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Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Scombridae) fishery on southern and southeastern coast of Brazil


Fishing for serra Spanish mackerel takes place along the Brazilian coast. Studies in northern and northeastern regions show that has socioeconomic importance although risk of overexploitation. This article provides an assessment of fisheries in the southeastern and southern regions, where there is a gap in knowledge. To build a regional perspective, fishing monitoring data from Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná were used. For more detailed analyses, data from São Paulo and Paraná were chosen. In these two states, census data were collected on the species and quantities caught, fishing gear used and sales value. This fishery, mostly artisanal, has socioeconomic importance. Santa Catarina has the largest production. However, Rio de Janeiro has the most significant industrial fishery. São Paulo and Paraná produces approximately 110 t/year, mainly using drift gillnets and encircling gillnets with a mesh size of 10 to 12 cm between knots. The harvest period is during the cooler months, between May and August for São Paulo and between June and September for Paraná. The ANOVA test did not show any significant variations in CPUE, thus indicating stability. The results reinforce the need for adequate management.

Key words
capture by unit effort; fisheries monitoring; fishery resources; gillnets; small-scale fishery


The marine area plays a crucial economic role, as well as being fundamental for food security worldwide (Pomeroy et al. 2014POMEROY RS, BALDWIN K & MCCONNEY P. 2014. Marine Spatial Planning in Asia and the Caribbean: Application and Implications for Fisheries and Marine Resource Management. Desenvolv e Meio Ambient 32: 151-164.
). In this context, artisanal fishery stands out as being responsible for the largest number of fishermen and fisherwomen involved in the activity in developing countries (FAO 2020FAO. 2020. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Sustainability in action, 244 p.
). It has been estimated that 90% of the jobs generated in marine fisheries come from artisanal fisheries (Jentoft 2014JENTOFT S. 2014. Walking the talk: implementing the international voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries. Marit Stud 13: 1-15.
), which account for half of the world’s fishing effort (Rousseau et al. 2019ROUSSEAU Y, WATSON R, BLANCHARD J & FULTON EA. 2019. Defining global artisanal fisheries. Mar Policy 108: 103634.
). In addition, artisanal fisheries are characterized by different cultural aspects, such that this activity plays a central role in maintaining the social structure and traditionality in the coastal zone (FAO 2020FAO. 2020. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Sustainability in action, 244 p.
). In Brazil, its production accounted for more than 50% of the catch (Vasconcellos et al. 2007VASCONCELLOS M, DIEGUES AC & SALES RR. 2007. Limites e Possibilidades na Gestão da Pesca Artesanal Costeira. In: Costa AL (Ed), Nas Redes Da Pesca Artesanal, IBAMA, Brasília, p. 15-83., Mattos et al. 2022MATTOS SMG, MENDONÇA JT, PEDROSA BMF, MATTOS MPS, WOJCIECHOWSKI MJ & GERHARDINGER LC. 2022. Coastal Small-Scale Fisheries in Brazil: Resentment Against Policy Disarray. In: Jentoft S, Chuenpagdee R, Said A & Isaacs M (Eds), Blue Justice: Small-scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy, MARE Publications Series, Vol 26, Springer International Publishing, p. 35-54. This activity is responsible for the food security and for maintaining the way of life of these riverside caiçaras [traditional inhabitants of the coastal regions of the southeastern and southern regions of Brazil] (Begossi 2014BEGOSSI A. 2014. Ecological, cultural, and economic approaches to managing artisanal fisheries. Environ Dev Sustain 16: 5-34.
). Among the common characteristics of artisanal fishery is the presence of multiple types of fishing gear, seasonality of the species caught and multi-species catches (Salas et al. 2007SALAS S, CHUENPAGDEE R, SEIJO JC & CHARLES A. 2007. Challenges in the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fish Res 87: 5-16.
, Medeiros et al. 2014MEDEIROS RP, SERAFINI TZ & MCCONNEY P. 2014. Fortalecendo o ecosystem stewardship na pesca artesanal: perspectivas para a América Latina e Caribe. Desenvolv e Meio Ambient 32: 181-191.

Fishing for Scomberomorus brasiliensis is present along the entire Brazilian coast. The range of distribution is also reflected in the various popular names for this species (Freire et al. 2015FREIRE KMF ET AL. 2015. Reconstruction of catch statistics for Brazilian marine waters (1950-2010). Fish Cent Res Reports 23: 48.), which may be called “serra” in the northern and northeastern regions (Isaac-Nahum 2006ISAAC-NAHUM VJ. 2006. Explotação e manejo dos recursos pesqueiros do litoral amazônico: um desafio para o futuro. Ciênc Cult São Paulo 58: 33-36., Lima et al. 2007LIMA JTAX, FONTELES-FILHO AA & CHELLAPPA S. 2007. Biologia Reprodutiva da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Osteichthyes:Scombridae), em Água Costeiras do Rio Grande do Norte. Arq Ciências do Mar 40: 24-30.
, 2009, de Nóbrega & Lessa 2009DE NÓBREGA MF & LESSA RP. 2009. Age and growth of the king Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) off the northeastern coast of Brazil. Brazilian J Oceanogr 57: 273-285.
, de Brito & Furtado-Junior 2010DE BRITO CSF & FURTADO-JUNIOR I. 2010. Dinâmica Sazonal da CPUE da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Capturada com rede de Emalhar do tipo Serreira no Estado do Pará. Arq Ciência do Mar 43: 88-95.
, Maia et al. 2015MAIA RCN, SILVA BB, PEREIRA LJG & HOLANDA FCAF. 2015. Pesca Comercial e Estrutura Populacional da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Collette, Russo & Zavala, 1978), Desembarcada em Um Pólo Pesqueiro na Costa Norte do Brasil. Biota Amaz 5: 99-106.
, Leão et al. 2019LEÃO SAS, FURTADO-JUNIOR I, ABRUNHOSA FA & SILVA JA. 2019. Análise Histórico De CPUES Padronizadas da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Pisces: Scombridae) Desembarcada no Estado do Pará - Costa Amazônica. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPNOR 18: 23.
), “sororoca” in the southeastern region (Mendonça & Katsuragawa 2001MENDONÇA JT & KATSURAGAWA M. 2001. Caracterização da pesca artesanal no complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (1995-1996). Acta Sci Biol Sci 23: 535-547., Blank et al. 2009BLANK AG, CARNEIRO MH, SECKENDORFF RWV & OSTINI S. 2009. A pesca de cerco-flutuante na Ilha Anchieta, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil. Série Relatórios Técnicos 34: 1-18., Namora et al. 2009NAMORA RC, MOTTA FS & GADIG OBF. 2009. Caracterização Da Pesca Artesanal Na Praia Dos Pescadores, Município De Itanhaém, Costa Centro-Sul Do Estado De São Paulo. Arq Ciências do Mar 42: 60-67.
, Begossi 2011BEGOSSI A. 2011. O cerco flutuante e os caiçaras do litoral norte de São Paulo, com ênfase à pesca de trindade, RJ. Interciencia 36: 803-807.), and “cavala” (Silva et al. 2017SILVA JO, LIN CF, CERÂNTOLA B, MENEZES A & FIEDLER FN. 2017. A pesca artesanal no litoral norte de Santa Catarina e as espécies ameaçadas. In: 17 Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciências Do Mar, p. 1638-1640., Chaves & Ventura 2019CHAVES PT & VENTURA A. 2019. Recursos - alvo que são também bycatch, e recomendação para a gestão da pesca de emalhe no litoral do Paraná , Brasil. Rev CEPSUL Biodiversidade e Conserv Mar 8: 1-11.
) in the southern region.

The reproductive period for this species differs between the northern/northeastern regions and the southern region. In the northern/northeastern regions, this period is between the months of September and March, which is between the dry and rainy seasons (Lima et al. 2007LIMA JTAX, FONTELES-FILHO AA & CHELLAPPA S. 2007. Biologia Reprodutiva da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Osteichthyes:Scombridae), em Água Costeiras do Rio Grande do Norte. Arq Ciências do Mar 40: 24-30.
); while in the southern region it is during the cold period between May and October (Chaves et al. 2021CHAVES PT, BIRNFELD PO & VAZ-DOS-SANTOS AM. 2021. Population dynamics of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from a small-scale fishery off Southern Brazil. Ocean Coast Res 69: 1-17.

An assessment on historical data, from 1950 to 2010, relating to fish catches unloaded in Brazil showed that a mixture of fish species names had been logged (Freire et al. 2015FREIRE KMF ET AL. 2015. Reconstruction of catch statistics for Brazilian marine waters (1950-2010). Fish Cent Res Reports 23: 48.). “Serra”, listed as S. maculatus, should be corrected to S. brasiliensis, S. regalis and Sarda sarda. Serra Spanish mackerel, on the other hand, presents differences between the databases, such that although it is recognized as S. brasiliensis, assessment for the presence of S. regalis is required. This result indicate that some difficulty exists about identify the species caught along the Brazilian coast.

Catch per unit effort (CPUE) assessments on serra Spanish mackerel have been made in the states of Pará (de Brito & Furtado-Junior 2010DE BRITO CSF & FURTADO-JUNIOR I. 2010. Dinâmica Sazonal da CPUE da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Capturada com rede de Emalhar do tipo Serreira no Estado do Pará. Arq Ciência do Mar 43: 88-95.
, Leão et al. 2019LEÃO SAS, FURTADO-JUNIOR I, ABRUNHOSA FA & SILVA JA. 2019. Análise Histórico De CPUES Padronizadas da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Pisces: Scombridae) Desembarcada no Estado do Pará - Costa Amazônica. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPNOR 18: 23.
) and Maranhão (Batista & Fabré 2001BATISTA VS & FABRÉ NN. 2001. Temporal and spatial patterns on serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (teleostei, scombridae), catches from the fisheries on the maranhão coast, Brazil. Brazilian J Biol 61: 541-546.
). These three studies showed that there were significant differences in CPUE according to the seasonality of the catch. Though, only one of the studies in Pará compared CPUE over the years, and that assessment indicated a slight tendency for the population to decrease (Leão et al. 2019LEÃO SAS, FURTADO-JUNIOR I, ABRUNHOSA FA & SILVA JA. 2019. Análise Histórico De CPUES Padronizadas da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Pisces: Scombridae) Desembarcada no Estado do Pará - Costa Amazônica. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPNOR 18: 23.

However, little is known about the catches in the southern and southeastern regions. Recently, research on the coast of Paraná showed that serra Spanish mackerel production was growing relatively to other resources (Chaves & Birnfeld 2021CHAVES PT & BIRNFELD PO. 2021. The Serra Spanish mackerel fishery (Scomberomorus brasiliensis - Teleostei) in Southern Brazil: the growing landings of a high trophic level resource. Braz J Biol 83: e246180.
) and indicated that, currently, small-scale fishery is not negatively affecting stock levels (Chaves et al. 2021CHAVES PT, BIRNFELD PO & VAZ-DOS-SANTOS AM. 2021. Population dynamics of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from a small-scale fishery off Southern Brazil. Ocean Coast Res 69: 1-17.

This study aimed to fill gaps in knowledge about catches of this species in the southeastern and southern regions of Brazil, through analysis on abundance indexes and fishery resource management.


The information analyzed related to fishing along the coasts of the states of São Paulo and Paraná. The data were obtained through the São Paulo Fishing Activity Monitoring Program (PMAP-SP), developed by the Fishing Institute; and through the Paraná Fishing Monitoring Project (PMAP-PR), developed by the Agribusiness Development Foundation and the Fishing Institute. In São Paulo, the information used was from 2009 to 2019, while in Paraná the period was from 2017 to 2019. Information was collected on a census form, seeking to obtain data from fishing catch unloadings (Cordeiro & Mendonça 2010CORDEIRO AG & MENDONÇA JT. 2010. Estatística Pesqueira do Litoral Sul de São Paulo - Metodologia e Resultados. In: Silva RB & Ming LC (Eds), Relatos de Pesquisas e Outras Experiências Vividas No Vale Do Ribeira, p. 171-190., Jankowsky et al. 2019JANKOWSKY M, MENDONÇA JT & MORRONI DA. 2019. Monitoramento Pequeiro no Litoral do Paraná. In: Tullio L (Ed), Fronteiras Da Sustentabilidade 2, Atena, p. 41-55.

To begin the analysis, a panorama of fishing in the southeastern and southern regions was established, based on the total quantities caught, according to the type of fishery (artisanal or industrial) and state. Thus, fishery monitoring information from Rio de Janeiro covering the years 2018 and 2019, and from Santa Catarina covering the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, were used (FIPERJ 2020FIPERJ. 2020. Estatística Pesqueira do Rio de Janeiro. Consulta On-Line, Projeto De Monitoramento Da Atividade Pesqueira Do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Accessed on 18 January 2021.
, UNIVALI/EMCT/LEMA 2020UNIVALI/EMCT/LEMA. 2020. Estatística Pesqueira de Santa Catarina. Consulta On-line. Projeto de Monitoramento da Atividade Pesqueira do Estado de Santa Catarina. Accessed on 18 January 2021. URL

The data from the states of São Paulo and Paraná were used as a sample for the region. In these states, the economic importance of serra Spanish mackerel was established, along with the municipalities with the largest catches.

The average monthly unloading was obtained through the unloadings per month over the period from 2009 to 2019 in São Paulo and from 2017 to 2019 in Paraná. The number of fishermen was estimated from the number of productive units, i.e. fishermen or vessels (Jankowsky et al. 2019JANKOWSKY M, MENDONÇA JT & MORRONI DA. 2019. Monitoramento Pequeiro no Litoral do Paraná. In: Tullio L (Ed), Fronteiras Da Sustentabilidade 2, Atena, p. 41-55.
) involved in the fishery of S. brasiliensis, and the fishing gear used. It was considered that use of each type of fishing gear would involve a certain average number of fishermen on the fishing trip. This average number of fishermen involved with each type of fishing gear was multiplied by the number of productive units.

After obtaining this fishery overview, the species abundance index was estimated by calculating the catch per unit effort (CPUE). Although CPUE is widely used as an index of relative abundance for many fish resources around the world (Large 1992LARGE PA. 1992. Use of a multiplicative model to estimate relative abundance from commercial cpue data. ICES J Mar Sci 49: 253-262.
, Fréon & Misund 1999FRÉON P & MISUND OA. 1999. Dynamics of Pelagic Fish Distribution and Behaviour: Effects on Fisheries and Stock Assessment. Fishing News Books, 348 p.
, Gatica & Hernández 2003GATICA C & HERNÁNDEZ A. 2003. Tasas de captura estandarizadas como índice de abundancia relativa en pesquerías: Enfoque por Modelos Lineales Generalizados. Investig Mar 31: 107-115.
), some studies have shown that there are some restrictions, cautions and risks of misunderstanding when this approach is adopted (Harley et al. 2001HARLEY SJ, MYERS RA & DUNN A. 2001. Is catch-per-unit-effort proportional to abundance? Can J Fish Aquat Sci 58: 1760-1772.
, Maunder et al. 2006MAUNDER MN, SIBERT JR, FONTENEAU A, HAMPTON J, KLEIBER P & HARLEY SJ. 2006. Interpreting catch per unit effort data to assess the status of individual stocks and communities. ICES J Mar Sci 63: 1373-1385.
, Rincón-Sandoval et al. 2018RINCÓN-SANDOVAL LA, VELAZQUÉS-ABUNADER I & BRULÉ T. 2018. Factors Influencing Catchability on Longline Fisheries: The Case of Red Grouper (Epinephelus morio), Yucatan Mexico El Caso del Mero Americano (Epinephelus morio), Yucatán México Factors Influencing Catchability on Longline Fisheries: The Case of Re. In: Proceedings of the 71st Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, p. 5-9.).

Because of the reproductive characteristics of serra Spanish mackerel, this species shoals when young and in the reproductive period (Lima et al. 2009LIMA PRS, LESSA RPT, DE CASTRO ACL & AZEVEDO JWJ. 2009. Growth and First Sexual Maturation Size of Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Osteichthyes; Scombridae - Collette Russo & Zavalla-Camin,1978) on the Maranhão Coast West - Brazil. Bol do Lab Hidrobiol 22: 39-44.). Thus, there is a need to adjust the information for abundance estimates. In the states of São Paulo and Paraná, the species forms shoals in the autumn and winter period, from May to September (Afonso & Chaves 2021AFONSO MG & CHAVES PT. 2021. A pesca de emalhe costeiro de pequena escala no litoral do Paraná: um estudo de caso para a conservação. Rev CEPSUL Biodiversidade e Conserv Mar 10: 1-18. cepsul.v10.1754e2021001. cepsul....
), which determines the harvest period for the species. Although the species is present in all months of the year, only the harvest period (May to September) was used in the CPUE analysis to minimize possible distortions in interpretation of the results from the abundance analysis.

Due to differences in catchability between different types of fishing gear, it was chosen to focus on the fishing gear that is used for harvesting the resource in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. Through this, it was sought to reduce noise in the analysis, since the normal pattern of presence of serra Spanish mackerel in unloadings has high monthly variation throughout the year. Thus, by analyzing only the unloadings during the harvest period, from catches in which the main fishing gear was used, we could obtain a more precise estimate of the catch. This would avoid an annual sample with large variations, which could affect comparisons between years and would bring a risk of results indicating stability in the CPUE, even if the reality showed some decline or increase, considering that the wide fluctuations in the amount caught would be “normal” for the purposes of statistical analysis.

After selecting the harvest period and the main fishing gear for the CPUE estimates (in kg/hour), the total production of the month was divided by the total effort, in fishing hours, in which the fishing time was recorded as the length of time for which the nets were in the water. From this, 4,554 and 1,232 catch unloadings in São Paulo and Paraná, respectively, were analyzed.

After estimating the CPUE, the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests were performed to evaluate the normality of the residuals and homogeneity of variances, respectively (Zar 2010ZAR JH. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, 5th ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 944 p.). In both states, the CPUE in the harvest period showed normality of residuals and homogeneity of variances, thus meeting the assumptions for ANOVA. This calculation was made from the null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in the CPUE between the years, considering a significance level (α) of 5% (Zar 2010ZAR JH. 2010. Biostatistical Analysis, 5th ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 944 p.).

To conclude the analysis on this fishery, information was sought on the legal framework for this practice. Complementarily, information on fisheries management initiatives were obtained through participation in Protected Area Councils and in working groups focusing on fisheries planning.


Catches of Scomberomorus brasiliensis

In the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, in the years from which data on serra Spanish mackerel unloadings were available for all these states (2018 and 2019), presence of industrial fishing was observed, especially in the state of Rio de Janeiro, but the largest quantities unloaded for from the artisanal fleet (Figure 1). The state of Santa Catarina accounted for the largest quantity landed, about 62.87%. The greater presence of industrial fishing in the fishery resource in Rio de Janeiro over the period 2018-2019 was seen through fewer unloadings of this species, but with large volumes, carried out by a trawler fleet in some ports in the state.

Figure 1
Quantity caught each year by artisanal (Art) and industrial (Ind) fishing in each state.

In São Paulo and Paraná, the average annual catches were remarkably similar: 107.70 tons/year and 113.15 tons/year, respectively. In the latter, the serra Spanish mackerel fishing is artisanal, while in São Paulo there is also a small contribution from industrial fishing.

During the analysis period, for the fishing unloadings in São Paulo and Paraná, an average of one thousand fishermen/year were registered in these two states involved in the S. brasiliensis fishery. In São Paulo, an average of 107.75 tons/year of S. brasiliensis were unloaded, generating about 215,354.11 dollars per year, for about 700 fishermen. The municipality of Cananeia accounted for 40.5% of the amount unloaded, while Ubatuba and São Sebastião contributed 13.1% and 12.0% respectively.

In Paraná, an average of 113.15 tons/year of S. brasiliensis were unloaded, generating about 224,980.49 dollars per year, for about 305 fishermen. Its catch was especially important in the cities of Matinhos and Pontal do Paraná, which accounted for 55.14% and 34.64% of the total amount in the state. In Matinhos, this species was the main resource caught. Fishing takes place especially in the cold period, between May and August in São Paulo, and between June and September in Paraná (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Boxplot with the production distributed throughout the year. a) refers to production in the State of Paraná (period from 2017 to 2019) and b) to production in the State of São Paulo (period from 2009 to 2019). The gray dot shows the average production for each month.

Gillnets, especially nets used on the surface, are the main catch strategies for serra Spanish mackerel (Figure 3). In Paraná, encircling gillnets (Reis-Filho 2019REIS-FILHO JA. 2019. Historical perspective of artisanal encircling gillnet use at the Brazilian coast: Changes in fishing behaviour is mirrored by dwindling stocks. Fish Manag Ecol 27: 155-166.
) used in siege mode form the main strategy, and this together with drift gillnets (He et al. 2021HE P, CHOPIN F, SUURONEN P, FERRO RS & LANSLEY J. 2021. Classification and illustrated definition of fishing gears, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 672. FAO, Rome.
) accounts for more than 80% of the total catch. Encircling gillnets occupy the entire water column, with a height of almost 25 meters. These nets have a mesh size of 10 to 12 cm and are usually handled by three fishermen. Due to the characteristics of this type of net and the floats left on the surface, it can be understood to be a derivative of drift gillnets. In São Paulo, drift gillnets form the strategy most used for catching serra Spanish mackerel. This is a passive catch technique, in which the net is placed in the upper portion of the water column. The mesh size most used is between 11 and 12 cm, between opposite knots.

Figure 3
Main fishing gears and tons/years catches by state during the study period. To Paraná state, unloadings numbers were: encircling gillnet – 1,316; drift gillnet – 1,219; others – 1,251. To São Paulo state unloadings numbers were: drift gillnet – 7,435; gillnetting not specified – 8,114; set gillnet – 11,495; floating trap net – 4,480; others – 2,106.

Comparison of CPUE over the years showed that there was no significant change (Figure 4). The ANOVA test showed that there were no statistically significant differences in comparisons of CPUE between 2017 and 2019 in Paraná (d.f. = 11, F = 1.056, p = 0.387), or between 2009 and 2019 in São Paulo (d.f. = 43, F = 0.827, p = 0.606), although there was an apparent downward trend.

Figure 4
Graphs with the annual means and standard error of CPUE in the harvest months. a) shows data from Paraná and b) data from São Paulo.

Legal and management considerations

Since 2007, there have been restrictions on the use of drift gillnets that have made their use unviable. The new legal limits have limited the height of the net and depth of operation in the water column (Brasil 2007BRASIL. 2007. Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis. Instrução Normativa IBAMA 166, Brasil, Seção I, 59 p.). This measure was implemented with a view to reducing incidental catch, without fisherman participation. In the state of São Paulo, a thematic board for Marine Protected Areas for Sustainable Use was created to discuss the issues, involving fishermen, managers and researchers. This has led to proposals for viable adjustments to fishing activity in order to preserve resources (Quito et al. 2019QUITO L, MENDONÇA JT & JANKOWSKY M. 2019. Desafios à Gestão Pesqueira Compartilhada: Conflitos com a Pesca de Emalhe nas APAs Marinhas de São Paulo. in: Silva RP, Muhle RP, Paixão WB, Santos JE, Selva VSF, Cavalcanti ER & Pedrosa BMJ (Eds), Anais Do IX Seminário Brasileiro Sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social e IV Encontro Latino-Americano Sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social. Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana, Recife-PE, p. 734-739.). Meanwhile, in the state of Paraná, there is a fishing agreement in place that allows use of encircling gillnets in siege mode to catch target species such as mackerel and mullet, which has also shown promising progress (Madeira et al. 2018MADEIRA JA, MULLER BR, MEDEIROS R, GIRALDI AC, MENDONÇA JT, ALVITE C, STEENBOCK W & CORRE FM. 2018. Termo de Compromisso: Conciliação permite a pesca em unidade de proteção integral recém-criada pelo poder legislativo. In: ICMBio (Ed), Boas Práticas Na Gestão de Unidades de Conservação, Brasília, p. 149-152.). However, even though this agreement has been successful, it is only in force over a small territorial area, within the Ilhas do Currais National Marine Park. Table I shows a summary of the attributes of the S. brasiliensis fishery.

Table I
Overview of the main fishing attributes of S. brasiliensis in São Paulo and Paraná.


Artisanal fishery has great importance because of its contribution to the maintenance of livelihoods, food security and production, and because of the number of fishermen involved (Pauly 2006PAULY D. 2006. Major Trends in Small-Scale Marine Fisheries, with Emphasis on Developing Countries, and Some Implication fro Social Sciences. Marit Stud 4: 7-22., Salas et al. 2007SALAS S, CHUENPAGDEE R, SEIJO JC & CHARLES A. 2007. Challenges in the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fish Res 87: 5-16.
, Begossi et al. 2011BEGOSSI A, MAY PH, LOPES PF, OLIVEIRA LEC, DA VINHA V & SILVANO RAM. 2011. Compensation for environmental services from artisanal fisheries in SE Brazil: Policy and technical strategies. Ecol Econ 71: 25-32.
, Begossi 2014BEGOSSI A. 2014. Ecological, cultural, and economic approaches to managing artisanal fisheries. Environ Dev Sustain 16: 5-34.
, Loto et al. 2019LOTO L, LOBÃO R, SILVA EP & MONTEIRO-NETO C. 2019. Fishermen ecological knowledge and complex adaptive systems: An interpretative model for small-scale fisheries. Ambient e Soc 22: 1-18.
). The fishery for S. brasiliensis is mainly artisanal and is similar in the states studied here. This species is caught especially through using drift gillnets and an active derivation of this technique, called the encircling gillnet, in siege mode. Catches this species are especially important in the municipalities of Matinhos and Pontal do Paraná in Paraná and Cananeia, Ubatuba and São Sebastião in São Paulo. However, in municipalities where the amounts caught are not representative, the importance of this species also appears in local studies along the São Paulo coast (Clauzet et al. 2005CLAUZET M, RAMIRES M & BARELLA W. 2005. Pesca Artesanal e Conhecimento Local de Duas Populações Caiçaras (Enseada do Mar Virado e Barra do Una) no Litoral de São Paulo, Brasil. Multiciência, p. 1-22., Blank et al. 2009BLANK AG, CARNEIRO MH, SECKENDORFF RWV & OSTINI S. 2009. A pesca de cerco-flutuante na Ilha Anchieta, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil. Série Relatórios Técnicos 34: 1-18., Namora et al. 2009NAMORA RC, MOTTA FS & GADIG OBF. 2009. Caracterização Da Pesca Artesanal Na Praia Dos Pescadores, Município De Itanhaém, Costa Centro-Sul Do Estado De São Paulo. Arq Ciências do Mar 42: 60-67.
, Begossi et al. 2011BEGOSSI A, MAY PH, LOPES PF, OLIVEIRA LEC, DA VINHA V & SILVANO RAM. 2011. Compensation for environmental services from artisanal fisheries in SE Brazil: Policy and technical strategies. Ecol Econ 71: 25-32.
, Vaz-dos-Santos et al. 2013VAZ-DOS-SANTOS AM, COSTA MR & CRUVINEL CM. 2013. Análise da ictiofauna capturada em cerco fixo flutuante na Praia de Toque- Toque Pequeno, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. UNISANTA Biosci 2(2): 7-16.).

The mesh size (10 to 12 cm) targets adult individuals over 45 cm in length, which are therefore above the size for sexual maturity (Ximenes 1981XIMENES MOC. 1981. Age and growth of the Brazilian mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis Collete & Russo, 1978 off northeastern Brazil. Arq Ciências do Mar 21: 47-54., Lima et al. 2007LIMA JTAX, FONTELES-FILHO AA & CHELLAPPA S. 2007. Biologia Reprodutiva da Serra, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Osteichthyes:Scombridae), em Água Costeiras do Rio Grande do Norte. Arq Ciências do Mar 40: 24-30.
, Chaves et al. 2021CHAVES PT, BIRNFELD PO & VAZ-DOS-SANTOS AM. 2021. Population dynamics of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from a small-scale fishery off Southern Brazil. Ocean Coast Res 69: 1-17.
). In other states, there have been reports of use of nets with different mesh sizes. In Maranhão, the “serreira” [sawmill] net has been described, using mesh sizes of 9 and 10 cm. It was pointed out that in the fishermen’s perception, this was a non-predatory net, since it catches adult individuals (Almeida et al. 2007ALMEIDA ZS, DA SILVA CML, CAVALCANTE AN, PAZ AC, SANTOS NB & GONÇALVES FS. 2007. Contribuição à conservação e manejo do peixe serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Collette Russo & Zavalla-Camin, 1978) (Osteichtyes, Scombridae) no Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPENE 15: 87-97.). However, in the states of Amapá and Pará, fishing takes place using with gillnets with mesh sizes of 4 and 6 cm, which catch juveniles (Isaac-Nahum 2006ISAAC-NAHUM VJ. 2006. Explotação e manejo dos recursos pesqueiros do litoral amazônico: um desafio para o futuro. Ciênc Cult São Paulo 58: 33-36.). Catching juveniles has also been pointed out to be a common practice in the northeastern region, and an analysis on unloadings in the state of Ceará showed that 44% of the individuals were still sexually immature (Lessa 2006LESSA RP. 2006. Recursos Vivos na Zona Econômica Exclusiva. In: Programa Revizee (Ed), Avaliação Do Potencial Sustentável de Recursos Vivos Na Zona Econômica Exclusiva, 304 p.).

The harvest period for serra Spanish mackerel in São Paulo and Paraná, is during the cooler months, between May and September. Differently, in the state of Pará, the harvest was recorded in the period from March to June (Lessa 2006LESSA RP. 2006. Recursos Vivos na Zona Econômica Exclusiva. In: Programa Revizee (Ed), Avaliação Do Potencial Sustentável de Recursos Vivos Na Zona Econômica Exclusiva, 304 p.), and in the state of Maranhão from June to August (Sousa et al. 2003SOUSA RFC, IKEDA R, FONSECA A, SOUZA L, BRITO C, FREDOU FL, LIMA PR, CASTRO ACL & DOURADO E. 2003. Dinâmica populacional da Scomberomorus brasiliensis da costa Norte do Brasil. In: Relatório de Atividades Do Programa REVIZEE, p. 48.).

It was observed that the state of Santa Catarina accounted for the largest volume caught and unloaded, which indicates that this state had the greatest fishing efforts in relation to this resource. In comparison with the production of the northern and northeastern regions, the southeastern and southern regions present lower production. However, the data from the statistical yearbooks present a mixture of species, which leaves doubts as to which species are involved in the northern and northeastern regions (Freire et al. 2015FREIRE KMF ET AL. 2015. Reconstruction of catch statistics for Brazilian marine waters (1950-2010). Fish Cent Res Reports 23: 48.). It is therefore difficult to compare the results. In addition, since 2014, Brazil no longer presents national data on fishing unloading, which makes the national statistics only an extrapolation (FAO 2020FAO. 2020. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Sustainability in action, 244 p.
) and does not allow more reliable updating of the fishery.

It is important to point out that fish that form shoals and are exploited through delimited fisheries, such as S. brasiliensis, tend to be overly sensitive to climatic and oceanographic changes. Interconnections and teleconnections between climatic events at different time scales have been observed, and these may interfere with environments and natural variability (Wang et al. 2014WANG S, HUANG J, HE Y & GUAN Y. 2014. Combined effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Global Land Dry–Wet Changes. Sci Rep 4: 6651.
). In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, a strong negative correlation between fishery production of serra Spanish mackerel and precipitation and minimum temperature was also found, especially during La Niña, and this was attributed to changes in behavioral patterns and different habitats (Barbalho et al. 2013BARBALHO ES, BARROS JD & DA SILVA FM. 2013. Comportamento Da Produção Pesqueira Norte-Rio-Grandense Em Anos De El Niño E La Niña. Soc e Territ 25: 55-66.). The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Antarctic Anomaly have already been shown to have great influence on CPUE variations of Sardinella brasiliensis in southern Brazil, especially in areas near the present study region (Faccin 2019FACCIN JRM. 2019. Efeito das mudanças climáticas de curto prazo sobre a operação da frota de cerco direcionada à captura da sardinha-verdadeira no sudeste-sul do Brasil. Tese de doutorado, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 138 p.
), which may also have an influence on shoals such as those of serra Spanish mackerel along the coasts of São Paulo and Paraná. A similar pattern was observed for Xiphias gladius in the subtropical North Pacific region, which also presented a relationship between warm events and decreasing abundance (Hazin 2006HAZIN HG. 2006. Influência das variáveis oceanográficas na dinâmica populacional e pesca do espadarte, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus 1758, capturados pela frota brasileira. Influência das variáveis oceanográficas na dinâmica populacional e pesca do espadarte, Xiphias glad. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade do Algarve, 202 p. Besides shoaling behavior, weather and oceanographic conditions also influence catches. This situation leads to limitations on the ability of artisanal vessels to carry out fishing, given that they need good sea conditions for navigation and operation of fishing equipment (Rousseau et al. 2019ROUSSEAU Y, WATSON R, BLANCHARD J & FULTON EA. 2019. Defining global artisanal fisheries. Mar Policy 108: 103634.

Added to the influence of climatic factors and oceanographic conditions, it was noted that a tendency towards decreased stock was also observed in Pará, from comparison of CPUE over the years, although without any statistically significant reduction (Leão et al. 2019LEÃO SAS, FURTADO-JUNIOR I, ABRUNHOSA FA & SILVA JA. 2019. Análise Histórico De CPUES Padronizadas da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Pisces: Scombridae) Desembarcada no Estado do Pará - Costa Amazônica. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPNOR 18: 23.
). In the northern and northeastern regions, several studies have been suggesting that there is a risk of overexploitation of S. brasiliensis (Lessa et al. 2004LESSA RP, NÓBREGA M & BEZERRA JLJ. 2004. Dinâmica de populações e avaliação de estoques de recursos pesqueiros da região nordeste. REVIZEE Relatório, Avaliação do Potencial Sustentável de Recursos Vivos na zona econômica exclusiva, Volume II, 246 p.
, Isaac-Nahum 2006ISAAC-NAHUM VJ. 2006. Explotação e manejo dos recursos pesqueiros do litoral amazônico: um desafio para o futuro. Ciênc Cult São Paulo 58: 33-36., Lessa 2006LESSA RP. 2006. Recursos Vivos na Zona Econômica Exclusiva. In: Programa Revizee (Ed), Avaliação Do Potencial Sustentável de Recursos Vivos Na Zona Econômica Exclusiva, 304 p., Almeida et al. 2007ALMEIDA ZS, DA SILVA CML, CAVALCANTE AN, PAZ AC, SANTOS NB & GONÇALVES FS. 2007. Contribuição à conservação e manejo do peixe serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Collette Russo & Zavalla-Camin, 1978) (Osteichtyes, Scombridae) no Estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPENE 15: 87-97., Espírito-Santo & Isaac 2012ESPÍRITO-SANTO RV & ISAAC VJ. 2012. Desembarques da Pesca de Pequena Escala no Município de Bragança - PA, Brasil: Esforço e Produção. Bol do Laboratório Hidrobiol 25: 31-48., Palheta et al. 2016PALHETA MKS, CAÑETE VR & CARDOSO DM. 2016. Mulher e mercado: Participação e conhecimentos femininos na inserção de novas espécies de pescado no mercado e na dieta alimentar dos pescadores da RESEX Mãe Grande em Curuçá (PA). Bol Mus Para Emílio Goeldi Cienc Hum 11(3): 601-619.
, Leão et al. 2019LEÃO SAS, FURTADO-JUNIOR I, ABRUNHOSA FA & SILVA JA. 2019. Análise Histórico De CPUES Padronizadas da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Pisces: Scombridae) Desembarcada no Estado do Pará - Costa Amazônica. Bol Técnico Científico do CEPNOR 18: 23.
). In the southern region, catches of smaller individuals as bycatches are also a matter of concern, especially their presence in trawl catches (Nobrega 2018NOBREGA RA. 2018. Condição reprodutiva da cavala, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, capturada no litoral do Paraná. Monografia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 37 p. (Unpublished).
, Afonso & Chaves 2021AFONSO MG & CHAVES PT. 2021. A pesca de emalhe costeiro de pequena escala no litoral do Paraná: um estudo de caso para a conservação. Rev CEPSUL Biodiversidade e Conserv Mar 10: 1-18. cepsul.v10.1754e2021001. cepsul....
). In the most recent national list of endangered species, using a IUNC method, the Brazilian assessment considered that S. brasiliensis presented low concern (Brasil 2018BRASIL. 2018. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade. Livro Vermelho da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçada de Extinção: Volume I, Brasília, 492 p.).

A third aspect of interference with fishing is the anthropogenic impact on the marine environment. Factors such as pollution, climate change (Cheung et al. 2013CHEUNG WWL, WATSON R & PAULY D. 2013. Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature 497: 365-368.
, Steneck & Pauly 2019STENECK RS & PAULY D. 2019. Fishing through the Anthropocene. Curr Biol 29: R987-R992.
) and exotic species also play an important role affecting marine environments (Halpern et al. 2008HALPERN BS ET AL. 2008. A Global Map of Human Impact on Marine Ecosystems. Science 319(5865): 948-952.
, Magris et al. 2020MAGRIS RA ET AL. 2020. A blueprint for securing Brazil’s marine biodiversity and supporting the achievement of global conservation goals. Divers Distrib 27: 198-215.
) and consequently their fisheries. In Brazil, the Coastal Vulnerability Index, which considers socioecological factors relating to fishing activity, suggests that most states are in a vulnerable situation, especially in the northern and northeastern regions (Silva et al. 2019SILVA MRO, PENNINO MG & LOPES PFM. 2019. Social-ecological trends: managing the vulnerability of coastal fishing communities. Ecol Soc 24: art4.
). In the northeastern region, low quality-of-life indicators among S. brasiliensis fishermen have been registered (Mourão et al. 2014MOURÃO KRM, ESPÍRITO-SANTO RV, SILVA BB, ALMEIDA MC, ISAAC VJ, FREDOU T & FRÉDOU FL. 2014. A Pesca da Serra Scomberomorus brasiliensis e Alternativas para o seu Manejo no Litoral Nordeste do Pará – Brasil. In: Haimovici M, Andriguetto Filho JM & Sunye PS (Eds), A Pesca Marinha e Estuarina No Brasil A Pesca Marinha e Estuarina No Brasil Estudos de Caso Multidisciplinares, Editora da FURG, Rio Grande, p. 171-179.). Thus, factors other than fishing activities that place fish resources at risk, linked to socioeconomic factors and environmental pressure factors, may be preponderant, compared with the fishing effort that is applied.

The CPUE analysis did not show any significant variation over the years. This indicated that the fish stock had not become compromised, although this analysis indicated fluctuations and a tendency towards a decline. The trend observed can be explained by the shoaling characteristics of the species and may also have been associated with climatic and/or oceanographic influences. Comparison of fishing in the northern/northeastern and southeastern/southern regions is hampered by the lag in recent information for the northern/northeastern regions. However, given the distinct harvest behaviors and reproductive periods, it is possible that there are distinct populations between the northern/northeastern and southeastern/southern regions. A population dynamics study showed that the population in Paraná could be considered to be not directly related to the northeastern Brazilian group (Chaves et al. 2021CHAVES PT, BIRNFELD PO & VAZ-DOS-SANTOS AM. 2021. Population dynamics of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from a small-scale fishery off Southern Brazil. Ocean Coast Res 69: 1-17.

Even though the need for management of artisanal fisheries, especially with regard to the main resources, as is the case here, was first pointed out more than fifteen years ago (Isaac-Nahum 2006ISAAC-NAHUM VJ. 2006. Explotação e manejo dos recursos pesqueiros do litoral amazônico: um desafio para o futuro. Ciênc Cult São Paulo 58: 33-36.), no initiatives for fishery management on a national scale have so far been implemented. On the contrary, with successive changes in administrative portfolios and institutional de-structuring, there have been insufficient actions to revert the vulnerability of the fishing communities or promote sustainable management (de Azevedo & Pierri 2014DE AZEVEDO NT & PIERRI N. 2014. A política pesqueira no Brasil (2003-2011): a escolha pelo crescimento produtivo e o lugar da pesca artesanal. Desenvolv e Meio Ambient 32: 61-80.
, Mendonça et al. 2018MENDONÇA JT, CAMPANHA PMGC, MACHADO IC & SILVA MHC. 2018. Emprego de métodos participativos, qualitativos e mistos na pesquisa voltada para a gestão pesqueira no Brasil. In: Anais Congresso Ibero-Americano Em Investigação Qualitativa, p. 54-88., Gonçalves-Neto et al. 2021GONÇALVES-NETO JB, GOYANNA FAA, FEITOSA CV & SOARES MO. 2021. A sleeping giant: the historically neglected Brazilian fishing sector. Ocean Coast Manag 209: 105699.

Brazilian restrictions to drift gillnets were implemented with a view to reducing incidental catches, especially of large mammals, while disregarding the situation of fish stocks. This is an example of top-down management measures, without participation by the people involved, and this model has been highly criticized for its inefficiency and criminalization of artisanal fishing (Pauly 2006PAULY D. 2006. Major Trends in Small-Scale Marine Fisheries, with Emphasis on Developing Countries, and Some Implication fro Social Sciences. Marit Stud 4: 7-22., Salas et al. 2007SALAS S, CHUENPAGDEE R, SEIJO JC & CHARLES A. 2007. Challenges in the assessment and management of small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fish Res 87: 5-16.
, Begossi 2010BEGOSSI A. 2010. Small-scale fisheries in Latin America: management models and challenges. Mast 9: 7-31.). Incidental capture of other species is a global reality, but greater success in reducing this is being achieved through technological measures of adaptation of nets, management strategies and fishing agreements, in a participative and adaptive way (Folke et al. 2005FOLKE C, HAHN T, OLSSON P & NORBERG J. 2005. Adaptive Governance of Social-Ecological Systems. Annu Rev Environ Resour 30: 441-473.
, Tixier et al. 2015TIXIER P, VACQUIE GARCIA J, GASCO N, DUHAMEL G & GUINET C. 2015. Mitigating killer whale depredation on demersal longline fisheries by changing fishing practices. ICES J Mar Sci 72: 1610-1620.
, 2020TIXIER P, LEA MA, HINDELL MA, WELSFORD D, MAZÉ C, GOURGUET S & ARNOULD JPY. 2020. When large marine predators feed on fisheries catches: Global patterns of the depredation conflict and directions for coexistence. Fish Fish 22(1): 31-53.
, Cummings et al. 2019CUMMINGS CR, LEA MA & LYLE JM. 2019. Fur seals and fisheries in Tasmania: an integrated case study of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence. Biol Conserv 236: 532-542.
, Guerra 2019GUERRA AS. 2019. Wolves of the Sea: Managing human-wildlife conflict in an increasingly tense ocean. Mar Policy 99: 369-373.
, Hamilton & Baker 2019HAMILTON S & BAKER GB. 2019. Technical mitigation to reduce marine mammal bycatch and entanglement in commercial fishing gear: lessons learnt and future directions. Rev Fish Biol Fish 29: 223-247.
). Furthermore, a study on monitoring of encircling gillnets did not register any incidental capture (Madeira et al. 2018MADEIRA JA, MULLER BR, MEDEIROS R, GIRALDI AC, MENDONÇA JT, ALVITE C, STEENBOCK W & CORRE FM. 2018. Termo de Compromisso: Conciliação permite a pesca em unidade de proteção integral recém-criada pelo poder legislativo. In: ICMBio (Ed), Boas Práticas Na Gestão de Unidades de Conservação, Brasília, p. 149-152.).

Through the example of what occurs in Ilhas do Currais National Marine Park, it is possible see a potential for adaptive and participative management. However, this still needs to be consolidated and assessed against national demands. It is important to highlight that this management approach, even if it is not a panacea, has brought positive results to management of artisanal fisheries (Jentoft 2005JENTOFT S. 2005. Fisheries co-management as empowerment. Mar Policy 29: 1-7.
, Olsson et al. 2007OLSSON P, FOLKE C, GALAZ V, HAHN T & SCHULTZ L. 2007. Enhancing the fit through adaptive co-management: creating and maintaining bridging functions for matching scales in the Kristianstads Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve Sweden. Ecol Soc 12(1): 28., Begossi 2010BEGOSSI A. 2010. Small-scale fisheries in Latin America: management models and challenges. Mast 9: 7-31., 2014, Biggs et al. 2010BIGGS R, WESTLEY FR & CARPENTER SR. 2010. Navigating the Back Loop: Fostering Social Innovation and Transformation in Ecosystem Management. Ecol Soc 15(2): 9., Medeiros et al. 2014MEDEIROS RP, SERAFINI TZ & MCCONNEY P. 2014. Fortalecendo o ecosystem stewardship na pesca artesanal: perspectivas para a América Latina e Caribe. Desenvolv e Meio Ambient 32: 181-191.
, Mozumder et al. 2020MOZUMDER MMH, PYHÄLÄ A, WAHAB MA, SARKKI S, SCHNEIDER P & ISLAM MM. 2020. Governance and power dynamics in a small-scale hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) fishery: A case study from Bangladesh. Applied Sciences Switzerland 12(14): 1-24.
). Moreover, these management approaches can include measures to enhance the value of artisanal fisheries, such as payment for environmental services (Begossi et al. 2011BEGOSSI A, MAY PH, LOPES PF, OLIVEIRA LEC, DA VINHA V & SILVANO RAM. 2011. Compensation for environmental services from artisanal fisheries in SE Brazil: Policy and technical strategies. Ecol Econ 71: 25-32.
, Begossi 2014BEGOSSI A. 2014. Ecological, cultural, and economic approaches to managing artisanal fisheries. Environ Dev Sustain 16: 5-34.
, Bladon et al. 2016BLADON AJ, SHORT KM, MOHAMMED EY & MILNER-GULLAND EJ. 2016. Payments for ecosystem services in developing world fisheries. Fish Fish 17: 839-859.

Furthermore, it needs to be considered that fish stocks also suffer other interferences relating to the contexts of climate change, increased pollution and intensification of use of the coastal zone. Regarding fishing activity, the context of socioeconomic vulnerability observed in other studies also suggests that there is a need for a management system capable of dealing with the complexity of the current situation.


To the fishermen and fisherwomen who voluntarily collaborate with fisheries monitoring. To São Paulo Fishing Activity Monitoring Program (PMAP-SP) team and Paraná Fishing Monitoring Project (PMAP-PR) team for their work and dedication. This research had a financial support from Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, as part of Environmental License, through to Fishery Monitoring Program, contract 2400.0101918.16.2, development by Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa do Agronegócio and Instituto de Pesca.


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    21 Nov 2022
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    1 June 2021
  • Accepted
    15 Feb 2022
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