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The organization of Information Architecture in digital library softwares


Technological transformation has been intensified by the migration of information media from physical to digital environments, raising the relevance of information organization in digital systems for a better browsing and user experience. Thus, this study aims to compare the elements of the information architecture organization system in the open access programs Greenstone, DSpace, Omeka, and Tainacan used for the implementation of digital libraries. In methodological terms, it was based on bibliographic and documentary research of the programs to carry out the analysis of the components of the organization system and the quali-quantitative approach. For this, the comparative method was also used, establishing the observation of similarities and differences between the selected software. In conclusion, the four components of the organization system, which are: exact schemas; ambiguous schemas; hybrid schema and structures; the ambiguous schema except the topic element, were not evidenced in the selected software. Regarding, the criteria of the knowledge organization system, relationships, cardinality and metadata are common to the implementation in all the selected software. Finally, it was possible to identify the elements of the Information architecture organization system, associated with sustainability and the context of digital collections.

Information Architecture; Greenstone; DSpace; Omeka; Tainacan

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil