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BJCVS implants electronic submission of articles


BJCVS implants electronic submission of articles

Domingo Braile* * Editor RBCCV/BJCVS

It is with great satisfaction and pride that I start this editorial announcing that, since the month of August, the Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) is on par with the best Brazilian and international publications in respect to submission and review of manuscripts by internet.

After some months of research, we opted for the software of the Brazilian Company GN1 Genesis Network, which already provides the system to other scientific publications, such as the Brazilian Journal of Pneumology. The system was adapted to meet the needs of our journal and, additional to electronic submission it presents many other facilities that are shown in the site that was created for the journal, For example, authors will always be able to check the situation of their manuscripts and reviewers will always be informed on the position of the works that they reviewed. Moreover, reviewers will benefit as they will have access to evaluations made by their colleagues (not identified) in respect to the same work. This will help us to have evaluations of a greater homogeneity and better quality.

In the site all the complete volumes of the BJCVS from 1997 will be available in Portuguese with abstracts in English and from 2003 the complete journals will be available in Portuguese and English, making access of our articles to society members and worldwide partners easy. All can be accessed in the site

The BJCVS is also available in the site of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, here in Brazil and in the site of the CTSNet in the United States, exponentially increasing our visibility. Furthermore, we are studying the possibility, with the directorate of the BSCVS, of offering a complete publishing package to our advertisers, including advertisements in the printed edition, in the site of the BSCVS and also allowing them to put a link to the electronic BJCVS in their URLs.

We request that all colleagues and other professionals submit their manuscripts directly using the electronic submission system, thereby providing better agility and safety for the flow of works. Once the system is implanted, it will be impossible to accept works by e-mail, disk or CD.

We request that those of you who that did not register yet should do so as soon as possible by entering The system is dynamical and simple to use by following the instructions provided. The executive editor, Ricardo Brandau and the team of GN1 Genesis Network is always available to clear up any doubts. We emphasize that the BJCVS will continue to be available online in English and Portuguese in Scielo (, which has been essential for the consolidation of our journal. The proof of this is that we continue to receive works from foreign countries, which are being evaluated by our reviewers. In this edition we published a manuscript sent by professors from the University of Goettingen, in Germany.

We also can not forget to thank the directorate of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS) for their support and diligence in the negotiations in the acquisition of the software and also to CNPq, who supplied financial aid destined at improving the structure of scientific publications online, making the acquisition of the software possible. As we have emphasized the scarcity of resources, official funds are indispensable so that we can maintain and to improve the quality of RBCCV/BJCVS. The attitude of the CNPq in understanding the importance of our publication has been fundamental. Due to the increase of printing costs, we have decided to change the thickness of the paper and from this volume we will use a thinner paper, still a little thicker than the paper used by the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and The annals of Thoracic Surgery. By this, we have obtained a significant reduction in costs, maintaining a standard compatible with the best journals of the area.

On the other hand, we are continuing to negotiate the indexation of the journal in Medline. Recently, we made a new request by internet and we are anxiously waiting for a positive response. We have also managed to link the journal to another important database, the Index Copernicus (, which brings together prestigious scientific publications from the entire world.

Our journal, apart from the scientific articles, which are its main focus, has been concerned with publishing works that serve to guide authors in writing manuscripts and to reflect on world topics. With this approach, we have published in this issue two editorials that discuss themes of extreme interest in medicine.

The first work is from an Argentinean colleague, who belongs to our Editorial Board, Adolfo Saadia. He wrote a beautiful defense of humanism and ethics that must direct the work of doctors. The second one is from the attorney Antônio Ferreira Couto Filho, President of the Bio-rights commission of the IAB – Institute of Brazilian Lawyers, in which he talks about problems which make the work of health professionals in Brazil difficult, using the term the "damage industry".

We also created a new section, denominated "Surgical Technique". We invite colleagues, who for sure have many ideas in this field, to send their collaborations. Starting with the next BSCVS Congress, which will take place in Salvador, the Official Program will be published as a supplement of our journal, published sufficiently early to be delivered to the address of members before the event.

This aims to allow BSCVS members to have previous knowledge of the events and of the works to be presented and, thus, they can plan beforehand. We must remind you that the deadline to send abstracts of the Oral Free Themes and Interactive Forums for judgment is November 15th, 2005. The approved works must be sent by February 15th, 2006 to the e-mail Also, before this date authors of selected Oral Free Themes must send a copy of the work already complying with the rules of the BJCVS via e-mail using the site, ready for publication in the journal. The collaboration of all is essential to avoid delays.

Concluding, I remind you of the death, after a car accident, of our colleague Michele Emílio Alfredo Guffi, who died on July 12th 2005, in Switzerland, where she lived and worked. Our condolences go to her family and to her many friends in Brazil.

My warmest wishes to all,

Domingo Braile

  • *
    Editor RBCCV/BJCVS
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      19 Sept 2008
    • Date of issue
      Sept 2005
    Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular Rua Afonso Celso, 1178 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061 - São Paulo/SP Brazil, Tel +55 (11) 3849-0341, Tel +55 (11) 5096-0079 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil