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Development of education material for providing orientation to the elderly who are candidates for hearing-aid use



To determine the characteristics and factors to be considered in the process of developing and designing education material in the field of health care aimed for a target population comprised of elderly people; and to develop multimedia material for counseling the elderly who are candidates for hearing-aid use considering the guidelines on health literacy.


A bibliographic survey of the design factors to be incorporated in the preparation of education material in the field of health care was conducted. In addition, its contents also encompassed orientation and counseling for the elderly who are candidates for hearing aids. The multimedia material developed was based on the literature surveyed.


The guidelines on language, design, layout and typography, organization and graphic illustration according to the literature references studied. Then, 57 content presentation screens making up the multimedia material were drawn up and divided into two main areas: “orientation on hearing aids” and “listening with the hearing aids.”


When preparing education materials in the field of health care, it is important to consider text readability to ensure health information will be understood and learned. In order to access the compilation of our results, the multimedia material we developed as the final product of this study could be made available.

Hearing aids; Elderly, Orientation; Counseling; Health literacy



Determinar as características e fatores a serem considerados no processo de desenvolvimento e design de materiais educacionais escritos na área da saúde, para uma população-alvo de idosos e desenvolver um material multimídia para orientação e aconselhamento de idosos candidatos ao uso de próteses auditivas, considerando as diretrizes estabelecidas para confecção de materiais educacionais em saúde.


Realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico para levantamento de fatores de design a serem incorporados na elaboração de materiais educativos na área da saúde, bem como para elaboração do conteúdo de orientação e aconselhamento ao idoso candidato à prótese auditiva. Com base neste estudo, foi desenvolvido um material multimídia.


Foram compiladas as diretrizes de linguagem, layout/tipografia, organização e ilustração gráfica recomendadas pela literatura estudada. A seguir, foram elaboradas 57 telas, que constituíram o material multimídia, em conteúdo que se dividiu em duas grandes áreas: “orientações sobre o aparelho auditivo” e “escutando com o aparelho auditivo”.


Na construção de materiais educacionais na área de saúde, é importante considerar, além do conteúdo, a legibilidade e leiturabilidade do texto, para garantir a melhor compreensão e aprendizado da informação em saúde. Para demonstrar a compilação dos resultados, é possível disponibilizar o material multimídia, elaborado como produto final deste estudo.

Auxiliares de audição; Idoso; Orientação; Aconselhamento; Alfabetização em saúde


In professional–patient communication, there are several factors that can affect the understanding and later recall of the information provided during the clinical consultation. To facilitate the communication process and minimize retention problems, numerous studies recommend the use of written material in tandem with verbal information(11 Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.

2 Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.

3 Nair EL, Cienkowski KM. The impact of health literacy on patient understanding of counseling and education materials. Int J Audiol. 2010;49(2):71-5. PMid:20151879.

4 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Assembly and insertion of a self-fitting hearing aid: design of effective instruction materials. Trends Amplif. 2012;15(4):184-95. PMid:22389434.

5 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Hearing aid user guides: suitability for older adults. Int J Audiol. 2014;53(S1, Suppl 1):S43-51. PMid:24447232.
-66 Ferguson M, Brandreth M, Brassington W, Wharrad H. Information retention and overload in first-time hearing aid users: An interactive multimedia educational solution. Am J Audiol. 2015;24(3):329-32. PMid:26649541.

Information materials in the field of health care are of great relevance, since adequate understanding and recall of treatment aspects are decisive factors in the success of any intervention.

Health information and instruction materials will only be effective if they are noticed, read and understood by the patient(22 Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.
). Therefore, it is important that content, design and readability of the materials with information on health care produced correspond with the reader’s literacy and cognitive level(77 Friedman DB, Hoffman-Goetz L. A systematic review of readability and comprehension instruments used for print and web-based cancer information. Health Educ Behav. 2006;33(3):352-73. PMid:16699125.
). However, much of the information offered to the patient in the field of health care, either orally or in writing, is, in general, too complex for the majority of the population. In the particular case of the elderly, such materials should be even more carefully designed and prepared, taking into account the possible sensory and cognitive impairments in this population (55 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Hearing aid user guides: suitability for older adults. Int J Audiol. 2014;53(S1, Suppl 1):S43-51. PMid:24447232.

Health professionals should be concerned about using and developing materials that can maximize reader interest and facilitate their understanding and recall of information(22 Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.

Instruction materials can be defined as the presentation of words and figures with the aim of promoting knowledge. Information can be either printed out or made available on screens, whereas figures can be static (illustrations, pictures) or dynamic (animations and videos). Learning will always be more effective when combined with visual and verbal information(11 Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.

The design of any given information material should promote the relationship between the visual message and the recipient. In addition to the concern about its graphic design per se , the material should enable readers to enjoy independence as they are being given instructions and orientation(88 Medina C. Interface entre design e fonoaudiologia: material instrucional impresso voltado aos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual [tese] Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. ). The greater the appropriateness regarding presentation format and organization of ideas, the better use of information can be made by the recipients.

In addition, in order to promote knowledge, this type of material must be compatible with the literacy of its target readership. Health literacy is the degree of an individual’s ability to obtain, process and interpret basic information on health and health care services, aiming at an adequate health decision-making process(99 Adams RJ, Stocks NP, Wilson DH, Hill CL, Gravier S, Kickbusch I, Beilby JJ. Health literacy: a new concept for general practice? Aust Fam Physician. 2009;38(3):144-7. PMid:19283256. ).

Low literacy competence in health is one of the greatest obstacles to the efficient understanding of information received by patients(1010 Nielson-Bohlman L, Panzer A, Kindig D, editors. Health literacy: a prescription to end confusion. Washington: National Academies Press; 2004. ). In order for health education materials to become a facilitating pathway, readability and legibility factors must be carefully studied when designing and preparing them. Even though they do not solve the difficulties imposed by low literacy, such adaptations are aimed at making the reader's understanding as easy as possible.

The readability of a text, i.e. the concept of “readability”, is that which allows reading intelligibility and understandable language quality. The study of readability is fundamental to simplify the texts, in order to ensure they are understood by a greater number of readers. The term readability also refers to the ease a text can be read. Nonetheless, it is more often used in the fields of layout and typography, which take into consideration such aspects as font type, color and contrast between the lettering and its background, spacing and margins (1111 Kamikase MS, Nascimento RA, Santos JE. Bulas e cartelas de medicamentos: possíveis soluções de leiturabilidade através do design gráfico. Revista Arcos Design. 2011;6(1):42-59. ).

The cognitive demand imposed by an education material can occur due to intrinsic factors (conceptual difficulty, for instance), or extrinsic factors (presented format, font type, wording). The better the readability and legibility of the proposed material, the lower the cognitive demand (11 Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.

With regard to adapting to hearing aids, it is widely known that, in order to achieve user satisfaction in this process, the intervention should not be solely restricted to the clinical procedure of selecting and fitting the devices. Psychosocial factors, understanding of technology, and device handling, as well as patient and family involvement are all fundamental to the success of aural rehabilitation. An individual’s communication needs are not solely related to a lacking access to sounds and the consequent several difficulties that can ensue, but also encompass how successful adapting to amplification is.

The suitability of the material used as an aid in providing counseling and orientation has been shown to strongly correlate with performance when managing and using amplification devices. It also correlates with its users being required a smaller number of instruction repetitions and problem solving skills(1212 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C, Khan A. Evaluation of a modified user guide for hearing aid management. Ear Hear. 2016;37(1):27-37. PMid:26390408.
). In addition, the concern about the suitability of information materials has been correlated with the satisfaction level of users of sound amplification and a better use of rehabilitation(1313 Brooke RE, Isherwood S, Herbert NC, Raynor DK, Knapp P. Hearing aid instruction booklets: employing usability testing to determine effectiveness. Am J Audiol. 2012;21(2):206-14. PMid:22718322.

In Brazil’s national scenario, one might mention the development and evaluation of hearing aids in this context(1414 Jokura PR. Aconselhamento informativo para adultos e idosos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual: avaliação da eficácia de um material online [dissertação]. Bauru: Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo; 2013. ,1515 Campos K, Maximino L, Oliveira JRMD, Pardo-Fanton CS, Blasca WQ. Análise de material informativo em DVD na adaptação de idosos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Audiol. Commun. 2014;19(4):367-74.

Therefore, providing orientation and counseling is known to play an important role in the process of selecting, fitting and adapting to hearing aids. The means whereby information is conveyed can dictate the ease or difficulty with which it is understood and recalled. Hence, such limitation must be compensated for by using a combination of verbal and visual media.

Conducting a study such as this one is thus justified, as is the hypothesis that the use of appropriate education materials containing the needed information and suitably designed can and should significantly assist the elderly with their learning about the use and benefits of hearing aids.

Accordingly, this study was intended to determine the features and factors to be considered in the process of developing and designing printed education materials in the field of health care aimed for a target population comprised of elderly people; and to develop multimedia material for providing orientation and counseling to the elderly who are candidates for hearing-aid use considering the guidelines on health literacy.


Initially, a bibliographic survey was carried out in order to identify relevant studies in databases such as MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO, published between 2000 and 2017, by using the following search queries (their equivalent in Portuguese are indicated between brackets): hearing aids (auxiliares de audição) in isolation and in conjunction with orientation (orientatação), counseling (aconselhamento) and elderly (idosos) and health literacy (alfabetização em saúde). Other studies were found from the lists of bibliographic references contained in the selected studies. Guides, manuals and textbooks related to health communication were also consulted.

According to the literature review, the characteristics that needed to be taken into consideration to ensure the health education material would be suitably designed were defined so as to enhance its legibility and readability aspects. Likewise, a survey was conducted on the subjects that should be included in the material, making up its contents and aiming at providing orientation and counseling to the hearing-impaired elderly who are candidates for hearing-aid use.

To ensure suitability when preparing the orientation material, Caposecco et al.(44 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Assembly and insertion of a self-fitting hearing aid: design of effective instruction materials. Trends Amplif. 2012;15(4):184-95. PMid:22389434. ) suggested the following phases: planning, design, assessment of material suitability, and pilot testing. In our study, we sought to reach the planning and design phases involved in the preparation of the material.

The first phase in the development process was planning, whose purpose was to define and characterize the target readership, which was defined as being the elderly with bilateral hearing loss, of any type and grade, candidate for hearing-aid use. Other relevant characteristics of the target readership were also determined: being literate; absence of major visual problems; without evidence of cognitive impairments that might compromise reading ability; and no required prior knowledge about aural rehabilitation.

For this study’s second phase, a multimedia material was developed in order to exemplify, in practice, the suitability of design previously studied.

Multimedia interaction allows patients to move through the existing connections between the available links while each of them builds their own learning pathway according to their own needs (1616 Pereira AMSS. Livro didático x livro didático eletrônico de língua portuguesa: implicações para a educação e as novas abordagens didáticas. Rev EDaPECl. 2009;3(3):1-11.
). On the other hand, printed materials can be more practical and portable, so that users who are not familiar with the digital world can access them at any time(22 Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.
). We therefore believed it was important to render the navigation screens in the multimedia material printable. The design recommendations for preparing the multimedia material were duly considered to ensure thy would suit the printed material. The main difference occurs when choosing the correct type of paper to be used, in addition to its quality and format selected for printing.

The language, used in a simple and concise manner, was such that it delimited the information content of the material to be presented, i.e. It was such that the information being conveyed was not to become excessive, overwhelming or confusing to the reader.

After adjusting a material in accordance with design recommendations, better readability and legibility are expected, as well as a decrease in the cognitive load demanded of the reader (11 Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.

It was suggested that the modules should be divided into two large navigation areas, namely orientation on device use and counseling on sound amplification.

We opted for this type of organization according to the following definition on orientation and counseling(1717 Almeida K. Estratégias de reabilitação audiológica em idosos. In: Marchezan IQ, Silva HJ, Tomé MC, organizadores. Tratado das especialidades em fonoaudiologia. São Paulo: Guanabara Koogan; 2014. :1021):

[…] orientation aims to ensure that the user gets the desired benefits from treatment as quickly and easily as possible, whereas counseling aims to provide patients and their families with an understanding of the effects of hearing loss and the effective implementation of strategies to reduce such effects. The information to be given can be divided into those relative to care and use of the electronic device and those relative to the user. In the latter category, information should be included to assist the elderly and their family members to understand the nature of hearing loss, facilitate adaptation to amplification, help develop realistic expectations as to the benefits and limitations of hearing aid use, and understand the importance of making use of other strategies to alleviate hearing and communication difficulties, such as assistive technology devices, communication strategies and lip and face reading.

The topics and informative content were chosen according to the difficulties commonly reported in previous studies by patients, first-time hearing aid users(66 Ferguson M, Brandreth M, Brassington W, Wharrad H. Information retention and overload in first-time hearing aid users: An interactive multimedia educational solution. Am J Audiol. 2015;24(3):329-32. PMid:26649541.
,1818 Ferguson M, Brandreth M, Brassington W, Leighton P, Wharrad H. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of a multimedia educational program for first-time hearing aid users. Ear Hear. 2016;37(2):123-36. PMid:26565785.

When preparing the material design, the language, layout and typography, organization and graphic illustration used all followed the guidelines set forth in guides and in the literature reviewed(44 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Assembly and insertion of a self-fitting hearing aid: design of effective instruction materials. Trends Amplif. 2012;15(4):184-95. PMid:22389434. ,55 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Hearing aid user guides: suitability for older adults. Int J Audiol. 2014;53(S1, Suppl 1):S43-51. PMid:24447232.
,88 Medina C. Interface entre design e fonoaudiologia: material instrucional impresso voltado aos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual [tese] Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. ,1919 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Simply put: a guide for creating easy-to-understand materials [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:

20 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Clear communication index user guide [Internet]. 2014 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: pdf/clear-communication-user-guide.pdf ...

21 National Cancer Institute. Pink-book – making health communication programs work [Internet]. 2004 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:

22 Plain English Campaign. Guide to design and layout [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:
-2323 Plain English Campaign. How to write medical information in plain English [Internet]. 2001 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: medicalguide.pdf ...


The following is a compilation of the findings on the design characteristics to be taken into account when creating and preparing education material in the field of health care. The results were divided into sections: language, layout and typography, organization and graphic illustration.

Table 1 shows a compilation of recommendations on the language suitable for use in health education material intended for the elderly.

Table 1
Language suitability recommendations for health education material

Table 2 displays the main recommendations for suitable layout and typography to be used in health education material intended for the elderly.

Table 2
Suitability recommendations for layout and typography used in health education material

Table 3 describes the recommendations for suitable organization of health education material intended for the elderly.

Table 3
Organization suitability recommendations for health education material

Table 4 summarizes the main recommendations in the literature regarding graphic illustrations in a health education material.

Table 4
Graphic illustration suitability recommendations for health education material

The compilation of these results was exemplified in the preparation of the multimedia material. The material developed corresponds to an interactive file, which can be played on computers or notebooks as a facilitating tool in the orientation and counseling phase when adapting to hearing aids.

Usage guidance information generally covers the behind-the-ear and completely-in-the-canal hearing aids, which differ as to how they should be managed.

It is recommended that the professional be a facilitator in the use of the material during the clinical consultation with the patient and their family members. The navigation is interactive, so that professional and patient should choose the subheadings for which they wish to obtain the information and, in this way, are channeled to the text and explanatory images on the topic of interest. It is possible to return and choose other topics at any time.

With some interactive options, the professional can, for instance, fill in with recommendations or information that specifically pertain to the hearing aid manufacturer. These small interactions still need improving before the final product is fully developed.

A total of 57 screens have been drawn up, considering the initial presentation screen, menus and submenus intended for orientation and counseling. Each of the screens can be printed out.

Table 5 shows the content organization (themes and modules), headings and subheadings, and exemplary screens of the final product in Figures 1 , 2 and 3 .

Table 5
Information content of the material for orientation and counseling of the elderly in the hearing aid adaptation process
Figure 1
Counseling Menu Screen
Figure 2
Exemplary Content Screen: “What is a hearing aid? Types of hearing aids”
Figure 3
Exemplary Content Screen: “What should I expect from my hearing aid? Benefits and expectations”


Brazil’s population pyramid has changed significantly in recent years. Currently 17.6 million individuals are over 60 years old(2424 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Envelhecimento e saúde da pessoa idosa. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2006 [acesso em 2018 Nov 13]. Caderno de Atenção Básica; n. 19. Série A. Normas e manuais técnicos. Disponível em:

These data suggest how important it is for the resources currently available suit this population. The digital age has made using computers and accessing multimedia information a reality in most households. Despite the fact that Internet access is still limited in some poorer regions, the presence of a computer and/or a CD/DVD player has become increasingly common(2525 Silveira MM, Paula Rocha J., Vidmar MF, Wibelinger LM, Pasqualotti A. Educação e inclusão digital para idosos. Revista Novas Tecnologias na Educação. 2010;8(2):1-13.

Several studies have been discussing “elderly-computer” interaction and have shown that the elderly are interested in computers and that many attain basic mastery of handling computers, which may offer some benefits, such as improved mental stimulation and social interaction(2626 Dickinson A, Newell AF, Smith MJ, Hill RL. Introducing the internet to the over-60s: developing an email system for older novice computer users. Interact Comput. 2005;17(6):621-42.
). Although there is a strong belief that older people are resistant to interacting with technology, such studies have shown that not only do they accept to use computers, but also affirm that training, technical support, ease of access and available application types are determinants for their receptivity.

It is worth underscoring the recommendation that the orientation material should be used as a facilitating tool for the professional in the clinical setting and the multimedia or printed material should be handed out according to each patient's profile, so that they can have some form of support for recalling the information at a later time(11 Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.
,22 Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.
,66 Ferguson M, Brandreth M, Brassington W, Wharrad H. Information retention and overload in first-time hearing aid users: An interactive multimedia educational solution. Am J Audiol. 2015;24(3):329-32. PMid:26649541.

The education materials, commonly available to hearing aid users, are those distributed by the very companies that manufacture the electronic amplification devices themselves (1212 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C, Khan A. Evaluation of a modified user guide for hearing aid management. Ear Hear. 2016;37(1):27-37. PMid:26390408.
,1313 Brooke RE, Isherwood S, Herbert NC, Raynor DK, Knapp P. Hearing aid instruction booklets: employing usability testing to determine effectiveness. Am J Audiol. 2012;21(2):206-14. PMid:22718322.
). Nonetheless, studies have shown that not always are these materials ideally suited to facilitate the learning experience of individuals; in addition, there is enormous room for further improvement of their content and the way it is presented(33 Nair EL, Cienkowski KM. The impact of health literacy on patient understanding of counseling and education materials. Int J Audiol. 2010;49(2):71-5. PMid:20151879.
,55 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Hearing aid user guides: suitability for older adults. Int J Audiol. 2014;53(S1, Suppl 1):S43-51. PMid:24447232.

The content in the manufacturers' instruction guides is not appropriate for the patients’ level of language and literacy(33 Nair EL, Cienkowski KM. The impact of health literacy on patient understanding of counseling and education materials. Int J Audiol. 2010;49(2):71-5. PMid:20151879.
). Difficulties in finding, understanding, and following the instructions provided have also been reported(1313 Brooke RE, Isherwood S, Herbert NC, Raynor DK, Knapp P. Hearing aid instruction booklets: employing usability testing to determine effectiveness. Am J Audiol. 2012;21(2):206-14. PMid:22718322.
). Deficiencies in vocabulary, layout and typography, as well as failure to stimulate and motivate the patients to read such materials have been found in several manuals evaluated (55 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Hearing aid user guides: suitability for older adults. Int J Audiol. 2014;53(S1, Suppl 1):S43-51. PMid:24447232.
). Other authors have suggested differentiating the orientation of the several hearing aid models(88 Medina C. Interface entre design e fonoaudiologia: material instrucional impresso voltado aos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual [tese] Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. ), a recommendation that we have taken into consideration when preparing the material we developed here (distinction between behind-the-ear and completely-in-the-canal hearing aids).

In addition to the information on how to use and manage hearing aids, there is a need for manuals to also include information on adapting to amplification and using communicative strategies (counseling). Furthermore, the amount of text should be reduced, whereas font size and the number of illustrations should be increased(88 Medina C. Interface entre design e fonoaudiologia: material instrucional impresso voltado aos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual [tese] Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. ).

In general, the speech-language therapist/audiologist who works with hearing aid adaptation feels the need to complement their verbal orientations; still, most of these professionals use the manufacturer's manual without any further instructional support(1212 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C, Khan A. Evaluation of a modified user guide for hearing aid management. Ear Hear. 2016;37(1):27-37. PMid:26390408.
). Thus, most first-time hearing aid users are at risk of not understanding much of the important information being conveyed and intended for their successful adaptation to sound amplification(33 Nair EL, Cienkowski KM. The impact of health literacy on patient understanding of counseling and education materials. Int J Audiol. 2010;49(2):71-5. PMid:20151879.
,1313 Brooke RE, Isherwood S, Herbert NC, Raynor DK, Knapp P. Hearing aid instruction booklets: employing usability testing to determine effectiveness. Am J Audiol. 2012;21(2):206-14. PMid:22718322.

The design recommendations we studied were incorporated into the material developed in such a way as to ensure a better understanding of the texts contained therein. The purpose of that is to enable the individual to make correct decisions in face of everyday situations with regard to their sound amplification device(44 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Assembly and insertion of a self-fitting hearing aid: design of effective instruction materials. Trends Amplif. 2012;15(4):184-95. PMid:22389434. ). In addition, the organization of screens and visual features was designed in order to facilitate the direct reading, thus avoiding distractions or unnecessary messages, which may divert attention from the main information(1919 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Simply put: a guide for creating easy-to-understand materials [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: ).

Studies have shown that users have a preference for instruction materials containing a greater number of graphic illustrations over textual content. The graphic illustrations were specifically developed for this material, following the recommendations of simple, linear drawings familiar to readers(1919 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Simply put: a guide for creating easy-to-understand materials [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:

20 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Clear communication index user guide [Internet]. 2014 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: pdf/clear-communication-user-guide.pdf ...

21 National Cancer Institute. Pink-book – making health communication programs work [Internet]. 2004 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:

22 Plain English Campaign. Guide to design and layout [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:
-2323 Plain English Campaign. How to write medical information in plain English [Internet]. 2001 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: medicalguide.pdf ...

In our study, instruction videos were not included. Video can be a powerful feature in a multimedia application. It adds realism and allows demonstrations that could not be rendered by animations and still images. Animations are recommended when one can not properly communicate information as still images(2727 Mayer RE, Hegarty M, Mayer S, Campbell J. When static media promote active learning: annotated illustrations versus narrated animations in multimedia instruction. J Exp Psychol. 2005;11(4):256-65. PMid:16393035. ). On the other hand, still and printed images tend to draw an individual's attention to specific information, thereby allowing them to control their own pace and improve their learning (2828 Nascimento ACA. Princípios de design na elaboração de material multimídia para a Web [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Educação; 2005 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em:
). We suggest future studies be conducted in order to develop videos that are suited to the same population and purpose.

The term “hearing aid” (“aparelho auditivo”, in Portuguese) was adopted in all contexts, because it is more popular and better known to the lay public in an attempt to avoid formal terminology(1919 CDC: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Simply put: a guide for creating easy-to-understand materials [Internet]. 2009 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: ,2121 National Cancer Institute. Pink-book – making health communication programs work [Internet]. 2004 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: ,2323 Plain English Campaign. How to write medical information in plain English [Internet]. 2001 [acesso em 2015 Mar 20]. Disponível em: medicalguide.pdf ...

It should be noted again that, in our study, the target readership for the material we developed was the elderly. Nevertheless, we suggest it can and should be used by any individual who is adapting to hearing aids, at any age, of any gender or social class. We expect it to be a useful tool in this process, since we sought to use universal language and design illustrations that should be easy to understand, regardless of the readership’s literacy level(44 Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Assembly and insertion of a self-fitting hearing aid: design of effective instruction materials. Trends Amplif. 2012;15(4):184-95. PMid:22389434. ).

As for the difficulties encountered in developing a digital product, the financial factor for hiring a professional in the field may be relevant, since this process requires that the professionals have specific knowledge in the field with a training in graphic design. A partnership with professionals in this field could enrich this type of study and permit the creation of products with all of the required and suitable resources.

The material developed in this study can be made available by the authors and has the purpose of showing, in a practical fashion, the construction of a tool that meets the requirements described in the literature.

Studies are being carried out to evaluate and validate the applicability of this material in individuals who are in the process of adapting to hearing aids, so that any adjustments and corrections to texts and illustrations, or inclusion of topics, can be implemented. It is essential that the evaluation be conducted by professionals with expertise in the field to ensure optimal structuring and tuning to the readership in question.


When preparing education materials in the field of health care, it is important to consider, in addition to content, text readability and legibility. Recommendations include language register, layout and typography, organization, and graphic illustration, in order to ensure health information will be better understood and learned.

We would like to offer an incentive to improve and carry out further studies on the resources facilitating this process. We also recommend that new tools be developed, aiming for patient’s well-being and greater satisfaction.

  • Study carried out at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo – FCMSCSP – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


  • 1
    Mayer RE, Moreno R. Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educ Psychol. 2003;38(1):43-52.
  • 2
    Hoffmann T, Worrall L. Designing effective written health education materials: considerations for health professionals. Disabil Rehabil. 2004;26(19):1166-73. PMid:15371031.
  • 3
    Nair EL, Cienkowski KM. The impact of health literacy on patient understanding of counseling and education materials. Int J Audiol. 2010;49(2):71-5. PMid:20151879.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    03 Dec 2018
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 Dec 2017
  • Accepted
    03 Sept 2018
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil