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Factors associated with the birth of children of immigrants in southern Brazil



To identify factors associated with the birth of children of immigrants in southern Brazil.


This is a cross-sectional study with data on births that occurred in the state of Paraná, from 2014 to 2019, obtained from the Live Birth Information System. The step wise forward method, Poisson multiple regression and Prevalence Ratios (PR) were used in the analysis, being considered when p ≤ 0.005.


Of the 948,316 births, 12,665 (1.33%) were children of immigrants. Factors associated with the birth of children of immigrants were: mother’s age between 20 and 34 years (PR: 1.36; CI: 1.20-1.55), non-white race/color (PR: 1.90; CI: 1.77-2.03), higher education (PR: 2.15; CI: 1.97-2.34), four living children (PR: 0.58; CI: 0.45-0.74). The associated perinatal characteristics were late onset of prenatal care, in the second trimester (PR:1.29; CI:1.16-1.43) and in the third trimester (PR: 2.14; CI: 1.73-2.65), pelvic or foot presentation (PR: 0.74; CI: 0.63-0.86), Apgar <7 in the 1st minute (PR: 1.30; CI: 1.14-1.47), absence of previous cesarean delivery (PR:1.20; CI:1.12-1.28) and low birth weight (PR: 0.79; CI: 0.70-0.90). They were also associated with factors, father age, responsible for filling out the statement and the category of ignored data in different variables.


The main factors associated with the birth of children of immigrants were: higher education, lower ratio of cesarean delivery and low birth weight newborns, lower Apgar score at the 1st minute, late start of prenatal care and number of variables ignored when filling out the statement, signaling specificities of immigrants to be considered in planning the health actions, especially regarding early access to prenatal care services.

Emigrants and immigrants; Prenatal care; Perinatal care; Social support



Identificar fatores associados ao nascimento de filhos de imigrantes na região Sul do Brasil.


Estudo transversal com dados sobre nascimentos ocorridos no estado do Paraná, de 2014 a 2019, obtidos no Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos. Na análise foi utilizado o método step wise forward, regressão múltipla de Poisson e Razões de Prevalência (RP), sendo considerado quando p ≤ 0,005.


Dos 948.316 nascimentos, 12.665 (1,33%) eram filhos de imigrantes. Os fatores associados ao nascimento de filhos de imigrantes foram: idade da mãe entre 20 e 34 anos (RP:1,36; IC:1,20-1,55), raça/cor não branca (RP:1,90; IC:1,77-2,03), maior escolaridade (RP:2,15; IC:1,97-2,34), quatro filhos vivos (RP: 0,58; IC: 0,45-0,74). As características perinatais associadas foram o início tardio do pré-natal, no segundo trimestre (RP:1,29; IC:1,16-1,43) e no terceiro trimestre (RP:2,14; IC:1,73-2,65), apresentação pélvica ou podálica (RP: 0,74; IC: 0,63-0,86), apgar <7 no 1º minuto (RP:1,30; IC:1,14-1,47), ausência de parto cesáreo anterior (RP:1,20; IC:1,12-1,28); e baixo peso ao nascer (RP:0,79; IC:0,70-0,90). Também apresentaram associação aos fatores, idade do pai, responsável pelo preenchimento da declaração, e a categoria de dados ignorados em distintas variáveis.


Os principais fatores associados ao nascimento de filhos de imigrantes foram: maior escolaridade, menor proporção de parto cesáreo e de recém-nascidos com baixo peso, apgar mais baixo no 1º minuto, início tardio do pré-natal e número de variáveis ignoradas no preenchimento da declaração, sinalizando especificidades das imigrantes a serem consideradas no planejamento das ações de saúde, sobretudo quanto ao acesso precoce aos serviços de atenção pré-natal.

Emigrantes e imigrantes; Cuidado pré-natal; Assistência perinatal; Suporte social



Identificar factores asociados al nacimiento de hijos de inmigrantes en la región sur de Brasil.


Estudio transversal con datos sobre nacimientos ocurridos en el estado de Paraná, de 2014 a 2019, obtenidos del Sistema de Información de Nacidos Vivos. En el análisis se utilizó el método step wise forward, regresión múltiple de Poisson y Razón de prevalencia (RP), considerado cuando p ≤ 0,005.


De los 948.316 nacimientos, 12.665 (1,33 %) eran hijos de inmigrantes. Los factores asociados al nacimiento de hijos de inmigrantes fueron: edad de la madre entre 20 y 34 años (RP:1,36; IC:1,20-1,55), raza/color no blanco (RP:1,90; IC:1,77-2,03), mayor escolaridad (RP:2,15; IC:1,97-2,34), cuatro hijos vivos (RP: 0,58; IC: 0,45-0,74). Las características perinatales asociadas fueron: comienzo tardío del control prenatal, en el segundo trimestre (RP:1,29; IC:1,16-1,43) y en el tercer trimestre (RP:2,14; IC:1,73-2,65), presentación pélvica o podálica (RP: 0,74; IC: 0,63-0,86), Apgar <7 en el primer minuto (RP:1,30; IC:1,14-1,47), ausencia de parto por cesárea anterior (RP:1,20; IC:1,12-1,28); y bajo peso al nacer (RP:0,79; IC:0,70-0,90). También se demostró asociación con los factores: edad del padre, responsable de completar la declaración y la categoría de datos ignorados en distintas variables.


Los principales factores asociados al nacimiento de hijos de inmigrantes fueron: mayor escolaridad, menor proporción de parto por cesárea y de recién nacidos con bajo peso, Apgar más bajo en el primer minuto, comienzo tardío del control prenatal y número de variables ignoradas al completar la declaración, lo que indica especificidades de las inmigrantes que deben ser consideradas en la planificación de acciones de salud, sobre todo con relación al acceso temprano a los servicios de atención prenatal.

Emigrantes e inmigrantes; Atención prenatal; Atención perinatal; Apoyo social


Contemporary migratory processes are a global phenomenon and have been acquiring specific shapes in each continent. In Brazil, at the beginning of this century, there has been an increase in immigration of people from various countries for very different reasons and conditions. Although Brazil is not yet considered a country of immigration and emigration, the set of problems related to immigrants’ health continues to mobilize policies, services and the academic sector.(11. Martin D, Goldberg A, Silveira C. Imigração, refúgio e saúde: perspectivas de análise sociocultural. Saúde Soc. 2018;27(1):26-36.)

In this regard, it is worth noting that the sociopolitical contexts and social processes that migrants commonly go through produce unfavorable conditions for the care and maintenance of health. It is estimated that women represent approximately half of the world’s billion migrants,(22. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Trends in International Migrant Stock: the 2015 Revision. United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs; 2015 [cited 2021 July 29]. Available from:
) and the effects of migration on their health are varied, unpredictable, and determined by factors such as conditions that led them to migration, characteristics of the health services that assist them, and status in the host society.(33. Bianco A, Larosa E, Pileggi C, Nobile CG. Cervical and breast cancer screening participation and utilisation of maternal health services: a cross-sectional study among immigrant women in Southern Italy. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e016306.)

With regard to maternal and child care, it is observed that reducing inequities is a challenge for public health and society, especially for the most vulnerable population.(44. Saunders M, Barr B, McHavle P, Hamelmann C. Key policies for addressing the social determinants of health and health inequities. Geneva: WHO; 2017 [cited 2021 July 29]. Available from:
) A study showed that when comparing the determinants of maternal healthcare for migrants with the native population, social, economic, behavioral and environmental factors explain the worst results among them in terms of premature birth, congenital anomalies, low birth weight, growth restriction fetal and infant mortality.(55. Gibson-Helm ME, Teede HJ, Cheng IH, Block AA, Knight M, East CE, et al. Maternal health and pregnancy outcomes comparing migrant women born in humanitarian and nonhumanitarian source countries: a retrospective, observational study. Birth. 2015;42(2):116-24.)

However, contradictory results are found worldwide in relation to perinatal health, such as higher risk of stillbirth,(66. Mozooni M, Preen DB, Pennell CE. Stillbirth in Western Australia, 2005–2013: the influence of maternal migration and ethnic origin. Med J Aust. 2018;209(9):394-400.)higher risk of premature birth(77. Bakken KS, Skjeldal OH, Stray-pedersen B. Immigrants from conflict-zone countries: an observational comparison study of obstetric outcomes in a low-risk maternity ward in Norway. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015;15(1):163-75.) and lower risk of pre-eclampsia(88. Nilsen RM, Vik ES, Rasmussen SA, Rhonda S, Moster D, Schytt E, et al. Preeclampsia by maternal reasons for immigration: a population-based study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2018;18(1):423-32.) among immigrants. It is worth considering that linguistic, social, political and economic barriers result in less access to health systems and greater morbidity, which may interfere with immigrants’ maternal and perinatal health.(99. Chu DM, Aagaard J, Levitt R, Whitham M, Mastrobattista J, Rac M, et al. Cohort analysis of immigrant rhetoric on timely and regular access of prenatal care. Obstet Gynecol. 2019;133(1):117-28.)

It is observed, then, that different factors related to immigration status expose this population to greater risks. Although, among immigrants, women use health services more, as was identified in relation to Haitian immigrants in center-western Brazil,(1010. Gomes SP, Carvalho M, Baltazar MM. Profile of foreigners and brazilians assisted by dentistry in basic care in a border municipality. Cienc Cuid Saúde. 2019;18(2):e45946.) studies investigating the health of mother and child immigrants in Brazil are scarce and have focused on qualitative studies, aiming to recover the female presence in the immigration process, addressing the daily experiences, work activities and cultural background of immigrant women,(1111. Matos MI, Truzzi O, Conceição CF. Mulheres imigrantes: presença e ocultamento (interiores de São Paulo, 1880-1930). Rev Bras Estud Popul. 2018;35(3):e0045.) and also to understand the experiences lived by immigrant women during healthcare in their pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.(1212. Yajahuanca E. A experiência de gravidez, parto e pós-parto das imigrantes bolivianas e seus desencontros na cidade de São Paulo – Brasil [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2015.)

Therefore, there is a gap in relation to measuring the occurrence of births of immigrants in Brazil, which helps to understand the results of maternal and perinatal health that impact the lives of women and their children. Given this scenario, this study aimed to identify factors associated with the birth of children of immigrants in southern Brazil.


This is a quantitative and cross-sectional study, carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) based on secondary and retrospective data referring to all births of residents in the state of Paraná, Brazil, which occurred in the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2019. The time frame considered that, in 2014, the number of immigrants exceeded statistical projections(1313. Uebel RR, Rückert AA. Aspectos gerais da dinâmica imigratória no Brasil no século XXI. In: Seminário “Migrações Internacionais, Refúgio e Políticas”, 4., 2016, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: Memorial da América Latina; 2016 [citado 2021 Jul 29]. Disponível em:
) and that 2019 was the most recent year completed, minimizing the variability of data referring to the year of birth registration.

The data used are available in the Information System on Live Births (SINASC - Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos), according to the year of birth. However, to access other important variables, including the mother’s birthplace, the complete database provided by the 15th Regional Health Department of the state of Paraná was used.

The “mother’s naturalness” was defined as a dependent variable, recategorized as “immigrant” women born outside Brazil, and “Brazilian” the woman born in any Brazilian municipality. In turn, independent variables were:

  1. Maternal: age (<20 years, from 20 to 34 years; from 35 years and over), education (< eight years, ≥ eight years), ethnicity (white, other ethnicities), occupation (according to the large groups of the Brazilian Occupation Classification – CBO (Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações)), marital status (with a partner, without a partner) and number of children (1, 2, 3 and 4 or more);

  2. Paternal: age (full years, categorized into seven age groups);

  3. Prenatal care and delivery characteristics: year of birth, gestational age at the beginning of prenatal care (first, second or third trimester), number of prenatal visits (none, 1 to 2, 3 to 6, 7 or more), birthplace (hospital, others), type of delivery (cesarean, vaginal), induced labor (yes, no), cesarean section prior to labor (yes, no), professional who attended the birth (doctor, nurse/midwife, others), professional who completed the SLB (doctor, nurse, midwife, clerk, others) and type of birth financing (public, private);

  4. Newborn: sex (male, female), birth weight (<2,500g, ≥2,500g), Apgar score at the 1st (<7, ≥7) and 5th minute (<7, ≥7), gestational age (< 37 weeks, ≥ 37 weekly), congenital malformations (yes, no) and presentation (cephalic, pelvic or foot and transverse).

To identify the variable type of childbirth financing not available in the database, initially the “birth establishment code” entered in the database was consulted in the Brazilian National Register of Health Establishments (CNES - Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde) and identified the one that did not assist the Unified Health System (SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde). Among those who assisted, the legal nature was consulted and then, among the total obstetric beds available, the ratio reserved for SUS was identified. The financing of childbirth was classified in public or private, and the establishments with mixed care were classified as public when the majority of beds (80% or more) were SUS.

Statistical data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20. For the description of the data, absolute and relative frequency distributions were verified, with presentation of means. Pearson’s chi-square test was performed in bivariate (simple) analysis, and the variables that presented a value of p<0.20 were inserted, using the step wise forward selection method in the Poisson multiple regression analysis with robust estimation (variance). The Prevalence Ratio (PR) was used as a measure of association, with a 95% confidence interval. The significance was established when p ≤ 0.05 for the maintenance of the variables in the multiple model for all tests.

The research was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, under Opinion 3.032.650/2018.


The number of births in the state of Paraná during the study period was 948,316, of which 12,665 (1.33%) were immigrant mothers. There was a 27.4% increase in the number of immigrant births between 2014 (1,917) and 2019 (2,424), with a higher ratio between 2018 (1.47%) and 2019 (1.60%). The foreign mothers were from 108 different countries, coming from the five continents, demonstrating the diversity of immigration received.

The mean age of Brazilian mothers was 26.9 years, with no difference compared to immigrant mothers (27 years). However, there is a different distribution when commencing the ratio of births according to maternal age, because the ratio of women who had children in the age group considered ideal (20 to 34 years) was significantly higher among immigrants (PR: 1.36; p<0.001).

In addition to age, other maternal characteristics that were associated, in order to make up the multiple model that explains the birth profile of immigrants in Paraná, were: race/non-white color (PR:1.90; p<0.001), schooling equal to or greater than eight years (PR: 2.15; p<0.001), more living children (PR: 0.58; p<0.001) and late onset of prenatal care in the second (PR: 2,14; p<0.001) and third trimester (PR: 1.97; p<0.001).

It is noteworthy that 76.2% of Brazilian women declared themselves white, while among immigrants this percentage was lower (53.7%). Although immigrant women had higher education, data not contained in the tables show that, in a greater ratio than Brazilian women, they performed low-paying activities (55.6% x 44.6%). An average number of 8.9 prenatal consultations was observed among immigrants and the mean gestational age of prenatal onset of 5.4 months, i.e., they started late prenatal care.

As for perinatal characteristics, the following variables were included in the model: pelvic/foot presentation (PR: 0.74; p<0.001) and transverse (PR: 0.50; p=0.016), absence of cesarean delivery before the current delivery (PR: 1.20; p<0.001), Apgar at the 1st minute < 7 points (PR: 1.30; p<0.001) and low birth weight (PR: 0.79; p<0.001) (Table 1).

Table 1
Poisson multiple regression model and Prevalence Ratios of factors associated with immigrant birth, Paraná State

Cesarean section was the most frequent mode of delivery in both groups, however, with the highest percentage among Brazilian women (62.3% x 56.9%). When the mode of delivery was compared with the baby’s low birth weight, it was observed that, regardless of the mother’s birthplace, low weight was higher in cesarean births and with a higher ratio among Brazilian women (64.3% x 55.6%). In turn, the profile of women with a previous cesarean section shows that, regardless of birthplace (Brazilian mother and immigrant), most of them were aged between 20 and 34 years (72.4% and 78.3%), were white. (79.1% and 64.8%), with education greater than or equal to eight years of study (88.8% and 79.4), without previous vaginal delivery (83.1% and 80.9%), started prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy (90, 2% and 86%), had seven or more prenatal consultations (88.3% and 79.6%) and the delivery was not induced (93.1% and 94.5%). Regarding the type of financing for childbirth, it was found that 59.8% of births occurred in public maternity hospitals, and 18.1% in private maternity hospitals. It is noteworthy that in 22.1% of the remaining births, it was not possible to categorize the type of birth financing due to inconsistency or lack of data. The following variables were also included in the model: father’s age and the professional who filled out the Statement of Live Birth. The father’s age was associated with the birth of a child of immigrants, so that the older the age group, the higher the PR values. Nurses and other professionals were the ones who most filled the Statement of Live Birth, and this activity was performed in a higher percentage by nurses in relation to immigrants (47.3%) than by Brazilians (41.1%). In both groups, the hospital was the place where childbirth occurred in its entirety (99%). The lack of information regarding marital status, education, prenatal trimester and fetal presentation at delivery among the immigrants is noteworthy, as for most of these variables, statistically significant results and considerable PR values were observed, as in the case of ignored education (PR: 8.04). In contrast, data on cesarean delivery prior to labor were more frequently ignored in relation to births to children of Brazilian mothers (PR: 0.77).


The limitations of the study are related to the use of a secondary database, subject to incomplete records and with predetermined variables, which made it impossible to explore important information in the context of immigration, including time of residence in Brazil, being or non-refugee and socioeconomic status. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of immigrant populations in the researched region made the analysis by ethnic group unfeasible. However, when analyzing the associated factors, it was possible to insert the variable “year of birth”, which allowed for a better adjustment of the model and a reduction in the bias related to the time frame. Thus, the results found are valid and can trigger reflections on existing public policies, in addition to directing the performance and actions in the maternal and child area, especially for nurses who are on the front line of care, in order to meet the specific needs of immigrant women.

It is noteworthy that the research results point to disparities between immigrants and Brazilians in relation to maternal-fetal characteristics, which should be considered in the planning of health actions, especially in the pregnancy-puerperal period. It was observed, for example, that immigrant women who had children in the study period were associated with education greater than or equal to eight years of study, aged between 20 and 34 years and non-white color, which corroborates the results of studies carried out in Australia(66. Mozooni M, Preen DB, Pennell CE. Stillbirth in Western Australia, 2005–2013: the influence of maternal migration and ethnic origin. Med J Aust. 2018;209(9):394-400.) and Belgium,(1414. Sow M, Racape J, Schoenborn C, Spiegelaere M. Is the socioeconomic status of immigrant mothers in Brussels relevant to predict their risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes?. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2018;18(1):422-33.)which indicated a lower risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes among immigrants.

In contrast, a study carried out in Turkey, which analyzed 7,115 births of native and immigrant women, found that the latter had lower age and educational level.(1515. Madendag IC, Sahin ME, Madendag Y, Sahin E, Demir MB, Ozdemir F, et al. The Effect of Immigration on Adverse Perinatal Outcomes: Analysis of Experiences at a Turkish Tertiary Hospital. Biomed research international. 2019;5(1):2326797.) These differences show that the profile of immigrants varies between countries and can be influenced by immigration policies and the socioeconomic level of immigrant women.

The ratio of women with higher education among immigrants stands out in this study. It is important to consider that the organization of the educational system differs between the various countries, making it difficult to standardize this information for the format collected in the Statement of Live Birth. However, one must consider the possibility that they have already emigrated with more years of study, including undergraduate and graduate courses, as a study with African immigrants in Brazil pointed to a considerable presence of immigrants with complete higher education, especially in the southern region.(1616. Baeninger R, Demétrico NB, Domeniconi JO. Espaços das migrações transnacionais: perfil sociodemográfico de imigrantes da África para o Brasil no século XXI. Rev Interdiscip Mobil Hum. 2019;27(56):35-60.)

Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the immigrants under study had low-paid work activities, which corroborates the results of a study carried out with Haitian immigrants in southern Brazil, which found that the jobs they have are informal activities and not related to the training obtained in the country of origin.(1717. Reis NO, Lucena MP. Vozes silenciadas: sobre trabalho, gênero e ensinoaprendizagem de português na vivência de mães procedentes do Haiti no Sul do Brasil. Polifonia. 2019;26(44):1-163.) These circumstances, characterized as stressful, can have a negative impact on the progress of the pregnancy and on mothers’ and newborns’ health.(1515. Madendag IC, Sahin ME, Madendag Y, Sahin E, Demir MB, Ozdemir F, et al. The Effect of Immigration on Adverse Perinatal Outcomes: Analysis of Experiences at a Turkish Tertiary Hospital. Biomed research international. 2019;5(1):2326797.)

The beginning of prenatal care among immigrant women occurred late, which is worrying, as studies show an association between the late start of prenatal care and low birth weight.(1818. Falcão IR, Ribeiro-Silva R, Almeida MF, Fiaccone RL, Rocha AS, Ortelan N, et al. Factors associated with low birth weight at term: a population-based linkage study of the 100 million Brazilian cohort. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020;20e536.,1919. Alemu A, Abageda M, Assefa B, Melaku G. Low birth weight: prevalence and associated factors among newborns at hospitals in Kambata-Tembaro zone, southern Ethiopia 2018. Pan Afr Med J. 2019;34:68.) However, in the present study, although the immigrants started prenatal care after the first trimester of pregnancy, their children had a lower ratio of low birth weight compared to Brazilian women, which indicates that other variables may have influenced this result, opening possibilities for further studies in order to elucidate this relationship.

It is noteworthy that the late start of prenatal care may indicate the existence of barriers in accessing health services. It is noteworthy that, similar to what happens with the Brazilian population, immigrant women seek health services more than men.(1010. Gomes SP, Carvalho M, Baltazar MM. Profile of foreigners and brazilians assisted by dentistry in basic care in a border municipality. Cienc Cuid Saúde. 2019;18(2):e45946.) However, linguistic issues and issues related to the behavior of professionals who assist them can hinder the access of immigrants to maternal and child care.(2020. Sanchalika A, Teresa J. Risk of gestational diabetes among south asian immigrants living in new jersey--a retrospective data review. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2015;2(4):510-6.)

In Spain, a study carried out with immigrant women from sub-Saharan Africa revealed that access to healthcare in the Basque country was limited by institutional barriers, which included disrespect for rights, lack of documentation and difficulties in complying with legal access conditions. Immigrants’ poor communication with the health center staff and the professionals’ attitude, guided by a stereotyped social image of immigrants and blacks, also hampered the quality of care.(2121. Pérez-Urdiales I, Goicolea I, Sebastián MS, Irazusta A, Linander I. Sub-Saharan African immigrant women’s experiences of (lack of) access to appropriate healthcare in the public health system in the Basque Country, Spain. Int J Equity Health. 2019;18(1):59.)

In this sense, studies point to the need to develop the capacity for intercultural communication between professionals and immigrants.(2222. Oetterli M, Laubereau B, Krongrava P, Esig S, Studer, C. Unterstützung von hausärzten/-innenbei der behandlung von patienten/-innenmit migration shinter grund: situations analyse, hand lungs bedarf und empfehlungen zu massnahmen. Interface. 2017;6(1):15-45.) Thus, to work with diversity and help overcome difficulties, intercultural interpreters play an important role(2222. Oetterli M, Laubereau B, Krongrava P, Esig S, Studer, C. Unterstützung von hausärzten/-innenbei der behandlung von patienten/-innenmit migration shinter grund: situations analyse, hand lungs bedarf und empfehlungen zu massnahmen. Interface. 2017;6(1):15-45.) and need to be inserted in the context of healthcare for immigrants. However, many countries that receive immigrants, such as Brazil, do not have these professionals in health services and, therefore, need to strive for alternatives that favor the establishment of more effective communication.

The unpreparedness of professionals to establish effective communication or use translation tools must be contextualized in a system that, for example, does not reward knowledge of non-local languages for the team and, at the same time, pressures professionals to perform a number high number of consultations in a short period of time.(2121. Pérez-Urdiales I, Goicolea I, Sebastián MS, Irazusta A, Linander I. Sub-Saharan African immigrant women’s experiences of (lack of) access to appropriate healthcare in the public health system in the Basque Country, Spain. Int J Equity Health. 2019;18(1):59.) In Brazil, public policy guarantees the access of immigrants to health services; however, communication, cultural and prejudice barriers can influence the service to this population.(2323. Barreto MS, Nascimento DG, Magini LY, Oliveira IL, Vieira VC, Marcon SS. Discourse of nurses and doctors on the use of the emergency service by immigrants. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(3):e20190003.)

These cultural issues become even more pressing in prenatal care. Inadequate care for pregnant women increases the chances of unfavorable outcomes. In the present study, the Apgar score at the first minute of less than seven was associated with the birth of children of immigrants, which corroborates the result of a cohort study carried out in Brussels, with 892 recent immigrant pregnant women who have been in the host country for less than three years old.(2424. Paquier L, Barlow P, Paesmans M, Rozenberg S. Do recent immigrants have similar obstetrical care and perinatal complications as long-term residents? A retrospective exploratory cohort study in Brussels. BMJ Open. 2020;10(3):e029683.) In this context, it is worth considering that immigration is an important risk factor for neonatal outcomes, and may be related, for example, to the time when prenatal care begins and the quality of care for this population. However, multicenter studies are needed for a better understanding of the phenomenon analyzed.

On the other hand, the prevalence of low birth weight was significantly lower among the children of immigrants, who started prenatal care later. This fact allows us to infer that, in the Brazilian context, other factors related to previous and current health conditions, such as a history of hospitalization during pregnancy(2525. Moura BL, Alencar GP, Silva ZP, Almeida MF. Internações por complicações obstétricas na gestação e desfechos maternos e perinatais, em uma coorte de gestantes no Sistema Único de Saúde no Município de São Paulo, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(1):e00188016. and socioeconomic and sanitary conditions, can more forcefully influence low birth weight.

Regarding this aspect, it is important to highlight the higher ratio of previous cesarean delivery among Brazilian women. In Brazil, cesarean rates exceed vaginal births since 2009, and remain higher until today.(2626. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Departamento de informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2019 [citado 2021 Mar 9]. Disponível em:
) Historically, the highest rates of cesarean sections in Brazil are associated with more privileged socioeconomic status, white skin color and use of private health services. On the other hand, vaginal delivery is performed more frequently in public services and in women of lower socioeconomic status,(2727. Oliveira RR, Melo EC, Novaes ES, Ferracioli PL, Mathias TA. Factors associated to Caesarean delivery in public and private health care systems. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2016;50(5):733-40.) factors found more frequently in immigrant women.

In this sense, a nationwide study showed that there is a difference between cesarean rates in relation to the source of financing for childbirth, with values expressly higher (more than double) in the private sector (87.9% x 42.9%).(2828. Nakamura-Pereira M, Carmo Leal M, Esteves-Pereira AP, Domingues RM, Torres JA, Dias MA, et al. Use of Robson classification to assess cesarean section rate in Brazil: the role of source of payment for childbirth. Reprod Health. 2016;13(3):128.) This difference, in relation to the type of financing, was also identified in a study carried out only with data from private hospitals that provide services to supplementary health operators and to SUS in center-western, northern, southeastern and southern Brazil. According to the same study, of the 91,894 births that occurred, 70.7% were by cesarean, the ratio being much higher in supplementary health (74.1% vs. 45.7%). This same study also found that the percentage of pregnant women without comorbidities who underwent cesarean section was higher in the group assisted by supplementary health (56.4%) when compared to the public service (43.6%).(2929. Silva TP, Pinheiro BL, Kitagawa KY, Couto RC, Pedrosa TM, Simão DA, et al. Influence of maternal age and hospital characteristics on the mode of delivery. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(4):e20180955.)

The justification for the difference between the types of delivery of Brazilian women is quite diverse and is related to the remuneration model offered by the supplementary health plans, the qualification of professionals and cultural factors.(2828. Nakamura-Pereira M, Carmo Leal M, Esteves-Pereira AP, Domingues RM, Torres JA, Dias MA, et al. Use of Robson classification to assess cesarean section rate in Brazil: the role of source of payment for childbirth. Reprod Health. 2016;13(3):128.)

It is important to consider that, despite the pauperization of the Brazilian population, cesarean rates are still high and on the rise. However, data from the Brazilian National Survey on Childbirth and Childbirth have already produced positive results in relation to changes in public policies on childbirth care and corresponding practices, there is still a long way to go.(3030. Leal MC. Parto e nascimento no Brasil: um cenário em processo de mudança. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(5):e00063818.)

In Germany, a study conducted in three public maternity hospitals in Berlin, through interviews with 7,100 women (2,821 first-generation immigrants, 958 second- or third-generation immigrants and 3,321 non-immigrants), showed that cesarean rates were similar for immigrants of different generations and non-immigrant women, and that indications for cesarean delivery and neonatal outcomes did not show statistically significant differences.(3131. David M, Borde T, Brenne S, Henrich W, Breckenkamp J, Razum O. Caesarean section frequency among immigrants, second- and third-generation women, and non-immigrants: prospective study in berlin/germany. PloS One. 2015;10(5):e0127489.) Thus, it is likely that the mode of delivery is more related to obstetric practices in the host country than to variables related to mothers’ naturalness.

Some studies have cited race/color to assess health inequities.(3232. Almeida AH, Gama SG, Oliveira MC, Viellas F, Martinelli KG, Leal MC. Economic and racial inequalities in the prenatal care of pregnant teenagers in Brazil, 2011-2012. Rev Bras Saúde Mater Infant. 2019;19(1):43-52.,3333. Leal MC, Gama SG, Pacheco VE, Carmo CN, Santos RV. A cor da dor: iniquidades raciais na atenção pré-natal e ao parto no Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2017;33(1):1-17.) In the present study, 76.2% of Brazilian women declared themselves white, while the percentage among immigrants was 53.7%. Analyzing the multiple ethnicities in the context of Brazilian immigration, in addition to the expressive number of black immigrants, one must consider the greater biological predisposition of black women to hypertension and diabetes mellitus,(3434. Pacheco VC, Silva JC, Mariussi AP, Lima MR, Silva TR. As influências da raça/cor nos desfechos obstétricos e neonatais desfavoráveis. Saúde Debate. 2018;42(116):125-37.)major public health problems in Brazil and in the world and which may have influenced the higher frequency of birth weight ≥ 4,000 grams in children of mothers immigrants.

The highest birth weight of children of women with a history of immigration was also found in a study carried out in Berlin with 3,002 women, 999 of whom were Vietnamese.(3535. Boxall N, David M, Schalinski E, Breckenkamp J, Razum O, Hellmeyer L. Perinatal outcome in women with a vietnamese migration background - retrospective comparative data analysis of 3000 deliveries. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2018;78(7):697-706.) It is worth considering that birth weight greater than four kilos is often found in children of women with gestational diabetes. In Australia, a study compared the perinatal outcomes of 73,517 births and found that immigrant Chinese women had four times the risk of gestational diabetes than Australian women. However, Chinese immigrants with diabetes had a lower risk of large-for-gestational-age babies,(3636. Wan CS, Abell S, Aroni R, Nankervis A, Boyle J, Teede H. Ethnic differences in prevalence, risk factors, and perinatal outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus: a comparison between immigrant ethnic Chinese women and Australian-born Caucasian women in Australia. J Diabetes. 2019;11(10):809-17.) signaling that, in addition to biological factors, other conditions should be considered in the assessment of perinatal outcomes of immigrants.

It is noteworthy that the lack of data on marital status, mother’s education and trimester of the beginning of prenatal care among immigrants indicates that the difficulty of communication can interfere with the quality of information recorded in SINASC, especially with regard to immigrant women, and, consequently, in the completeness of the information system and qualification of health surveillance analyses.


The main factors associated with the birth of immigrants’ children were: higher education, lower ratio of cesarean delivery and low birth weight newborns, lower Apgar score at the 1st minute, late start of prenatal care and number of variables ignored when filling out the declaration, signaling specificities of immigrants to be considered in the planning of health actions, especially regarding early access to prenatal care services.


This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001.


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Edited by

Associate Editor (Peer review process): Ariane Ferreira Machado Avelar ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 June 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    16 Oct 2020
  • Accepted
    25 Aug 2021
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil