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Occurrence of Gingivitis and Oral Hygiene in Individuals with Down Syndrome



To determine the frequency distribution of gingivitis and oral hygiene in individuals with Down syndrome.

Material and Methods:

This study used a cross-sectional descriptive method and the subjects were 174 individuals with Down syndrome aged ≥14 years attending type C (intellectual disability) special needs schools in Jakarta. Gingivitis was measured using the gingival index, and oral hygiene was measured using the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S). The measurement of the two components of plaque and calculus was completed on six teeth on different surfaces, including the facial side of three maxillary teeth, the lingual side of the two posterior mandibular teeth, and the labial side of one anterior mandibular tooth. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the absolute and relative frequencies


3.4% had no gingivitis, 47.2% had mild gingivitis, 40.8% had moderate gingivitis, and 8.6% had severe gingivitis. Regarding oral hygiene, 28.2% had good hygiene, 49.4% had fair, and 22.4% had poor hygiene


Individuals with Down syndrome had a frequency distribution of gingivitis mainly in the mild and moderate categories, and a majority of subjects had fair OHI-S.

Oral Health; Gingival Diseases; Dental Plaque; Intellectual Disability


Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that was first identified by John Langdon Down in 1866 [1[1] Presson AP, Partyka G, Jensen KM, Devine OJ, Rasmussen SA, McCabe LL, et al. Current estimate of down syndrome population prevalence in the United States. J Pediatr 2013; 163(4):1163-8.
]. It is caused by an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) and occurs during the prenatal period during the organogenesis phase in the first trimester of pregnancy [2[2] Arumugam A, Raja K, Venugopalan M, Chandrasekaran B, Kovanur Sampath K, Muthusamy H, et al. Down syndrome - A narrative review with a focus on anatomical features. Clin Anat 2016; 29(5):568-77.
]. According to a recent study, the prevalence of individuals with Down syndrome is 8.72 per 10.000 population every year [1[1] Presson AP, Partyka G, Jensen KM, Devine OJ, Rasmussen SA, McCabe LL, et al. Current estimate of down syndrome population prevalence in the United States. J Pediatr 2013; 163(4):1163-8.
,2[2] Arumugam A, Raja K, Venugopalan M, Chandrasekaran B, Kovanur Sampath K, Muthusamy H, et al. Down syndrome - A narrative review with a focus on anatomical features. Clin Anat 2016; 29(5):568-77.
]. Riskesdas reported that in 2013, the prevalence of Indonesian children aged 24–59 months with disabilities, including Down syndrome, was 0.13% [3[3] Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) 2013. Lap Nas 2013; 1-384. [In Indonesian].].

Individuals with Down syndrome generally have similar physical characteristics. According to the description by Down, these individuals have a flat and wide facial profile; rounded cheeks; slanted eyes with narrow palpebral fissures; thick and large lips; long, thick, and rough tongue; and a small nose [2[2] Arumugam A, Raja K, Venugopalan M, Chandrasekaran B, Kovanur Sampath K, Muthusamy H, et al. Down syndrome - A narrative review with a focus on anatomical features. Clin Anat 2016; 29(5):568-77.

One of the most frequently encountered oral diseases observed in Down syndrome is poor periodontal health or gingivitis in particular4, which is defined as inflammation of the gingiva caused by plaque retention on the surface of tooth structure, without the loss of attachment in the periodontal apparatus [4[4] Altun C, Guven G, Akgun OM, Akkurt MD, Basak F, Akbulut E. Oral health status of disabled individuals attending special schools. Eur J Dent. 2010; 4(4):361-6.,5[5] Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology. 11th. ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders; 2012.]. In assessing the severity of gingivitis, the Gingival Index by Loe and Sillness is usually employed [6[6] Amoian B, Moghadamnia AA, Barzi S, Sheykholeslami S, Rangiani A. Salvadora persica extract chewing gum and gingival health: improvement of gingival and probe-bleeding index. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2010; 16(3):121-3.

In Down syndrome, there are two most influential factors affecting the health of periodontal tissues, particularly related to gingivitis; the first is systemic factors, such as neutrophil dysfunction, lymphocyte T dysfunction, increased inflammatory mediators, and hyperinnervation of the gingiva, and the second are local factors, such as poor oral hygiene, mouth breathing, tooth morphology, and plaque microflora composition [7[7] Morgan J. Why is periodontal disease more prevalent and more severe in people with down syndrome? Spec Care Dent 2007 ;27(5):196-201.].

Gingivitis has a positive correlation with oral hygiene [8[8] Anders PL, Davis EL. Oral health of patients with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Spec Care Dent 2010; 30(3):110-7.
]. Oral hygiene is measured in several ways, one of which is the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), which measures the amount of plaque and calculus present on the representative tooth in each region of the mouth. The scores of plaque and calculus are then accumulated to determine the OHI-S value, which describes the oral hygiene status of that individual [9[9] Malmo University. Oral Health Database. Simplified Oral Hygiene Index - OHI-S. Available at: [Accessed on January 18, 2019].

Although much research concerning gingivitis and oral hygiene has been performed in individuals with Down syndrome, such data are limited in Indonesians, particularly in Jakarta. Therefore, this investigation was conducted to determine the frequency distribution of gingivitis and OHI-S in individuals with Down syndrome aged ≥14 years in Jakarta.

Material and Methods

Study Design and Sample

This cross-sectional study evaluated 174 subjects with Down syndrome aged 14–53 years, recruited from 43 type C special needs schools in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Inclusion criteria for participants were those diagnosed with Down syndrome, those aged ≥14 years, and those able to cooperate during assessment and data collection. The age of 14 was chosen to ensure that individuals were in their permanent dentition, considering the lag of 2–3 years in teeth development that may occur in individuals with Down syndrome [10[10] López-Pérez R, Borges-Yáñez SA, Jiménez-García G, Maupomé G. Oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist 2002; 22(6):214-20.
]. The exclusion criterion was the presence of systemic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis.

The severity of gingivitis can be clinically measured by probing the gingival sulcus and scoring gingival inflammation based on the gingival index (GI). The scoring criteria are given in Table 1[11[11] Rebelo M, Queiroz A. Gingival Indices: State of Art. In: Panagakos F, Davies R. Gingival Diseases. London: IntechOpen Limited; 2011. Chapter 3.
,12[12] Ram G, Chinen J. Infections and immunodeficiency in Down syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2011; 164(1):9-16.].

Table 1
Gingival score criteria.

Once the score for each tooth was determined, the scores were averaged to determine the GI of each individual. Then, the resulting score was assessed with the index description as shown as follows: 0: Free of gingivitis; 0.1–1.0: Mild gingivitis; 1.1–2.0: Moderate gingivitis; 2.1–3.0: Severe gingivitis.

The oral hygiene status was measured using the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S). The index measurement assessed the amount of plaque and calculus on the tooth surface. To facilitate visualization of plaque retention on the tooth surface, a disclosing solution was used.

The measurement of the two components of plaque and calculus was completed on six teeth on different surfaces, including the facial side of three maxillary teeth, the lingual side of the two posterior mandibular teeth, and the labial side of one anterior mandibular tooth. Score determination for plaque and calculus score was determined according to the criteria presented in Table 2. The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index results were as follows: 0–1.2: Good; 1.3–3.0: Fair; and 3.1–6.0: Poor.

Table 2
Plaque and calculus criteria.

Clinical assessments were performed by residents of the Pediatric Dentistry program at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia. The gingival index and OHI-S scores were recorded by the operator's assistant.

Data Analysis

Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp., USA). Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the absolute and relative frequencies.

Ethical Aspects

Ethical approval for this research has been granted by the Ethical Committee of Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia. Parents of these subjects gave written informed consent to participate in this study.


The majority of subjects have mild or moderate gingivitis, while only a very small amount is free of gingivitis. Half of the subjects have fair OHI-S, while the rest is evenly distributed between the good and poor OHI-S category (Table 3).

Table 3
Frequency distribution of gingivitis and OHI-S.

Table 4 shows the frequency distribution of gingivitis and OHI-S in individuals with Down syndrome based on the age of subjects. It can be seen that the ability to keep good oral hygiene in individuals with Down syndrome tends to increase as the age progresses, especially in older individuals of age 33-53.

Table 4
Frequency distribution of gingivitis and OHI-S based on the age of subjects.


This study aimed to determine the frequency distribution of gingivitis and OHI-S in individuals with Down syndrome aged ≥14 years attending special needs school type C in Jakarta. The GI and OHI-S scores were chosen because they are both relatively straightforward, quick to score, and have been validated [11[11] Rebelo M, Queiroz A. Gingival Indices: State of Art. In: Panagakos F, Davies R. Gingival Diseases. London: IntechOpen Limited; 2011. Chapter 3.

The vast majority of patients in our study (96.6%) had some level of gingivitis, which is explained by the microflora composition in the subgingiva of individuals with Down syndrome compared with that in healthy individuals [13[13] Khocht A, Yaskell T, Janal M, Turner BF, Rams TE, Haffajee AD, et al. Subgingival microbiota in adult Down syndrome periodontitis. J Periodontal Res 2012; 47(4):500-7.
]. Alternately, host response in these individuals is dysfunctional, which predisposes these patients to gingival conditions [12[12] Ram G, Chinen J. Infections and immunodeficiency in Down syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2011; 164(1):9-16.]. Previous research showed that patients with Down syndrome have a higher GI than healthy controls, with a mean standard of 0.9 in Down syndrome and 0.7 in healthy individuals, with a significant difference between the two groups. This indicates a more severe level of gingivitis in individuals with Down syndrome compared to healthy subjects and subjects with other developmental disorders [14[14] Khocht A, Janal M, Turner B. Periodontal health in down syndrome: Contributions of mental disability, personal, and professional dental care. Spec Care Dentist 2010; 30(3):118-23.
,15[15] Davidovich E, Aframian DJ, Shapira J, Peretz B. A comparison of the sialochemistry, oral pH, and oral health status of down syndrome children to healthy children. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010; 20(4):235-41.

Similar results were found in a previous study conducted in Temanggung, Central Java, which found gingivitis in all subjects [16[16] Werdiningsih C, Hartanti. Status kesehatan gingiva pada penderita sindrom down di Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Sosial Bina Grahita (BBRSBG) Temanggung. Insisiva Dent J 2013; 2(1):68-72. [In Indonesian].]. Systemic disorders in individuals with Down syndrome can generally manifest as oral conditions, particularly in the periodontal tissues. For example, lymphocyte T-cells and neutrophil cells are dysfunctional in Down syndrome, which subsequently exacerbates gingival inflammation response [11[11] Rebelo M, Queiroz A. Gingival Indices: State of Art. In: Panagakos F, Davies R. Gingival Diseases. London: IntechOpen Limited; 2011. Chapter 3.
,18[18] Pellegrini FP, Marinoni M, Frangione V, Tedeschi A, Gandini V, Ciglia F, et al. Down syndrome, autoimmunity and T regulatory cells. Clin Exp Immunol 2012; 169(3):238-43.

In our study, the majority of subjects (88%) were in the mild and moderate gingivitis category, which is consistent with the finding in a previous study conducted in Mexico that compared a Down syndrome group with a sex- and age-matched healthy control group and found that the Down syndrome group had more severe and extensive gingivitis (94.4%) than the control group (89.9%) [10[10] López-Pérez R, Borges-Yáñez SA, Jiménez-García G, Maupomé G. Oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist 2002; 22(6):214-20.
]. It is possible that the higher prevalence of gingivitis in Down syndrome reflects reduced motor ability, which would be a challenge to maintain dental hygiene or reduced access to dental treatments for special needs population [10[10] López-Pérez R, Borges-Yáñez SA, Jiménez-García G, Maupomé G. Oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist 2002; 22(6):214-20.

However, a study conducted in Yemen indicated a different result finding that moderate gingivitis has the highest prevalence (47.5%), compared with the prevalence of mild (28.7%) and severe (23.8%) gingivitis, in Down syndrome. This might be explained by different demographic characteristics and divergent socioeconomic states [19[19] Al-Sufyani GA, Al-Maweri SA, Al-Ghashm AA, Al-Soneidar WA. Oral hygiene and gingival health status of children with Down syndrome in Yemen: A cross-sectional study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2014; 4(2):82-6.
]. In contrast, the Temanggung study concluded that 100% of the subjects had mild gingivitis [16[16] Werdiningsih C, Hartanti. Status kesehatan gingiva pada penderita sindrom down di Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Sosial Bina Grahita (BBRSBG) Temanggung. Insisiva Dent J 2013; 2(1):68-72. [In Indonesian].]. The difference shown in the Temanggung study compared to the Yemen study might be explained by the dental check-up program that is routinely conducted every two months for the enrolled subjects, resulting in a better oral condition for these individuals.

The majority of individuals in our study (49.4%) had a fair OHI-S, which is not consistent with data from a previous study conducted in Nigeria where 40% of individuals with Down syndrome had poor OHI-S. This may be caused by a developmental disability, combined with reduced motor functions such as muscle hypotonus and weak arm joints in Down syndrome. Therefore, these patients need assistance in maintaining their oral hygiene [20[20] Abanto J, Ciamponi AL, Francischini E, Murakami C, de Rezende NP, Gallottini M. Medical problems and oral care of patients with Down syndrome: A literature review. Spec Care Dentist 2011; 31(6):197-203.
,21[21] Oredugba FA. Oral health condition and treatment needs of a group of Nigerian individuals with Down syndrome. Downs Syndr Res Pract 2007;12(1):72-6.

This result differs from a study conducted in Mexico that showed no significant difference in OHI-S of individuals with Down syndrome and that of healthy individuals. This study stated that both groups had fair OHI-S [10[10] López-Pérez R, Borges-Yáñez SA, Jiménez-García G, Maupomé G. Oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist 2002; 22(6):214-20.

Oral hygiene in Down syndrome highly depends on the support roles of parents and caregivers. Our finding of relatively mild OHI-S in patients aged 33–53 years suggests that relatively mature patients can maintain their oral hygiene. This result differs from the study conducted in Nigeria, which found that increased age was associated with higher OHI-S scores. This may be explained by the culture of independence that caregivers promote because they believe that they can take care of themselves [21[21] Oredugba FA. Oral health condition and treatment needs of a group of Nigerian individuals with Down syndrome. Downs Syndr Res Pract 2007;12(1):72-6.

To improve the oral health conditions of individuals with Down syndrome, an intensive educational approach needs to be applied to caregivers and special needs teachers because they have daily and direct interactions with these disabled individuals. Also, parents and caregivers should be provided with information regarding the most effective and appropriate approach to deal with the oral health of these individuals. Generally, individuals with Down syndrome can be trained if their disability is mild to moderate, suggesting that repetitive teaching and habit forming can help in to improve their oral hygiene.


The majority of individuals with Down syndrome are present with the condition of mild gingivitis and fair oral hygiene. We believe the importance of a preventive approach in regards to the maintenance of oral hygiene is critical to be taught to the caregivers. In addition, the oral condition of individuals with Down syndrome should be monitored closely with a routine dental check-up.

  • Financial Support: None.


  • [1]
    Presson AP, Partyka G, Jensen KM, Devine OJ, Rasmussen SA, McCabe LL, et al. Current estimate of down syndrome population prevalence in the United States. J Pediatr 2013; 163(4):1163-8.
  • [2]
    Arumugam A, Raja K, Venugopalan M, Chandrasekaran B, Kovanur Sampath K, Muthusamy H, et al. Down syndrome - A narrative review with a focus on anatomical features. Clin Anat 2016; 29(5):568-77.
  • [3]
    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) 2013. Lap Nas 2013; 1-384. [In Indonesian].
  • [4]
    Altun C, Guven G, Akgun OM, Akkurt MD, Basak F, Akbulut E. Oral health status of disabled individuals attending special schools. Eur J Dent. 2010; 4(4):361-6.
  • [5]
    Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology. 11th. ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders; 2012.
  • [6]
    Amoian B, Moghadamnia AA, Barzi S, Sheykholeslami S, Rangiani A. Salvadora persica extract chewing gum and gingival health: improvement of gingival and probe-bleeding index. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2010; 16(3):121-3.
  • [7]
    Morgan J. Why is periodontal disease more prevalent and more severe in people with down syndrome? Spec Care Dent 2007 ;27(5):196-201.
  • [8]
    Anders PL, Davis EL. Oral health of patients with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Spec Care Dent 2010; 30(3):110-7.
  • [9]
    Malmo University. Oral Health Database. Simplified Oral Hygiene Index - OHI-S. Available at: [Accessed on January 18, 2019].
  • [10]
    López-Pérez R, Borges-Yáñez SA, Jiménez-García G, Maupomé G. Oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis in persons with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist 2002; 22(6):214-20.
  • [11]
    Rebelo M, Queiroz A. Gingival Indices: State of Art. In: Panagakos F, Davies R. Gingival Diseases. London: IntechOpen Limited; 2011. Chapter 3.
  • [12]
    Ram G, Chinen J. Infections and immunodeficiency in Down syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2011; 164(1):9-16.
  • [13]
    Khocht A, Yaskell T, Janal M, Turner BF, Rams TE, Haffajee AD, et al. Subgingival microbiota in adult Down syndrome periodontitis. J Periodontal Res 2012; 47(4):500-7.
  • [14]
    Khocht A, Janal M, Turner B. Periodontal health in down syndrome: Contributions of mental disability, personal, and professional dental care. Spec Care Dentist 2010; 30(3):118-23.
  • [15]
    Davidovich E, Aframian DJ, Shapira J, Peretz B. A comparison of the sialochemistry, oral pH, and oral health status of down syndrome children to healthy children. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010; 20(4):235-41.
  • [16]
    Werdiningsih C, Hartanti. Status kesehatan gingiva pada penderita sindrom down di Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Sosial Bina Grahita (BBRSBG) Temanggung. Insisiva Dent J 2013; 2(1):68-72. [In Indonesian].
  • [17]
    Bull MJ, Committee on Genetics. Health supervision for children with Down Syndrome. Pediatrics 2011; 128(2):393-406.
  • [18]
    Pellegrini FP, Marinoni M, Frangione V, Tedeschi A, Gandini V, Ciglia F, et al. Down syndrome, autoimmunity and T regulatory cells. Clin Exp Immunol 2012; 169(3):238-43.
  • [19]
    Al-Sufyani GA, Al-Maweri SA, Al-Ghashm AA, Al-Soneidar WA. Oral hygiene and gingival health status of children with Down syndrome in Yemen: A cross-sectional study. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent 2014; 4(2):82-6.
  • [20]
    Abanto J, Ciamponi AL, Francischini E, Murakami C, de Rezende NP, Gallottini M. Medical problems and oral care of patients with Down syndrome: A literature review. Spec Care Dentist 2011; 31(6):197-203.
  • [21]
    Oredugba FA. Oral health condition and treatment needs of a group of Nigerian individuals with Down syndrome. Downs Syndr Res Pract 2007;12(1):72-6.

Edited by

Academic Editors: Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti and Wilton Wilney Nascimento Padilha

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Jan 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Mar 2019
  • Accepted
    19 Sept 2019
  • Published
    09 Oct 2019
Associação de Apoio à Pesquisa em Saúde Bucal Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 4161 - Sala 06, Miramar, CEP: 58020-388, João Pessoa, PB - Brasil, Tel.: 55-83-98773 2150 - João Pessoa - PB - Brazil