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Application of metadata for the description of jurisprudence in digital environments


Considering that the simple adoption of technology is not enough to solve the problems of retrieving legal information and starting from the hypothesis that the adoption of metadata elements can provide a description of jurisprudence in a standardized way, optimizing the structure of digital environments that guarantee the retrieval of information by the user, the objective is to present the specifications and characteristics of the jurisprudence with the application of a proposal of metadata elements for the description of this information resource. For that, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out in order to identify elements of metadata for the description of jurisprudence and its application, in historical and current jurisprudence, in the Brazilian context. Thus, it is observed that the proposal in question applies to jurisprudence from the most diverse Brazilian courts, which allows us to conclude that it is possible to explore aspects of the multidisciplinarity of Information Science, from the construction and modeling of specific legal digital environments, for the description, representation, and storage of Brazilian jurisprudence.

descriptive cataloging; jurisprudence; metadata standards; legal digital environments

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil