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Plant-based protein sources applied as ingredients in meat analogues sustainable production

Fontes de proteína vegetal aplicadas como ingredientes na produção sustentável de análogos de carne


Though obtained from vegetable ingredients, meat analogues are replacers of traditional meat products. They mimic the flavor, juiciness, and texture and look similar to their counterparts. The innovation relies on addressing nutrition, wellness, environmental, and social issues. Plant-based sources are seen as healthier and environmentally friendly for some people. Therefore, this review summarizes nutritious vegetable sources as alternative protein-based ingredients in meat analogues for sustainable development in the food production chain. A survey was conducted from January 2019 to December 2023 in three databases to find out the most used vegetable sources rich in protein, scientific journals, gaps, and legislation on this topic. The main protein-rich ingredients in the timeline publications were soybean, pea, chickpea, peanuts, oat, and isolates from these sources, besides microalgae extrudates. These raw materials add up the nutritional value and technological properties to meat analogues. Much was done in the later years concerning technology, although there are still gaps on specific legislations for plant-based products worldwide, investments in segregated plants within a meat industry and marketing, so people are more open and aware of the benefits. Concerning the outcomes of this research, it is possible to conclude that meat analogues will remain a focus, and more ingredients are prone to meet consumer demands of innovative and healthy products that go beyond the purpose of just nourishing but indeed offering extra benefits, and opening new possibilities of marketed products.

Future food; Meat replacer; Healthy ingredient; Nutritional composition; Amino acid profile; Fatty acid profile; Phenolic compounds; Digestibility


• Five-years survey summarize the most used plant-based protein sources

• Soybean is replaced by other protein sources as pea, pulses, rice, beans and lentils

• Personalized nutrition seems to be the future so that one can choose its own needs

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178 Campinas - SP / Brasil, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil