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Experiences of being university student in times of pandemic: changes, adjustments and shared perspectives* * Data availability: the dataset supporting the results of this study is not publicy available due to it being parto f a larger research project containing other relevant data to be published in separate articles. Data avaible at:


University education was severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, so it is important to know students’ experiences in this context, considering the changes in their routines, difficulties related to learning processes and mental health. Four conversation circles were held with six students from different undergraduate courses at a public university in the South of Brazil, who were assisted by the Student Assistance Policy. The content of the meetings was submitted to thematic analysis. The results indicated that the changes caused by strategies for coping with the pandemic had a significant impact on the students’ mental health, exacerbating difficulties that were already experienced before the pandemic. The adoption of remote learning led to insecurities regarding academic development and the quality of professional preparation. As for the future, students’ expectations express both optimism about the resumption of in-person activities, but also apprehension about what the world and the Community will be like in the coming years. As a result, it is understood that higher education institutions should create and provide resources to prevent psychological suffering or its exacerbation, considering that the well-being of students must also be looked after as a crucial fator for ensuring that their paths within the university are as fruitful and positive as possible.

Covid-19; Emergency remote education; Mental health; University students

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