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Recent progress and prospects for the journal Materia

Recent progress and prospects for the journal Materia

The year of 2006 was a very significant one for the journal Materia, concerning its editorial organization. This was the year in which the journal was accepted by SciELO, an important Latin-American indexing agent that will give it yet more visibility. But it was also the year in which all the documents of current use by the journal were rewritten, such as instructions to the authors, the template file used as guide for writing articles, the document for confirmation of authorship and copy-right transfer, being now all presented in three languages, English, Portuguese and Spanish. Besides that, the Editorial Board was enlarged and this last edition of the year is publishing a complete listing of all those who participated in the enormous effort involving the peer-reviewing of articles.

It was also in 2006 that the number of articles received for publication increased considerably. For the first time the section Publication Proofs was presented, showing the papers already reviewed and accepted for publication that still undergo formatting adjustments and constitute a waiting listing in the publication agenda. Because of this enlarged number of articles submitted for publication, the journal has made a base publication plan for the whole year of 2007. It will be subjected to content modifications during the year to include the new articles that will be spontaneously sent to the journal during the year, which will be immediately analyzed to know if they are adequate considering the journal’s objective and also the journal’s formatting requirements, before entering the peer-reviewing process.

It is also important mentioning that within these last twelve months the number of accesses to the journal’s site has increased splendidly. The average number of accesses to the journal’s site was about 4.800 in 2005 and jumped to more than 12.000 in 2006, reaching at the end of the year a monthly number of accesses in excess of 22.000. By entering into the SciELO indexing site, these numbers might still increase in 2007. This is a demonstration that the journal is being consistently used by the Latin-American scientific community to which it is designed. It is also very important to mention that Materia is a scientific journal to which the access is free, which is rare among qualified scientific journals, therefore guaranteeing access to information to all Latin-American researchers belonging to the area of materials and correlated ones.

We invite you to also participate in this effort, submitting articles for publication in the journal Materia, to present the best out of your scientific research results on the area of materials and making yourself available to help in the important, necessary and laborious peer-reviewing of articles.

On behalf of the members of the journal’s Editorial Board and Publishing Support, I’d like to thank all those who have contributed to the journal in 2006 and I’d also like to wish you a happy and productive year of 2007.


Paulo Emílio V. de Miranda (


Journal Materia

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Mar 2007
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2006
Laboratório de Hidrogênio, Coppe - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em cooperação com a Associação Brasileira do Hidrogênio, ABH2 Av. Moniz Aragão, 207, 21941-594, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel: +55 (21) 3938-8791 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil