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Dear BAR Contributors and Readers,

As we publish the first issue of 2013, it is my pleasure to bring to your knowledge some facts that attest to BAR's dedication and continued progress in internationally disseminating sound research produced by Academics interested in the Brazilian context.

The meritorious reclassification of some good journals to the A2 category (Qualis/CAPES) has increased the healthy competition for good papers. In this more stringent environment BAR is believed to still be one of the best outlets for studies about the Brazilian business setting.

Here are some of the improvements we have made in 2012:

- Speeding up of the review process (while keeping the same rigor);

- Introduction of the "ahead of print" feature, that is, online publication of articles before they become officially published in their respective issue;

- Renewal of the Editorial Advisory Board and invitation of four Associate Editors, all renowned experts in their research areas (please, check at;

- New governance structure for the editorial process, whereby the physical location of the team of Editorial Assistants is independent from where ANPAD’s headquarters and the Editors are located ;

- Transparent and open communication with Authors and Reviewers (as can be seen from several complimentary messages that Authors, of both accepted as well as rejected articles, and Reviewers have sent to the Editor);

- Higher contribution on the part of submitting Authors, who now agree to also review for the journal, if asked by the Editor;

- Increasing internationalization of the pool of contributors.

BAR’s current average times are as follows:

- From submission to publication:

- 18 months (for articles published in 2012)

- 13 months (for articles already accepted for publication in 2013)

- From submission to desk rejection: 32 days

BAR has strictly followed ANPAD’s guidelines for Good Practices of Scientific Publishing (Boas Práticas de Publicação Científica). It is important to stress that the order of publication obeys the logic of "time not imputable to Authors", that is, once accepted, articles that are published first are those that have spent more time with BAR’s Editors or Reviewers, not counting the time spent by the respective Authors to produce the revisions demanded by the Editor.

BAR is already indexed in Scopus, Redalyc and several other indexers and directories. This year BAR will be filing a request to also be included in the Web of Science, so that it can, later on, have its impact factor published by JCR. We also intend to join COPE (Committee for Publication Ethics) as part of our continued effort to keep up with the most stringent ethical practices.

A new editorial platform – ScholarOne – is scheduled to be used by BAR starting sometime in the beginning of 2013. ScholarOne is a widely known platform for paper submission and peer review used by thousands of journals. This new platform is being offered to Brazilian journals by SciELO.

We are glad to acknowledge that all of these improvements have been made possible by the contribution of Authors, Reviewers and Editors who believe that BAR constitutes a top outlet for the publication of sound research.

I am also heavily indebted to BAR’s Editorial Assistant, Luciane Kiwara. Her tireless dedication to BAR, together with Nadia Machuca and Debora Inacio, Editorial Assistants at RAC and TAC respectively, assures that administrative processes run smoothly and seamlessly, leaving time for the Editors of ANPAD’s journals to concentrate on academic issues related to article assessment and communication with Reviewers and Authors. Luciane, Nadia and Debora work as a team, making sure that tasks common to the three journals are executed efficiently and without redundancy, while the responsibilities specific to each journal are clearly identified. This pooled arrangement can serve as an example for other Brazilian journals, so that they can also start cooperating and sharing tasks, costs, and learning in a mutually reinforcing fashion.

Let’s now turn our attention to the six quality studies that comprise this current issue:

The first article ("Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms"; by Sergio Lazzarini, Luiz Brito and Fabio Chaddad) brings empirical evidence that alliances are good for firm performance. This is especially important in light of the literature that discusses the implications of alliances regarding innovation benefits vs. imitation risks.

The second paper ("The World Financial Crisis and the International Financing of Brazilian Companies"; by Andre Carvalhal and Ricardo Leal) investigates the changes in the financial structure of Brazilian listed companies as an aftermath of the 2008 world financial crisis. It should be mentioned that Ricardo Leal was appointed as Associate Editor of BAR in June 2012, but this manuscript had been submitted to the journal before Prof. Leal was invited and he had no editorial interference, whatsoever, during the review process. From now on, while Ricardo Leal holds the position of Associate Editor, he cannot submit papers to BAR, as recommended by the Good Practices of Scientific Publishing (Boas Práticas de Publicação Científica).

The next piece ("Brazilian Credit Union Member Groups: Borrower-dominated, Saver-dominated or Neutral Behavior?"; by Valéria Bressan, Marcelo Braga, Moisés Resende Filho and Aureliano Bressan) discusses whether and how the type of Credit Union domination (i.e., borrower- vs. saver-dominated) benefits either of the two member groups (borrower or saver).

The fourth paper ("An Examination of Human Resource Management Practices’ Influence on Organizational Commitment and Entrenchment"; by Alba Scheible and Antônio Virgílio Bastos) examines how employee perceptions of human resource management practices influence organizational affective commitment and entrenchment. An additional contribution of this study is the empirical evidence that commitment and entrenchment are distinct constructs.

The next article ("Training Needs Assessment: Where We Are and Where We Should Go"; by Rodrigo Ferreira and Gardênia Abbad) provides a systematic review of Training Needs Assessment (TNA) scientific literature and comes up with some recommendations for future research in the field.

The sixth piece in this issue ("Organizing Prisons through Public-Private Partnerships: a Cross-Country Investigation"; by Sandro Cabral and Stéphane Saussier) addresses whether the efficiency of prison services is affected not only by the way property rights (i.e. public vs. private management) are distributed, but also by incentives provided by contractual choice, decision and revenue rights distribution, and institutional constraints.

My sincere thanks to all of you who have contributed to the continued success of BAR.

Jorge Carneiro


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 Dec 2012
  • Date of issue
    Mar 2013
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil