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This special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Physics is dedicated to the scientific contributions to the Latin American Congress of Surface Science and its Applications - CLACSA-12, that was held in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, from 5 to the 9 December 2005. It contains several carefully peer-reviewed papers by a group of distinguished physicists, specialists in the area of surface physics and nanoscience, most of them participants of the conference.

This 2005 CLACSA is the 12th conference of a series that was first conceived and organized as a joint project of the Latin American Center for Physics (CLAF) and the Physics Department of Universidade Federal Fluminense in 1980. It has been successfully held bi-annually in several countries of Latin America (Brazil-1980, Mexico-1982, Costa Rica-1984, Venezuela-1986, Colombia-1988, Peru-1990, Argentina-1992, Mexico-1994, Cuba-1999, Costa Rica- 2001, Chile 2003 and Brazil-2005).

The CLACSA Conference has been organized with the support of the Sociedade Latinoamericana de Ciencias de Superficie (SLACS) with the purpose of becoming a forum for interchange of information associated with scientific research carried out in Latin America in the field of surface physics and nanoscopic systems. It has contributed to the formation of a scientific and technological basis in the region, stimulating scientific collaboration among physicists from Latin America and other parts of the world. Due to its high scientific level and continuity, along the years it has become one of the most important scientific activities within the region.

The conference consisted of plenary lectures, invited talks, oral presentations and poster sessions. Its activities were structured in the format of two symposia: (i) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films and (ii) Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Nanoscopic Systems.

All aspects of the frontiers of the respective areas of research were covered by both symposia. The emphasis given to the symposium on Nanoscopic Systems reºects the importance that this area has acquired in Latin-American and in the world, due to its relevance for the progress of science and technology.

The Conference had the participation of a large number of outstanding scientists coming from different countries, with a large representation of the Latin American region, and a significant number of students, most of them presenting their contributions in the poster sessions.

We would like to acknowledge the Brazilian Physical Society (SBF) for giving us the opportunity of editing the proceedings as an special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Physics. We thank as well the financial agencies and institutions (CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP, FAPERJ, CLAF, UFF, PUC-Rio), the NSF, from USA, and in particular the Brazilian Physical Society for sponsoring the realization of this conference.

Enrique V. Anda and Andrea Latgé

Guest editors

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Nov 2006
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2006
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