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The culture of school and political culture: the nationalization project and the school newspaper A Criança Brasileira (Santa Catarina, 1942-1945)

This article presents the issue of relations established between the political nationalization project in the state of Santa Catarina and school practices, departing from the analysis of A Criança Brasileira, a school newspaper. Such newspaper was published for 27 years (from 1942 to 1968), being always signed by Elementary and Complementary school students of a state school, Grupo Escolar Lauro Müller, established in 1912 in the city of Florianópolis. For the present discussion, issues published between 1942 and 1945 have been selected. Such choice has been done based on the privileged topics of the period: Biographies, celebratory dates, school life news - particularly those related to aid institutions that bring to light nationalist practices. Such issues will be interpreted based on notions of political culture, and the culture of school environments. The intertwining of such notions is postulated to avail a better understanding of how political practices permeate quotidian school practices, as well as which norms and values have contributed to determining a representation that past subjects and collectivities have made of themselves, and have attempted to leave as future legacy.

culture of school; political culture; nationalization

Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação UFRGS - Faculdade de Educação, Av. Paulo Gama, n. 110 | Sala 610, CEP: 90040-060 - Porto Alegre/RS, Tel.: (51) 33084160 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil