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History of childhood education by the family in the 19th century: sources for a writingHistoire de l'education de l'enfant par la famille au 19e siecle: sources pour une ecriture

In the form of methodological and theoretical reflection, this article aims to propose, discuss and categorize a documental corpus for a writing of the history of childhood education by the family in the 19th century, empirically based on an existing documentation for most regions of Brazil, however exemplifying and characterizing it from the reality in the State of Paraná.

history of education; child; family; 19th century; sources

Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação UFRGS - Faculdade de Educação, Av. Paulo Gama, n. 110 | Sala 610, CEP: 90040-060 - Porto Alegre/RS, Tel.: (51) 33084160 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil