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II. Heat stress in Triticum: kinetics of Cu and Zn accumulation


The interactions between high temperatures and Cu/Zn accumulation were investigated in bread and durum wheat. Plants were grown in a greenhouse, at two different temperatures regimes (control - 25/14ºC and heat stress - 31/20ºC), and the contents and uptake/translocation of Cu and Zn were evaluated during three developmental stages of plant growth (booting, grain filling and maturity). During grain filling and at maturity it was found that root, shoot and spike concentrations of Cu increased in heat stressed plants of the genotypes Golia and Acalou. The same trend was observed for root and shoot concentrations of Zn in both durum wheat genotypes. It was concluded that plants submitted to high temperatures (during the grain filling period) become more efficient in the Cu translocation to the shoots.

Triticum aestivum L.; Triticum turgidum subsp; Durum; heat stress; uptake; nutrients translocation


II. Heat stress in Triticum: kinetics of Cu and Zn accumulation

Ana S. DiasI,II,* * Corresponding author: Phone/Fax: 00351212948543; ; Fernando C. LidonI

IGrupo de Disciplinas de Ecologia da Hidrosfera, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

IIInstituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária, Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biológicos, I.P., Estrada de Gil Vaz, Elvas, Portugal


The interactions between high temperatures and Cu/Zn accumulation were investigated in bread and durum wheat. Plants were grown in a greenhouse, at two different temperatures regimes (control - 25/14ºC and heat stress - 31/20ºC), and the contents and uptake/translocation of Cu and Zn were evaluated during three developmental stages of plant growth (booting, grain filling and maturity). During grain filling and at maturity it was found that root, shoot and spike concentrations of Cu increased in heat stressed plants of the genotypes Golia and Acalou. The same trend was observed for root and shoot concentrations of Zn in both durum wheat genotypes. It was concluded that plants submitted to high temperatures (during the grain filling period) become more efficient in the Cu translocation to the shoots.

Key words: Triticum aestivum L. - Triticum turgidum subsp. Durum - heat stress - uptake - nutrients translocation.


Temperature and nutrition are two major components of environmental variation that provide significant limitations to a successful crop production. During the crops growth cycle, the optimal mean temperature might vary between 15-18ºC (Chowdhury and Wardlaw, 1978), being 20ºC the optimal value for grain filling (Jenner, 1991; Dupond and Altenbach, 2003). Several studies conducted in Australia and USA further indicated that a decreased of about 10-15% in crop production occur each year, mostly due to high temperatures during anthesis (Wardlaw and Wrigley, 1994). It was also pointed by Wardlaw et al. (1989) that a global reduction in crops production of about 3-4% occurs when the temperature increases by 1ºC (i.e., mean temperatures above optimum). When water is not a limiting factor, Triticum productions with late sowing in Mediterranean environments (thus, with high temperatures in the end of the cycle) also have lower yields, mostly as a result of heat stress during grain filling (Maçãs et al., 2000). In this context, Sofield et al. (Sofield et al., 1977) showed that increasing temperatures during grain filling (between 15/10ºC and 21/16ºC, day/night temperatures), counterbalances the diminished growth duration, increasing the filling rate (although, only triggering a small variation of the grain weight). With higher temperatures, ranging between 21/16ºC and 30/25ºC (day/night temperatures), these authors showed that the grain filling rate did not display a compensatory increase when correlated with its duration period (thus, inducing a significant reduction of the grain weight at maturity). It has been referred that high temperatures, within defined values, increase the rate of mitosis, counterbalancing its decreased duration (Nicolas et al., 1984). Yet, at a cellular level, although about 80% of cellular enlargement occurs between the end of cellular division and the conclusion of dry matter accumulation (Nicolas et al., 1984), the rate of cellular volumetric augmentation does not compensate the decreasing extent of cellular enlargement (Stone et al., 1995. Caley et al. (1990) and Jenner (1994) further confirmed these data, and Shpiler and Blum (1986), working with field trials, also reported that grain maturity develops earlier, producing smaller and shriveled grains, in heat stressed genotypes.

Cu and Zn are microelements with important physiological functions in plants that act synergistically in wheat (Khurama and Chatterjee, 2000), however at high concentrations it can become toxic, thus leading to physiological and morphological disturbances and, eventually to a decreased yield (Agrawal and Sharma, 2006). Considering the high mobility of Cu and Zn in plant tissues, as well as their metabolic functions during growth (for review see Marschner, 1995), the cationic status of Cu and Zn, during the life cycle of heat stressed bread and durum wheat is characterized in this work. In this context, the uptake and translocation kinetics from roots to the aerial part is additionally discussed, using as a test system two genotypes of Triticum aestivum (Sever from Portugal and Golia from Italy) and of Triticum turgidum subsp. turgidum (TE 9306 from Portugal and Acalou from France), integrating different genomic characteristics (Dias and Lidon, 2009), with different tolerance to high temperature after anthesis (Maçãs et al., 2000), were used as test systems.


Plant material and growth conditions: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. genotypes Sever and Golia) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum genotypes TE 9306 and Acalou) grains were washed in distilled water and sterilized by immersion in mercury dichloride solution (1: 1000) for 2 minutes. The grains were next washed five times in deionizer water and placed in an oven at 28ºC for 24 hours. Immediately thereafter the seeds were grown in a greenhouse (under natural light, between March and May in Lisbon/Portugal - 38º 42' N; 9º 05' W; photoperiod varying between 12 and 14 hours) in 25 x 21 cm pots containing a 1: 1 perlite and vermiculite mixture. The experiment was conducted using 136 pots. Half of these pots were putted under heat stress after anthesis. For each genotype 17 replicates were used (with and without heat stress). Ten seeds were grown per pot and two weeks later five were selected, being the others removed. Accordingly, 680 plants were used. In each plant all tillers were removed, keeping only the main culm. During all the experiment the position of the pots was changed weekly, to minimize the effects due to irradiance variations. Plants were irrigated weakly but alternatively with distillated water or with a standard nutrient solution, alternately (in ml/100L, starter/pre-anthesis/post-anthesis, Ca (NO3)2 100/100/50; KNO3 50/200/100; KH2PO4 100/100/100; MgSO4 200/200/100; K2SiO3 100/100/0; Fe(NO3)3 20/5/5; EDTA 25/5/5; MnCl2 5/10/5; ZnSO4 20/10/10; H3BO3 10/5/2; CuSO4 5/5/3; Na2MoO4 15/5/5). During the vegetative and reproductive growth, plants were kept under similar environment conditions. At anthesis, the plants were divided in two groups and submitted to two different temperature conditions (controlled and heat stress). Under heat stress the plants were submitted to temperatures that rose until 40ºC. During the grain filling period, control plants grew under regimes with mean temperatures (day/night) of 25/14ºC and 31/20ºC (control and heat stress conditions, respectively). The average of day/night temperatures was calculated as the mean readings of each two hours, during each 24 hours period.

Nutrients analysis: The concentrations of Cu and Zn were determined in roots, shoots and spikes (at booting - 69/70 days after anthesis; grain filling - 108/109 and 109/112 days after anthesis, for the genotypes submitted to control and heat stress conditions, respectively) and also in the grain, at maturity. Five randomized plants of each genotype, from each heat treatment, were used for nutrients analysis. Plant samples were washed, the fresh weight was determined in each fraction and, therefore, dry weight was measured after dryness in an oven for 100ºC during 72h. One gram of dry material, from each sample, was mineralized through incineration at c.a. 550ºC, and followed by nitric acid digestion (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). A Unicam model 939 absorption unit, equipped with a hollow cathode lamp was used for Cu and Zn, determinations. The mean concentration values of the nutrients and biomass yields of the roots, shoots and spikes (and grain weight for the grains) were used to determine the related mean content in all Triticum roots, shoots and grains. The net uptake was determined adding these values.

Statistical analysis: Statistic analysis were performed with a two-way ANOVA (p<0.05), using STATISTICA, version 6 (2001), by StatSoft, Inc. In figures, each value is the mean ± S.E. of three replicates and letters a and b stands for significant different means. In tables, different letters in the same column refer to significant differences between genotypes. Between treatments, ns, *, ** and *** refer to: non significant, P < 0.05, P< 0.01 and P< 0.001, respectively.


The effects of heat stress after anthesis can integrate plant responses to periods with moderate high temperatures (25/32ºC) (Chinoy, 1947; Wardlaw et al., 1989) and plant behaviors to short periods with high temperatures (higher than 32ºC) (Randall and Moss, 1990; Blumenthal et al., 1991). In a previous study, our research group, working on heat stress after anthesis (Maçãs et al., 2000; Dias et al., 2008, 2009; Dias and Lidon, 2009), found that Triticum aestivum L. genotype Sever is more tolerant than the genotype Golia and that Triticum turgidum subsp. durum genotype TE 9306 tolerance prevailed relatively to the genotype Acalou. Under the defined heat stress conditions, it was found that Cu concentrations in roots, during booting and grain filling, were similar in all genotypes (Table 1) yet, at maturity bread and durum wheat genotypes showed significant differences. This effect can be linked to the ionic status of Cu that in vivo might occur with different oxidation states. In this context, these contents (Table 1) were significantly higher in Golia (57% relatively to Sever), with a similar pattern being revealed with TE 9306 (1.25 fold when compared with Acalou). During booting, Cu contents in the shoot varied between 5.5-8.9 µg/g, values quite similar to these allocated, as a general pattern, by Bergmann (1992) for Triticum. At maturity, the concentrations of Cu in the shoots of Golia in control conditions (Table 1) were lower (although non-significant) when compared with the heat stressed plants. A similar pattern was found for Acalou (Table 1), but the difference was significant (30% in the control relatively to the stressed plants). The results found for these genotypes were also consistent with those reported by Davis et al. (1984) for Triticum, which pointed values ranging between 1 - 14µ/g in experiments conducted with 231 cultivars (obtained in 49 difference growth sites). The major assertion of this work is that under heat stress, the increased levels of Cu did not reached the threshold of toxicity, values that have previously been consider as varying between 20-30 µg/g (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). As a general pattern it was further noticed that Cu contents increased in the different parts of the heat stressed plants (Table 1), following patterns also reported by Garnett and Graham (2005), excepting TE 9306 during grain filling (which decreased in all the analyzed parts of the plants, displaying significantly low levels in the spike).

Following the applied heat stress, in the three growth phases (excepting at maturity), the levels of Zn in the roots, which is mostly absorbed in the dicationic form, of the bread wheat genotypes, were higher than those of durum wheat (Table 2). As also seen by Pearson and Rengel (1994), this trend didn't occur in the shoots, being a consistent drop detected during the plant cycle, which eventually became a sign of membrane permeability alteration. The mean values for Zn concentration in the control plants of durum wheat were 148, 101 and 46 µg/g, being for bread wheat 142, 123 and 79 µ/g (Table 2). As a general trend, the concentration of Zn in the roots of both Triticum species was affected during all the life cycle by heat stress (Table 2), probably indicating an higher membrane potential (Marschner, 1995). Accordingly, during grain filling, Zn contents in the roots of Golia and Acalou (Table 2) were about four fold higher than those measured in the control plants which, in spite of some controversy (Moore, 1972), is most likely metabolically controlled. The increase of Zn concentration in the shoots become significant only in Acalou (during grain filling) and TE 9306 (at maturity), which further point, as previously reported by Yläranta et al. (1979) and Garnett and Graham (2005), a prevalent stabilization on Zn contents in Triticum. In the spike, the heat stress did not affect significantly the levels of Zn (Table 2), persisting as previously reported (Wheeler and Power, 1995) asymptotic plant concentrations. During booting, probably indicating a high capacity to synthesize stable complexes, the concentration of Zn did not changed significantly between durum wheat genotypes, and in bread wheat genotypes only the shoots levels of Zn varied (Table 2), although persisting within the limits of non-phytoxicity (Marschner, 1995). Moreover, under heat stress, during grain filling, the root Zn status was significantly different relatively to those found for Sever (Table 2).

Under heat stress, during grain filling, the shoot biomass of the plants decreased about 7% in both bread wheat genotypes, but increased 4% in the durum wheat TE 9306 genotype (Fig. 1).

Sever showed a similar trend at maturity, but its biomass decreased about 6%. Under heat stress, the biomass of the shoot of Golia, at maturity, was 7% higher. In durum wheat genotypes, at maturity, the biomass decreased 5% and 12% in Acalou and TE 9306, respectively (Fig. 1). Considering these biomasses, it was found that, under control conditions, the accumulation of Cu and Zn increased from booting to grain filling, further indicating as already pointed, an high mobility (Marschner, 1995). In this period, among the genotypes, these nutrients were translocated from the roots to the shoots in a similar proportion, being the translocation rate to the spike higher from booting onwards (Tables 3 and 4). Nevertheless, the proportion of Cu retained in the roots of Golia increased during grain filling (Table 3). This pattern, as reported by Loneragan (1981), implicates an inhibitory effect on the excretion of Cu from root cells into the xylem and phloem saps. Moreover, under heat stress, the lower mobility of Cu (Table 3) is coupled to a slight drift from the aerial part of the plant to the spike of Golia and Acalou genotypes (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). In all the heat stressed genotypes, the accumulation ratio of Cu in the spike was higher (Table 3), but during grain filling the decreased accumulation of Cu in the roots showed a more efficient Cu translocation to the shoots. This advantage also prevailed in Sever and TE 9306 (Table 3) since, under heat stress, total plant accumulation did not increase. Thus, in those genotypes, it must be attained that the ratio of Cu in the spike remains stable with high temperatures.

The ratio of total Zn in the grain of all the heat stressed genotypes becomes affected (Table 4). In the grains of Sever this ratio was higher due to an increasing remobilization from the shoot (Table 4), as also pointed by Garnett and Graham (2005) and Pearson and Rengel (1994) and influenced its protein composition (Peck at al., 2008; Dias et al, 2009). In the heat stressed Acalou, the difference of Zn accumulation in the grain (between stress and control plants) suggested a higher uptake and translocation by the roots and from the spike to the grain (Table 4).

Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank to Professor Doctor Ana Luísa Fernando (GDEH, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal), for technical assistance.

Received: 31 July 2009; Accepted 29 October 2009.

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  • *
    Corresponding author: Phone/Fax: 00351212948543;
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      21 May 2010
    • Date of issue


    • Accepted
      29 Oct 2009
    • Received
      31 July 2009
    Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Agropecuárias, , Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro - UENF, 28013-602 - Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ - Brazil, Fax: (+55)-22-2739-7116 - Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ - Brazil