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Telemonitoring type 1 diabetes patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: was it useful?



To evaluate the performance of telemonitoring in detecting clinical and psychological needs and adherence to the protective measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to providing remote assistance for patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a public university center in Brazil.

Subjects and methods:

Telemonitoring protocol included phone calls and e-mails. Patients were asked to rate COVID-19-like symptoms, psychological symptoms, epidemiological issues, and adherence to diabetes management (insulin, exercise, and diet) using a 0-to-10 scale. An e-mail address and phone number were offered for further contact if needed. Clinical, demographic, and laboratorial data from the consultations before the pandemic were collected from medical records.


Among 321 patients with a previously scheduled consultation over the first 15 weeks of social distancing, 237 (73.8%) could be successfully contacted. Of these, 207 (87.3%) were exclusively evaluated by telemonitoring (190 only by phone or text message and 17 who were also reached by email), and 30 (12.7%) patients attended the consultation for medical reasons detected during the telephone screening. Overall, 44 (18.5%) patients reported COVID-19-like symptoms. One (2.3%) patient was hospitalized and subsequently died. Psychological symptoms were reported by 137 (60.4%) patients and 30 (12.7%) required remote psychological assistance. Appropriate social distancing was performed by 203 (87.9%) patients, and 221 (97.8%) referred use of masks.


Telemonitoring T1D patients during the pandemic helped reduce the need for in-person consultations, detect clinical and psychological needs, and offer support to patients in addition to monitoring suspected COVID-19 cases and the adherence to protective measures.

Type 1 diabetes; COVID-19; telemonitoring

Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia Rua Botucatu, 572 - Conjuntos 81/83, CEP: 04023-061 , Tel: +55 (11) 5575-0311 / +55 (11) 9 9768-6933 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil