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The argument of the paper is that creative city has potential to boost the human capacity to co-create solutions to urban problems and promote sustainable local development. For cities to adopt this new territorial logic, managers and planners must first understand how creativity originates and its interactional network. Although there is a growing literature on the subject, little attention has been devoted to the production of creative space. Therefore, it is necessary to understand conceptually space, territory and sociabilities from a sociological perspective. A bibliographical and documentary review was carried out. The results show the demand for creativity management by cities and some Brazilian experiences are only prioritizing economic aspects instead of mitigating the urban problem. The creative city in its essence transcends the creative class and the creative economy, but it is a multidimensional urban model. It is seen that the creative space is a social production that reflects the society that produces it, however it is beneficial to better formulate policies that aim to promote it and also the need to carry out future empirical studies in the face of the emergence of the urban phenomenon.

Creative City; Creativity; Territory.

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