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For an epistemology without borders


The objective of this essay is to analyze the emergence of the new in science and Epistemology, based on an epistemological assessment of the epistemologists of science and the Information Science researchers. The theoretical contribution of authors such as Bachelard, with the possibility of an epistemological frontier, establishes the foundations of the present paper. However, as the Bachelardian nature was not enough, other fundamental epistemologists from different knowledge areas were used to complement the reflections about the emergence of the new in science, among them: Kuhn with the paradigms, Bourdieu with the idea of scientific field, Morin with epistemology of complexity and Durkheim's coercion. Mainly to the objective of the essay, it was tried to encompass the main theorists that discuss the subject in question and, therefore, the research has a qualitative approach based on the literature review. It is concluded that, given the inability of scientific disciplines to respond to emerging problems that present themselves in contemporary times, the promotion of spaces for epistemic cooperation is essential to generate new Science, new methods, and new interdisciplinary practices that in fact respond to this historical, political, economic, and social moment. The construction of momentary spaces for dialogue enriches the disciplines and make spaces for an epistemological convergence. The new in science happens when the possibilities of understanding the phenomena and problems within the paradigm and/or scientific field are exhausted, generating epistemological and scientific crises and, therefore, ruptures that generate a new way of approaching the problems of science.

epistemology; epistemological border; scientific novelty; epistemologists of science; Information Science

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil