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Mediation in science centers and museums in Mexico: a study of the social actors who work with visitors


The museums educators who work at the intersection of the museum's apparatus, objects and exhibitions with the visiting public are professionals who have different attributions and professional profiles. In this study, we map who the museums educators of scientific and cultural spaces in Mexico are and their views on the role of mediation. Data collection took place through an online questionnaire, answered by 179 people from 18 scientific and cultural spaces in ten states of the Mexican Republic. Among the respondents, there is a greater number of women (126; 70.4%) and young people aged between 20 and 24 years (108; 60.3%), with a bachelor's degree (122; 68.2%) or with high school education complete (49; 27.3%). The majority (157; 87.7%) have been working in the area for less than two years, working hours of up to 20 hours a week and receiving financial aid scholarships. For the Mexican museum educators who participated in this study, their actions should not be limited to explaining concepts; most of them expressed that they considered it essential that a good professional associate the museum's contents with daily life (135; 75.4%) and ask questions that provoke reflection (121; 67.6%). Mediation seems to be seen as a temporary activity, with a short-term link with Mexican institutions. We believe that our study will provide valuable information about professionals who work in mediation in museums and science centers in Mexico, helping to strengthen initiatives for training and maintaining these social actors in the profession.

mediation; science communication; science museums; non-formal education; training for explainers

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil