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CO2 biofixation of the microalgae Chlorella sp. for different CO2 concentrations and gas flow rates in a bubble column reactor has been investigated in this study. Microalgae were cultivated under different CO2 concentrations (at 1.75% and 9.45% v/v) and gas flow rates (at 30, 50 and 70 ml/min). The maximum specific growth rate of Chlorella sp. was obtained for the CO2 concentration of 1.75 % and the gas flow rate of 50 mL/min. The highest biomass productivity rate (at 0.17 g L-1 day-1) was for a sample with 1.75 % CO2 at a flow rate of 70 ml/min. Moreover, the results have shown that the specific growth rate and CO2 biofixation have a direct relation with culturing of Chlorella sp. Also, limiting CO2 supplementation noticeably decreased biomass concentration. Therefore, the results have shown that a high flow rate and low concentration of CO2 might promote a decrease in CO2 fixation efficiency by Chlorella sp.

CO2 biofixation; Greenhouse gas; Microalgae; Biomass production; CO2 concentration


Climate change is considered to be an important issue for the environment and ecosystem. This phenomenon becomes far worse when more carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted into the atmospheric air (Schneider, 1989Schneider, S.H. The Greenhouse Effect: Science and Policy. Science, 243, 771-781 (1989).
; Yen et al., 2015Yen, H.W., Ho, S.H., Chen, C.Y., Chang, J.S., CO2, NOx and SOx removal from flue gas via microalgae cultivation: A critical review. Biotechnology Journal, 10, 829-839 (2015).
). According to some research, more carbon dioxide will be produced due to growing manufacturing industry, forms of transport and human activity (Belbute and Pereira, 2015Belbute, J.M., Pereira, A.M. An alternative reference scenario for global CO2 emissions from fuel consumption: An ARFIMA approach. Economics Letters, 136, 108-111 (2015).
; Monastersky, 2013Monastersky, R. Global carbon dioxide levels near a worrisome milestone. Nature, 497, 13-14 (2013).
). Despite the fact that the utilization of fossil fuels (oil and coal) is the decisive factor in global warming and climate change, the widespread use of an alternative renewable source of energies can play an important role in reducing environmental pollution and preventing using non-renewable resources, which are quite limited in the world (Gharabaghi et al., 2015Gharabaghi, M., Amrei, H.D., Zenooz, A.M., Guzullo, J.S., Ashtiani, F.Z. Biofuels: bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biohydrogen from plants and microalgae. In CO2 Sequestration, Biofuels and Depollution (pp. 233-274). Springer, Cham. (2015).
; Amin, 2009Amin, S. Review on biofuel oil and gas production processes from microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 1834-1840 (2009).
; McKendry, 2002McKendry, P. Energy production from biomass (part 2): conversion technologies. Bioresource Technology , 83, 47-54 (2002).
; Sawayama et al., 1999Sawayama, S., Minowa, T., Yokoyama, S.Y. Possibility of renewable energy production and CO2 mitigation by thermochemical liquefaction of microalgae. Biomass and Bioenergy, 17, 33-39 (1999).

Microalgae are known as the third generation of renewable biomass resources for biofuel and bio-based chemical production (Lee and Lavoie, 2013Lee, R.A., Lavoie, J.M. From first- to third-generation biofuels: challenges of producing a commodity from a biomass of increasing complexity. Animal Frontiers, 3, 6-11 (2013).
). In addition, microalgae have been described as a biological technology for CO2 capture because of their high ability of photosynthesis (Amin, 2009Amin, S. Review on biofuel oil and gas production processes from microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 1834-1840 (2009).
; Cuéllar-Franca and Azapagic, 2015Cuéllar-Franca, R.M., Azapagic, A. Carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies: A critical analysis and comparison of their life cycle environmental impacts. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 9, 82-102 (2015).
; Martínez et al., 2013Martínez, L., Otero, M., Morán, A., García, A.I. Selection of native freshwater microalgae and cyanobacteria for CO2 biofixation. Environmental Technology, 34, 3137-3143 (2013).
). Microalgae are mostly cultivated under atmospheric air (containing 0.03% of CO2). They can also grow in high levels of CO2 such as Flue gas from power plants (containing 12%-15% of CO2). Several studies have investigated microalgae cultivation under CO2-supplementation (Thomas et al., 2016Thomas, D.M., Mechery, J., Paulose, S.V. Carbon dioxide capture strategies from flue gas using microalgae: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 16926-16940 (2016).
; Watanabe and Fujii, 2016Watanabe, K., Fujii, K. Isolation of high-level-CO2-preferring Picochlorum sp. strains and their biotechnological potential. Algal Research, 18, 135-143 (2016).
). Utilization of CO2 for microalgae cultivation has some advantages such as low cost, direct CO2 capturing from exhaust gas and simplicity in operation. Some researches confirm that microalgae are capable of biofixating 10-50 times more carbon dioxide than terrestrial plants (Li et al., 2008Li, Y., Horsman, M., Wu, N., Lan, C.Q., Dubois-Calero, N., Biofuels from Microalgae. Biotechnology Progress, 24, 815-820 (2008).
; Rosenberg et al., 2011Rosenberg, J.N., Mathias, A., Korth, K., Betenbaugh, M.J., Oyler, G.A. Microalgal biomass production and carbon dioxide sequestration from an integrated ethanol biorefinery in Iowa: A technical appraisal and economic feasibility evaluation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35, 3865-3876 (2011).
; Soares et al., 2013Soares, F.R., Martins, G., Seo, E.S.M. An assessment of the economic aspects of CO2 sequestration in a route for biodiesel production from microalgae. Environmental Technology, 34, 1777-1781 (2013).

Additional CO2 is necessary for the cultivation of microalgae through the photosynthetic process. However, a high carbon dioxide level in the medium of culture will cause a drop in the pH value, which inhibits the microalgae growth. Furthermore, microalgae cultivation under limitation in carbon dioxide usually restricts growth (de Godos et al., 2014De Godos, I., Mendoza, J.L., Acién, F.G., Molina, E., Banks, C.J., Heaven, S., Rogalla, F. Evaluation of carbon dioxide mass transfer in raceway reactors for microalgae culture using flue gases. Bioresource Technology, 153, 307-314 (2014).
; Yen et al., 2015Yen, H.W., Ho, S.H., Chen, C.Y., Chang, J.S., CO2, NOx and SOx removal from flue gas via microalgae cultivation: A critical review. Biotechnology Journal, 10, 829-839 (2015).
). There are some parameters for optimization of CO2 biofixation depending on the species of microalgae, such as the nutrient availability, light intensity, temperature, pH, sufficiently high surface area to volume ratio (height to diameter ratio), and countercurrent flow of gas and liquid at optimal flow rates (Cheng et al., 2013Cheng, J., Huang, Y., Feng, J., Sun, J., Zhou, J., Cen, K. Improving CO2 fixation efficiency by optimizing Chlorella PY-ZU1 culture conditions in sequential bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 144, 321-327 (2013).
; Di Iaconi et al., 2006Di Iaconi, C., Ramadori, R., Lopez, A. Combined biological and chemical degradation for treating a mature municipal landfill leachate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 31, 118-124 (2006).
; Jacob-Lopes et al., 2008Jacob-Lopes, E., Cacia Ferreira Lacerda, L.M., Franco, T.T. Biomass production and carbon dioxide fixation by Aphanothece microscopic Nägeli in a bubble column photobioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal , 40, 27-34 (2008).
; Janssen et al., 2003Janssen, M., Tramper, J., Mur, L.R., Wijffels, R.H. Enclosed outdoor photobioreactors: Light regime, photosynthetic efficiency, scale-up, and future prospects. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 81, 193-210 (2003).
; Mohsenpour and Willoughby, 2016Mohsenpour, S.F., Willoughby, N., Effect of CO2 aeration on the cultivation of microalgae in luminescent photobioreactors. Biomass and Bioenergy, 85, 168-177 (2016).
). Among microalgae species, Chlorella species are considered as a suitable choice for carbon dioxide fixation. In addition, Chlorella sp. have been highlighted because of their outstanding ability for converting high levels of CO2 in the input air of a photobioreactor into biomass (Chiu et al., 2008Chiu, S.Y., Kao, C.Y., Chen, C.H., Kuan, T.C., Ong, S.C., Lin, C.S. Reduction of CO2 by a high-density culture of Chlorella sp. in a semicontinuous photobioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 99, 3389-3396 (2008).
; Maeda et al., 1995Maeda, K., Owada, M., Kimura, N., Omata, K., Karube, I. CO2 fixation from the flue gas on coal-fired thermal power plant by microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management , 36, 717-720 (1995).

In order to obtain the best operational condition for CO2 removal, the cultivation of Chlorella sp. was investigated under different CO2 concentrations and gas flow rates. Accumulation of fixed CO2 and daily CO2 fixation rate were also obtained for different conditions.


Microalgae and culture medium

A culture of Chlorella sp. (PTCC 6010, Persian Type Culture Collection) was obtained from the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) (Tehran, Iran). The cells of Chlorella sp. were cultured in Rudic’s Medium (Delavari Amrei et al., 2015Delavari Amrei, H., Ranjbar, R., Rastegar, S., Nasernejad, B., Nejadebrahim, A. Using fluorescent material for enhancing microalgae growth rate in photobioreactors. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27, 67-74 (2015).
) (per liter), including 33 g Sea salt, 20 mg NaCl, 10 mg MgSO4.7H2O, 47 mg CaCl2, 300 mg NaNO3, 20 mg KH2PO4,80 mg K2HPO4, 0.1 mg ZnSO4.7H2O, 7.5 mg Na2.EDTA, 17 mg FeCl3 .6H2O, 0.3 H3BO3, 0.3 mg (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O, 17 mg FeCl3.6H2O, 0.2 mg Co(NO3)2.H2O, 1.5 mg MnSO4.H2O, 0.08 mg CuSO4.5H2O, 0.1 mg ZnSO4 .7H2O.

Experimental setup and cultivation conditions

The microalgae were cultured in a cylindrical glass reactor (diameter 14 cm, height 1 m) with 10 L of working volume. Cultures were placed on a bench at 26 ± 1 C under cool-white fluorescent light (General Electric) for 16 days. Light intensity was approximately 87.75 μmol m−2 s−1 at the surface of the photobioreactor, measured with a Lux-meter (HTC, India; Model no. 102). The experimental set-up is presented in Fig. 1.

Figure 1
Experimental set-up.

Ambient air was mixed with CO2 to give optional concentrations by a gas mixer instrument. Aeration gas was filter sterilized and pumped into the microalgae culture medium. The CO2 and O2 concentrations of the gas in the input and output of the photobioreactor were measured using a STAR GAS global diagnostics system. A portable multiparameter (pH/DO/Temp/EC) HANNA HI98194 instrument was used in each run of photobioreactor to monitor online and record dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and pH. In each case, the probes were put in the photobioreactor for 2 minutes. All the experiments were repeated in triplicate, and the average values were represented.

In this study, four runs of experiments for microalgae growth under various CO2 concentration levels and gas flow rate were applied (Table 1).

Table 1
CO2 concentration and gas flow rate for different runs.

Growth monitoring and assessed parameters

The optical density of broth was measured by the absorbance at 560 nm in an Ultrospec 3300 pro UV/Visible spectrophotometer (Amersham Biosciences, Cambridge, UK). The relationship between the biomass concentration (X, g/L) or dry weight and optical density (OD560) is obtained as follows (Delavari Amrei et al., 2014Delavari Amrei, H., Nasernejad, B., Ranjbar, R., Rastegar, S. An integrated wavelength-shifting strategy for enhancement of microalgal growth rate in PMMA- and polycarbonate-based photobioreactors. European Journal of Phycology, 49, 324-331 (2014).

X = 0.49 × O D 560 (1)

Various concentrations of carbon dioxide were utilized for aeration of the culture medium inside the photobioreactors. Air containing 0.03% CO2, 1.75% and 9.45% CO2 was used to evaluate the effect of improving CO2 fixation rates. The selected proportion of CO2 in these aeration conditions was based on the composition of CO2 in industrial flue gases.

Based on the mass balance of microalgae, the fixation rate of CO2 can be evaluated. The accumulation of fixed CO2 (FA, g CO2) was calculated based on Eq. 2 (Moraes et al., 2016Moraes, L., Rosa, G.M. de, Cardias, B.B., Santos, L.O. dos, Costa, J.A.V. Microalgal biotechnology for greenhouse gas control: Carbon dioxide fixation by Spirulina sp. at different diffusers. Ecological Engineering, 91, 426-431 (2016).

F A = X t X 0 × C c × V × M C O 2 M c (2)

where Xt (g.L-1) is the concentration of the biomass at time t (days), X0 (g.L−1) is the concentration of microalgae at time t0, Cc (gc/gsample) is the fraction of carbon determined in the biomass, V (L) is the volume of the photobioreactor, and MCO2 and MC (gmol−1) are the molar masses of carbon dioxide and carbon present in the microalgae biomasses, respectively. Carbon dioxide is the main source of the carbon content of the microalgae cell. A mole of CO2 has a mass of 44 g including 12 g of carbon. The daily CO2 fixation rate (FD, gCO2BioFixed/gCO2InjectedDay) was achieved during the growth period according to Eq. 3:

F D = F A ( t + 1 ) F A ( t ) m i d (3)

where FA(t+1) and FA(t) are the CO2 accumulated at time t+1 (day) and time t (day), respectively. Also, mid (gCO2) is the mass of daily injected of CO2. Therefore, the maximum daily CO2 fixation rate (FCO2) was achieved at the maximal (FD) value during the growth period.

The specific growth rate (µ) is calculated according to the following equation. Substantially, the specific growth rate is the slope of the biomass productivity curve or, in other words, the daily rate of the biomass growth.

μ = ln C n C n 1 t n t n 1 (4)

where Cn and Cn-1 are the biomass concentrations (g L-1) on the days tn and tn-1, respectively.


Effect of different concentrations of CO2 on microalgae culture

Fig. 2 presents the growth curves obtained for Chlorella sp. grown in air streams containing the different CO2 concentrations and different flow rates that are presented in Table 1. Also, the pH variation of samples is shown in Fig. 3. The average range of pH is between 7 and 8. In the first run of experiments, the culture of microalgae was aerated after four days with 9.75 % CO2 and a gas flow rate of 50 mL/min. The maximum growth of microalgae happened in the fifth and sixth days and the final dry cell concentrations were 2.15 g/L after 16 days.

Figure 2
Time course for cell growth at different concentrations of CO2.

Figure 3
pH variations of the microalgae under different CO2 aeration levels.

As shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the maximum level of CO2 removal occurred on the day that µ was the maximum for all of the experiments. In fact, for the first run n the 6th day, the microalgae growth rate was the highest, at 0.81 1/day, and more CO2 was consumed so that the maximum of daily CO2 biofixation rate was about 17%. Therefore, the µ value and the percentage of CO2 removal are closely linked. In the first run, there was a long lag phase due to high CO2 concentration (at 9.45 %). Furthermore, the exponential phase, as well as the maximum level of CO2 removal, occurred on the sixth day. Also, in the first run, with increasing mass concentration in the photobioreactor and turbidity of the solution after the eleventh day, the percentage of CO2 in the output gas climbed by about 5.6% (from 7.7 to 8.13).

Figure 4
Specific growth rate variations of the microalgae under different CO2 aeration levels.

Figure 5
CO2 removal percent for different CO2 aeration levels.

CO2 concentration has an impact on the metabolism of carbon and algae photochemical properties (Zhao and Su, 2014Zhao, B., Su, Y. Process effect of microalgal-carbon dioxide fixation and biomass production: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 31, 121-132 (2014).
). Because carbon dioxide is the main source of carbon, a limited supply of carbon dioxide concentration will inhibit algae productivity. A high CO2 concentration could inhibit algae growth because of a decrease in pH to lower than 5.5 in the cultivation system.

In the second run of experiments, the solution of microalgae was aerated after two days with a CO2 concentration 1.75 % and flow of 50 mL/min. Dry mass of algae in the second run reached its highest value at 2.5 g/L on the 12th day. The dry mass of microalgae increased in comparison with the first run due to lower CO2 concentration and a rise in the average pH from around 6.3 to 7.5. On the third day, the µ value peaked at 1.1 (day-1).

In the third run of experiments, for investigating the effect of low gas flow rate and limited CO2 access, the solution of microalgae was aerated with 1.75 % CO2 and a low flow rate 30 mL/min. The dry mass concentration of algae fell to 2.25 g/L on the 16th day (10% decrease in comparison with the second run) due to low CO2 flow rate. The main cause is the lack of sufficient carbon dioxide that is considered as the main carbon source.

High mixing intensity could harm algae, while a sufficient mixing intensity is required for transferring of substances. In the fourth run of experiments, for the investigation of the effect of the high gas flow rate, the solution of microalgae was aerated with 1.75 % CO2 and a flow rate of 70 ml/min.

As shown in Fig. 4, as in the second and third runs, in the fourth run, the µ value on the second day after aeration reached its highest value. Also, the maximum level of CO2 fixation yield on the second day for the second, third, and fourth runs happened at 100 %, 97%, and 94%, respectively. The plus point of this test was that the dry mass concentration value peaked at 2.8 g/L in 13 days in comparison with the other runs due to proper mixing in the system and an adjusted pH value with the microalgae activity in the optimal condition.

The pH of the algae culture is related to the solubility and availability of carbon dioxide in the photobioreactor (Mohsenpour and Willoughby, 2016Mohsenpour, S.F., Willoughby, N., Effect of CO2 aeration on the cultivation of microalgae in luminescent photobioreactors. Biomass and Bioenergy, 85, 168-177 (2016).
). Bicarbonate is the determining factor in the photosynthesis of microalgae. Variation of the pH results in changing proportions of carbon compounds (carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate). Nevertheless, among these compounds, the consumption of carbonate in algae photosynthesis is still being investigated and discovered (Price et al., 2004Price, G.D., Woodger, F.J., Badger, M.R., Howitt, S.M., Tucker, L. Identification of a SulP-type bicarbonate transporter in marine cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101, 18228-18233 (2004).
). Therefore, the amounts of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate transporters may be the main contributing factor in determining the carbon transfer rate. It should also be noted that the carbon transfer rate may make changes in the ratios of assimilation of carbon and nitrogen and affect the cell composition (Hsueh et al., 2007). When the pH of the algae cultivation is between 6.8 and 8.4, more than 50% of the inlet CO2 converts to bicarbonate and, at pH 8.4, the carbon dioxide converts to bicarbonate completely. So, the optimal condition for algae growth will be achieved in the range of approximately pH 6.8 to pH 8. Similarly, Hsueh et al. (2007) have shown that, whereas the maximum growth rate was achieved in approximately the above -mentioned range, this rate decreased at the higher pH. Thus, it was logical that the maximum dry mass concentration was obtained in the fourth run and the photosynthesis increased in this run.

As shown in Fig. 3, in the first run, the pH value of the solution rose exponentially (until the eleventh day) from 5.8 to 6.62 and declined steadily to 6.4 with decreasing microorganism activity.

In the second and fourth runs, with 1.75% CO2 concentration, the initial value near neutral pH remained steady at 7.5 and 7.3 for a gas flow rate of 50 and 70 ml/min, respectively. There was a slight increase in the pH during the aeration flow of 50 and 70 mL/min; however, in the third run, there was an obvious increase in the pH and it remained steady at 8.5 because the amount of CO2 in the solution was lower. This may be attributed to the relation between pH, biomass growth and photosynthetic demand. With increasing CO2 in the algal solution, the pH will decline. On the other hand, with rising CO2, photosynthesis and algae growth will rise and algae growth leads to an increase in the pH. The same results have been achieved by several authors. According to de Morais and Costa (2007)De Morais, M.G., Costa, J.A.V. Biofixation of carbon dioxide by Spirulina sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus cultivated in a three-stage serial tubular photobioreactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 129, 439-445 (2007).
and Grobbelaar (2004Grobbelaar, J.U. Algal Nutrition ‒ Mineral Nutrition. In Handbook of Microalgal Culture, Richmond, A. (Ed.), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., (2004).), the photosynthetic process of CO2 fixation, owing to the accumulation of OH-, leads to a moderate rise in pH. On the other hand, the dissolution of CO2 in water brings about acidification because of the formation of carbonic acid. Moreover, Chinnasamy et al. (2009Chinnasamy, S., Ramakrishnan, B., Bhatnagar, A., Das, K.C. Biomass Production Potential of a Wastewater Alga Chlorella vulgaris ARC 1 under Elevated Levels of CO2 and Temperature. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, 518-532 (2009).
) also observed that the initial pH decreased with increasing CO2 concentration and consequently the pH increased with the growth of C. vulgaris.

As shown in Fig. 4, the specific growth rate of microalgae in the minimum of the concentration of CO2 (at 1.75%) is more than at the maximum of the CO2 concentration (at 9.45%). This is because of a plummet in the pH value with increasing CO2 concentration of the solution.

As shown in Fig. 2, the CO2 supplement has a positive effect on the growth rate and the mass production of the microalgae in comparison with the absence of CO2 gas aeration. As a result, without CO2 the growth curve was linear (R2=0.9145), while it changed with CO2 aeration to an exponential shape. As shown in Figure 2, the maximum production of biomass was at 1.27 g/L in ambient air, which was significantly lower than biomass in culture under CO2 supplementation.

Carbon fixation

The accumulation of fixed CO2 (FA, gCO2) by Chlorella sp., calculated using Equation (2) for the experimental runs, is reported in Table 2. The highest figure for the accumulation of fixed CO2 of 49.5 gCO2 was seen at a CO2 air ratio of 1.75% and 70 ml/min. With increasing flow at 1.75% CO2 air ratio, the daily CO2 biofixation rate decreased due to the limited capacity of algae photosynthetic.

Table 2
Maximal biomass concentration (Xmax, g L−1), maximal specific growth rate (μmax, day−1), maximal daily CO2 biofixation rate (FCO2, % v/v) obtained for the runs of the experiment.

Also, as shown in Fig. 5, maximum daily CO2 biofixation happened in the third run (at 1.75 % CO2 air ratio and at 30 ml/min flow). In the third run, the CO2 content in the output gas was roughly zero. Therefore, the maximum figure for removed carbon dioxide and produced oxygen can be easily calculated per gram of algae. The O2 production and CO2 consumption by the system per gram of algae is 0.603 gO2g-1day-1 and 0.624 gCO2 g-1day-1, respectively. Furthermore, on the second day, the CO2 biofixation rate and µ value peaked simultaneously, owing to the high algae absorption in the exponential growth. The CO2 biofixation rate also remained at 100% as the algae entirely consumed the inlet CO2 to fix it.


This study reveals that culturing microalgae with different levels of CO2 concentrations can lead to various microalgae specific growth rates. So, CO2 biofixation is of major significance. The highest value of µ was found at 1.75% CO2 and 50 mL/min flow rate in 1.11 day-1. This paper shows that the best biofixation of CO2 was 44.7 gCO2 after 16 days, which occurred in the region where µ was high and CO2 accumulation was the maximum. At 1.75 % CO2 air ratio and at 30 mL/min flow, 100% CO2 biofixation occurred, but a significant and high efficiency of the growth rate was not observed due to the lack of carbon dioxide. As a result, the microalgae Chlorella sp. has a great potential for biofuel production and CO2 capturing so as to reduce the negative impacts of greenhouse gas and global warming.


  • Amin, S. Review on biofuel oil and gas production processes from microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 1834-1840 (2009).
  • Belbute, J.M., Pereira, A.M. An alternative reference scenario for global CO2 emissions from fuel consumption: An ARFIMA approach. Economics Letters, 136, 108-111 (2015).
  • Cheng, J., Huang, Y., Feng, J., Sun, J., Zhou, J., Cen, K. Improving CO2 fixation efficiency by optimizing Chlorella PY-ZU1 culture conditions in sequential bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 144, 321-327 (2013).
  • Chinnasamy, S., Ramakrishnan, B., Bhatnagar, A., Das, K.C. Biomass Production Potential of a Wastewater Alga Chlorella vulgaris ARC 1 under Elevated Levels of CO2 and Temperature. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, 518-532 (2009).
  • Chiu, S.Y., Kao, C.Y., Chen, C.H., Kuan, T.C., Ong, S.C., Lin, C.S. Reduction of CO2 by a high-density culture of Chlorella sp. in a semicontinuous photobioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 99, 3389-3396 (2008).
  • Cuéllar-Franca, R.M., Azapagic, A. Carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies: A critical analysis and comparison of their life cycle environmental impacts. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 9, 82-102 (2015).
  • De Godos, I., Mendoza, J.L., Acién, F.G., Molina, E., Banks, C.J., Heaven, S., Rogalla, F. Evaluation of carbon dioxide mass transfer in raceway reactors for microalgae culture using flue gases. Bioresource Technology, 153, 307-314 (2014).
  • De Morais, M.G., Costa, J.A.V. Biofixation of carbon dioxide by Spirulina sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus cultivated in a three-stage serial tubular photobioreactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 129, 439-445 (2007).
  • Delavari Amrei, H., Nasernejad, B., Ranjbar, R., Rastegar, S. An integrated wavelength-shifting strategy for enhancement of microalgal growth rate in PMMA- and polycarbonate-based photobioreactors. European Journal of Phycology, 49, 324-331 (2014).
  • Delavari Amrei, H., Ranjbar, R., Rastegar, S., Nasernejad, B., Nejadebrahim, A. Using fluorescent material for enhancing microalgae growth rate in photobioreactors. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27, 67-74 (2015).
  • Di Iaconi, C., Ramadori, R., Lopez, A. Combined biological and chemical degradation for treating a mature municipal landfill leachate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 31, 118-124 (2006).
  • Grobbelaar, J.U. Algal Nutrition ‒ Mineral Nutrition. In Handbook of Microalgal Culture, Richmond, A. (Ed.), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., (2004).
  • Gharabaghi, M., Amrei, H.D., Zenooz, A.M., Guzullo, J.S., Ashtiani, F.Z. Biofuels: bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biohydrogen from plants and microalgae. In CO2 Sequestration, Biofuels and Depollution (pp. 233-274). Springer, Cham. (2015).
  • Jacob-Lopes, E., Cacia Ferreira Lacerda, L.M., Franco, T.T. Biomass production and carbon dioxide fixation by Aphanothece microscopic Nägeli in a bubble column photobioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal , 40, 27-34 (2008).
  • Janssen, M., Tramper, J., Mur, L.R., Wijffels, R.H. Enclosed outdoor photobioreactors: Light regime, photosynthetic efficiency, scale-up, and future prospects. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 81, 193-210 (2003).
  • Lee, R.A., Lavoie, J.M. From first- to third-generation biofuels: challenges of producing a commodity from a biomass of increasing complexity. Animal Frontiers, 3, 6-11 (2013).
  • Li, Y., Horsman, M., Wu, N., Lan, C.Q., Dubois-Calero, N., Biofuels from Microalgae. Biotechnology Progress, 24, 815-820 (2008).
  • Maeda, K., Owada, M., Kimura, N., Omata, K., Karube, I. CO2 fixation from the flue gas on coal-fired thermal power plant by microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management , 36, 717-720 (1995).
  • Martínez, L., Otero, M., Morán, A., García, A.I. Selection of native freshwater microalgae and cyanobacteria for CO2 biofixation. Environmental Technology, 34, 3137-3143 (2013).
  • McKendry, P. Energy production from biomass (part 2): conversion technologies. Bioresource Technology , 83, 47-54 (2002).
  • Mohsenpour, S.F., Willoughby, N., Effect of CO2 aeration on the cultivation of microalgae in luminescent photobioreactors. Biomass and Bioenergy, 85, 168-177 (2016).
  • Monastersky, R. Global carbon dioxide levels near a worrisome milestone. Nature, 497, 13-14 (2013).
  • Moraes, L., Rosa, G.M. de, Cardias, B.B., Santos, L.O. dos, Costa, J.A.V. Microalgal biotechnology for greenhouse gas control: Carbon dioxide fixation by Spirulina sp. at different diffusers. Ecological Engineering, 91, 426-431 (2016).
  • Price, G.D., Woodger, F.J., Badger, M.R., Howitt, S.M., Tucker, L. Identification of a SulP-type bicarbonate transporter in marine cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101, 18228-18233 (2004).
  • Rosenberg, J.N., Mathias, A., Korth, K., Betenbaugh, M.J., Oyler, G.A. Microalgal biomass production and carbon dioxide sequestration from an integrated ethanol biorefinery in Iowa: A technical appraisal and economic feasibility evaluation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35, 3865-3876 (2011).
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Sept 2019
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jun 2019


  • Received
    12 Apr 2018
  • Reviewed
    29 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    20 Nov 2018
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