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Connection with knowledge in remote classes: a research with college students in pandemic times


This article aims to make evident the meanings of remote classes in the context of Covid-19 attributed by a group of college students, evidencing its difficulties, mobilizations and learnings. The participants in this research were 54 academics from the popular class, from different undergraduate courses who study at a private institution of higher education located in an up-country city in the state of Bahia. Knowing this, we conducted the research anchored in the theory of the relationship with knowledge and the concepts of mobilization, meaning and pleasure; we also relied on qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Therefore, we developed a data collection with the use of two instruments: a questionnaire and a knowledge balance. This balance of knowledge is an instrument of data production that consists in preparing a written record based on questions presented by the researcher. Under this light, for data collection, we sought to know the mobilizations in continuing to study remotely during the pandemic, the understanding of the meaning of online studying, its value for the students participating in this research and the sufferings experienced by them in this period contextualized by the Covid-19. We concluded that the mobilization to continue studying comes from the desire of not dropping out of the course, as they still see the university as an opportunity to achieve a prosperous future. Likewise, more than half of students have adapted well to the new model (55 percent), however, 81 percent still prefer an in person experience. They are, in their majority, students who suffer from social distancing and psychological disorders, especially anxiety.

The meaning of studying; Online Studying; Covid-19 pandemic; Suffering

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil