Open-access Position Statement on Indications for Echocardiography in Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease of the Adult – 2020

Development: Cardiovascular Imaging Department (Departamento de Imagem Cardiovascular – DIC) of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia – SBC) and the Cardiovascular Imaging Society of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology (Sociedad de Imágenes Cardiovasculares de Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología – Sisiac, Siac)

Norms and Guidelines Council: Brivaldo Markman Filho, Antonio Carlos Sobral Sousa, Aurora Felice Castro Issa, Bruno Ramos Nascimento, Harry Correa Filho, Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira

Norms and Guidelines Coordinator: Brivaldo Markman Filho

Coordinating Editor: Samira Saady Morhy

Co-editors: Silvio Henrique Barberato, Carlos Eduardo Rochitte, Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira

Declaration of potential conflict of interests of authors/collaborators of the Position Statement on Indications for Echocardiography in Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease of the Adult – 2020 If, within the last 3 years, the author/collaborator of the statement: Names of statement collaborators Participated in clinical and/or experimental studies sponsored by pharmaceutical or equipment companies related to this statement Spoke at events or activities sponsored by industry related to this statement Was (is) a member of a board of advisors or a board of directors of a pharmaceutical or equipment industry Participated in normative committees of scientific research sponsored by industry Received personal or institutional funding from industry Wrote scientific papers in journals sponsored by industry Owns stocks in industry Alessandro Cavalcanti Lianza No No No No No No No Andressa Mussi Soares No No No No No No No Carlos Eduardo Rochitte No No No No No No No Gabriela Nunes Leal No No No No No No No Ivan Romero Rivera No No No No No No No Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira No No No No No No No Marcia Ferreira Alves Barberato No No No No No No No Ricardo Pignatelli No No No No No No No Samira Saady Morhy No No No No No No No Silvio Henrique Barberato No No No No No No No Vitor C. Guerra No No No No No No No Zilma Verçosa de Sá Ribeiro No No No No No No No

1. Introduction

In accordance with the “Standards for Production of Guidelines, Position Statements, and Standardizations” sanctioned by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, this document was written to update indications for echocardiography in fetal and pediatric cardiology and congenital heart disease of the adult, and to supplement the recently-published position paper on indications for echocardiography in adults.1 The position statement is not intended to be an in-depth review of echocardiography in congenital heart disease, but an indispensable basic guide to support rational clinical decision-making by physicians when ordering examinations. While it takes into consideration the significant technological advances achieved recently in echocardiography, its purpose is not to describe echocardiography methods in detail, but to clearly and concisely summarize the most important situations in which echocardiography is of benefit for diagnosis and/or treatment planning in these groups of patients. In this document, recommendation classes will be presented in accordance with the following definitions:

  • Class I: conditions for which there is conclusive evidence or, in the absence thereof, general agreement that the examination procedure is useful and safe.

  • Class II: conditions for which there is conflicting evidence and/or divergence of opinion on the utility and/or safety of the examination.

  • Class IIa: evidence or opinions favorable to the examination. Most experts approve.

  • Class IIb: utility and/or safety less well established, with divergent opinions.

  • Class III: conditions for which there is evidence or consensus that the examination is not useful and, in some cases, may even be harmful.

Evidence levels are also presented, defined as follows:

  • A: agreement between multiple randomized clinical trials or robust meta-analyses;

  • B: less robust meta-analysis data or single randomized clinical study or observational studies;

  • C: expert opinion.

All of the tables summarizing recommendations for use of echocardiography in different clinical scenarios will therefore include columns showing recommendation classes and evidence levels

2. Fetal Echocardiography

The incidence of congenital heart disease is estimated at 6-12/1,000 live births;2,3 however, it is estimated that fetal prevalence is higher. There are several factors associated with increased risk of congenital heart disease in the fetus, including familial factors and maternal and fetal conditions. Fetal echocardiography is the most important tool for diagnosis of these cardiac pathologies, from the end of the first trimester up to term. The best timing for conducting fetal echocardiography is determined by multiple factors, including the reason for using it and the gestational age at which a cardiac and/or extracardiac abnormality is detected. Echocardiography for screening high-risk pregnancies can be conducted at 18 to 22 weeks' gestation. Considering that initial screening may not detect developing lesions4 or arrhythmia,5,6 abnormal findings at routine obstetric consultations should be promptly referred for additional fetal echocardiography examinations.

Fetal echocardiography can be performed at younger gestational ages, including at the end of the first and start of the second trimesters, generally in pregnancies at high risk of congenital heart disease, particularly when elevated nuchal translucency is present on morphological ultrasound in the first trimester.7,8 In the majority of gestations, transabdominal fetal echocardiography provides images of adequate resolution to detect anomalies at between 13 and 14 weeks. However, if the examination is conducted before 13 weeks, transvaginal echocardiography is needed, because of the small size of the cardiac structures and the distance between the fetus and the maternal abdominal wall.7,8 When fetal echocardiography is conducted before 18 weeks, it should be repeated between 18 and 22 weeks' gestation, because the limited image resolution may not be sufficient for diagnosis of certain cardiac abnormalities and also because of potential progression of lesions not detected at earlier gestational ages.79

The timing and frequency of echocardiography should be guided by: severity of lesions, signs of heart failure, mechanisms of progression, and perinatal management assessment.

Fetal echocardiography recommendations are listed in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1
Recommendations for fetal echocardiography in high-risk pregnancies59
Table 2
Recommendations for fetal echocardiography in low-risk pregnancies59

3. Echocardiography in the Newborn

Newborn infants transition from a state in which circulation is in parallel, with low systemic vascular resistance and high pulmonary vascular resistance, during fetal life, to a state in which circulation is in series and the cardiac output of both ventricles must be equal in the presence of high systemic vascular resistance. These circulatory changes that take place with birth may take days or weeks to be completed, particularly in preterms, because the communications present during fetal life cannot close promptly. Thus, persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA), persistent high pulmonary pressures, and the incapacity of the immature myocardium to pump blood against systemic vascular resistance that has suddenly increased can cause a transitory reduction in systemic blood flow, changing these patients' hemodynamics.9 Moreover, structural cardiac anomalies or extracardiac conditions such as sepsis or diaphragmatic hernia are tolerated differently in this age group.10

The transitional physiology of the cardiovascular circulation during the neonatal period means that these patients must be evaluated as a distinct group.

The most common reasons for conducting an echocardiogram during the neonatal period are to detect or rule out congenital structural cardiac diseases in patients who have heart murmur, abnormal neonatal oximetry screening results,11 are in shock, are hypoxemic, develop respiratory failure, or have multiple malformations. The next most common group of indications are to screen for functional anomalies, such as persistent ductus arteriosus, and to test pulmonary hemodynamics and cardiac function (see Table 2).

Echocardiographic assessment of patients in neonatal intensive care units is justified, including in an evolving manner, as a factor in specific changes to clinical management of the neonate.

The recommendations for echocardiography in newborn infants are listed in Table 3.

Table 3
Recommendations for echocardiography in newborn infants9,1115

4. Echocardiography in Infants, Children and Adolescents

Since echocardiography is a noninvasive method for obtaining anatomic, hemodynamic, and physiological information on the pediatric heart, it is the first-choice diagnostic method for initial assessment of congenital or acquired heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents.

Children with cardiac diseases are a varied group of patients who often have complex anatomic malformations and require lifelong follow-up. Repeated studies may therefore be indicated to monitor heart valve function, growth of cardiovascular structures, and ventricular function and for follow-up of drug-based or surgical interventions.9,1618

Signs and symptoms such as cyanosis, growth deficits, exercise-induced anginas, syncope, respiratory distress, murmurs, heart failure, pulse abnormalities, and cardiomegaly may suggest structural heart disease.

Echocardiography may also be indicated even in the absence of specific clinical status in patients with family history of hereditary heart disease, genetic syndromes associated with structural heart disease, or abnormal examination findings (fetal echocardiography, chest X-ray, and electrocardiogram).

Patients with arrhythmia may have structural heart disease, such as corrected transposition of the great arteries and Ebstein's anomaly, cardiac tumors, or cardiomyopathies. Sustained arrhythmia and use of antiarrhythmic medications can cause changes to myocardial function and echocardiography plays an important role in clinical management of these patients.

The recommendations for echocardiography in infants, children and adolescents are listed in Table 4.

Table 4
Recommendations for echocardiography in infants, children and adolescents9,12,1618

5. Pediatric Echocardiography in Acquired Heart Diseases

Acquired heart diseases primarily occur in the context of systemic diseases linked to inflammatory processes, renal diseases, use of cardiotoxic chemotherapy, or parenchymatous pulmonary disease, and after heart transplantation.

Myocardial involvement can occur in several conditions, such as systemic inflammatory diseases (particularly those with a more aggressive course, such as juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and rheumatic fever).1922 During treatment with cardiotoxic chemotherapy (particularly with anthracyclines) and radiotherapy in the mediastinal region, echocardiography is indicated before, during, and after treatment, with the objective of indicating the need for cardioprotective measures and even for changing the treatment in some cases.23

In patients with chronic liver disease or hypertension and/or on dialysis, echocardiography provides clinicians with valuable information on ventricular geometry, systolic/diastolic function, and blood volume. This can very often guide changes in the dialysis regimen and introduction of (or changes to) antihypertensive and vasoactive drugs.24

In patients with pulmonary disease, echocardiography can be used to estimate pulmonary pressures and also to evaluate right ventricle performance, which has an important correlation with clinical prognosis.2527

In children and adolescents with AIDS, echocardiography is used to investigate right cardiac involvement caused by the virus, which can result in dilated cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension, and even ventricular hypertrophy, in addition to effects caused by opportunistic diseases and/or drug side effects.28

The growing number of children with end-stage heart failure must be evaluated before and after heart and/or cardiopulmonary transplantation29 and echocardiography is also an aid to decision-making on introduction/withdrawal of cardiovascular support.30

The recommendations for echocardiography in newborn infants, infants, children, and adolescents with acquired heart disease are listed in Table 5.

Table 5
Recommendations for echocardiography in newborn infants, infants, children, and adolescents with acquired heart disease9,1631

6. Echocardiography in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease

Over the last 30 years, considerable advances were made in pediatric cardiology, both in the sphere of diagnosis with the advent of echocardiography and in the realm of treatment to correct heart diseases, initially surgically and more recently using percutaneous techniques in the catheterization laboratory. Recent data show that the estimated size of the population of adults with congenital heart disease in United States in 2010 was 1.4 million patients.30 This population has problems related to residual defects, new acquired defects (such as pulmonary reflux after definitive correction of tetralogy of Fallot or obstructions after a Jatene procedure), arrhythmia, heart failure, acquired disease of the adult, infectious endocarditis, or indications for heart transplantation. Many survive with palliative surgery that may or may not require definitive correction (such as the Senning, Mustard, Rastelli, Glenn, or Fontan procedures, which induce new complications that are implicit in the surgical method employed) and many patients present with heart conditions for the first time, with no prior diagnosis of heart disease.3235

There is no doubt that two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography has an important role to play in diagnosis and follow-up of these malformations.36 Recent advances such as 3D echocardiography have proved superior for determination of volumes and even ventricular function, particularly in complex malformations such as those with univentricular physiology, or for evaluation of the right ventricle, and these systems should be used whenever they are available and there are trained professionals to operated them.37 Additionally, using 3D images to guide surgery gives surgeons better understanding of the case, enabling better surgical planning. Along the same lines, new techniques for assessment of diastolic function and segmental function, such as tissue Doppler, strain, and strain rate can be very useful, particularly in conditions with univentricular physiology or cardiac chamber deformities, primarily when involving the right ventricle38 (see sections 9 and 10 below).

The primary limitation of echocardiography for assessment of adults with congenital heart disease is a poor transthoracic acoustic window in patients with previous heart surgery or deformities of the chest wall, and echocardiography is also inappropriate for assessing the aortic arch, the coronary arteries, the pulmonary arteries, and the collateral vessels. In these situations, transesophageal echocardiography, angiotomography, and magnetic resonance (MR) are extremely useful.

The recommendations for echocardiography in adults with congenital heart disease are listed in Table 6.

Table 6
Recommendations for echocardiography in adults with congenital heart disease9,29,36,3844

7. Transesophageal Echocardiography in Pediatric Cardiology

Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) uses special transducers and a different access route, offering better definition of cardiac structures, increasing the method's diagnostic applications.

It is particularly important for definition of complex anatomic structures and functional abnormalities, which cannot always be evaluated using transthoracic echocardiography alone.

Technological advances and miniaturization of probes has led to increasing adoption of TEE in the field of pediatric cardiology and it can provide important information about patients from the neonatal age group up to adolescents and adults, for diagnosis, intraoperative assessment, in the immediate and late postoperative periods, and in the intensive care unit, and also in the catheterization laboratory, aiding in interventional procedures.

7.1. Transesophageal Echocardiography as a Diagnostic Tool

Transesophageal echocardiography should be adopted to improve diagnostic definition of heart disease in situations in which better anatomic evaluation is needed in certain specific congenital heart diseases, in the majority of cases in adults, since in children the image quality of transthoracic echocardiography is generally good (Table 7).

Table 7
Recommendations for transesophageal echocardiography as a diagnostic tool9,45

7.2. Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography

The most important impact of transesophageal echocardiography in the operating room is detection of significant residual defects that are very often unsuspected. Several authors have reported putting patients back on extracorporeal circulation to review surgery after intraoperative TEE, with rates that vary from 6 to 11.4% of cases, in the different series analyzed.46

The indications for intraoperative TEE for congenital heart disease are listed in Table 8.

Table 8
Recommendations for intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography9,4546

7.3. Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

In the immediate postoperative period, the definition of TEE images may be compromised by drains, dressings, meshes, and mechanical ventilation, making it necessary to use TEE, which can provide anatomic (residual lesions) and hemodynamic information that is important for clinical and therapeutic management of patients (Table 9).

Table 9
Recommendations for transesophageal echocardiography in the ICU9,45

7.4. Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Catheterization Laboratory

Transesophageal echocardiography is helpful during hemodynamic interventions, providing diagnostic details in a range of heart diseases and for monitoring procedures, in addition to providing anatomic information on the results and on possible residual lesions47 (Table 10).

Table 10
Recommendations for Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Catheterization Laboratory9,45,47

8. Stress Echocardiography in Pediatric Cardiology

Echocardiography under stress (physical or pharmacological) is a well-established technique in adults.48,49 There are not yet specific guidelines or recommendations for the pediatric age group. However, as in the adult population, applications in children and adolescents have been concentrated on investigation of ischemic disease,5056 but are being extended to other areas that are not necessarily ischemic5563 (Table 7).

Both types of stress, pharmacological and exercise, can be administered to children, with certain peculiarities.6466 Dobutamine is the most common pharmacological agent and is used in the same protocols as with adult patients. In general, sedation or even anesthesia is recommended for children under the age of 8. Physical exercise can be used with children over the age of 8 who are cooperative and able to exercise on a treadmill or bicycle.67

9. Three-dimensional Echocardiography

Three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography has been incorporated into clinical practice, providing additional information in comparison to two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography, and is primarily used for congenital defects in which the three-dimensional view offers images very close to the anatomic and surgical planes.68 The same concept is applicable to procedures undertaken in the catheterization laboratory, in which the three-dimensional view can be used not only to guide the procedures, but also to better evaluate the anatomy when choosing which devices to employ. Assessment of ventricular volumes and function has also been performed using the 3D technology, primarily to evaluate ventricular geometry in the most diverse forms of congenital defects, including univentricular hearts.69,70 Atrioventricular valves can be assessed not only from the point of view of anatomic details, including the subvalvular apparatus, but also in terms of functional assessment of valve ring movement, and interactions between movement of valve leaflets and chords.71

When dealing with pediatric patients, the larger transthoracic acoustic window is a great advantage. More recently, more advanced transducers have been developed with a smaller footprint and higher frequency (2 to 8 MHz). However, the image quality is still not the same when a 2D-3D combination is used with the same transducer, particularly in small patients. Another significant challenge that remains to be overcome is development of a pediatric transesophageal transducer, which limits 3D TEE to use in patients weighing more than 30 kg, according to manufacturers' recommendations. In small children, use of a pediatric transducer with higher frequency is recommended, as well as the epicardial echocardiogram, for intraoperative scenarios. Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography should always by considered in larger patients (generally weighing more than 30 kg) if transthoracic 3D imaging does not yield sufficient information to plan surgery or other interventions.

In a variety of different congenital defects, 3D echocardiography can provide additional information on a wide range of anatomic structures, including atrial and ventricular septa, the semilunar and atrioventricular valves, and also the outflow tracts. Applications are expanding as technological progress advances and adaptations are made to suit the pediatric population. Currently, use is based more on clinical need for additional information than on randomized studies showing the advantage of 3D over 2D. Use is therefore individualized and depends on the profile of the imaging laboratory or hospital adopting the technology for specific lesions.

Valve lesions and isolated septal defects are the principal indications. However, in situations in which there are concomitant anomalies of the ventriculoarterial connection, as in double-outlet right ventricle, the position and size of the intraventricular communication can be better visualized and demonstrated with 3D echocardiography.

Depending on the area or structure assessed by transthoracic and/or transesophageal 3D echocardiography, it may provide relevant information that complements the findings of 2D echocardiography.7283 Little additional information is yielded by using 3D echocardiography to assess the pulmonary arteries, the pulmonary valve, and even the right ventricle outflow tract and the aortic arch (Table 12).

Table 11
Recommendations for stress echocardiography in pediatric cardiology
Table 12
Additional information yielded by 3D echocardiography on specific anatomic structures and recommendations7278,8082,87,88,91

Three-dimensional echocardiography can provide additional information in the context of certain specific congenital heart disease in which there are connection anomalies (atrioventricular or ventriculoarterial)76,8486 (Table 13).

Table 13
Additional information yielded by 3D echocardiography on congenital defects and recommendations71,79,83-86

Application of 3D echocardiography in the catheterization laboratory for closure of atrial and ventricular septal defects complements 2D images for delimiting the margins of defects and related structures,87,88 specifically in atrial communications of the type ostium secundum, which are very well demonstrated by real-time imaging with 3D transesophageal echocardiography. Closure of interventricular communications using percutaneous or transmural devices can also be guided and, primarily, assess nearby structures, such as, for example, leaflets and/or tricuspid valve chords. There are other applications in the catheterization laboratory in which 3D echocardiography can be used to guide procedures: closure of fenestrations in the Fontan procedure, coronary fistulae, ruptures of the sinus of Valsalva, paravalvular regurgitation, septal perforation, and location of electrodes for cardiac resynchronization.8994

A major challenge in congenital heart disease is evaluation of ventricular volumes and function, because of reasons that are intrinsic to the congenital defects involved (position of the heart, connection anomalies, non-contractile material, and differences in ventricular preload, among others). The software packages available were developed on the basis of the left ventricular geometry of normal hearts, which can often invalidate the information obtained using 3D systems. Although measurements of volumes and ejection fractions are replicable, 3D echocardiography has shown smaller volumes than MR when quantifying volumes, which prevents one from being substituted for the other. As a result, clinical application is still complicated by the absense of values for normality in the pediatric population. It is not recommended that software developed for the normal left or right ventricle be used with congenitally malformed ventricles until new software or models have been validated.70,9597

The general recommendation for use of 3D transthoracic echocardiography in pediatrics is that the decision should be taken in accordance with the type of patient and the profile of the echocardiography laboratory and/or hospital.

There is consensus that 3D is a modality that complements rather than substitutes 2D echocardiography, irrespective of the type of disorder.

10. Myocardial Deformation Imaging in Pediatric Patients

Myocardial deformation (strain) is proving to be a useful tool for evaluation of diastolic and systolic function, in both adults and the pediatric population.98 Myocardial strain analysis by speckle tracking imaging is a method that is independent of the angle of insonation and has low intraobserver and interobserver variability, enabling global and regional ventricular function to be quantified more accurately than with more traditional methods, such as tissue Doppler, fractional shortening, or ejection fraction.99 Some studies have shown that strain obtained by speckle tracking has high prognostic value, underscoring its utility for both congenital and acquired pathologies.100

Notwithstanding, myocardial strain is subject to physiological variations caused by age, sex, heart rate, preload, arterial blood pressure, and body surface area, in addition to the type of software used for the analysis.101 Efforts are ongoing to establish normal values for strain that can be used as a universal reference in pediatrics, so that myocardial deformation analysis can be incorporated into guidelines and start to be adopted in clinical routines.102104 Meanwhile, myocardial deformation imaging has recommendation class II and evidence level B for use in the many different pediatric diseases.

10.1. Ventricular Strain in Acquired Heart Diseases in Childhood

Analysis of right and left ventricular strain is particularly useful in situations in which the intention is to identify systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction while in the subclinical phase. The information obtained from strain analysis makes opportune therapeutic intervention possible in a range of systemic diseases with myocardial involvement.

Early detection of myocardial damage secondary to use of anthracyclines is one of the most important contributions of myocardial deformation imaging to date and has been incorporated into protocols for monitoring patients in oncology.105108

A correlation has been demonstrated between the degree of inflammatory activity and the values of LV strain and systolic and diastolic LV strain rate in patients with rheumatic diseases, such as childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus.20

Other studies have confirmed the efficacy of strain obtained using the speckle tracking technique for detection of myocarditis of both autoimmune and viral etiology.109,110 In cases of dilated cardiomyopathy in children, the pattern of regional compromise of LV strain influenced the outcome of death or transplantation, as demonstrated by Forsha et al.111 Another use for strain in cases of dilated cardiomyopathy is to detect dyssynchrony, identifying cases that could benefit from resynchronization.111

After orthotopic heart transplantation in children, strain analysis has reasonable sensitivity and specificity for identifying which individuals will manifest vascular graft disease in later years.112 Some reports, including small numbers of transplanted children, suggest there is an association between reduced segmental strain and rejection in endomyocardial biopsies, suggesting the technique could become a less invasive diagnostic instrument in the near future.113115

In young patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, studies have demonstrated a significant reduction in longitudinal and radial strain of the inferolateral and anterolateral walls of the LV, even before ejection fraction is compromised or symptoms of heart failure emerge.116 Several studies have demonstrated improved cardiovascular performance and 10-year survival in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who were put on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and beta blockers as soon as the first echocardiographic signs of myocardial deterioration were detected, while still asymptomatic from a cardiovascular point of view.117

Myocardial strain imaging can also contribute to detection of myocardial compromise in storage disorders such as the mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS)118 and Pompe disease.119 Studies have focused attention on myocardial strain as a parameter for assessment of the impact of long-term enzyme replacement on the ventricular function of patients with these diseases.120

Myocardial strain analysis has also emerged as a possible method for early diagnosis of myocardial inflammation and ventricular dysfunction in Kawasaki disease.51 McCandless et al.121 found evidence that longitudinal LV strain was reduced on initial echocardiograms of patients with Kawasaki who later developed coronary dilation or exhibited resistance to treatment with immunoglobulin. These findings suggest that LV strain could soon come to be used as a tool for risk stratification in Kawasaki patients.121

In cases of myocardial dysfunction induced by pediatric sepsis, LV longitudinal and circumferential strain appear to already be reduced in the initial phases, even though ejection fraction is still unimpaired.122

In adult patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), reduction of LV longitudinal strain has been confirmed even in initial stages of the disease and with unimpaired ejection fraction. This early compromise of myocardial deformation has been attributed to fibrosis induced by chronic inflammation and uremic toxins. Additionally, the endothelial dysfunction that occurs in CRF may cause an inappropriate vasodilator response, leading to ischemia in an already hypertrophic ventricle. Similar findings have also been documented in pediatric populations, although it remains to be established whether this reduction in longitudinal LV strain can be used as a specific predictor of morbidity and mortality in children with CRF.123

Cardiovascular disorders are common among people with HIV infection, but are frequently underdiagnosed and left untreated, which impacts on patients' quality of life and on long-term mortality. They have been attributed both to the direct effects of the virus and to the effects of antiretroviral medications on the myocardium and vasculature. Symptomatic systolic dysfunction is normally only observed in more advanced cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.124 More recent studies with children and young adults confirm compromised longitudinal RV and LV strain, in patients who are still asymptomatic and have normal LV ejection fraction. In 2016, these results prompted Naami et al. to suggest that myocardial deformation imaging should be included in echocardiographic examinations of pediatric patients with HIV, with the objective of identifying patients with subclinical dysfunction and increased cardiovascular risk.125

In a study that enrolled adolescents and young adults with thalassemia who underwent multiple transfusions, Chen et al.126 identified a negative correlation between serum ferritin and longitudinal LV strain. Additionally, even after correction for sex, age, serum ferritin, and ventricular mass index, longitudinal LV strain remained an independent predictor of adverse events in thalassemic patients, such as heart failure, arrhythmia, and death (HR: 6.05; p = 0.033).127

Okumura et al. investigated children and adolescents with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (IPH), confirming the prognostic value of serial assessment of longitudinal RV strain in the pediatric population. A strain value lower than −14% on the initial echocardiogram identified patients who progressed to lung transplant or death with 100% sensitivity and 54.5% specificity. They concluded that myocardial deformation in pediatric IPH is a more sensitive tool than conventional parameters for evaluation of RV function (TAPSE – tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, FAC – fractional area change, tricuspid S wave velocity) to detect patients with worse prognosis.127 In a recent publication, Hooper et al.128 confirmed the utility of longitudinal RV strain in clinical follow-up of IPH in children, demonstrating that strain values had an excellent correlation with BNP – B-type natriuretic peptide values, in the course of treatment with prostacyclin analogues.13 Table 14 lists recommendation classes and evidence levels.

Table 14
Recommendations for ventricular strain analysis in acquired heart diseases of childhood20,51,105128

10.2. Ventricular Strain in Congenital Heart Disease

Analysis of longitudinal RV strain in a subpulmonary position proved feasible and reproducible for perioperative assessment of several congenital heart disorders.129 However, in the presence of significant residual obstruction during the postoperative period (PO), parameters for evaluation of the longitudinal RV systolic function, such as TAPSE, S wave velocity, and longitudinal peak systolic strain, did not exhibit adequate correlations with ejection fraction according to MR. In situations with residual pulmonary stenosis or a combination of stenosis and pulmonary failure, RV hypertrophy causes a predominance of circumferential fibers, changing the deformation pattern of this chamber, which is habitually more dependent on longitudinal fibers.130 Hayabuchi et al.131 evaluated RV free wall circumferential peak systolic strain in the subcostal view, specifically in children with congenital heart disease with RV pressure overload. Using this method, they found a better correlation between strain values and ejection fraction in the RV.131 Studies with asymptomatic children in the late postoperative period after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot (T4F) identified compromised biventricular longitudinal systolic peak strain. Some authors found a negative correlation between RV longitudinal systolic peak strain and RV ejection fraction and the pulmonary regurgitation fraction, both estimated by MR.132 Other studies have documented a negative correlation between LV longitudinal strain and the degree of pulmonary regurgitation, emphasizing the importance of ventricle interdependence.133 Although myocardial deformation imaging can detect subclinical systolic dysfunction in postoperative T4F patients who progress to pulmonary regurgitation, unfortunately there is not yet any consensus on a strain cutoff value that can indicate the best timing for pulmonary valve replacement.

Patients with the RV in the systemic position also exhibit abnormal myocardial deformation patterns, with predominance of contraction of circumferential fibers. In this condition, the discrete reduction of longitudinal strain is indicative of changes to right ventricular geometry, and not of true systolic dysfunction. This is an adaptive mechanism, which makes contractility of the systemic RV similar to LV contractility. Recent publications therefore suggest a normal range of longitudinal systolic peak strain values in systemic RV that are below those expected for subpulmonary RV (–10% to –14.5%).130 Longitudinal RV strain values below –10% have been associated with occurrence of adverse events, in the late PO after Senning procedures.134

Selection of patients with a single ventricle (SV) for Fontan procedure surgery takes into consideration pulmonary vascular resistance and end-diastolic ventricular pressure. However, current indication criteria have proved fallible for a considerable proportion of these patients, who are subject to complications and extended hospital stays. When associated with pulmonary vascular resistance and end-diastolic ventricular pressure, the preoperative circumferential strain rate improves risk stratification for patients with SV who are candidates for Fontan surgery, irrespective of whether the ventricle has right or left morphology.135

In the case of Ebstein's anomaly, myocardial deformation imaging has little to contribute to right ventricular function assessment, since strain has a weak correlation with ejection fraction measured with MR.136

Castaldi et al.137 have demonstrated the utility of left ventricle longitudinal strain to diagnosis of patients with coronary obstruction in late PO after correction of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery. A strain value < –14.8% on echocardiography identified myocardial segments with fibrosis on MR, with sensitivity of 92.5% and specificity of 93.7%.137

10.3. Right and Left Atrial Strain in Pediatrics

Analysis of right atrial mechanics using speckle tracking was recently introduced in pediatrics, emerging as a promising tool for detection of right ventricular dysfunction. Hope et al.139 found a significant reduction in right atrium longitudinal strain in children with IPH. Atrial strain proved more sensitive and specific than conventional right ventricular function assessment parameters for identifying patients with IPH who would later develop unfavorable outcomes (death, pulmonary and/or cardiac transplant).139

Several studies have described the clinical implications of left atrial strain measurements using the speckle tracking technique. Left atrium strain in the reservoir phase proved more accurate for estimation of end-diastolic pressure of the LV than classical echocardiographic parameters such as left atrial volume and the E/E' ratio and was also inversely correlated with plasma NT-ProBNP levels.140

10.4. Prospects for Utilization of Ventricular Strain in the Fetus

Recent studies have suggested that analysis of myocardial deformation can also contribute to evaluation of biventricular systolic and diastolic function in fetuses. For example, Miranda et al. documented reduced early and late diastolic strain rate in the longitudinal axes of RV and LV in fetuses with diabetic mothers. Additionally, they also observed reductions in right ventricle longitudinal systolic peak strain in comparison with normal fetuses of the same gestational age. These authors pointed out that diastolic deformation compromise was irrespective of the presence of septal hypertrophy. They concluded that myocardial deformation analysis could detect subclinical changes in the fetuses of diabetic mothers before classical echocardiographic parameters are able to do so.141

Dusenbery et al.138 confirmed the association between reduced LV longitudinal strain and presence of myocardial fibrosis, assessing children and young adults with aortic valve stenosis and preserved LV ejection fraction.138 It is known that adults with aortic stenosis who have late enhancement on MR with gadolinium and reduced LV longitudinal strain values have higher mortality rates after valve interventions.138 See Table 15 for recommendation classes and evidence levels.

Table 15
Recommendations for ventricular strain in congenital heart disease129135,137
  • Note: These statements are for information purposes and should not replace the clinical judgment of a physician, who must ultimately determine the appropriate treatment for each patient.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Dec 2020
  • Date of issue
    Nov 2020
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