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Editor's letter



This issue closes another volume of Horticultura Brasileira. This turn, we took the opportunity to recognize the Lusitanian contribution to our daily meals.

I would like to briefly recall some important steps ahead we made in 2008:

1. We broadened and renewed the Editorial Board, with an eye at becoming able to trigger the electronic submission system. Here, we thank the editors who left, for the competent work they have done, and also who remains or is just arriving, for their will to contribute;

2. We achieved full international indexing, which in addition to be an important recognition of Horticultura Brasileira excellence, will allow us to ascend in the Qualis system. This is a collective triumph, from authors who have been sending us their best papers; to the tireless work of today and yesterday ad hoc reviewers and editors, whose dedication along 26 years made it possible to Horticultura Brasileira to reach this outstanding position. International indexing crowns with merit our unequivocal option for quality and scientific rigor. Unluckily, to reach this target we unavoidably cause some distress in the way, either when rejecting a paper or when additional time is here and there needed to complete the reviewing process;

3. We raised the number of papers published in English. Here we thank the authors who allowed us to advance in this respect. Nevertheless, we need to go much further if we long for an impact factor consonant with the quality of the papers we publish. We would like to remind authors, once again, that even when a paper is submitted and reviewed in another idiom, it is possible to have it published in English. For further information on that, please refer to "The Publishing Idiom", in the end of the Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Papers.

Our challenges for 2009 are, in addition to publish the four issues of Horticultura Brasileira (quite a challenge in itself!), to launch the electronic submission system and to shorten the average time of the reviewing process. We count on everybody to reach these goals!

See you in the next issue, see you in 2009

The Editorial Board

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    03 Feb 2009
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2008
Associação Brasileira de Horticultura Embrapa Hortaliças, C. Postal 218, 70275-970 Brasília-DF, Tel. (61) 3385 9099, Tel. (81) 3320 6064, - Vitoria da Conquista - BA - Brazil