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REBEn and the 80 years of our Association

REBEn and the 80 years of our Association

Francisca Valda da Silva

ABE'ns President- 2005-2007 period

ABEn is a space/field of political-social action that have reunited along 80 years, individual and collective actors, with their interests and projects. While a relational and plural field carries through an agenda of fights and allows the exercise of experience of disputing projects around the structure of ideas, ideologies, projects and policies, going through several generations that gave life to the Association and also elaborated the content to assure a propositional action of the entity in the development of public policies for nursing/health, education, work, science, technology, and innovation. This process has assured the empowerment of the entity itself in its fight for intellectual, political-social development of the Brazilian Nursing.

In analysing the course of ABEn's history it is perceived that a careful work in the creation of organisation spaces and political education of nurse educators, nurses on the health area, nursing aides and technicians was done in order to develop proposal skills of the entity to build possible utopias. This process gains an impulse in the last thirty years with the possibility of the Participation Movement in the context of fights for democratisation of Brazilian society that happened after the 70's. Possible utopias are understood as the constitution of social subjectivity and conscience, which means, of subjects containing future projects that make them capable to formulate proposals and strategies for change in the collective field.

In different conjunctures the constructors of Nursing in the scope of ABEn, generated the necessary social power. Although not always visible, it supported the social construction of this organisation with 80 years of existence, related to all frailties that are currently present.

When the Century XXI came ABEn, as a participant of structuring movements of social, scientific, and political transformations also incorporates the commitment with fights by the rupture in scientific thinking, fragmented and positive, specially in health area, respecting the tradition and modernity, but in tuned with the trends of post-modern contruction. In this way, ABEn is being prepared to amplify its participation in the health social and education control aiming to effectively contribute in the formulation of public policies toward completeness of health care.

In this commemoration program of the 80 years of ABEn, which culminates with the 58th Brazilian Congress of Nursing, it was aimed to identify and to make memorable the main structuring marks of the political-professional project of Brazilian Nursing, that were conquered in the scope of ABEn, and to activate the collective memory of nursing social and political organisation.

ABen is not the past, but the past marks are in the current performance of the entity that presents with its power and frailties as a product of its historical, social, and political construction. This self-knowledge favours the understanding of current collective potentiality of ABEn, which allows a more objective evaluation of the conditions to challenge present handicaps, to move away the middle-way stones and to dare toward the future.

Therefore, we expect in this moment to reflect with all ABEn's associates that the history is complex, dynamic, interactive, and transversal along the past, present and future of nursing. "The history say what we are today, but also what we are missing to be".

In recognising that there is much to be done, and that nursing professionals live structural and conjunctural difficulties that contribute for the reproduction of ackward and unjust situations in the practice of nursing, also these professionals are target of preconception and perversity of the precarious work. Many are the problems and the challenges that are interposed between today and the horizon that we draw for Brazilian Nursing.

In this direction, we want to reaffirm our faith in the power of the organisation to overcome the challenges in the reconstruction of the reality, toward another historical platform for nursing comprising dignity and valuation for nursing workers, improvement in quality for technical-scientific, human, social and ethical and also for advances in the conquer for access in nursing care to all population.

"We must be the change we want to see in the world". Mahatma Gandhi

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 June 2008
  • Date of issue
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil