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Use of the Whatsapp application in health follow-up of people with HIV: a thematic analysis

Uso de aplicación Whatsapp para seguimiento de salud de personas con VIH: un análisis temático



To investigate the statements of people living with HIV during a health follow-up through the WhatsApp® application.


A descriptive study, using a qualitative approach, was conducted with 26 people accompanied by two specialized care services for HIV/AIDS in Fortaleza, Ceará. Data were collected from September 2016 to February 2017, with participants' statements given during the online follow-up and submitted to thematic content analysis.


The following categories emerged: difficulties with treatment, antiretroviral dose delayed or missed, side effects, association between antiretroviral drugs and alcohol, use of dietary supplements and medicines, emotional changes, life habits, social rights, physical symptoms, and coping with and committing to with treatment.


Follow-up over WhatsApp® improved access to health professionals, by providing an open and immediate communication channel.

Text Messaging; Cell Phones; Communication; Nursing Care



Analizar testimonios de personas con VIH durante un seguimiento en salud utilizando la aplicación WhatsApp®.


Investigación descriptiva, de abordaje cualitativo, realizada con 26 personas con VIH atendidas en dos servicios de atención especializada en VIH/SIDA de Fortaleza, Ceará. Datos recolectados durante el período entre setiembre de 2016 y febrero de 2017, a través de testimonios de participantes durante el seguimiento online, estudiados mediante análisis de contenido temático.


Surgieron las siguientes categorías: dificultades con el tratamiento farmacológico; retraso o pérdida de la dosis del antirretroviral; efectos colaterales; asociación entre antirretroviral y bebidas alcohólicas; uso de suplementos alimentarios y medicamentos; alteraciones emocionales; hábitos de vida; derechos sociales; síntomas físicos; enfrentamiento y adhesión al tratamiento.


El seguimiento en salud a partir del WhatsApp® facilitó la accesibilidad del paciente al profesional de salud, ofreciendo una vía de comunicación abierta e inmediata.

Palabras claves:
Mensaje de Texto; Teléfonos Celulares; Comunicación; Atención de Enfermería



Analisar depoimentos de pessoas com HIV durante um acompanhamento em saúde, a partir do aplicativo WhatsApp®.


Pesquisa descritiva, abordagem qualitativa realizada com 26 pessoas com HIV acompanhadas em dois serviços de atenção especializada em HIV/Aids de Fortaleza, Ceará. Os dados foram coletados no período de setembro de 2016 a fevereiro de 2017, por meio de depoimentos de participantes durante o acompanhamento online, analisados a partir da análise de conteúdo temática.


Emergiram as seguintes categorias: dificuldades com o tratamento medicamentoso; atraso ou perda da dose do antirretroviral; efeitos colaterais; associação entre antirretroviral e bebida alcoólica; uso de suplementos alimentares e medicamentos; alterações emocionais; hábitos de vida; direitos sociais; sintomas físicos; enfrentamento e engajamento com o tratamento.


O acompanhamento em saúde a partir do WhatsApp® promoveu a acessibilidade do paciente ao profissional de saúde, fornecendo uma via de comunicação aberta e imediata.

Mensagem de Texto; Telefones Celulares; Comunicação; Cuidados de Enfermagem


The use of information and communication technologies in health care services began in the 1990s, with the expansion of social media, also known as Web 2.0 or social networks, which are defined as a set of Internet-based tools aimed to help users connect, collaborate and communicate with other people in real time.11 Ressler PK, Glazer G. Legislative: nursing's engagement in health policy and healthcare through social media. Online J Issues Nurs [Internet]. 2010 Oct 22; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 16(1):11. Available from:

Social media has revolutionized not only the everyday life of people, but also the relationship between patients and professionals,22 George DR, Rovniak LS, Kraschnewski JL. Dangers and opportunities for social media in medicine. Clin Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2013 Sep; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 56(3):453-62. Available from:
by providing instant communication, education in health, social support, decision-making, self-care, and also by providing support to behavior changes, with good cost-effectiveness.33 Muessig KE, Nekkanti M, Bauermeister J, Bull S, Hightow-Weidman LB. A Systematic Review of Recent Smartphone, Internet and Web 2.0 Interventions to Address the HIV Continuum of Care. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep [Internet]. 2015 Mar; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 12(1):173-90. Available from:

In the context of HIV/AIDS, information and communication technologies have been suggested as tools aimed to improve access to health care services, through a decrease of geographical barriers and costs that involve prevention and treatment. When they are used in combination with usual care, they allow for strengthening health care services and improving quality of care, since they mitigate the difficulties experienced by people living with HIV.44 Catalani C, Philbrick W, Fraser H, Mechael P, Israelski DM. mHealth for HIV Treatment & Prevention: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Open AIDS J [Internet]. 2013 Aug; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 7:17-41. Available from:

Findings have shown the positive impacts of the use of cell phones on adherence to antiretroviral therapy and viral suppression, especially in the first months, whether it is done through phone calls or messages. In spite of that, studies need to be carried out in order to assess the possibilities of use and the effectiveness of social media and smartphone apps.55 Lima IC, Galvão MT, Alexandre Hde O, Lima FE, Araújo TL. Information and communication technologies for adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adults with HIV/AIDS. Int J Med Inform [Internet]. 2016 Aug; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 92:54-61. Available from:

WhatsApp® Messenger is an instant messaging application run from a mobile device which allows to communicate by sharing texts and voice messages, photos, music, and videos.66 WhatsApp Inc. Sobre o WhatsApp. Nosso App. [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Dec 28]. Available from:
The use of this application in health care has shown satisfactory results in the integration of theory and clinical practice, in both nursing and medicine.88 Sidhoum N, Dast S, Abdulshakoor A, Assaf N, Herlin C, Sinna R. WhatsApp: Improvement tool for surgical team communication. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg [Internet]. 2016 Nov; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 69(11):1562-3. Available from:

9 Jamal A, Temsah MH, Khan SA, Al-Eyadhy A, Koppel C, Chiang MF. Mobile Phone Use Among Medical Residents: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Survey in Saudi Arabia. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth [Internet]. 2016 May; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 4(2):e61. Available from:
-1010 Petruzzi M, De Benedittis M. WhatsApp: a telemedicine platform for facilitating remote oral medicine consultation and improving clinical examinations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol [Internet]. 2016 Mar; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 121(3):248-54. Available from:
However, the use of WhatsApp® as a tool for communication between professionals and patients and of education in health is limited to a small number of publications.1111 Veneroni L, Ferrari A, Acerra S, Massimino M, Clerici CA. Considerations on the use of WhatsApp in physician-patient communication and relationship. Recenti Prog Med [Internet]. 2015 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 106(7):331-6. Available from:

Considering this gap, the present study was outlined to answer the following question: What topics are addressed during a follow-up provided to HIV patients over WhatsApp®? Studies with this approach can provide grounds to a multidisciplinary team for the identification of information needs from the perspective of people involved, giving way to the expansion of tools of communication and education in health which are used every day in care services that are specialized in HIV/AIDS, with the purpose of enabling patients to overcome difficulties related to their experience with HIV.

Therefore, we analyzed the statements given by people living with HIV during a health follow-up carried out over WhatsApp®.


This is a qualitative study carried out from September 2016 to February 2017 with 26 people living with HIV who were assisted by two care services specialized in HIV/AIDS in Fortaleza, state of Ceará. Both institutions are part of the Unified Health System (SUS, as per its acronym in Portuguese) and they are reference centers that provide multidisciplinary services as well as antiretroviral drugs and follow-up examinations.

Participants were selected by means of a personal invitation while they were waiting for their medical appointment. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was adopted with the following inclusion criteria: people living with HIV/AIDS, aged over 18, undergoing treatment for one year or less, literate, who owned a cell phone with access to the internet, who used WhatsApp®, and agreed to receive messages. The exclusion criterion was having any physical, mental or visual constraint that limited the reception of messages.

Participants were first invited verbally, and then an interview was carried out in a private room within the health care service so they could fill in a semi-structured form for sociodemographic and clinical characterization. Participants were provided with information regarding the study and confidentiality of the follow-up.

After selection, subjects received individual messages every two weeks, which were sent by a nurse, from a cell phone exclusively used for this purpose, on business days and working hours, for four months. Messages were first validated by specialists1212 Lima ICV, Galvão MTG, Pedrosa SC, Silva CAC, Pereira MLD. Validação de mensagens telefônicas para promoção da saúde de pessoas com HIV. Acta Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2017 May/Jun; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 30(3):227-32. Available from:
and they addressed the following topics: introduction of follow-up, adherence to antiretroviral therapy, physical activity, social support, self-esteem, anxiety/depression, dietary habits, drugs and alcohol, and sexuality. In addition to the topics addressed, images with motivational messages were also sent. Throughout the follow-up, a nurse was available on WhatsApp® to clear doubts at any time.

An Excel spreadsheet was used to record chats between the nurse and participants. At the end of the follow-up, all messages sent by participants were gathered, read and submitted to thematic content analysis. The following steps were applied in the analysis: pre-analysis, material exploration or codification, result processing, inference, and interpretation.1313 Bardin L. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70; 2011.

Results were presented in a chart with statements given by participants distributed over the following categories: difficulties with drug therapy, antiretroviral dose delayed or missed, antiretroviral side effects, association between antiretroviral drugs and alcohol, use of dietary supplements and medicines, emotional changes, life habits, social rights, physical symptoms, and coping with and commitment to treatment. Participants were identified by an alphanumeric code containing the letter S (for statement) and the sequence number of participants (i.e. S1).

The study derived from a clinical trial named "Effects of a telephone follow-up program to promote the health of people living with HIV/AIDS", which was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Ceará, under CAAE number 53297216.8.0000.5054, in compliance with the ethical principles of Resolution 466/12.


All participants were men, employed (65.38%), single (73.07%), belonged to a religion (65.38%), had a mean age of 28.6 years (±), had an average time of diagnosis of 7.4 months (±6.6), 13 years of education in average (±3), a CD4 + count of ≥500 cells/mm (53.85%) and viral load of ≤3.000 copies/ml (76.92%).

Chart 1 lists statements given by participants during their follow-up through WhatsApp®. The following categories emerged: difficulties with drug therapy, antiretroviral dose delayed or missed, antiretroviral side effects, association between antiretroviral drugs and alcohol, use of dietary supplements and medicines, emotional changes, life habits, social rights, physical symptoms, and coping with and commitment to treatment (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Statements given by people living with HIV during a follow-up carried out through WhatsApp®. Fortaleza, Ceará, 2017


The characterization of participants as to age and gender is in line with other Brazilian studies1414 Fiuza MLT, Lopes EM, Alexandre HO, Dantas PB, Galvão MTG, Pinheiro AKB. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment: comprehensive care based on the care model for chronic conditions. Esc Anna Nery [Internet]. 2013; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 17(4):740-8. Available from:

15 Silva RAR, Silva RTS, Nascimento EGC, Gonçalves OP, Reis MM, Silva BCO. Clinical-epidemiological profile of hiv-positive adults attended in a hospital from Natal/RN. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online). [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 8(3):4689-96. Available from:
-1616 Silva RAR, Nelson ARC, Duarte FHS, Prado NCC, Holanda JRR, Costa DARS. Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online) [Internet]. 2017 Mar; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 9(1):15-20. Available from:
and with data from the 2016 Epidemiologic Report, which presented a higher incidence among men aged between 20 and 34 years old, homosexuals or bisexuals.1717 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de DST. Aids e Hepatites virais. Protocolo clínico e diretrizes terapêuticas para manejo da infecção pelo HIV em adultos. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2017. These results suggest the need for infection prevention and care strategies aimed at young men.

Most participants have completed high school, similarly to what was found in other Brazilian1414 Fiuza MLT, Lopes EM, Alexandre HO, Dantas PB, Galvão MTG, Pinheiro AKB. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment: comprehensive care based on the care model for chronic conditions. Esc Anna Nery [Internet]. 2013; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 17(4):740-8. Available from:
-1515 Silva RAR, Silva RTS, Nascimento EGC, Gonçalves OP, Reis MM, Silva BCO. Clinical-epidemiological profile of hiv-positive adults attended in a hospital from Natal/RN. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online). [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 8(3):4689-96. Available from:
,1818 Galvão MTG, Soares LL, Pedrosa SC, Fiuza MLT, Lemos LA. Qualidade de vida e adesão à medicação antirretroviral em pessoas com HIV. Acta Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2015 Jan/Feb; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 28(1):48-53. Available from:
and international studies.1919 Kutnick AH, Gwadz MV, Cleland CM, Leonard NR, Freeman R, Ritchie AS, et al.; BCAP Collaborative Research Team. It's a Process: Reactions to HIV Diagnosis and Engagement in HIV Care among High-Risk Heterosexuals. Front Public Health [Internet]. 2017 May; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 5:100. Available from:
-2020 Perazzo J, Reyes D, Webel A. A Systematic Review of Health Literacy Interventions for People Living with HIV. AIDS Behav [Internet]. 2017 Mar; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 21(3):812-21. Available from:
With regard to this particular aspect, people with higher level of education may have more access to information about HIV and greater chances of sticking to the treatment.1818 Galvão MTG, Soares LL, Pedrosa SC, Fiuza MLT, Lemos LA. Qualidade de vida e adesão à medicação antirretroviral em pessoas com HIV. Acta Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2015 Jan/Feb; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 28(1):48-53. Available from:

The average time of diagnosis under one year is a critical period to increase knowledge about HIV and its treatment,1616 Silva RAR, Nelson ARC, Duarte FHS, Prado NCC, Holanda JRR, Costa DARS. Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online) [Internet]. 2017 Mar; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 9(1):15-20. Available from:
a condition that was confirmed in the analyses of statements given by the participants. There were questions about different topics related to their condition of living with the virus, especially the forms of transmission, interpretation of the viral load examination and research on its cure.

Having been tested positive for HIV can be a traumatic experience and brings concerns about the forms of transmission and the serological examination results, situations that can interfere with the social and emotional lives of individuals.2121 Bezabhe WM, Chalmers L, Bereznicki LR, Peterson GM. Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Virologic Failure: A Meta-Analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) [Internet]. 2016 Apr; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 95(15):e3361. Available from:
For that reason, health professionals must be ready to provide emotional support and information to people with HIV.2222 Paschoal EP, Santo CCE, Gomes AMT, Santos ÉI, Oliveira DC, Pontes APM. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy and its representations for people living with HIV/AIDS. Esc Anna Nery [Internet]. 2014; [cited 2017 Sep 25];18(1):32-40. Available from:

In the interactions between the nurse and participants, difficulties with the intake of prescribed antiretroviral drugs were reported, with doses being missed or delayed, as well as side effects and treatment interruption. This shows the challenges related to antiretroviral drug treatment adherence, which represents at least 80% of the intake of pills aimed at suppressing viruses and maintenance.2323 Silva JAG, Dourado I, Brito AM, Silva CAL. Fatores associados à não adesão aos antirretrovirais em adultos com AIDS nos seis primeiros meses da terapia em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saúde Pública [Internet]. 2015 Jun; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 31(6):1188-98. Available from:

This low adherence to drug treatment is one of the main reasons for treatment failure,2424 Hickner J. Shifting our focus to HIV as a chronic disease. J Fam Pract [Internet]. 2014 Jul; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 63(7):355. Available from:
resulting in the failure of basic treatment schemes and the need to use more complex rescue treatment schemes, which are more expensive and require a higher number of pills.2525 Macêdo SM, Sena MCS, Miranda KCL. Consulta de enfermagem ao paciente com HIV: perspectivas e desafios sob a ótica de enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm [Internet]. 2013 Mar/Apr; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 66(2):196-201. Available from:
Moreover, failure to having people adhere to treatment results in personal damages such as decreased quality of life, a decrease in CD4+ cell count, viral resistance, disease progression to AIDS and death. There are also collective damages that may affect virus transmission control and which result in increased costs with treatment and hospitalizations.2626 Silva RAR, Nelson ARC, Duarte FHS, Prado NCC, Costa RHS, Costa DARS. Limites e obstáculos na adesão à terapia antirretroviral. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online) [Internet]. 2014 Oct/Dec; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 6(4):1732-42. Available from:

As a result of these effects, it is essential to establish a therapeutic partnership between the client and health professionals, based on empathy, autonomy, and bonds, in such a way that clients feel comfortable to express their anguish, fears, and expectations with regard to their life with HIV.2727 Zuge SS, Paula CC, Brum CN, Ribeiro AC, Padoin SMM. Adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral para o HIV e sua inter-relação com a vulnerabilidade programática. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online) [Internet]. 2015 Oct/Dec; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 7(4):3406-17. Available from:

28 Santos VF, Galvão MTG, Cunha GH, Lima ICV, Gir E. Alcohol effect on HIV-positive individuals: treatment and quality of life. Acta Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2017 Jan/Feb; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 30(1):94-100. Available from:
-2929 Marshall BD, Operario D, Bryant KJ, Cook RL, Edelman EJ, Gaither JR, et al. Drinking trajectories among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: a cohort study of United States veterans. Drug Alcohol Depend [Internet]. 2015 Mar; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 148:69-76. Available from:
In this context, the follow-up through WhatsApp® represented the opportunity to communicate and clear doubts in real time, making it easier to manage difficulties associated with the treatment, with positive effects on treatment adherence.

Another matter that raised doubts among participants was the association between the use of the antiretroviral drug and alcohol intake. Although a low alcohol intake does not have negative effects on antiretroviral therapy adherence, it should be discouraged because of its harmful effects on quality of life and of the increased risk of hepatotoxicity.1515 Silva RAR, Silva RTS, Nascimento EGC, Gonçalves OP, Reis MM, Silva BCO. Clinical-epidemiological profile of hiv-positive adults attended in a hospital from Natal/RN. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online). [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 8(3):4689-96. Available from:
,3030 Jalloh MA, Gregory PJ, Hein D, Risoldi Cochrane Z, Rodriguez A. Dietary supplement interactions with antiretrovirals: a systematic review. Int J STD AIDS. [Internet]. 2017 Jan; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 28(1):4-15. Available from:
-3131 Robertson K, Bayon C, Molina JM, McNamara P, Resch C, Muñoz-Moreno JA, et al. Screening for neurocognitive impairment, depression, and anxiety in HIV-infected patients in Western Europe and Canada. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2014; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 26(12):1555-61. Available from:
Therefore, professionals must address the recreational use of alcohol, advising patients not to interrupt drug treatment.1717 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de DST. Aids e Hepatites virais. Protocolo clínico e diretrizes terapêuticas para manejo da infecção pelo HIV em adultos. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2017.

Another doubt was related to the use of dietary supplements and other drugs, which suggests the need to inform all people with HIV about these issues, with the purpose of preventing treatment flaws and/or side effects related to a possible interaction with antiretroviral drugs.3232 Gregory R, Gilles C, Aude A, Laurie L, Leïla B, Jean-Cyr Y, et al. Effects of massage therapy on anxiety, depression, hyperventilation and quality of life in HIV infected patients: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Med [Internet]. 2017 Jun; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 32:109-14. Available from:

Another aspect observed among people living with HIV was the expression of emotional changes, such as fear, concern, discouragement, drowsiness and frequent crying. These complaints can be associated with a diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression, which are frequent among this group.3333 Alexandre HO, Galvão MTG, Lima ICV, Guedes DS, Pedrosa SC, Cunha GH, et al. Perceptions That People Newly Diagnosed With Hiv Have On Health. Int Arch Med [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 9. Available from:
This setting points to the importance for a multidisciplinary team to continuously assess the mental health of people living with HIV and to recommend strategies to control these disorders, with the use of prescribed drugs, support groups, psychological counseling, and complementary treatment.3333 Alexandre HO, Galvão MTG, Lima ICV, Guedes DS, Pedrosa SC, Cunha GH, et al. Perceptions That People Newly Diagnosed With Hiv Have On Health. Int Arch Med [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 9. Available from:
,3434 Kramer AS, Lazzarotto AR, Sprinz E, Manfroi WC. Alterações metabólicas, terapia antirretroviral e doença cardiovascular em idosos portadores de HIV. Arq Bras Cardiol [Internet]. 2009 Nov; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 93(5):561-8. Available from:

A topic mentioned by participants was the search for healthy habits like having a healthy diet, doing physical activities, and reducing smoking. This is in line with a study carried out with people recently diagnosed with HIV.3535 Brion J. The patient-provider relationship as experienced by a diverse sample of highly adherent HIV-infected people. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care [Internet]. 2014 Mar/Apr; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 25(2):123-34. Available from:
These changes in life style are important to prevent the metabolic changes caused by the body's response to HIV and/or by antiretroviral drug toxicity, which can increase the prevalence of diabetes, resistance to insulin, dyslipidemia, lipodystrophy, bone alterations, in addition to early cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases.3434 Kramer AS, Lazzarotto AR, Sprinz E, Manfroi WC. Alterações metabólicas, terapia antirretroviral e doença cardiovascular em idosos portadores de HIV. Arq Bras Cardiol [Internet]. 2009 Nov; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 93(5):561-8. Available from:

Social rights such as disability retirement, right to free transportation and entitlement to allowances from the Bolsa Familia program also raised doubts among patients. Interest in these social benefits can be related to social vulnerability,1414 Fiuza MLT, Lopes EM, Alexandre HO, Dantas PB, Galvão MTG, Pinheiro AKB. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment: comprehensive care based on the care model for chronic conditions. Esc Anna Nery [Internet]. 2013; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 17(4):740-8. Available from:
a typical characteristic of the HIV epidemic that may imply in difficulties in access to health services and continuity of care. For that reason, information provided by social workers after diagnosis is essential to foster knowledge about social rights guaranteed by law.

Participants consider nurses as a source of support to report physical symptoms associated with acute conditions, which was also found in a previous study.1919 Kutnick AH, Gwadz MV, Cleland CM, Leonard NR, Freeman R, Ritchie AS, et al.; BCAP Collaborative Research Team. It's a Process: Reactions to HIV Diagnosis and Engagement in HIV Care among High-Risk Heterosexuals. Front Public Health [Internet]. 2017 May; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 5:100. Available from:
This allowed for the referral to specialized emergency units and anticipation of medical appointments with an ID specialist, providing a prompter follow-up and preventing the deterioration of the clinical condition.

Communicating with nurses was also useful to share treatment adherence rates and satisfactory results of examinations, which allowed for a positive feedback of good clinical results. In the context of HIV, this partnership is crucial, since patients feel the need to be heard and get the attention of health professionals in order to cope with the disease, and in some cases, they are the only ones who patients can share their achievements with.3535 Brion J. The patient-provider relationship as experienced by a diverse sample of highly adherent HIV-infected people. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care [Internet]. 2014 Mar/Apr; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 25(2):123-34. Available from:


Analysis of the participants' statements showed that follow-up over WhatsApp® improved access to health professionals, by providing an open and immediate communication channel that made patients feel safer to overcome their difficulties with treatment, in addition to sharing their achievements and promoting healthy habits. This study also highlighted the importance of providing information and emotional support during the first months of treatment.

The use of the WhatsApp® application has proven to be useful as a health care tool for people living with HIV, and a potential channel to clear doubts and promote treatment adherence. This study can provide grounds to broaden care provided by a multidisciplinary team in HIV-specialized services with the use of an innovative technology that is little explored in the Brazilian setting.

A limitation of this study was the absence of an analysis of patients' messages responded by nurses, which made it impossible to assess the information provided by professionals.


To the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for granting a PhD fellowship to the first author and for financing this study.


  • 1
    Ressler PK, Glazer G. Legislative: nursing's engagement in health policy and healthcare through social media. Online J Issues Nurs [Internet]. 2010 Oct 22; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 16(1):11. Available from:
  • 2
    George DR, Rovniak LS, Kraschnewski JL. Dangers and opportunities for social media in medicine. Clin Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2013 Sep; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 56(3):453-62. Available from:
  • 3
    Muessig KE, Nekkanti M, Bauermeister J, Bull S, Hightow-Weidman LB. A Systematic Review of Recent Smartphone, Internet and Web 2.0 Interventions to Address the HIV Continuum of Care. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep [Internet]. 2015 Mar; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 12(1):173-90. Available from:
  • 4
    Catalani C, Philbrick W, Fraser H, Mechael P, Israelski DM. mHealth for HIV Treatment & Prevention: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Open AIDS J [Internet]. 2013 Aug; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 7:17-41. Available from:
  • 5
    Lima IC, Galvão MT, Alexandre Hde O, Lima FE, Araújo TL. Information and communication technologies for adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adults with HIV/AIDS. Int J Med Inform [Internet]. 2016 Aug; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 92:54-61. Available from:
  • 6
    WhatsApp Inc. Sobre o WhatsApp. Nosso App. [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Dec 28]. Available from:
  • 7
    Willemse JJ. Undergraduate nurses reflections on Whatsapp use in improving primary health care education. Curationis [Internet]. 2015 Aug; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 38(2):1512. Available from:
  • 8
    Sidhoum N, Dast S, Abdulshakoor A, Assaf N, Herlin C, Sinna R. WhatsApp: Improvement tool for surgical team communication. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg [Internet]. 2016 Nov; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 69(11):1562-3. Available from:
  • 9
    Jamal A, Temsah MH, Khan SA, Al-Eyadhy A, Koppel C, Chiang MF. Mobile Phone Use Among Medical Residents: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Survey in Saudi Arabia. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth [Internet]. 2016 May; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 4(2):e61. Available from:
  • 10
    Petruzzi M, De Benedittis M. WhatsApp: a telemedicine platform for facilitating remote oral medicine consultation and improving clinical examinations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol [Internet]. 2016 Mar; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 121(3):248-54. Available from:
  • 11
    Veneroni L, Ferrari A, Acerra S, Massimino M, Clerici CA. Considerations on the use of WhatsApp in physician-patient communication and relationship. Recenti Prog Med [Internet]. 2015 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 106(7):331-6. Available from:
  • 12
    Lima ICV, Galvão MTG, Pedrosa SC, Silva CAC, Pereira MLD. Validação de mensagens telefônicas para promoção da saúde de pessoas com HIV. Acta Paul Enferm [Internet]. 2017 May/Jun; [cited 2017 Dec 28]; 30(3):227-32. Available from:
  • 13
    Bardin L. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70; 2011.
  • 14
    Fiuza MLT, Lopes EM, Alexandre HO, Dantas PB, Galvão MTG, Pinheiro AKB. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment: comprehensive care based on the care model for chronic conditions. Esc Anna Nery [Internet]. 2013; [cited 2017 Sep 21]; 17(4):740-8. Available from:
  • 15
    Silva RAR, Silva RTS, Nascimento EGC, Gonçalves OP, Reis MM, Silva BCO. Clinical-epidemiological profile of hiv-positive adults attended in a hospital from Natal/RN. Rev Pesqui Cuid Fundam (Online). [Internet]. 2016 Jul; [cited 2017 Sep 25]; 8(3):4689-96. Available from:
  • 16
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    03 Jan 2018
  • Accepted
    07 Feb 2018
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil