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The 4Ds of ectopic ACTH syndrome: diagnostic dilemmas of a difficult disease


Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is an uncommon condition that leads to high morbidity and mortality. The majority of endogenous CS is caused by excessive ACTH secretion, mainly due to a pituitary tumor – the so-called Cushing’s disease (CD) – followed by ectopic ACTH syndrome (EAS), an extra-pituitary tumor that produces ACTH; adrenal causes of CS are even rarer. Several methods are used to differentiate the two main etiologies: specific laboratory tests and imaging procedures, and bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS) for ACTH determination; however, identification of the source of ACTH overproduction is often a challenge. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with clinical and laboratory findings consistent with ACTH-dependent CS. All tests were mostly definite, but several confounding factors provoked an extended delay in identifying the origin of ACTH secretion, prompting a worsening of her clinical condition, with difficulty controlling hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, and hypertension. During this period, clinical treatment was decisive, and measurement of morning salivary cortisol was a differential for monitoring cortisol levels. This report shows that clinical reasoning, experience and use of recent methods of nuclear medicine were decisive for the elucidation of the case.


Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is a cluster of clinical signs and symptoms secondary to cortisol excess. It may occur due to chronic glucocorticoid administration or, less frequently, due to endogenous production ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ). Endogenous CS is classified according to ACTH dependence: ACTH-independent CS (primary adrenal disease) corresponds to less than 20% of cases, whereas the ACTH-dependent form (secondary disease) is much more prevalent (~80%). Confirmation of cortisol autonomy, identification of its etiology, and proper treatment remain challenges ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ).

The major cause of CS, encompassing 60-70% of all cases, is an ACTH-producing pituitary tumor (Cushing’s disease [CD]), generally a microadenoma. Ectopic ACTH syndrome (EAS), an ACTH-producing extra-pituitary tumor of several origins, is the second endogenous cause, responsible for 5-10% of cases ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. , 22. Ilias I, Torpy DJ, Pacak K, Mullen N, Wesley RA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic corticotropin secretion: twenty years’ experience at the National Institutes of Health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:4955-62. ). EAS may also result from an ectopic CRH-producing tumor ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ). The most frequent neoplasms associated with EAS are small-cell lung carcinoma and other neuroendocrine tumors of the lungs, thymus and pancreas ( 33. Farage M, Costa MADL, Godoy-Matos AF. A rare case of Cushing syndrome by cyclic ectopic-ACTH. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):324-30. ). Occasionally, a thyroid medullary carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, gastrinoma, or prostate carcinoma may produce the EAS ( 33. Farage M, Costa MADL, Godoy-Matos AF. A rare case of Cushing syndrome by cyclic ectopic-ACTH. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):324-30. ).

Classical stigmata of CS are present in both CD and EAS. However, metabolic derangements and several other unspecific features are more prevalent in EAS, such as a rapid disease progression ( 44. Del Valle-Torres MDM, Amrani-Raissouni T, Moya-Espinosa P, Jiménez-Hoyuela JMG. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic ACTH. Contribution of the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol. 2012;31(1):42-3. ), intense proximal muscle weakness, severe hypertension and hypokalemia ( 55. Huang Y-T, Aziz SI, Kumar ASR. Gallium-68 DOTA-TATE positron emission tomography/computed tomography: Scintigraphic changes of adrenal glands following management of ectopic Cushing’s syndrome by steroidogenesis inhibitors. World J Nuclear Med. 2014;13(3):201-4. ), and marked hyperpigmentation secondary to higher plasma ACTH levels (usually >100 pg/mL) ( 66. Rodrigues P, Castedo JL, Damasceno M, Carvalho D. Ectopic Cushing’s syndrome caused by a pulmonary ACTH-secreting tumor in a patient treated with octreotide. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(7):461-4. ).

A major challenge in the EAS is to determine the origin of ACTH excess. Up to 50% of these tumors may escape detection by chest and abdominal computerized tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ( 33. Farage M, Costa MADL, Godoy-Matos AF. A rare case of Cushing syndrome by cyclic ectopic-ACTH. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):324-30. , 77. Nunes JM, Pinho E, Camões I, Maciel J, Bastos PC, Moura CS, et al. A challenging case of an ectopic Cushing syndrome. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:413136. ), and remain “occult”. Simultaneous or coupled use of plain (CT/MRI) and functional imaging (scintigraphy) are useful for these undetermined cases.


A 28-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to the Adrenal Outpatient Clinic at EPM/UNIFESP because of progressive and rapid darkening of the skin and recent weight gain. In several weeks, her face turned plethoric, oily and hairy with acne. Within the past 6 months, the patient noticed a further progression of weight gain especially in her belly, a “buffalo hump”, several purple striae in her thighs and abdomen, and intense proximal muscle weakness.

The patient’s past medical history was unremarkable except for the presence of endometriosis, which has been treated for the past two years with the continuous use of a combined oral contraceptive (ethinylestradiol 30 mcg plus gestodene 75 mcg), making her amenorrheic ever since. She denied other comorbidities and the use of any other medications (including corticosteroids) and recreational drugs.

Initial physical exam disclosed weight of 66.2 kg and height of 167 cm (BMI = 23.7 kg/m2). The patient has a full-blown cushingoid appearance with moderate central obesity, discrete cervicodorsal adiposity, plethoric “moon facies”, diffuse scalp balding, increased hair in androgenic areas, facial and dorsal acne, skin thinning with squamation, purple striae in the abdomen and root of the thighs (some wider than 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. cm), and muscle hypotrophy in the legs, with a grade III diminished strength.

Investigation and treatment

Initial laboratory results ( Table 1 ) revealed hypercortisolism with increased ACTH levels, hyperandrogenism and an otherwise normal metabolic profile. These results typically supported the syndromic diagnosis of ACTH-dependent CS.

Table 1
Results of initial hormonal evaluation and reference values

To investigate for the possibility of CD, a pituitary MRI proved non-informative. Subsequently, a chest CT and an MRI showed a 0.8 cm nodular lesion in the inferior lobe of the left lung. The suspicious nodule was then investigated with a Fluor-deoxyglucose scintigraphy (18F-FDG PET-CT; Figure 1 ), showing a discrete glucose uptake (SUV of 1.4). Additional investigation with an 111In-Pentetreotide scintigraphy (Octreoscan®) was negative.

Figure 1
A suspicious lung nodule investigated with 18F-FDG PET-CT showing discrete glucose uptake (SUV of 1.4).

After consulting with the thoracic surgeons and radiologists in the adrenal unit, it was concluded that the lesion characteristics were possibly of vascular origin and unrelated to the disease. Needle biopsy and surgical removal were both inadvisable.

Because a previous thyroid ultrasonography was positive for the presence of two solid nodules of 1.3 and 1.2 cm in diameter, attention was directed toward the possibility of a medullary thyroid carcinoma being the origin of ACTH excess. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed, and the nodules were characterized as Bethesda II. ACTH and calcitonin levels in the fluid wash were negative.

A second pituitary MRI employing a 3-Tesla machine and dynamic study revealed a 6mm cystic lesion in the upper posterior right portion of the gland. Although considered of low suspicion potential, it prompted a detailed reinvestigation of the pituitary as the origin of the disease.

We have not employed the high-dose 8 mg DST, and have virtually abandoned it because it generates up to 30% false results and a high rate of discordance with the CRH stimulation test ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ).

Therefore, the patient underwent a bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS) for ACTH measurements ( Table 2 ). Prolactin levels were used to confirm adequate catheterization, and the ACTH/prolactin ratio was used to interpret the results. Although the results were somewhat abnormal (RPS/PV ratio of 3.87 at 3 min), the final interpretation considered the pituitary lesion incidental and dismissed it as the source of the ACTH excess.

Table 2
Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS)

Eight months after the initial symptoms, the patient experienced spontaneous and significant clinical remission that lasted for 3 months. During this period, serum, salivary and urinary cortisol reduced to near-normal levels. Afterward, however, symptomatology resumed very dramatically, associated with increased blood pressure, severe and symptomatic hypokalemia and hyperglycemia. The patient was admitted to the endocrine ward to receive regular IV insulin and potassium chloride in high doses, associated with oral spironolactone. While in the hospital, the patient had a spontaneous L2-vertebral fracture, developed severe and disabling muscle weakness, episodic psychosis, and primary hypothyroidism. The relapsed clinical picture was so intense and refractory to conventional therapy that a bilateral adrenalectomy was considered as an emergency therapy.

However, insulin pump infusion, high-dose spironolactone (200-300 mg/day), zoledronic acid, and nandrolone decanoate resulted in a progressive improvement of the clinical picture within the next several weeks, in particular of muscle weakness. Nevertheless, we decided to perform a “pharmacologic adrenalectomy” via steroid-enzyme inhibition with ketoconazole (KCZ). After an initial oral dose of 200mg/day for a few days, the treatment schedule scaled up to 1.2 g/day and plateaued at 1 g/day. During this treatment period, morning salivary cortisol levels were measured at weekly intervals to ascertain the effectiveness of cortisol blockade by KCZ ( Figure 2 ).

Figure 2
Morning salivary cortisol levels x Ketoconazole (KCZ) dose (mg/day).

During the next 4 months, serum and salivary cortisol levels decreased substantially on an average daily dose of 600 mg/day of KCZ and clinical manifestations improved. On continuous KCZ therapy, clinical effectiveness was confirmed when the patient began demonstrating signs of adrenal insufficiency, requiring introduction of oral prednisolone (2.5-5.0 mg/day).

Following pharmacologic control of the disease, etiological investigation continued. A somatostatin receptor imaging employing 68Gallium PET-CT (68Ga-DOTA-TATE) was obtained and disclosed an anomalous tracer uptake in the same region previously seen on 18F-FDG-PET-CT: a regular, solid, non-calcified lung nodule, located between the superior and basal posterior segments of the left inferior lobe of the right lung, that measured 1.3 x 0.9 cm in diameter, with an SUV of 6.1 ( Figure 3 ). This finding was consistent with a tumor of neuroendocrine origin (a carcinoid tumor), reinforcing the diagnosis of an ectopic ACTH-producing lung tumor.

Figure 3
68Ga-DOTA-TATE PET-CT showing anomalous tracer uptake: a regular, solid, non-calcified lung nodule, located between the superior and basal posterior segments of the left lung inferior lobe that measured 1.3 x 0.9 cm in diameter, with an SUV of 6.1, consistent with a tumor of neuroendocrine origin (carcinoid tumor).

The patient underwent a left inferior lobe lung resection 22 months after the beginning of her clinical symptoms. A prompt drop in plasma ACTH and serum cortisol concentrations followed within 1 hour after tumor resection, reaching undetectable cortisol levels 24h later ( Table 3 ).

Table 3
Pre- and post-operative levels of ACTH and cortisol


Pathology examination revealed a well-differentiated neuroendocrine lung neoplasia: immunohistochemistry was positive for ACTH, chromogranin A, and synaptofisin; Ki-67 was positive in less than 5% of the cells.

Less than 3 months after surgery, the patient was free of symptoms and from glucocorticoid replacement therapy. Cortisol levels were within the normal range and responsive to suppression (1 mg DST < 1.0 mg/dL). The patient remains completely asymptomatic and hormonally controlled 2 years after surgery.


The etiology of Cushing’s syndrome may occasionally be difficult to ascertain. In patients with EAS, identification of the source of autonomous production of ACTH may remain unknown (occult or indeterminate) in up to 19% of cases ( 22. Ilias I, Torpy DJ, Pacak K, Mullen N, Wesley RA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic corticotropin secretion: twenty years’ experience at the National Institutes of Health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:4955-62. ). The delay in establishing the origin of the disease and in controlling hypercortisolism may predictably result in severe consequences.

One potential problem in diagnosing CS is the occurrence of a cyclical pattern of cortisol excess. Although cyclic CS is observed more often in primary pigmented nodular adrenal hyperplasia/dysplasia (PPNAD), as well as in isolated micronodular adrenocortical disease, it may occur in any form of endogenous CS ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ). The wax-and-wane pattern of symptoms raised the suspicion of cyclic CS in our patient.

Although the pre-test diagnostic probability of CD is higher than 80%, our team contemplated the less common EAS as the main diagnostic possibility for this patient from the beginning. The reasons contended were the sudden and rapid evolution of marked muscle weakness, and important hypokalemia and hyperpigmentation associated with significantly elevated plasma ACTH levels ( 22. Ilias I, Torpy DJ, Pacak K, Mullen N, Wesley RA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic corticotropin secretion: twenty years’ experience at the National Institutes of Health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:4955-62. ).

A pituitary MRI is usually the first imaging procedure indicated for the investigation of CS because of the major prevalence of CD. However, its results could be negative in identifying a pituitary microadenoma in up to 40% of patients. Subsequent chest and abdominal MRIs were suggestive of the presence of a suspicious left pulmonary nodule. A subsequent 18F-FDG PET-CT scan confirmed a moderate uptake by this very lung lesion ( 33. Farage M, Costa MADL, Godoy-Matos AF. A rare case of Cushing syndrome by cyclic ectopic-ACTH. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):324-30. ).

In view of the modest 18F-FDG PET-CT outcome, an Octreoscan® scintigraphy was performed, with a negative result. However, this procedure has a variable sensitivity for small lesions (between 25 and 80%, with a detection limit of 5 mm) ( 77. Nunes JM, Pinho E, Camões I, Maciel J, Bastos PC, Moura CS, et al. A challenging case of an ectopic Cushing syndrome. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:413136. ). Moreover, hypercortisolism per se may suppress subtype-2 somatostatin receptor concentration and density, yielding false-negative results ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ).

Once an ectopic source of ACTH excess was temporarily excluded, a new and more precise pituitary MRI, performed on recent generation 3-Tesla equipment, disclosed a previously unidentified 6 mm cystic lesion during the dynamic study. Although the pituitary lesion was unlikely to be responsible for the condition, a BIPSS for ACTH was performed, since it is considered the gold standard by which to establish the pituitary as the source of ACTH excess in CD, with 95% sensitivity and specificity ( 11. Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27. ).

Nevertheless, the results were not consistent: out of five sampling time-points, only a single one (at 3 min following desmopressin stimulation) disclosed a moderate ACTH and ACTH:prolactin ratio gradient; furthermore, overall ACTH levels were not significantly reduced. This result could reflect the presence of a cyclic disease and/or a mild hypercortisolism with no significant suppression of the remaining non-tumorous corticotrophs at that given moment. Yet another even rarer possibility was contemplated: co-production of CRH by the ectopic tumor stimulating normal ACTH-producing pituitary cells, leading to a false-positive BIPSS result ( 88. Doppman JL, Chang R, Oldfield EH, Chrousos G, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. The hypoplastic inferior petrosal sinus: A potential source of false-negative results in petrosal sampling for Cushing’s disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999;84:533-40. ).

After a prolonged and distressing period during which no definitive etiological diagnosis was achieved, we were able to employ a recently available scintigraphy procedure to localize tumors of neuroendocrine origin (with excellent accuracy to identify ectopic ACTH-producing tumors [ 77. Nunes JM, Pinho E, Camões I, Maciel J, Bastos PC, Moura CS, et al. A challenging case of an ectopic Cushing syndrome. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:413136. ]): 68Ga-DOTA-TATE PET-CT (5). The result was an image with a significant tracer uptake (SUV of 6.1) located in the same lung area previously identified on the chest CT/MRIs and FDG PET-CT. Given the increased activity of the lesion and the higher accuracy of DOTA-TATE (82% sensitivity and near-100% specificity, even for lesions smaller than 10 mm [9]), this lesion was definitively considered the source of ACTH excess in our patient.

The histological findings were consistent with a neuroendocrine tumor, one of the more common etiologies of EAS ( 1010. Alexandraki KI, Grossman AB. The ectopic ACTH syndrome. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2010;11:117-26. ). Our patient had classic features of a bronchial carcinoid neoplasia: young age, nonsmoker, a well-differentiated low-grade tumor, and usual immunohistochemical markers for ACTH, chromogranin A and synaptofisin. The patient underwent surgical tumor resection, the conventional treatment for bronchial carcinoid. The 5-year survival rate for typical carcinoid ranges from 92 to 100% ( 1111. Fisseler-Eckhoff A, Demes M. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung. Cancers (Basel). 2012; (4):777-98. ).

Pharmacologic treatment of ectopic ACTH-producing neoplasms is usually transitory, to achieve normocortisolemia and improve clinical status until the occult tumor is found and surgically removed. Enzyme inhibitors of the steroid cascade are very effective for this purpose, although treatment with cabergoline, octreotide, and other ACTH suppressors may be effective as well ( 1212. Pivonello R, Ferone D, Lamberts SW, Colao A. Cabergoline plus lanreotide for ectopic Cushing’s syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2005;352(23):2457-8. , 1313. Bruno OD, Danilowicz K, Manavela M, Mana D, Rossi MA. Long-term management with octreotide or cabergoline in ectopic corticotropin hypersecretion: case report and literature review. Endocr Pract. 2010;16(5):829-34. ). Any of these drugs has a chance for side effects, and availability may be limited.

Pharmacologic intervention with ketoconazole (KCZ) was pivotal to control the recurring severe clinical manifestations by blocking excessive cortisol production. This decision was made at a point when etiologic definition was obscure, and it allowed additional time to reinvestigate the source of the ACTH excess with excellent efficacy and acceptable tolerability. Despite KCZ being associated with hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal complaints, no significant side effect was observed in our patient ( 1414. Feelders RA, Hofland LJ, de Herder WW. Medical treatment of Cushing’s syndrome: adrenal-blocking drugs and ketaconazole. Neuroendocrinology. 2010;92(suppl1):111-5. ). Instead of using classic and time-consuming 24h urinary free cortisol concentrations, titration of KCZ was achieved by weekly evaluation of morning salivary cortisol levels, an easy, fast, and reproducible method routinely used in our clinic.

There is no consensus regarding the follow-up of neuroendocrine tumors. ACTH-producing tumors that may relapse or spread after surgery must be strictly followed clinically and biochemically with at least yearly ACTH/cortisol screening and imaging procedures. Some suggest chest and abdomen CTs every six months for the first two years, and then annually. Others recommend somatostatin-receptor-based imaging, such as Ga-68 DOTATE PET/CT ( 1515. Thomas CF, Jett JR, Strosberg JR. In: Bronchial Neuroendocrine (carcinoid) Tumors: Treatment and Prognosis. UpToDate, Post TW, editors. UpToDate: Waltham, MA. 2017. (Accessed on 15 April 2017) ).

In summary, we present the challenging case of a young patient with cyclic CS due to an ACTH-producing neuroendocrine tumor of the lung whose clinical manifestations were highly suggestive of EAS, although conflicting test results misled the final diagnosis.


  • 1
    Lacroix A, Feelders RA, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet. 2015;386:913-27.
  • 2
    Ilias I, Torpy DJ, Pacak K, Mullen N, Wesley RA, Nieman LK. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic corticotropin secretion: twenty years’ experience at the National Institutes of Health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:4955-62.
  • 3
    Farage M, Costa MADL, Godoy-Matos AF. A rare case of Cushing syndrome by cyclic ectopic-ACTH. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):324-30.
  • 4
    Del Valle-Torres MDM, Amrani-Raissouni T, Moya-Espinosa P, Jiménez-Hoyuela JMG. Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic ACTH. Contribution of the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. Rev Esp Med Nucl Imagen Mol. 2012;31(1):42-3.
  • 5
    Huang Y-T, Aziz SI, Kumar ASR. Gallium-68 DOTA-TATE positron emission tomography/computed tomography: Scintigraphic changes of adrenal glands following management of ectopic Cushing’s syndrome by steroidogenesis inhibitors. World J Nuclear Med. 2014;13(3):201-4.
  • 6
    Rodrigues P, Castedo JL, Damasceno M, Carvalho D. Ectopic Cushing’s syndrome caused by a pulmonary ACTH-secreting tumor in a patient treated with octreotide. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(7):461-4.
  • 7
    Nunes JM, Pinho E, Camões I, Maciel J, Bastos PC, Moura CS, et al. A challenging case of an ectopic Cushing syndrome. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:413136.
  • 8
    Doppman JL, Chang R, Oldfield EH, Chrousos G, Stratakis CA, Nieman LK. The hypoplastic inferior petrosal sinus: A potential source of false-negative results in petrosal sampling for Cushing’s disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999;84:533-40.
  • 9
    Isidori AM, Sbardella E, Zatelli MC, Boschetti M, Vitale G, Colao A, et al. Conventional and nuclear medicine imaging in ectopic Cushing’s syndrome: A systematic review. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015;100(9):3231-44.
  • 10
    Alexandraki KI, Grossman AB. The ectopic ACTH syndrome. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2010;11:117-26.
  • 11
    Fisseler-Eckhoff A, Demes M. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung. Cancers (Basel). 2012; (4):777-98.
  • 12
    Pivonello R, Ferone D, Lamberts SW, Colao A. Cabergoline plus lanreotide for ectopic Cushing’s syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2005;352(23):2457-8.
  • 13
    Bruno OD, Danilowicz K, Manavela M, Mana D, Rossi MA. Long-term management with octreotide or cabergoline in ectopic corticotropin hypersecretion: case report and literature review. Endocr Pract. 2010;16(5):829-34.
  • 14
    Feelders RA, Hofland LJ, de Herder WW. Medical treatment of Cushing’s syndrome: adrenal-blocking drugs and ketaconazole. Neuroendocrinology. 2010;92(suppl1):111-5.
  • 15
    Thomas CF, Jett JR, Strosberg JR. In: Bronchial Neuroendocrine (carcinoid) Tumors: Treatment and Prognosis. UpToDate, Post TW, editors. UpToDate: Waltham, MA. 2017. (Accessed on 15 April 2017)
  • Funding: this research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Apr 2019
  • Date of issue
    Mar-Apr 2019


  • Received
    12 Dec 2017
  • Accepted
    21 Feb 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia Rua Botucatu, 572 - Conjuntos 81/83, CEP: 04023-061 , Tel: +55 (11) 5575-0311 / +55 (11) 9 9768-6933 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil