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Bioethical conflicts in end of life care


This integrative review of the literature aims to identify the main conflicts between patients in palliative care, family and healthcare team from the point of view of the principialist ethics. A search was performed on databases, generating a final sample of 12 publications that, after being evaluated by the content analysis technique, enabled the emergence of three thematic categories: professional conduct – respect for the patient’s autonomy and the principle of beneficence; bioethical principles in the context of end of life care; and bioethical dilemmas in this context. We concluded that autonomy and beneficence stand out in the palliative care, ratifying the idea that the patient is the main actor and needs a humanized and comprehensive health care. In addition, we found some weaknesses in the process of education and communication in the healthcare team, patient and family relationship.

Ethics; Patient care team; Professional-family relations; Patient participation; Hospice Care

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