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Considerações sobre amostragem de peixes marinhos (I)


In this paper the author defines some statistical terms used, describes the sampling techniques adopted in the study of some fish, and quotes some problems concerning the determination of the composition of the stocks. The commercial fleet was utilized to sample the stocks of fish, in the assumption that the catch as landed on the fish market reflects the composition of the stocks in the sea. The paper is restricted to the evaluation of the length distribution of Sardine landed and for that purpose the Author examined 143 samples taken at random from August 1958 to December 1959. The analysis of those samples are shown in Table II and were plotted in Figure 3. The reliable sample size limit for Sardine was established as 300, with the acceptance of an error of 0.1 cm, considering the catch per boat as a population.

Membro do Grupo Estadual de Pesquisas sôbre a Pesca Marítima - Av. Bartolomeu de Gusmão, 192 - Santos, SP


In this paper the author defines some statistical terms used, describes the sampling techniques adopted in the study of some fish, and quotes some problems concerning the determination of the composition of the stocks. The commercial fleet was utilized to sample the stocks of fish, in the assumption that the catch as landed on the fish market reflects the composition of the stocks in the sea. The paper is restricted to the evaluation of the length distribution of Sardine landed and for that purpose the Author examined 143 samples taken at random from August 1958 to December 1959. The analysis of those samples are shown in Table II and were plotted in Figure 3. The reliable sample size limit for Sardine was established as 300, with the acceptance of an error of 0.1 cm, considering the catch per boat as a population.

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O Autor agradece a cooperação prestada pela Food and Agriculture Organization, na pessoa do Dr. Ian Dennis Richardson, orientador geral dos trabalhos de Biologia da Pesca no Brasil, no preparo destas considerações; ao Eng. Antônio Garcia Occhipinti, pelo esclarecimento de algumas dúvidas relacionadas com a Estatística; ao Serviço do Pescado, do Departamento da Produção Animal, da Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo e à Secção de Biologia da Pesca, do Instituto Oceanográfico, da USP, nas pessoas dos seus práticos de laboratório, que trabalham no Setor de Amostragem.


(Recebido em 1/4/60)

Publ. nº 125 do Inst. Oceano da USP.

  • FOWLER, Henry W . 1941. A list of the fishes known from the coast of Brazil. Arq. Zool. do Est. S. Paulo, (III): 115-218.
  • GULLAND, J. A. 1957. Sampling problems and methods in fisheries research. FAO Fish. Bull., X(4) :157-181.
  • POPE, J. A. 1956. An outline of sampling techniques. Rapp. et Pr.-Verb. des Reun., Vol. 140, Part I: Contributions to Special Scientific Meetings, 1954: Problems and methods of sampling fish populations, pp. 11-20.
  • VIEIRA, B. Borges, CARVALHO, J. Paiva e outros. 1945. Anuário da Pesca Marítima no Estado de São Paulo - 1944. São Paulo, Dep. Prod. Animal, Div. Prot, e Prod. Peixes e Anim. Silvestres, Dir. Publ. Agr., Secret, da Agricultura, 122pp., 33 figs.
  • Considerações sobre amostragem de peixes marinhos (I)

    H. Nomura
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      15 Jun 2012
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Recebido
      01 Abr 1960
    Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil