Open-access Use of radiofrequency in the treatment of acne: a systematic review

Uso de la radiofrecuencia en el tratamiento del acné: una revisión sistemática


Acne, of great prevalence and impact, presents many forms that can be treated by hygiene, topical medications, and manual alternative interventions such as skin cleansing and electrotherapy. The use of radiofrequency in the treatment of acne aims to increase the temperature in the cutaneous tissue, causing several metabolic and structural reactions, such as stimulating neocollagenesis. This study aimed to investigate the use of high-frequency current as an adjunctive treatment for acne. This is a non-systematic review of indexed databases (MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS). A total of 18 studies were included in this review and most of them related different treatment for acne associated with radiofrequency. Radiofrequency presents few complications and good results, besides having as an additional advantage the possibility of the patient returning to the routine immediately after application.

Keywords| Acne; Radiofrequency; Scar


Con gran prevalencia e impacto, el acné puede tener muchas formas, las cuales pueden ser tratadas por medio de medidas de higiene, medicamentos tópicos e intervenciones manuales alternativas, como la limpieza de la piel y el uso de electroterapia. La radiofrecuencia en el tratamiento de esta afección tiene como objetivo aumentar la temperatura en el tejido de la piel, provocando diversas reacciones metabólicas y estructurales, como la estimulación de la neocolagénesis. Este trabajo pretendió investigar el uso de corriente de alta frecuencia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento del acné. Esta es una revisión no sistemática en las bases de datos indexadas (MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS). En esta revisión se incluyeron 18 estudios, la mayoría de ellos abordaban diferentes recursos para el tratamiento del acné asociados al uso de la radiofrecuencia. Se encontró que la radiofrecuencia tiene pocas complicaciones y buenos resultados, además de la ventaja adicional de permitir al paciente volver a la rutina inmediatamente después de su aplicación.

Palabras clave| Acné; Radiofrecuencia; Cicatriz


De grande prevalência e impacto, a acne apresenta muitas formas, que podem ser tratadas por meio de medidas de higienização, medicamentos tópicos e intervenções alternativas manuais, como limpeza de pele e uso de eletroterapia. A radiofrequência no tratamento da condição tem por objetivo produzir o aumento da temperatura no tecido cutâneo, ocasionando diversas reações metabólicas e estruturais, como o estímulo à neocolagênese. Este trabalho buscou investigar o uso da corrente de alta frequência como coadjuvante no tratamento da acne. Trata-se de uma revisão não sistemática de bases de dados indexadas (MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS). Foram incluídos 18 estudos nesta revisão, a maioria deles relaciona diferentes recursos de tratamento para acne associados ao uso da radiofrequência. Verificou-se que a radiofrequência apresenta poucas complicações e bons resultados, além de ter como vantagem adicional a possibilidade de o paciente retornar à rotina imediatamente após a aplicação.

Descritores| Acne; Radiofrequência; Cicatriz


Acne is one of the most prevalent skin diseases, especially in the young population, peaking from 14 to 17 years in girls, and from 16 to 19 years in boys, but may also manifest in adulthood. About 80% of the adolescent population suffers from some type of acne during life1.

The pathophysiology of acne is characterized by changes in sebaceous hyperplasia and keratinocytic activity of the hair follicle due to hormonal influences commonly present in adolescence. These alterations promote follicle colonization by Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus albus2 bacteria, responsible for the formation of free fatty acids with pro-inflammatory properties, culminating in the inflammatory/immune response that originate comedones and pustules, which can evolve to atrophic scars3.

As consequence, acne can lead to a psychosocial impact, influencing daily activities and social relationships. Significant levels of anxiety and depression have already been observed in patients with this disease4.

Despite the high prevalence and impact of acne, there are many forms of treatment available that vary according to the degree of involvement and may involve hygiene measures, topical (benzoyl peroxide) and oral (isotretinoin and tetracycline) medications, and manual alternative interventions such as skin cleansing and the use of electrotherapy5), (6.

In electrotherapy, radiofrequency aims to increase skin temperature, causing several metabolic and structural reactions, stimulation of neocollagenesis, skin retraction, and increased blood and lymphatic circulation (improving skin nutrition) (7. Among other benefits, bactericidal, decongestant, regenerating, and healing effects can be highlighted.

Considering the number of studies on this theme in the literature, a systematic review is necessary to answer whether radiofrequency treatment is effective in the treatment of acne. As radiotherapy is a resource widely used in dermatological treatments, and can be associated with different techniques-including the treatment of other diseases-this systematic review aims to investigate the use of high-frequency/radiofrequency current as an adjuvant in the treatment of acne.


This research is a systematic review. The papers used were obtained by searching indexed databases (MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS). The review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) (8protocol. A review protocol was published in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO CDR42021244409).

Search strategy

The search for articles was performed by the keywords obtained in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and other search terms. In the search, the following keywords were used: “Acne” and “Radiofrequency” for titles and/or abstracts.

The search and selection of the studies were completed using the PICOS strategy: Population (P), Intervention (I), Comparison (C), Outcome (O), and Study Design (S). The search strategy was defined with the help of MeSH and the terms were allocated in each category according to their search characteristic: P - Adults, I - Radiofrequency, C - Laser, O - Scar treatment, S - Randomized and non-randomized clinical trials.

Selection criteria and study eligibility

The search filters used were: articles published in the last 10 years; in Portuguese or English, and that were available in the full version online. Initially, 34 articles were found. As inclusion criteria, articles should be clinical trials and the theme should be related to the research objective, that is, articles addressing the use of radiofrequency in the treatment of acne. The eligibility criteria for the studies are presented below.


Healthy patients who did not present any dermatological or other disorders, except acne scars, were included. The following patients were excluded: patients with diabetes; pregnant or breastfeeding; with active acne keloids; cancer lesions; warts or skin infections in the area to be treated; viral herpes infections in the previous six months; those who have had topical exfoliation treatments in the past two months; who have taken photosensitizing medications or oral retinoids in the past eight months; who have undergone surgical treatments or orthotherapy; who have received local injections in the previous eight months; who have had photorejuvenation treatments with other sources or photodynamic therapy with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) one year before; who have undergone acne scar treatment during the previous six months; and who have collagen disease or autoimmune disease.


The use of bipolar radiofrequency, fractional micro-plasma, micro-plasma, or micro-needling devices was required. Some studies have also used fractional CO2 lasers, fractional 1,550nm lasers (erbium glass), ablative fractional lasers, or non-ablative fractional lasers.


Studies that used radiofrequency and laser of different models, but did not use a placebo as a control, were included.


Outcomes were presented after one to five treatment sessions and follow-up visits were made one to six months after the end of treatment. The effects of radiofrequency therapy evaluated were the regeneration and healing of acne sequelae. In one study, improvement in acne scars was observed in different regions of the body (face, shoulders, and back).

Study design

Randomized and non-randomized clinical trials were selected, including crossover, single, or double-blind studies.

Data analysis

The data were used to analyze improvements in acne scarring via photographs taken before and after treatment and were quantified using the ECCA (echelle d’evaluation clinique des cicatrices d’acné) grading system. Months after the treatment, patients were asked to characterize their overall level of satisfaction as very satisfied, satisfied, slightly satisfied, or dissatisfied, separately evaluating each treated region.

Analysis of the quality of articles

The quality of the selected articles was evaluated via the questionnaire produced by Downs and Black9, which consists of 27 items divided into five domains: “Reporting” assesses whether the information provided is sufficient; “External validity” verifies the extent to which the study can be generalized to the population studied; “Bias” analyzes the bias in the intervention and results; “Confounding” evaluates the bias in the subjects selection; and “Power” verifies if the results were by chance. The answers are: “Yes” (value 1), “Partially” (value 1), “No” (value 0), and “Unable to determine” (value 0), and the higher the value, the better the quality of the paper. The studies were classified as: poor (<14), regular (15-19), good (20-25), or excellent (>26), according to their score.

The quality of the papers, determined via the Questionnaire of Downs and Black9, resulted in one article being classified as poor, five articles as regular, and 12 articles as good. Each article was studied in duplicate by two members of the research team.


Based on the specifiers and terms used for the search, 34 articles were found for this review. These articles were analyzed and three duplicate articles were found; five articles that were related to other diseases, despite addressing the use of radiofrequency; and eight others that were not original articles (systematic reviews and pilot study) (Figure 1). At the end of this analysis, 18 articles met the inclusion criteria (Chart 1). Chart 2 shows the classification of the quality of the studies.

Figure 1
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flowchart showing the articles selection process

Chart 1
Main selected studies and their main results and conclusions

Chart 2
Classification of the quality of studies


Generally, out of the 18 studies included in this review, most employ different resources in the treatment of acne associated with the use of radiofrequency. Radiofrequency, in turn, consists of high-frequency currents that generate heat by conversion when they come into contact with tissues, ranging from 30KHz to 300MHz, with the most commonly used frequency ranging from 0.5MHz to 1.5MHz.

In dermatology, radiofrequency is used due to its physiological effects, namely: stimulation of vasodilation and local blood circulation; improvement of tissue nutrition; increased metabolism; decreased viscosity; alteration of collagenous tissue; and nerve stimulation.

These effects assist the regeneration and healing of acne sequelae, as demonstrated in the studies by Kaminaka et al. (14, who found a 57.5% reduction in scar volume and fewer lesions; by Kim et al. (17, who histologically evaluated the benefits of bipolar radiofrequency, finding an increase in the levels of procollagen types I and III, as well as elastin; and by Trelles and Martínez-Carpio26, who observed improvements in acne scars in different regions of the body, such as the face, shoulders, and back.

In Verner’s study27, patients treated with radiofrequency showed improvement in skin appearance at the completion of five treatment sessions. The patient satisfaction survey by the global aesthetic improvement scale showed that half of the patients reported being satisfied with the treatment results, while the other half reported being very satisfied.

We found in the literature reports of the use of methods combining radiofrequency with other technologies, such as laser and microneedling in the treatment of acne, demonstrating that it can be significantly and safely reduced.

In the study by Camelli et al. (10, the concomitant use of laser and radiofrequency showed better results compared only to the use of radiofrequency, with an improvement of skin texture and mild and transient side effects. The study by Cannarozzo et al. (11 found an increase in skin elasticity due to fibroblastic activation and neocollagenesis by using radiofrequency associated with CO2 laser.

Another technique also found in this study is the association of radiofrequency with microneedling, which consists of perforating the stratum corneum, thus stimulating the release of growth factors and the production of collagen and elastin in the papillary dermis. In the studies by Kim et al. (16 and Park et al. (22 the effects of this treatment were investigated, finding a reduction in the number of non-inflammatory lesions and an improvement in sebum excretion.

Kwon et al. (18 compared the use of a non-ablative laser diode (1,450nm) with radiofrequency associated with microneedling and found improvements in seborrhea with both treatments. However, the radiofrequency treatment proved to be better regarding skin texture and scarring.

The decrease in sebum secretion rate was found in the study by Lee et al. (20, being reduced by up to 80%, besides improving the severity of acne and reducing the number of lesions. Studies by Padukadan23 and Qin et al. (24 also reported improvements in skin healing after three months of treatment.

Regarding the side effects of radiofrequency, they were mostly transient pain, erythema, dryness, and low risk of hyperpigmentation. As reported in the study by Kim et al. (17, the side effects were noticed but were not severe enough to cease treatment.


Radiofrequency presents few complications and good results, besides having as an additional advantage the possibility of the patient returning to the routine immediately after treatment session.


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  • 26 Trelles MA, Martínez-Carpio PA. Attenuation of acne scars using high power fractional ablative unipolar radiofrequency and ultrasound for transepidermal delivery of bioactive compounds through microchannels. Lasers Surg Med. 2014;46(2):152-9. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22224.
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  • Financing source: nothing to declare

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    29 June 2021
  • Accepted
    08 Dec 2022
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