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64th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology is the largest in SBC's history


64th Brazilian congress of cardiology is the largest in SBC's history

Antonio Carlos Palandri Chagas

President of SBC

Mailing address Mailing address: Antonio Carlos Palandri Chagas Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160/330, Centro 20020-907, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil E-mail:

This was the largest congress in the history of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC)!

I am very proud to inform that this is what we gained with the 64th. edition of the Brazilian Congress of Cardiology.

We had more than 6,500 registrations - more precisely, there were 6,598 participants - and we also broke the record of abstracts submitted and pre-applications, representing an increase of 23% and approximately 10%, respectively, in comparison to 2008.

We did not achieve these figures by chance. The large attendance to our congress stemmed from the wide variety of the 306 activities programmed, which was the most the Bahia Convention Center facilities could hold. These activities were carried out by the 621 invited speakers, of whom 587 were Brazilians and 34 were from Europe, Africa, and North, Central and South America.

With broad themes addressing aspects of Chagas Disease, in celebration of the centenary of its description, and the impact of cardiovascular diseases on globalization, we took advantage of the presence of worldwide renowned speakers to promote a privileged scientific discussion forum and undoubtedly provide one more important opportunity of top quality continuing education.

Parallel to this vast program, we should also point out the almost 20 sessions dedicated to the discussion of SBC's guidelines for the clinical practice, countless editions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses, in addition to specialty forums, such as those on psychology, nutrition, nursing and physical therapy.

Also, we cannot help mentioning the events addressing this publication - the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology (Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia) - and other periodicals of the cardiovascular area, which included the presence of Fernando Alfonso and Fausto Pinto, chief-editors of the Spanish and Portuguese Cardiology Journal, respectively. Equally important were the activities developed by the Museum of the Heart, whose II Itinerant Exhibit received more than six thousand visitors among congress participants, students from public and private schools, and special groups. As a result of the success of attendance, the collection will be on display until October 12, at Salvador Mall.

This is one of the examples of the local impact of holding such a large event as was the 64th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, which put into motion a whole productive chain far beyond the medical-scientific community. The congress is estimated to have boosted hotel occupancy by 20% in Salvador, with an average of 30 thousand days of hotel stay. These figures reflected on the whole service segment and may result in a 50% increase in local tax collection on goods and services, thus showing that business tourism is more profitable than leisure tourism.

No doubt we all have a lot to celebrate, especially if we recall that the 64th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology was held shortly after the ESC Congress 2009, in which Brazil was outstandingly represented by 637 participants, the largest foreign group among non-member countries of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Until the end of this year and, consequently, of this administration, there is still a lot to be accomplished: the ABC Scientific Publication Award, now in its fifth edition, and Highlights SBC 2009, one more international event that will be held by our society for the first time. This event will endow the year of 2009 with a top level review of the most important facts that occurred in terms of cardiology worldwide. This will surely be a highly relevant forum with a review of the major advances in our specialty in the past two years. So, please accept our invitation: we're counting on meeting you there!

  • Mailing address:
    Antonio Carlos Palandri Chagas
    Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160/330, Centro
    20020-907, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      24 Nov 2009
    • Date of issue
      Oct 2009
    Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil