Mesenteric cyst is defined as a cystic lesion located between the leaflets of the
mesentery from the duodenum to the rectum , being most commonly found in ileum level.
Since its first description in 1507 by Benevienae until 1993 there are only about 820
cases reported in the literature44. Cardoso Araújo F. Landim Machado F , Perdigão B. F-Linfagioma
Cístico: Uma rara apresentação de abdomen agudo: Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de
Cirurgiões .Vol. 27 - no 2 -137
5. Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D et al:Mesenteric cyst in children. J
Pediat Surg 1991; 26(11):1306-.
66. Coelho UCJ. Manual De Clínica Cirúrgica.São Paulo.
Lymphangiomas are benign tumors, probably congenital, are more common in the cervical
and axillary regions. They are unusual in abdominal and pancreas location. Its incidence
is estimated at around 1:100,000 and 1:20,000 admissions in adults and in children. The
first excision was performed by Tillaux (quoted Chung) only in 180255. Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D et al:Mesenteric cyst in children. J
Pediat Surg 1991; 26(11):1306-.. Despite the long recognition of this disease, its origin classification and
pathology remain controversial. The highest incidence is between the third and fourth
decades of life, with 75% of those diagnosed after ten years with a slight female
predominance. The term lymphangioma is appropriately used when there is hemodynamic
isolation, or the injury is not related to the blood system1010. Pereira JF, Trindade PS, Velasco AA, Salum PT. Linfangioma
Orbitrario: Relato de Caso. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73(1):84-87.
11. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e
anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264.
12. Shamiyeh A, Rieger R, Schrenk P, Wayand W. Role of laparoscopic
surgery in treatment of mesenteric cysts. Surg Endosc.
1313. Tucker SM. Vascular lesions of the orbit. In: Duane's clinical
ophthalmology. Philadelphia 2000: Lippincott-Raven.. Lymphangiomas are a major group of so-called vascular hamartomas, which result
from a failure in the evolutionary development of the vascular system, including
lymphatic and/or arteries and veins33. Boecha TP. et al. Linfangioma Abdominal na Crianças: Apresentação de
8 casos. Jornal de Pediatria 1996; - Vol. 72, Nº5..
These lymphatic tumors are divided in: 1) simple, with capillary lymphatic channels; 2 ) cavernous, with dilated lymphatics and the presence of capsule; and 3) macrocystic malformations, clinically termed "cystic hygroma"66. Coelho UCJ. Manual De Clínica Cirúrgica.São Paulo. Ed.Atheneu,2009.Vol.2.Pág.1662.. This is the most common type, and the most affected sites are head and neck. The main differential diagnosis is hemangioma, branchial cysts, lipomas and rabdmiossarcoma. Diagnosis is made by biopsy of suspicious nodules, and the main treatment is surgical excision.
Fifty-eight years man came to San Francisco Hospital in Taquaral of Goiás, Brazil, after previous medical care without diagnosis or treatment. He had a history of a large mass over a year of slow evolutionary character. He denied pain, headache, fever, diarrhea and other symptoms. Physical examination revealed good general condition, acyanotic, afebrile, hydrated, normotensive, rhythmic, symmetrical heart sounds without murmur. His abdomen had a moving mass of 10 cm in diameter, painless to superficial and deep palpation. Ultrasonography showed an intraperitoneal cyst apparently mesenteric (Figure 1).
With the uncertain diagnosis was conducted to computed tomography of the abdomen reviling a hyperdense mass of cystic aspect, not contrasted, measuring 9.0x7.1 cm in its greatest transverse axis located in the hypogastrium, without being adherent to the bladder (Figure 2). Was opted to indicate exploratory laparotomy through supra-umbilical median approach. Was encountered an intraperitoneal cyst in the region of retouterine recess (Douglas), totally free and avascular (Figure 3). Histopathologic examination was a mesenteric cyst/lymphangioma. The patient was discharged without intercurrences.
There are no pathognomonic signs and symptoms of mesenteric cyst; However, paper
presented by Santana et al.1111. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e
anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264. reporting 18 cases showed abdominal pain and mass (72%), vomiting and
constipation; one patient presented with acute abdomen pain. Palpation usually presents
itself painless, smooth contour and well defined with mobility in the transverse
direction and around its axis (Tillaux signal)22. Blss DP, Coffin CM, Bower RJ, et al.Mesenteric cyst in children.
Surgery 1994; 115(5):571-7.
3. Boecha TP. et al. Linfangioma Abdominal na Crianças: Apresentação de
8 casos. Jornal de Pediatria 1996; - Vol. 72, Nº5.
4. Cardoso Araújo F. Landim Machado F , Perdigão B. F-Linfagioma
Cístico: Uma rara apresentação de abdomen agudo: Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de
Cirurgiões .Vol. 27 - no 2 -137
5. Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D et al:Mesenteric cyst in children. J
Pediat Surg 1991; 26(11):1306-.
6. Coelho UCJ. Manual De Clínica Cirúrgica.São Paulo.
7. Liew SCC, Glenn DC, Storey DW.Mesenteric cyst: Aust.N.Z.J. Surg 1994;
8. Mackenzien DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision
of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. 1993; 3(3):295-9.
9. Okumu M, Salman T, Gùrlen N, Salman N.Mesenteric cyst infected with
non-typhoidal salmonella infection. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004;
10. Pereira JF, Trindade PS, Velasco AA, Salum PT. Linfangioma
Orbitrario: Relato de Caso. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73(1):84-87.
1111. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e
anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264. The increase in abdominal volume is slow, progressive and late noticed in some
cases, mingling with ascites in about 18-20%. There are few reports of malignant
mesenteric cysts, usually low-grade sarcomas. Kurtz et al. reviewed 162 cases and found
only 3% of malignant transformation, all in adults. Are incidental findings during
laparotomy or imaging, up to 40 % of cases. Acute abdomen occurs when there is rupture,
infection, bleeding or twisting of the cyst, and confused with appendicitis or aortic
Laboratory tests little help the diagnosis. Simple X-rays of the abdomen may show calcifications; arteriography and intestinal transit may show compressive mass. However, ultrasonography, computed tomography computed and magnetic resonance imaging are the exams that provide better diagnosis.
Once diagnosed, all mesenteric cyst should be resected in order to avoid their
complications22. Blss DP, Coffin CM, Bower RJ, et al.Mesenteric cyst in children.
Surgery 1994; 115(5):571-7.
3. Boecha TP. et al. Linfangioma Abdominal na Crianças: Apresentação de
8 casos. Jornal de Pediatria 1996; - Vol. 72, Nº5.
4. Cardoso Araújo F. Landim Machado F , Perdigão B. F-Linfagioma
Cístico: Uma rara apresentação de abdomen agudo: Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de
Cirurgiões .Vol. 27 - no 2 -137
5. Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D et al:Mesenteric cyst in children. J
Pediat Surg 1991; 26(11):1306-.
6. Coelho UCJ. Manual De Clínica Cirúrgica.São Paulo.
7. Liew SCC, Glenn DC, Storey DW.Mesenteric cyst: Aust.N.Z.J. Surg 1994;
8. Mackenzien DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision
of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. 1993; 3(3):295-9.
9. Okumu M, Salman T, Gùrlen N, Salman N.Mesenteric cyst infected with
non-typhoidal salmonella infection. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004;
10. Pereira JF, Trindade PS, Velasco AA, Salum PT. Linfangioma
Orbitrario: Relato de Caso. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73(1):84-87.
1111. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e
anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264., recurrence, malignant transformation and possible complications (hemorrhage,
torsion, obstruction, traumatic rupture and infection)88. Mackenzien DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision
of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. 1993; 3(3):295-9.
9. Okumu M, Salman T, Gùrlen N, Salman N.Mesenteric cyst infected with
non-typhoidal salmonella infection. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004;
10. Pereira JF, Trindade PS, Velasco AA, Salum PT. Linfangioma
Orbitrario: Relato de Caso. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73(1):84-87.
11. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e
anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264.
1212. Shamiyeh A, Rieger R, Schrenk P, Wayand W. Role of laparoscopic
surgery in treatment of mesenteric cysts. Surg Endosc.
1999;13(9):937-9.. Internal drainage may be an option when there is possibility of short bowel
syndrome. In selected cases laparoscopic approach can be used1313. Tucker SM. Vascular lesions of the orbit. In: Duane's clinical
ophthalmology. Philadelphia 2000: Lippincott-Raven.
14. Vara-Thorbeck C, Méndez RT, Hidalgo RH, et al. Laparoscopy resection
of a giant mesenteric cystic lymphangioma.Eur J Surg 1997; 163:
1515. Wootton-Gorges SL, Thomas KB, Harned RK, Wu SR, Stein-Wexler R,
Strain JD. Giatt cystic abdominal masses in children. Pediatr Radiol. 2005;
Santana et al.1111. Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264. classified them as pathologically serous, bloodserous, chylous, with blood. In this case hydatid cist was also placed on judgment in the differential diagnosis, before the end of lymphangioma.
1Alvarez C et all.Linfangioma cístico do pâncreas. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões: Vol. 27 - 6 -n.430.
2Blss DP, Coffin CM, Bower RJ, et al.Mesenteric cyst in children. Surgery 1994; 115(5):571-7.
3Boecha TP. et al. Linfangioma Abdominal na Crianças: Apresentação de 8 casos. Jornal de Pediatria 1996; - Vol. 72, Nº5.
4Cardoso Araújo F. Landim Machado F , Perdigão B. F-Linfagioma Cístico: Uma rara apresentação de abdomen agudo: Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões .Vol. 27 - no 2 -137
5Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D et al:Mesenteric cyst in children. J Pediat Surg 1991; 26(11):1306-.
6Coelho UCJ. Manual De Clínica Cirúrgica.São Paulo. Ed.Atheneu,2009.Vol.2.Pág.1662.
7Liew SCC, Glenn DC, Storey DW.Mesenteric cyst: Aust.N.Z.J. Surg 1994; 64(11):741-744.
8Mackenzien DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. 1993; 3(3):295-9.
9Okumu M, Salman T, Gùrlen N, Salman N.Mesenteric cyst infected with non-typhoidal salmonella infection. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004; 20(11-12):883-5
10Pereira JF, Trindade PS, Velasco AA, Salum PT. Linfangioma Orbitrario: Relato de Caso. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73(1):84-87.
11Santana B, et al. Cisto Mesenterico e Aspectos Clínicos e anatomopatologicos. Rev. Col. Bras.Cir 2010; 37(4): 260-264.
12Shamiyeh A, Rieger R, Schrenk P, Wayand W. Role of laparoscopic surgery in treatment of mesenteric cysts. Surg Endosc. 1999;13(9):937-9.
13Tucker SM. Vascular lesions of the orbit. In: Duane's clinical ophthalmology. Philadelphia 2000: Lippincott-Raven.
14Vara-Thorbeck C, Méndez RT, Hidalgo RH, et al. Laparoscopy resection of a giant mesenteric cystic lymphangioma.Eur J Surg 1997; 163: 395-6.
15Wootton-Gorges SL, Thomas KB, Harned RK, Wu SR, Stein-Wexler R, Strain JD. Giatt cystic abdominal masses in children. Pediatr Radiol. 2005; 35(12):1277-88.
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