivery (p=0.003), as well as a higher incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (p=0.027). Mothers of male large for gestational age infants had higher fasting plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels compared to male non-large for gestational age infants (p=0.007 and p=0.004, respectively). There was a weak positive correlation between fasting plasma glucose levels and birthweight percentile in the overall group (r=0.342, p<0.006). Further analysis by gender showed a weak positive correlation between birthweight percentile and fasting plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin values in male newborns (r=0.393, p=0.004 and r=0.373, p=0.006, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our study has established a clear association between the birthweight percentile in male infants and the levels of glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose measured during oral glucose tolerance test. It is imperative to devise potential strategies aimed at achieving optimal glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose parameters to effectively reduce the frequency of large for gestational age in male infants.
  • Progesterone receptor B over progesterone receptor A prevents recurrence in bilateral endometriomas Original Article

    Aslan, Ozgur; Yildiz, Sukru; Kaya, Cihan; Altinay, Serdar; Aydiner, Ilke Esin; Karabulut, Esra; Ekin, Murat; Yasar, Levent

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Endometriosis is a disease in which stromal cells and endometrial glands extend outside of the uterine cavity. Nevertheless, treatment failure and recurrence cause difficulties in management. This study aimed to evaluate the receptor-level components of bilateral endometriomas in the recurrence state. METHODS: Our retrospective cohort study was conducted with patients who underwent surgery for bilateral endometriomas between 2015 and 2021. In total, 113 patients were allocated. A total of 76 patients did not meet the eligibility criteria, and the data of 37 patients were evaluated. Medical treatments, recurrences, and postoperative follow-up data were collected. In archived tissue samples, measurements of progesterone receptor A and progesterone receptor B, histoscores and immunoreactivity scores, and their ratios were calculated in the group that received no postoperative medical treatment. Criteria for recurrence were a repeat operation and/or the detection of a new endometrioma>2 cm at the follow-up examination. RESULTS: No recurrence was observed in 73.0% (n=27) of the cases, whereas recurrence was observed in 27.0% (n=10) of the participants. Patients without recurrence had significantly higher progesterone receptor B histoscore/progesterone receptor A histoscore and progesterone receptor B immunoreactivity score/progesterone receptor A immunoreactivity score results (p=0.01). Nevertheless, when the histoscores and immunoreactivity scores for both receptors were contrasted separately, there was no appreciable difference between them. CONCLUSION: The dominance of progesterone receptor B over progesterone receptor A was inversely proportional to the recurrence status in bilateral endometriomas. Furthermore, our study revealed that assessing receptor levels alone did not result in a significant difference in recurrence.
  • The effects of trastuzumab therapy on endothelial functions of breast cancer patients Original Article

    Alp, Çağlar; Doğru, Mehmet Tolga; Yalçın, Selim; Karal, Ali Oğuzhan

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Breast cancer is among the highest causes of morbidity and mortality in women. Trastuzumab therapy, which is known to be significantly cardiotoxic, is mainly used to treat patients with resistant breast cancer, including estrogen receptor-positive type. We aimed to show the effects of trastuzumab therapy on endothelial functions of breast cancer patients. METHODS: In this study, a total of 26 participants (24 female and 2 male patients, minimum age: 38 years, maximum age: 79 years, and mean age 57.3±12.7 years) were enrolled in the study. For the statistical evaluation of data, we classified the participants of the study as follows: Pretreatment: Before trastuzumab therapy; Treatment Period 1: 1 month after the first dose of trastuzumab; Treatment Period 2: 4 months after the first dose of trastuzumab; Treatment Period 3: 12 months after the first dose of trastuzumab. We conducted repeated-measures analysis of variance (Greenhouse-Geisser) and paired-sample t-tests to statistically compare the groups using flow-mediated dilation measurements. RESULTS: We determined that there are statistically significant differences between flow-mediated hyperemia and ratio values (flow-mediated dilation) of the groups (p<0.009 and p<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that trastuzumab therapy could have negative effects on endothelial functions in breast cancer patients.
  • Robotic sentinel lymph node dissection experiences in endometrial cancer at our tertiary cancer treatment institution Original Article

    Şimşek, Erkan; Gündüz, Sadık; Yıldız, Özge Akdeniz; Serhanoğlu, Zinar; Yaşar, Levent

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: In endometrial cancer surgery, sentinel lymph node dissection is used instead of staging surgery, particularly in advanced disease that is limited to the uterus. The aim of this study is to evaluate our practice of robotic sentinel lymph node dissection, which is applied to endometrial cancer patients in our tertiary cancer treatment center, according to the current literature, and to share our own data. METHODS: Included in our analysis are patients who underwent robotic sentinel lymph node dissection for endometrial cancer utilizing indocyanine green in our center between January 2018 and January 2024. RESULTS: In all, of the 93 endometrial carcinoma patients who underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy, 63 were classified as low-risk, while 30 were high-risk according to the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. We found sentinel lymph nodes in both low-risk and high-risk patients, with an overall sensitivity of 96.32% (95% confidence interval [CI], 85.12–99.71), specificity of 100% (95%CI, 92.20–99.8), negative predictive value of 96.72% (95%CI, 87.03–99.89), and negative likelihood ratio of 0.06 (95%CI, 0.01–0.36). CONCLUSION: After evaluating our data retrospectively, we determined that we were compatible with the current literature.
  • Family caregivers’ perceptions of the quality of primary healthcare services for people with disabilities: a cross-sectional study Original Article

    Silva, Luiza de Sousa; Pontes-Silva, André; Schott, Eloise; Figueiredo, Francisco Winter dos Santos; Santos, Leidiene Ferreira; Nascimento, Ladislau Ribeiro do; Quaresma, Fernando Rodrigues Peixoto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY BACKGROUND: How do caregivers of people with disabilities perceive the quality of health services in primary healthcare? OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to show the quality of health services for people with disabilities in primary healthcare, based on the perceptions of family caregivers. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. During data collection, 49 family caregivers who use the center were interviewed. The assessment instruments used were the Socio-Economic and Demographic Questionnaire and the PCATool-Brasil (Primary Care Assessment Tool), in the reduced adult and child versions, to assess the level of essential and derived characteristics of primary healthcare. RESULTS: Women were the main caregivers (40; 82%), and the main disability was mental (28; 58%). The highest scores were observed in affiliation (100%), utilization (73.4%), and information system (83.7%). The lowest scores were found in longitudinal (26.5%), integration of care, available services, services provided (28.6%), and derived scores (28.6–22.4%) related to family guidance and community guidance. The population showed a low orientation toward primary healthcare, with a high total score (22.4%). The economic situation showed a positive association (p=0.017). CONCLUSION: According to the characteristics of primary healthcare, care is fragmented and disjointed and does not meet the needs of people with disabilities and their caregivers.
  • The association of ghrelin rs26311 and rs27647 polymorphisms and mRNA expression with preeclampsia susceptibility and severity—A case–control study Original Article

    Montazerifar, Farzaneh; Salimi, Saeedeh; Taghvaeefar, Rasul; Karajibani, Mansour; Ghasemi, Marzieh; Mehrabani, Mehrnaz; Rezaei, Mahnaz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Ghrelin is an adipokine the placenta generates to control the maternal metabolic adaptation to pregnancy. It causes different pregnancy complications like preeclampsia (PE). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the association between ghrelin mRNA expression and rs26311 and rs27647 polymorphisms and PE development. METHODS: In total, 156 PE women (including 97 patients with mild PE and 59 patients with severe PE) and 152 healthy controls were recruited in this case–control study during 2019–2020. All participants with other diseases have been excluded from both groups. The ghrelin expression was analyzed with real-time PCR, and ghrelin variants were examined using the RFLP-PCR method. RESULTS: The maternal and placental ghrelin rs27647 and rs26311 variants were unrelated to PE susceptibility. Haplotype analyses showed no significant difference between the four haplotypes and PE. No relationship was revealed between rs27647 polymorphism and severe PE. However, the results indicated a relationship between rs27647 and severe PE compared to mild PE and controls. Therefore, the rs27647 variant was associated with severe PE compared to mild PE in codominant, recessive, and log-additive models and controls in codominant, dominant, recessive, and log-additive models. The placental ghrelin mRNA expression declined in PE women compared to controls (0.67-fold), but the difference was insignificant (p=0.263). No significant difference was found between various genotypes of rs27647 and rs26311 polymorphisms concerning ghrelin mRNA expression. CONCLUSION: The maternal and placental ghrelin polymorphisms, rs27647 and rs26311, showed no effect on PE. However, the rs27647 variant was associated with severe PE.
  • The relationship between emotional eating disorders and problematic internet use in university students: the mediating role of mukbang behavior Original Article

    Elkin, Nurten; Kütük, Hasan; Gürol, Deniz Mısra; Bilgen, Yağmur Dilan

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of watching mukbang on eating behavior and to emphasize its importance. METHODS: Students from various faculties at universities constitute the sample for this study. A total of 483 individuals participated in the study: 358 (74.1%) women and 125 (25.9%) men. The age range of the sample group varies between 18 and 50 years (Mage=21.62; SD=3.85). In our study, the Emotional Eating Disorder Scale, the Mukbang Addiction Scale, and the Problematic Internet Use Scale were used. Reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlational analysis of the data were carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 24. RESULTS: There appears to be a positive relationship between emotional eating, mukbang addiction, and problematic internet use. A positive relationship was also found between emotional eating and mukbang addiction. It was found that mukbang addiction had a partial mediator role in the effect of problematic internet use on emotional eating. CONCLUSION: In the relationship between problematic internet use and emotional eating, mukbang addiction has played a mediating role. Therefore, when conducting a study between emotional eating and problematic internet use, it may be useful to examine the frequency of mukbang watching behavior in individuals. It can be crucial to include these people in educational programs to control problematic internet use or the habit of watching mukbang.
  • Prevalence of current smoking and associated factors in older adults in Brazil Original Article

    Machado, José Arthur Didoné; Fantin, João Vitor; Campos, Juliana Coelho de; Traebert, Eliane; Oliveira, Cesar de; Traebert, Jefferson

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of current smoking and its associated factors in adults aged 50 years and older in Brazil. METHODS: This cross-sectional study utilized data from the ELSI-Brazil study, encompassing 9,412 adults aged 50 years or over. A multivariate model using Poisson regression with a robust estimator was employed, estimating prevalence ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The prevalence of current smoking was 17.04%. It was positively and independently associated with male gender, age up to 62 years, living without a partner, illiteracy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, poor or very poor sleep quality, and alcohol intake more than once a month. Conversely, systemic arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and repetitive strain injuries showed an inverse and independent association with current smoking. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of current smoking among adults over 50 years old in Brazil was approximately 17%, with associations found with certain sociodemographic conditions and self-reported comorbidities.
  • Violence tendency and internet addiction in adolescents Original Article

    Gökalp, Kübra; Durmaz, Hatice; Karakurt, Nurgul; Ay, Eda; Gökalp, Suha

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between internet addiction and violence tendency in adolescent students and the factors affecting violence tendency. METHODS: The research was conducted on 2,648 middle school students in Turkey. A socio-demographic form, the Young Internet Addiction Scale, and the Violence Tendency Scale were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: It was determined that there was a significant positive relationship between the Young Internet Addiction Scale and the Violence Tendency Scale. Age has a positive effect on violence tendency levels. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the variables of age and internet addiction contribute to the occurrence of violence tendency. Psychiatric nurses should plan trainings and evaluate its effectiveness to raise awareness.
  • Can serum M30 levels be utilized as an activation marker in patients with ulcerative colitis? Original Article

    Binicier, Omer Burcak; Sarı, Sevil Ozer; Pakoz, Zehra Betul; Basok, Banu Isbilen

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Ascertainment of disease activation is an important component of therapeutic decisions in ulcerative colitis patients and may present certain clinical challenges. The objective of this study was to determine serum levels of the M30 fragment of cytokeratin 18 and its utility as an activation marker in patients with ulcerative colitis, who are known to have increased apoptosis. METHODS: A total of 60 ulcerative colitis (30 active and 30 remission) patients aged over 18 years and 29 healthy individuals as controls were included in the study. M30, C-reactive protein, and mean platelet volume were evaluated in all participants and compared between ulcerative colitis patients and controls, as well as between those with active disease or remission. RESULTS: Although ulcerative colitis patients with active disease had higher M30 levels than those in remission, the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.085). The mean M30 levels tended to increase with increasing extent of involvement, although the differences were not significant (p=0.065). The comparison of C-reactive protein and mean platelet volume according to the site of involvement, however, showed significant differences (p=0.02 and 0.004, respectively). M30 did not show significant correlations with C-reactive protein, mean platelet volume, and Mayo Score (p=0.0834, 0.768, and 0.401, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that, in contrast to C-reactive protein and mean platelet volume, M30 levels do not have a significant role as an activation marker in ulcerative colitis patients. Thus, we believe that M30 may not represent an appropriate marker to be used for this purpose.
  • The role of the prognostic nutritional index in predicting mortality in stroke patients Original Article

    Ustaalioğlu, İzzet; Umaç, Gülbin Aydoğdu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the prognostic nutritional index in predicting in-hospital mortality among patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: This retrospective, observational study included patients diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke at the emergency department of the hospital between January 1, 2022, and January 1, 2023. Demographic data, vital parameters, comorbidities, stroke interventions, and laboratory data were collected from electronic medical records. Prognostic nutritional index was calculated using serum albumin levels and a total lymphocyte count. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: The study included 176 patients, divided into survivor (93.2%, n=164) and deceased (6.8%, n=12) groups. No significant differences were observed in age, gender, blood pressure, heart rate, or body temperature between the groups. Atrial fibrillation was significantly more common in the deceased group (50%) compared to the survivor group (18.9%) (p=0.011). The median lymphocyte count was significantly higher in the survivor group (1,353 [interquartile range, IQR 984–1,968]/mm³) compared to the deceased group (660 [IQR 462–1,188]/mm³) (p=0.009). The median albumin level was significantly lower in the deceased group (3.31 [IQR 2.67–3.4] g/dL) compared to the survivor group (3.74 [IQR 3.39–4.21] g/dL) (p<0.001). The median prognostic nutritional index was significantly higher in the survivor group (46.05 [IQR 39.1–51.3]) compared to the deceased group (36.7 [IQR 28.7–40.5]) (p<0.001). The area under the receiver operating characteristic for prognostic nutritional index predicting mortality was 0.791 (95%CI 0.723–0.848) (p=0.0002), with a cut-off value of ≤41.92 providing the highest diagnostic accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: Prognostic nutritional index is a valuable prognostic indicator for in-hospital mortality in acute ischemic stroke patients. Low prognostic nutritional index values are associated with increased mortality risk. Incorporating prognostic nutritional index into clinical practice may aid in the early identification of high-risk patients and the optimization of treatment strategies. Further research is needed to validate these findings and explore the broader clinical applications of prognostic nutritional index.
  • The role of circulating miRNAs in the diagnosis of osteoporosis miRNAs in osteoporosis Original Article

    Balci, Senay; Orucoglu, Nurdan; Yildirim, Didem Derici; Eroglan, Cagri; Cimen, Özlem Bolgen; Tamer, Lulufer; Cimen, Mehmet Burak Yavuz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Osteoporosis, defined as a systemic skeletal disease, is characterized by increased bone fragility and fracture risk. Studies have shown that dysregulation of the functions of miRNAs or the mechanisms they mediate may be an important pathological factor in bone degeneration. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine the role of miRNAs, which are thought to play a role in bone metabolism, in osteoporosis. METHODS: The study included 48 patients who were diagnosed with osteoporosis according to the results of a bone mineral density assessment by quantitative computed tomography and 36 healthy individuals. MiRNAs from plasma samples obtained from blood samples taken into ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tubes were isolated with the miRNA isolation kit and converted to cDNA. Expression analysis of miR-21-5p, miR-34a-5p, miR-210, miR-122-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-133a, miR-143-3p, miR-146a, miR-155-5p, and miR-223 was performed on the real-time PCR (RT-PCR) device. RESULTS: When miRNA expression levels in the patient group were compared with the control group, all miRNAs were found to be downregulated in the patients. When fold changes in expression levels in the patient group were examined, significant differences were found in miR-21-5p, miR-133a, mir143-3p, miR-210, and miR-223. In the receiver operating curve analysis, area under the curve=0.882 for the combination of miR-34, miR-125, miR-133, and miR-210. CONCLUSION: In this study, it was determined that the combined effects of miRNAs, as well as their single effects, were effective in the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, a miRNA panel to be created can make a significant contribution to the development of novel diagnostic and treatment approaches for this disease.
  • Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and predictors of difficult orotracheal intubation Original Article

    Oliveira, Jefferson Thiago Medeiros de; Medeiros, Heitor; Andrino, Wallace

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is an underdiagnosed condition that causes recurrent episodes of partial or total collapse of the upper airways during sleep. It is associated with perioperative pulmonary complications. The STOP-BANG is a screening tool for assessing patients at risk of OSAS. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of patients with OSAS during pre-anesthetic evaluation at a hospital and its correlation with predictors of ventilation and difficult airway. METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional study carried out from January 2022 to September 2023. The questionnaire comprised demographic data (age, weight, BMI, type of surgery, and anesthesia), the STOP-BANG, predictors of difficult orotracheal intubation (Mallampati, mouth opening, thyromental distance, cervical mobility, and upper lip bite test), and predictors of difficult ventilation through a facial mask (male sex, absence of teeth, presence of beard, obesity, and >55 years). RESULTS: The study had the participation of 221 patients, of whom 121 presented with a STOP-BANG ≥3, with a prevalence of 54.2%. All patients undergoing bariatric surgeries presented STOP-BANG ≥3. No significant statistical relationships were found between predictors of difficult orotracheal intubation and STOP-BANG ≥3. However, significant statistical relationships were found in relation to predictors of difficult ventilation through the facial mask.
  • Investigating artificial intelligence models for predicting joint pain from serum biochemistry Original Article

    Shahid, Saman; Javaid, Aatir; Amjad, Usman; Rasheed, Jawad

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The study used machine learning models to predict the clinical outcome with various attributes or when the models chose features based on their algorithms. METHODS: Patients who presented to an orthopedic outpatient department with joint swelling or myalgia were included in the study. A proforma collected clinical information on age, gender, uric acid, C-reactive protein, and complete blood count/liver function test/renal function test parameters. Machine learning decision models (Random Forest and Gradient Boosted) were evaluated with the selected features/attributes. To categorize input data into outputs of indications of joint discomfort, multilayer perceptron and radial basis function-neural networks were used. RESULTS: The random forest decision model outperformed with 97% accuracy and minimum errors to anticipate joint pain from input attributes. For predicted classifications, the multilayer perceptron fared better with an accuracy of 98% as compared to the radial basis function. Multilayer perceptron achieved the following normalized relevance: 100% (uric acid), 10.3% (creatinine), 9.8% (AST), 5.4% (lymphocytes), and 5% (C-reactive protein) for having joint pain. Uric acid has the highest normalized relevance for predicting joint pain. CONCLUSION: The earliest artificial intelligence-based detection of joint pain will aid in the prevention of more serious orthopedic complications.
  • Effect of Ki-67 proliferation index on survival in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung Original Article

    Duygulu, Mustafa Emre; Aşık, Esra; Tükenmez, Mehmet Akif; Teoman, Gizem; Yıldırım, Atila; Fidan, Evren

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung is a rare type of lung cancer. There is a limited number of studies on clinical and histopathological characteristics that are effective in survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between histopathological and clinical characteristics, mainly Ki-67 proliferation index, and survival in patients diagnosed with large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung. METHODS: The data of 38 patients followed up with the diagnosis of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung were evaluated. The mean Ki-67 value was determined to be 65.8% (±20.8). The patients’ clinical characteristics and survival times were compared according to the cut-off value determined for Ki-67 index. RESULTS: When median overall survival times were compared, it was seen that overall survival was numerically lower in patients aged 65 years and over, in tumors located on the right side, in cases who were in the metastatic stage at diagnosis, whose Ki-67 index was 65% and above, who did not receive chemotherapy, who did not undergo curative surgery, and in patients with chronic diseases (p>0.05). In the Kaplan-Meier analysis, the median overall survival was determined to be 22.2 months (95%CI 21.7–22.7) in the patients with Ki-67<65%, while it was found to be 20.3 months (95%CI 4.5–36.2) in the patients with Ki-67≥65% (p=0.351). CONCLUSION: Our study identified subgroups with decreased survival in large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of lung patients. Studies including a larger number of patients are needed to identify the prognostic importance of these clinical and histopathological characteristics.
  • One-year survival after admission in the intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study Original Article

    Barisich, Patrick Sepúlveda; Ramírez-Santana, Muriel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Improving survival is the objective of intensive care units. Various factors affect long-term outcomes. The objective was to explore survival and the associated factors 1 year after admission to the intensive care unit. METHOD: This is an observational, descriptive, and analytical study in a retrospective cohort of adults admitted to an intensive care unit at a regional hospital during the first semester of 2022. Records of 218 patients from an anonymized database were analyzed. RESULTS: The average age was 61 years, and the average APACHE II score was 15 points (24% expected mortality). Survival 1 year after admission was 57.8%. Factors associated with 1-year survival in the Cox regression model were age and APACHE II. The univariate analysis showed that the cancer was significantly associated with lethality after 1 year (OR 10.55; 95%CI 1.99–55.76). CONCLUSION: One-year survival after intensive care unit decreases by 16.1%. Factors that significantly reduced survival were old age, severity, and oncologic cause at admission.
  • Telomere length in subjects with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis Review Article

    Pérez-López, Faustino Ramón; Fernández-Alonso, Ana Maria; Ulloque-Badaracco, Juan Ramiro; Benites-Zapata, Vicente Aleixandre; Varikasuvu, Seshadri Reddy
Associação Médica Brasileira R. São Carlos do Pinhal, 324, 01333-903 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel: +55 11 3178-6800, Fax: +55 11 3178-6816 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil