Historical Brief
The Revista Estudos Feministas (Journal of Feminist Studies - REF), based at the Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH) and the Center for Communication and Expression (CCE) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, is an indexed and interdisciplinary journal, with national and international circulation, and aims to disseminate the vast production of knowledge in the field of feminist and gender studies, seeking to provide contributions to theoretical debates in this area, as well as analytical instruments that can contribute to the practices of women's movements. The Revista Estudos Feministas was created in 1992, and was initially edited by the Interdisciplinary Coordination of Contemporary Studies of the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In a second moment, the Graduate Program in Social Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro assumed responsibility for editing the Journal. From 1999 onwards, it began to be hosted by the Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences and the Center for Communication and Expression of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Currently, it is part of the Institute of Gender Studies, an organization that brings together researchers from different areas of knowledge and activity at UFSC, having feminist studies and the gender perspective as common denominators. The Institute of Gender Studies at UFSC (http://ieg.ufsc.br) brings together professors and researchers from various fields of knowledge, and has five lines of action: the publication of REF, the International Conference Fazendo Gênero (Doing Gender), many continuing education courses, the work in the Area of Concentration Studies of Gender and Sexualities in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences at UFSC, the IEG Documentation Center and the Gender and Diversities Cultural Space. |
Open Science Compliance
This newspaper follows the Gold Open Access model. Since its insertion in SciELO in 2004, and subsequent insertion in the Journal Platform of UFSC(Portal de Periódicos da UFSC), through which the journal began to be edited by the Online Journal System (OJS), Revista Estudos Feministas is an open access journal. This access is guaranteed by its availability in SciELO, in the UFSC Journal Platform, in Redalyc and in Educ@. More recently, the journal has been working to conform to all the main precepts of Open Science, especially the following: REF agrees to evaluate manuscripts deposited on preprint servers known as the platform offered by SciELO Preprints for publication. The REF requires the citation, referencing and declaration of research data, which may be deposited in institutional repositories. REF is initiating the practice of informed peer review, especially in the case of preprints or when the authors and reviewers allow the opening of the evaluation data. The compliance of submissions to the precepts of Open Science must be informed through a specific item on the checklist that must be sent with the submission of the article. |
Ethics in Publication
The Revista Estudos Feministas is based on the principles of the SciELO Codes of Ethics, present in the "Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing”; in the "Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications" recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Publication Ethics Committee [COPE]; in the principles of the Directory of Open Access Journals (Directory of Open Access Journals [Doaj] and in the principles of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (Association of Open Access Academic Editors [Oaspa]. Research carried out with human beings, especially in the area of health, must be approved by the ethics committees of their institutions. |
Focus and Scope
The editorial committee of the Revista Estudos Feministas decided to use the feminine as the standard for the texts of editorial norms and policies. This decision took into account the accessibility of the texts for people with visual impairment and as an affirmative action to value the writing of women, who are the majority of REF collaborators. We hope that everyone feels included in this language. Created in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Revista Estudos Feministas, published at the Federal University of Santa Catarina since 1999, is a quarterly scientific journal that publishes original texts in the form of articles, essays and reviews, on gender, feminisms and sexualities, both related to a given discipline and interdisciplinary in its methodology, theorization and bibliography. It aims to disseminate the vast production of knowledge in these fields of study and seeks to offer subsidies to theoretical debates in the area, as well as analytical instruments that can contribute to the practices of women's, feminist, gender and sexualities social movements. REF is structured in the following sections: Articles, Thematic Articles, Point of View, Thematic Section, Dossier, Debate and Reviews. The Dossiers alternate their publication with the Thematic Sections and the Debate Section. The Point of View section houses essays and interviews. Publishing a volume with three annual issues, REF is a journal of national and international circulation, being an important reference in Brazil and Latin America. It accepts original texts in continuous flow in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English. (more information in the section policy and in the "Guidelines for Authors"). IMPORTANT: The Revista Estudos Feministas does not accept articles and essays that are already being considered for other publications or that have already been published in other journals or books. The Editorial Board encourages authors to make use of the SciELO Preprints platform before submitting the article for evaluation in the journal. In this case, when submitting to the REF, the authors must communicate that the article was previously available on the SciELO Preprint platform. If you have questions about the preprint, go to: SPINAK, Ernesto. "What is the deal with preprints?" SciELO in Perspective, 2016. Available in https://blog.scielo.org/en/2016/11/22/whats-the-deal-with-preprints/ |
Composition of the Journal
The different sections of the Journal are composed of academic articles, thematic articles, essays, interviews, dossiers, thematic section, and reviews. The Articles will contain analyses of the results of empirical studies or may address theoretical and methodological issues, obeying criteria and rules already established by the academic culture. Thematic Articles comprise a set of articles already evaluated and accepted for publication by the Revista Estudos Feministas that, coincidentally, refer to the same theme. One or more editors and/or academics are invited to organize and present them, in accordance with their research interests and familiarity with the topic in which the articles already approved by ad hoc reviewers were produced. The Point of View section is made up of essays and interviews. The Essays will result from reflections on a given theme, elaborated in a more flexible and open way, which will be defined as such by the Journal's editorial team from the submissions made through the "articles" section. The Interviews, which will be edited in a format compatible with their publication, must be carried out with professionals, academics, activists, whose contribution is relevant to the development of the interests of the field. The Thematic Section is the result of a proposal by an organizer, external or not to the group of editors, to call for the production of academic articles on a topic of interest to the field of feminist and gender studies, for publication scheduled with the editorial coordination of the Journal, which, as well as all other articles published in this Journal, must be submitted to the evaluation of external reviewers. The Dossiers must contain articles on current and controversial topics that contribute to the epistemological and political debate in the area, and must be coordinated by a professional or professionals of recognized competence on the theme proposed for the section, which must be submitted for consideration by the editorial board of dossiers and thematic sections and also by the editorial coordination. The texts consist of a set of works on a theme associated with political and social movements, inside or outside the academy, selected and organized by the coordinator of the dossier. The works may include, in addition to articles and essays, several other textual genres, such as testimonies, descriptions, proposals, manifestos, case studies, in short, without necessarily adapting to rigid academic-scientific norms due to their more militant organization focus. The Reviews section will publish critical comments, evaluated by the components of the review section, on relevant works in the area, published in Brazil in the last two years or abroad in the last four years. |
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy program of the SciELO Program. |
Indexing Sources
Bibliographic Journal Information
Websites and Social Media
The Editorial Board encourages authors to make use of the SciELO Preprint platform before submitting the article for evaluation in the journal. In this case, when submitting to the REF, the authors must communicate that the article was previously available on the SciELO Preprint platform. If you have questions about the preprint, go to: SPINAK, Ernesto. "What is the deal with preprints?" SciELO in Perspective, 2016. Available at: https://blog.scielo.org/en/2016/11/22/whats-the-deal-with-preprints/ |
Peer Review Process
Initial assessment First, the texts undergo a preliminary evaluation carried out by the technical team to verify that the submission meets the standards of the Journal. At this stage, if the works do not meet the standards, they are rejected and the authors are instructed to make the necessary corrections and make a new submission. Also at this stage, the works will be submitted to the text similarity recognition tool, in order to check for plagiarism. Then, the articles undergo an evaluation by the Article Editorial Board to verify whether the text fits the scope of the Journal, in terms of originality, quality and theme, and whether a full external evaluation is justified. The articles approved in this stage will be sent to external evaluators. Important: articles that do not completely comply with the specifications of the Journal's standards will not be considered. All information about standards and text formatting can be found in the "Guidelines for authors" menu. Peer review The Revista Estudos Feministas conducts a "double-blind" evaluation, that is, neither the name of the author (or authors) nor the name of the evaluators are revealed to each other. The Revista Estudos Feministas does not accept articles and essays that are already being considered for other publications or that have already been published in other journals or books. The texts approved in the initial stage are forwarded to two ad hoc evaluators who are experts in the topic addressed in the article. In case there is a disparity in the reviews, a third reviewer should be called to evaluate the article. If the disparities are not overcome, the publishers must issue the final opinion. The editorial board asks ad hoc external reviewers to evaluate the text within 20 days. The author will receive, after the external review process, the comments of the evaluators with the removal of the identification notes. Conditional acceptance If the external revisions are favorable, the text will be accepted on the condition that the author adequately addresses the issues raised by the reviewers. The article must be resubmitted within a maximum of 30 days, highlighting the modifications made. After the text is sent by the author, it will be examined by the article editors and, if necessary, by at least one of the original ad hoc evaluators. This process is required to verify that the suggested modifications have been adequately met, so that the manuscript is accepted for publication. Rejection Rejection can occur after the initial evaluation, after the peer review, and after the review and resubmission of the work within the stipulated period. If the ad hoc evaluations indicate the need for a substantial revision, the work will be rejected.
Open Data
REF encourages authors to open their research data. This means "the sharing of data, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from the research that generally underlies the texts of the articles published by the journals". We encourage authors to read the following guides. |
Fee Collection
REF does not charge fees for publication. In the event that the authors wish to publish their text also in English, the translation expenses are the responsibility of the authors, who must resort to translators accredited by the Journal as a way to guarantee the quality of the translation. |
Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction
The Revista Estudos Feministas follows the recommendations for ethical conduct and procedures of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication Manufacturing: inventing data or results by recording or reporting them; Falsification: manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or altering or omitting data or results, so that the research is not accurately represented in the research record; Plagiarism: consists of the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving proper credit. Duplicate Publication and Redundant Publication: REF undertakes to publish original material, that is, material that has not been previously published or that is being reviewed in other journals, including in different languages. Submitted articles should not be sent to any other journal while it is in the process of evaluation. Duplicate publication refers to the practice of submitting the same study in two or more journals and redundant publication that consists of the inadequate division of the study results into more than one article that may result in the rejection of the article or its retraction, and the Authors may incur sanctions established by the Editorial Board. Corrections and Retractions: in cases of errors or failures, regardless of nature or origin, which do not constitute misconduct, they will be corrected by means of errata. Articles already published in which misconduct is identified will be subject to retraction with a duly referenced statement of the reason. All Authors will be asked to agree to the content. Sanctions: practices that harm scientific integrity, such as Plagiarism, Duplicate Publication, and Redundant Publication, will be evaluated by the Editorial Board to decide on the corresponding penalties, such as the suspension of publishing in the journal for a period determined by the said Board. The Authors will be immediately notified of all stages of this process. Privacy Statement: The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. |
Conflict of Interest Policy
The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that can influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. By submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in the Authorship Note document, which will be sent along with the article. For more information see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest. |
Adoption of similarity checking software
The first versions of the articles are checked at the reception through the free software CopySpider. Articles with more than 30% similarity are investigated more closely by the editors, and the journal contacts the authors for possible explanations and modifications or withdrawal of the article. Ithenticate software, and the same criterion of 30% of maximum similarity is adopted. |
Adoption of software and use of Artificial Intelligence resources
The Revista Estudos Feministas recommends reading the Guide for the use of Artificial Intelligence tools and resources in the communication of research in the SciELO Network. If there is the use of Artificial Intelligence resources in the research and writing of the article, it must be properly referenced. If the editorial board and reviewers use these resources, in the analysis of the articles, and in the edition, the journal undertakes to reference this use. |
Sex and Gender Issues
The editorial team of Revista Estudos Feministas, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and findings and interpretation of findings. In addition, the Revista Estudos Feministas observes the policy of gender affirmative action in the formation of its editorial board. As it is a feminist journal, the editorial board is made up mostly of women, which does not in any way prevent the participation of men and trans people in the editing, evaluation of articles and as authors. |
Ethics Committee
In the Authorship Notes, the authors must explain the approval of the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research in the necessary cases or justifying. |
Authors of articles published by REF retain the copyright of their works by licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 CC-BY license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. Authors grant Revista Estudos Feministas the right of first publication. The Revista Estudos Feministas is under the License Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY 4.0) that allows the sharing of work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal. The license allows you to: Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and/or adapt (remix, transform, and create from the material) for any purpose, even commercial. The licensor cannot revoke these rights as long as the terms of the license are respected. The terms are as follows: Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes have been made. This can be done in a variety of ways without, however, suggesting that the licensor (or licensor) has approved the use in question. No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything permitted by the license. |
Intellectual Property and Terms of Use
Website liability: Copyright terms applied to published content should be clearly stated and separate from copyright terms applied to website. All the contents of the journal and the articles published by the Revista Estudos Feministas, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Feminist Studies License. License Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY 4.0). Author Responsibility: Copyright terms must not contradict licensing terms or open access policy terms. Authors of articles published by REF retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. The journal is not responsible for the opinions, ideas and concepts expressed in the texts, as they are the sole responsibility of their authors. REF encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and scholarly social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation is included in the website version of the journal. |
Sponsors and Funding Agencies
We are grateful for the support of CNPq, CAPES and FAPESC. Sources of Support |
Editorial coordination
Article Editors
Editors of dossiers and thematic sections
Review Editors
Interview Editors
Divulgation Editors
Assistant Editors
Electronic publishing house
Editorial board
Portuguese-English Translation
Portuguese-English Translation
The Revista Estudos Feministas accepts the following types of texts, in continuous flow: articles, essays, interviews, reviews. The Journal also publishes Thematic Sections and dossiers that are submitted through biannual notices. See below the rules for submitting texts. |
Conditions for submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission against all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.
Guidelines for authors
Contributions are accepted from masters, doctoral students, doctors and post-doctors. Only unpublished works by master's students in the form of co-authorship with a doctor (or post-doctor) will be accepted, as long as the article has the doctor (or post-doctor) as its first author. The Journal reserves the right not to accept for evaluation more than one submission per author per year, or while there is a previous submission in the evaluation process.
How and where to ship
How to register in the journal
How to submit an article to the journal
Documents for online submission
Guidelines for preparing text for blind evaluation
It has been the policy of the Revista Estudos Feministas since its creation to carry out a "double-blind" evaluation, in which the identification of the author (or authors) and the evaluators are not revealed to each other. There is, however, the option of open evaluation, which must be indicated on the checklist. When preparing the electronic submission of materials for double-blind review, the editorial board asks the author to take a few minutes to review her text and, where appropriate:
The editorial board understands that even though it is difficult to conclusively remove everything that may lead to the identification of the author, care must be taken to eliminate all evident sources that enable her identification, avoiding obvious indicators of authorship by the reviewers. REF also accepts preprinted articles on the platform offered by SciELO Preprints. In this case, the evaluation will not be double-blind, and the authors and evaluators have access to the data of both. |
Guidelines for the preparation of texts
1. When submitting files for consideration by the REF (articles, essays, reviews and interviews), the authors must:
2. To meet the graphic design of the Journal, the titles must fit in the header of the page. They should be short, inspiring and attractive. Long titles may be modified by the editors. Example: Original title - The Court arrives in Desterro: the visit of Dom Pedro II to the capital of the Province of Santa Catarina. How it should look - The Court arrives in Desterro. 2.1 Titles (Portuguese, English and Spanish) in Times New Roman font size 12, without italics and aligned to the left. 2.2 Section titles in Times New Roman 16 font, bold, centered, without skipping line to text. 2.3 Subsection titles in Times New Roman 14 font, bold, centered, without skipping line to the text. 3. For the preparation of the texts, the following items must be observed:
4. Citations and references: the sources of the citations must be indicated in the body of the text immediately after the citation, never in a footnote, (following the author-date system of NBR 10520/2002 of ABNT) containing in parentheses only the following data: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, year of publication of the work, initial and final page of the citation. The Journal has the practice of including, in the first entry of citation or paraphrase of each author, the full first name. Example of first citation: "Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx" (Simone de BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xx). Example of second quotation onwards: "Yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy" (BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xy). The list of bibliographic references, with the full name and first name of the authors, should be presented at the end of the text, and should contain only the references effectively cited in the body of the text. Works that do not comply with the established standards for references and grades will be returned to the authors for adjustment, which may result in a delay in their publication. Example: FONSECA, Claudia. Family, gossip and honor: the ethnography of violence and gender relations in popular groups. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000. 5. Bibliographic references will comply with the following criteria: a) Book: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. Title of the work: subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Example: FONSECA, Claudia. Family, gossip and honor: ethnography of gender relations and violence in popular groups. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000. In the case of two or more authors, the names must be separated by semicolons (;), including in the citations in the body of the text. For more than four authors, use et al. Example: FUNK, Susana Bornéo; MINELLA, Luzinete Simões; ASSIS, Gláucia de Oliveira (Orgs). Languages and narratives: feminist challenges. Tubarão: Editora Copiart, 2014. b) Book chapter: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE CHAPTER, First names. "Chapter title: subtitle". In: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, Prenouns. Title of the work: subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Beginning and end pages of the chapter, separated by hyphen. Example: HEILBORN, Maria Luiza. "Gender: a structuralist look". In: PEDRO, Joana; GROSSI, Miriam (Orgs.). Masculine, feminine, plural: gender in interdisciplinarity. Florianópolis: Editora Mulheres, 1998. p. 43-55. c) Journal article: LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE, First names. "Article title: subtitle". Title of the journal, city, volume number, issue number, initial and end pages of the article, month and year. In the case of two or more authors, the names must be separated by semicolons (;). For more than four authors, use et al. If the article is published online, include a link and date of access in the format dd/mm/yyyy. Examples: ROSEMBERG, Fúlvia. "Education, income, racial and gender discrimination". Journal of Pedagogical Studies, v. 68, n. 159, p. 324-355, May/Aug. 1987. LAGO, Mara Coelho de Souza. "Feminism, psychoanalysis, gender: travels and translations". Revista Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, v. 18, n. 1, p. 189-204, apr. 2010. Available at http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-026X2010000100012&lng=pt&nrm=iso. Accessed on 04/17/2019. d) Publication in electronic media: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. "Title of the work". Title of the Publication [online]. City of publication (if any), year of publication, volume of publication, publication number, start page and end page (if any) OR the identifying number of the article within the publication. Available at electronic address. ISSN. DOI. Other publication information. Access in day/month/year. Example: FREITAS, Lucas Bueno de; LUZ, Nanci Stancki da. "Gender, Science and Technology: state of the art from genre journals". Cadernos Pagu [online]. Campinas, 2017, n. 49, e174908. Available at: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-83332017000100304&lng=pt&nrm=iso. Epub 13/03/2017. ISSN 1809-4449. DOI: 10.1590/18094449201700490008. Accessed on 04/17/2019. e) Dissertations and Theses: AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First Names. Title of the work: subtitle. Year of presentation. Degree (Category and Area of Concentration) – Institution, city, state, country. Example: DINIZ, Carmen Simone Grilo. Between technique and human rights: possibilities and limits of the humanization of childbirth care. 2001. Doctorate (Graduate Program in Preventive Medicine) - Medical School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. f) Papers presented at scientific events: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. "Title of the work". In: NAME OF THE EVENT, Number of the edition of the event, year of the event, City, State, Country where the event took place. Annals... (or Proceedings... or Summaries...) Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Start and end pages of the work. Example: PRADO, Danda. "Maternity: option or fatality?" In: SEMINAR ON HUMAN REPRODUCTION RIGHTS, 1., 1985, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Annals... Rio de Janeiro: ALERJ/Special Commission on Reproduction Rights, 1985. p. 26-29. g) Laws and official publications: COUNTRY/INSTITUTION. Title of the publication (issue number, if any). Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Examples: BRAZIL. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988 (1st ed.). Brasília: Senado Federal, 1988. BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Law No. 9,394/1996. LDB: laws of guidelines and bases of national education. Brasília: Senado Federal, 1996. Observations:
Guidelines for the construction of accessible text
In order to promote the accessibility of the texts published in the REF for people with blindness (who need reading software that does not understand the content of images, graphs, tables, among others), some guidelines were prepared on the main changes in the development of the manuscript to be submitted. 1. Avoid the use of repeated blank characters (e.g., two spaces), as well as slashes and other forms used to represent gender diversity and sexualities (e.g., /as/os/es, @, "x"). 2. All non-text digital content must contain a description of the image (photos, illustrations, tables, graphs, gifs). 3. Avoid using merged cell in tables and frames. In the case of complex tables and charts, a brief description of the shape is suggested, such as the number of columns and rows. 4. Insert the description just below the "Source" item, using the same formatting. 5. In the description of images, the following order should be followed: #PraTodoMundoVer + what/who + where + how + does what + how + when + from where; the simplified form is also indicated: format + subject + landscape + context + action. All articles published by REF from 2020 onwards must follow the accessibility standards, according to the paper submission model available in the "Guidelines for Authors". |
Guidelines for Inserting Images, Tables, and Graphs
1. In the case of insertion of images (photos, figures, graphs, tables and tables), the responsibility for forwarding the procedures related to reproduction rights will be the responsibility of the author (or authors) of the articles and essays. The final approval of the text will depend on compliance with these guidelines. 2. Figures, graphs and images must be sent in two ways: in JPG format, inserted in the body of the text, and in TIFF format, with 300 dpis, in files separate from the text and uploaded to the system. Title, font and notes need to be in the body of the text and should not compose the image. Materials outside these specifications may not be used. 3. Tables must come in the body of the text (without inserting a footnote inside the table). They must also be in an image in TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpis, and inserted in "Supplementary Documents". The maximum size of the table on the page will be 13 x 17 cm, vertical position. Avoid large tables, with many cells and/or a lot of text per cell. They do not fit on the pages and the text can be illegible. 4. Whenever possible, leave figures, images, graphs and tables unlinked from a specific paragraph in order to allow some flexibility in the arrangement of the text and them on the page. There should be, somewhere in the text, the bold indication of the image or table for cross-referencing (e.g., Figure 1). 5. Images, tables, graphs must have a title, source and written description, for accessibility purposes (#PraTodoMundoVer). The description must be included just below the graphic element, as indicated in the template file available in the "Guidelines for Authors" menu. 6. Moderation is suggested regarding the use of images, with a maximum of 10 allowed. |
Guidelines for writing articles and essays
Articles: up to a maximum of 4 authors will be accepted. 1. Articles and essays must have around 9 thousand words or 45 thousand characters, with spaces (approximately 25 pages, A4 paper), including title, abstract, keywords, bibliographic references, notes and tables. 2. Submissions must be accompanied by:
Use the Checklist template available in the "Guidelines for Authors" menu, to facilitate the work of checking the items according to the REF standards. |
Guidelines for writing reviews
Up to a maximum of 2 authors will be accepted. 1. Reviews must have between 5 and 10 thousand characters, including spaces (around 2 thousand words). 2. The books reviewed must be related to the issue of feminisms, gender or sexualities and must preferably be recent: last four years for publications abroad and two years for national publication or resulting from translation in Brazil. 3. Reviews must contain:
4. The author of the review must also send her mini-biography (up to 5 lines of text) and fill in the submission metadata in the system. 5. The formatting rules for reviews must follow the guidelines indicated in the item "Guidelines for the preparation of texts". 6. All sources and references must be equally informed as indicated in item 5 of the "Guidelines for the preparation of texts". |
Interview Guidelines
1. The interviews must be preceded by a short text introducing the interviewee, prepared by the interviewer or interviewers, contextualizing their theme and the situation in which they were carried out. 2. They should contain short questions, preferably of one sentence only. It should be clear that the space is to be occupied by the interviewee, and not by the interviewer. If the question actually asked is longer, it must be edited for submission to the Journal. 3. Answers that are too long or include very different topics can be edited by including a question by the author. 4. Answers to topics that are close to you, but that have appeared at distant moments in the interview, can be edited in order to present a better connection. 5. After the interview is over, the interviewee should be checked with the spelling of the names mentioned, as well as complete the bibliographic references mentioned. 6. Whenever possible, send the transcript of the interview to obtain the interviewee's endorsement before her presentation to the interview editorial. 7. The formatting rules for the interviews must follow the guidelines indicated in the item "Guidelines for the preparation of texts". |
Revista Estudos Feministas Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences Cep: 88040-970, Trindade, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil e-mail: ref@cfh.ufsc.br e revistaestudosfeministas@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-8211 |