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About the journal


Basic information


Lua Nova is edited by the Center for Contemporary Culture Studies (CEDEC) and was founded in 1984 as a journal for debate and intervention on the major issues that mobilized society at the time. Since 1988, with the number 15, it has gained its current format, with numbers centered on thematic nuclei and with independent articles, focused on long-range reflection, both in empirical analysis and in theoretical foundations, on questions related to three basic fields: Democracy, citizenship and rights. It is currently a first-line publication in the academic field, with high evaluations by research sponsor agencies and with national and international indexation. In the last classification of Qualis Periódicos (2017-2020) Lua Nova is related as A1 in the areas of Sociology, Political Science and International Relations, History, Interdisciplinary. Lua Nova is published quarterly.

Lua Nova aims to promote discussion over contemporary core issues, emphasizing the public character in the analysis of public policies and the Brazilian position in the analysis of the international environment. It stands as well for a scholarly theoretical approach both to national and international questions. Lua Nova publishes works from recognized authors in the fields approached.

Its abbreviated title is Lua Nova, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.



Information services


The articles published in Lua Nova are indexed or summarized by:

  • DataÍndice
  • CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades)
  • International Political Science Abstracts
  • Redalyc (Red de Revistas Científicas de América y el Caribe, España y Portugal)
  • Latindex (Sistema de Información em Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • SJR – Scimago Journal & Country Rank


Intellectual property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política adopted until Aug/2015 the Creative Commons license attribution-type BY-NC. Actually, the license is the attribution-type BY.





The publication of this journal is financially supported by:

  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


Editorial Board





Committee writing



Editorial Committee



Publishing production

  • Graphic Project and Cover
    Aline Maya, Maurício Marcelo
    Tikinet Edição Ltda. – EPP
  • Copyediting, preparation and review of texts
    Luan Maitan, Andressa Picosque, Tatiana Custódio
    Tikinet Edição Ltda. – EPP


Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


All contributions sent to Lua Nova will be submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal, which will send them to two external reviewers for blind peer review. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision to publish or not the manuscript, reserving itself the right to suggest to the author(s) modifications, to adapt it to the dimensions of the journal and/or its editorial standard. It is recommended, therefore, that the Conditions for Submitting Articles presented herein are observed before submitting a manuscript to the journal.

The publication of an article is the entire responsibility of the author, thus not expressing the endorsement of the Editorial Board.

Authors do not incur any charges and fees for submission, review and publication of their articles.

Conditions for Submitting Articles

1) The manuscript should be original and unpublished and not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be clearly stated in Comments to the publisher.

2) The file should be in Microsoft Word format (extension .doc or .docx) and, except in exceptional cases, must not to exceed 25 pages or approximately 53,000 characters including spaces (setting: 1.5 space, standard margins, A4 size paper).

3) The title should be short and precise, and should not exceed 1,5 line. The title must also be in English.

4) The abstract of the article, in Portuguese and English, must not exceed 10 lines (about 1,000 characters including spaces), with the respective keywords.

5) Write a short biographical note, with current activity and institution to which the author(s) belongs, email, contact phones and ORCID numbers. (Please do not include in this note previous published references)

6) Sites and links quoted in the text must have been checked and with date of access informed and updated.

7) Tables, charts, graphics, etc., must be included in the middle of the text and not at the end of the document as attachments. In addition, to be edited, please send them in the program that generated them, in separate file(s), for example in Excel, identifying those files with the title of the article and Table 1, Graphic 2, etc.

8) Please follow the instructions in the Form and preparation of manuscripts, below.

9) Be sure that the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review have been followed.

Note: Failure to comply with these conditions originates difficulties for submission and obstacles to the publication of articles, which will be returned to their authors and may not be published.

Ensuring Blind Peer Review
To ensure the integrity of blind peer review for submissions to the journal, every care must be taken not to disclose the identity of authors and reviewers during the process. This requires that authors, editors and reviewers (who can send documents to the system as part of the review process) take some precautions with the text and properties of the document:

1. The authors of the document must exclude from the text names, replacing with "Author" and the year in references and footnotes, instead of author names, article title, etc.

2. In Microsoft Office documents, the author ID must be removed from the document properties (in the File> Properties menu), starting with File, in the main menu, and clicking on the sequence: File> Save as ...> Tools or Options in Mac)> Security Options ...> Remove personal information from the file by saving> OK> Save.


The names and addresses informed for the editing of the manuscripts in order to publishing will be used exclusively for this purpose and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Lua Nova reserves itself the right, before submitting the article for peer review, to check for plagiarism using specific software, such as Turnitin.

Lua Nova does not to accept for evaluation, manuscripts with a high level of self-plagiarism.

Authors must ensure the originality of the manuscript, and in case of use of parts of other articles, must make the necessary quotes.

Lua Nova condemns plagiarism, in its various forms, and shall not publish an article whose percentage of similarity with other texts reaches high levels.

In case plagiarism is proved, Lua Nova will not publish the text in question and will no longer accept any work coming from the authors involved.

The authors of articles accepted for publication in the Lua Nova remain with the rights of the article.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1) Lua Nova accept submission of articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Quotations in foreign languages must be translated into the body of the text. If the translation is by the author, please let this be clearly stated, and, if necessary, insert the original in a footnote. When there is highlighted text in citations it should also be made clear whether the highlight is from the original author or from the author of the article.

2) All citations, even if short, must contain their source (author or publication, year and page); We do not use idem, ibidem. See item # 11. Quotes that occupy more than 3 lines in the text should be written in smaller size in a separate paragraph.

3) All sources cited in the text must have complete bibliographic information at the end of the article - NOT as footnotes, according to ABNT Standards adapted to the journal standard. See examples in item # 13 or earlier issues of Lua Nova.

4) If an electronic publication, link, quoted web page is no longer accessible, keep the date it was accessed and insert a note about it; If in the bibliography, put this information in brackets.

5) Footnotes only complement some information in the text, NEVER insert bibliographical references of authors or works that are being mentioned, unless it is a secondary citation.

6) All acronyms must be dismembered in their first occurrence in the text. Do repeat its meaning, that is, the acronym in full throughout the text only if absolutely necessary.

7) We do not use underlined or bold highlights. And italics are reserved primarily for foreign words. Use it sparingly in other situations. Quotes are for concepts, quotes, ironies, assumptions.

8) Foreign institutions are written in normal print, not in italics, accompanied by their translation into Portuguese when they are not common knowledge.

9) Avoid repetitions of words and language vices, such as "through," "from," "crucial," and so on.

10) Attend to the correct Spelling; Before submitting the article, use the spelling checker from the Word program in the Review/ABC spelling and grammar command. Pay particular attention to spelling and correct typing of foreign words, especially names of authors or works.

11) Sources of citations or references to works made in the text follow the author/date system - the author's name ONLY with the first letter capitalized. Examples: "[...] according to Romano (1996)"; "(Citation or text that refers to the author/work)" (Gurgel, 1997, p.17) or (Vieira and Lopes, 1994), if two authors (note that "e" is not used) (Barbosa Ribeiro, Gomes and Moreira Jr., 2011). If there are more than one work of the same author and date, they are identified both in the text and in the bibliography with the addition of lowercase letters in the date. Example:
(Said, 2007a) or (Said, 2007b, p.35). And in the bibliography:
SAID, Edward Wadie. 2007a. Humanismo e crítica democrática. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
_____. 2007b. Orientalismo. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

12) The indication of the date of an original text or of the first edition is not mandatory, it only becomes clear to the text or if it makes a bibliographical survey. And in the bibliography, first "common" issues are not noted.
Thus, he asserted, "it is up to the legislator [i.e. To the multitude] to correct governments or to change them completely, as well as to establish them "(Marsilius of Padua, 1956 [1324], 87). Marsilio, in fact, transformed the act of naming into an act of foundation, thus introducing the idea of ​​sovereignty in terms of a productive multitude, "a universal active causality" that "shapes" "establishes" and "differentiates" the parts of the State (Marsilius of Padua, 1956 [1324], pp. 26, 63-64).

13) Examples of norms and bibliographical notations:

Book of an author:
BOSI, Alfredo. 1993. Dialética da Colonização. São Paulo: Companhia das 
STRAUSS, Claude Lévi. 1954. Droit naturel et histoire. Paris: Plon.

Book of two authors or organizers:
COSTA, Pietro; ZOLO, Danilo. (eds.). 2006. O Estado de Direito: história, teoria, crítica. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.

Book with more than three authors:
HASENBALG, Carlos; LIMA, Márcia; SILVA, Nelson do Valle. 1999. Cor e estratificação social. Rio de Janeiro: Contracapa.

Chapter of book or article of compilation:
BASSUL, José Roberto. 2010. " Estatuto da cidade: a construção de uma lei ". In: CARVALHO, Celso Santos.; ROSSBACH, Anaclaudia. (eds.). O estatuto da cidade. São Paulo: Ministério das Cidades/ Aliança das Cidades, 2010, pp. 71-90.

Article in journal:
FERNANDES, Edésio. 2007. “Constructing the ‘right to the city’ in Brazil”. Social & Legal Studies, v. 16, n. 2, pp. 201-19.
BOMENY, Helena. 1989. Uma entrevista com Richard Morse. Estudos Históricos, v. 2, n. 3, pp. 77-90.

Paper presented at a congress:
BARREIRA, Karen Elaine. Sakalauska; BELANGERO, Juliana Santoro. 2013. Suprema Corte norte-americana, Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e Corte Internacional de Justiça no caso Medellín. Paper presented at the IV Encontro Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais, Belo Horizonte, 22-26 July.

Publication in electronic media:
BRASIL. Ministério da Defesa. 2008. Estratégia nacional de defesa. Available at: <>. Accessed on: Sep 23. 2013.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. 2012. “Oitava carta às esquerdas: as últimas trincheiras”. Carta Maior, ago. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 10 Jan. 2013.



Sending of manuscripts


Since 2016, proposals for texts sent by email are no longer accepted and submissions of articles for publication in Lua Nova must be made through the SciELO Submission system, which is available at:

There are no fees for submission and evaluation of articles.

CEDEC Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea - CEDEC, Rua Riachuelo, 217 - conjunto 42 - 4°. Andar - Sé, 01007-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: (55 11) 3871.2966 - Ramal 22 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil