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Influence of seasonal variation on the chemical composition of Piper amalago essential oils and their phytocytogenotoxic activity in model plants and weeds


The essential oil of Piper amalago L. is recognized for its bioactive compounds with phytotoxic potential against invasive plants. However, little is known about the role of seasonal variation in the action of these compounds. This study aimed to investigate the impact of dry and rainy seasons on the chemical composition, phytotoxic, and cytogenotoxic activity of P. amalago essential oil. Analysis of the chemical composition revealed qualitative and quantitative variations, highlighting β-elemene, germacrene A, linalool, and β-caryophyllene as major compounds. The essential oil from the rainy season showed higher yield compared to that of the dry season. In pre-emergence tests against Bidens pilosa (invasive plant) and Lactuca sativa (non-target plant), negative effects on germination and root and shoot growth were observed, with these effects being more pronounced at higher concentrations, resembling the herbicide glyphosate. The essential oil from the dry season exhibited greater phytotoxic activity on the germination and development of the aerial part of B. pilosa, associated with higher concentrations of linalool and caryophyllene oxide. Additionally, the essential oils of P. amalago induced changes in the mitotic index and aneugenic alterations in L. sativa meristematic cells. These results underscore the bioherbicidal potential of P. amalago essential oil, highlighting its greater efficacy against B. pilosa during the dry season, possibly due to higher levels of linalool and caryophyllene oxide.

Key words
natural herbicide; weeds; cellular cycle; bioassays


Bidens pilosa L. is an annual weed species of Asteraceae, native of tropical America, that is posing challenges to approximately 30 critical economic crops, such as corn, sugarcane, sorghum, and rice (Chauhan et al. 2019Chauhan, B. S., Ali, H. H. and Florentine, S. (2019). Seed germination ecology of Bidens pilosa and its implications for weed management. Scientific Reports, 9, 16004.
). Glyphosate is commonly used to control B. pilosa, but the excessive use has led to resistance, evident in Mexican populations (Alcantara-De La Cruz et al. 2016Alcantara-De La Cruz, R., Fernández-Moreno, P. T., Ozuna, C. V., Rojano-Delgado, A. M., Cruz-Hipolito, H. E., Domínguez-Valenzuela, J. A., Barro, F. and De Prado, R. (2016). Target and non-target site mechanisms developed by glyphosate-resistant hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa L.) populations from Mexico. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1492.
). The allelopathic activity of essential oils (EOs) has been explored as an alternative to synthetic herbicides (Han et al. 2021Han, C., Shao, H., Zhou, S., Mei, Y., Cheng, Z., Huang, L. and Lv, G. (2021). Chemical composition and phytotoxicity of essential oil from invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 211, 111879.
). However, the role of the sazonal fluctuations in phytochemical compound production by specialized metabolism is poorly known.

EOs are complex mixtures of bioactive compounds, including monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids. The chemical composition of EOs is influenced by genetic, biotic, and environmental factors (Dhifi et al. 2016Dhifi, W., Bellili, S., Jazi, S., Bahloul, N. and Mnif, W. (2016). Essential oils’ chemical characterization and investigation of some biological activities: A critical review. Medicines, 3, 25.
). EOs, structurally diverse bioactive compound mixtures, offer new modes of action, reducing the risk of resistance development. Moreover, EOs are considered environmentally friendly herbicides due to their biodegradability and relatively low toxicity to non-target organisms (Dayan and Duke 2014Dayan, F. E. and Duke, S. O. (2014). Natural compounds as next-generation herbicides. Plant Physiology, 166, 1090-1105.

Seasonal variations, such as changes in temperature and water availability, can induce fluctuations in phytochemical compound production by specialized metabolism (e.g., Luz et al. 2020Luz, T. R. S. A., Leite, J. A. C., de Mesquita, L. S. S., Bezerra, S. A., Silveira, D. P. B., de Mesquita, J. W. C., Ribeiro, E. C. G., Amaral, F. M. M. and Coutinho, D. F. (2020). Seasonal variation in the chemical composition and biological activity of the essential oil of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze. Industrial crops and products, 153, 112600.
, Santos et al. 2023Santos, S. M., Cardoso, C. A. L., de Oliveira Junior, P. C., da Silva, M. E., Pereira, Z. V., Silva, R. M. M. F. and Formagio, A. S. N. (2023). Seasonal and geographical variation in the chemical composition of essential oil from Allophylus edulis leaves. South African Journal of Botany, 154, 41-45.
). This alteration in the chemical profile can impact the biological activity of EOs extracted from plants collected at different times of the year (Luz et al. 2020Luz, T. R. S. A., Leite, J. A. C., de Mesquita, L. S. S., Bezerra, S. A., Silveira, D. P. B., de Mesquita, J. W. C., Ribeiro, E. C. G., Amaral, F. M. M. and Coutinho, D. F. (2020). Seasonal variation in the chemical composition and biological activity of the essential oil of Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze. Industrial crops and products, 153, 112600.

Among the aromatic species, Piper amalago L. (Piperaceae), commonly known as “jaborandi-manso” or “jamaica pepper,” stands out for its economic and medicinal importance. This species is widely used in traditional medicine to treat various illnesses. Studies validating the biological properties of its EO have reported antimicrobial properties and insecticidal activity (Araujo Baptista et al. 2019Araujo Baptista, L. M., Rondón Rivas, M. E., Cruz Tenempaguay, R. E., Guayanlema Chávez, J. D., Vargas Córdova, C. A., Morocho Zaragocin, S. V. and Cornejo Sotomayor, S. X. (2019). Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Piper amalago L. (Piperaceae) collected in coastal Ecuador. Pharmacology Online, 3, 15-27., Gonçalves et al. 2022Gonçalves, V. L., Esmerino, L. A., de Souza, V. M., Batista, B. D., Torres, A. L., Armstrong, L. and Araújo Ávila, G. M. (2022). Antimicrobial and insecticidal activity of the essential oil of Piper amalago L. (Piperaceae). Brazilian Journal of Development, 8, 998-1013.
). However, there are no reports on the phytotoxic or herbicidal potential of P. amalago EO.

This study aimed to assess the impact of the rainy and dry seasons on the chemical composition of P. amalago leaf EO, and to investigate its phytotoxic activity on the seed germination and early growth of the eudicots, B. pilosa and L. sativa (non-target). Additionally, the study aimed to explore changes in the cell cycle of L. sativa, to understand the mechanism of action of EOs as a bioherbicide. This plant is a model organism commonly used for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity analyses due to its sensitivity to external factors, easily visualized chromosomes, and rapid cell proliferation (Silveira et al. 2017Silveira, G. L., Lima, M. G. F., Dos Reis, G. B., Palmieri, M. J. and Andrade-Vieria, L. F. (2017). Toxic effects of environmental pollutants: Comparative investigation using Allium cepa L. and Lactuca sativa L. Chemosphere, 178, 359-367.
). Furthermore, the effects found in L. sativa can be correlated to those found in B. pilosa, since both species are eudicots.


Plant material and study area

Seeds of B. pilosa were collected from a radius of 400 m2 in a Coffea arabica L. field located in the municipality of Iúna, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The seeds of the L. sativa cultivar Grandes Lagos Americana (Isla seeds) were obtained from agricultural input stores.

Leaves of P. amalago without signs of disease or herbivory were collected in an area of Atlantic Forest located in a forest fragment located in Castelo, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Sample collections were carried out between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on January 31st and September 1st, 2022, dates that correspond to the rainy and dry periods, respectively, in the region. During the rainy season collection, individuals of P. amalago were in the reproductive period and presented inflorescences on spikes with an intense green hue in the initial fruiting phase (Fig. 1). The studied specimen was previously examined under the taxonomic approach of Christ et al. (2016)Christ, J. A., Sarnaglia-Junior, V. B., Barreto, L. M., Guimarães, E. F., Garbin, M. L. and Carrijo, T. T. (2016). The genus Piper (Piperaceae) in the Mata das Flores State Park, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Rodriguésia, 67, 1031-1046.
, and a voucher specimen (J. A. Christ; F. Torres-Leite; M. Zanetti 42, CAP000005) is housed in the Herbarium CAP (Thiers, 2024Thiers, B. (2024). Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York: New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Available at: Accessed on: Dec. 18, 2022.
). Data on edaphoclimatic factors at the study collection site are presented in Table 1.

Figure 1
Individual of Piper amalago in the study area. (a) Appearance during the rainy season and (b) dry season.
Table 1
Climate data for average temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and cloudiness for January 31 and September 1, 2022.

The rainy period comprises the months of October to April, with an average rainfall of 1,111.4 mm, accounting for 84.9% of the accumulated annual total, while the dry period comprises May to September, with an average rainfall of 196.9 mm, representing 15.1% of the annual precipitation (Incaper 2020[Incaper] Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (2020). Programa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, PROATER 2020-2023 – Castelo. Available at: Accessed on: Jan. 2, 2021.

Extraction and chemical characterization of essential oils

The fresh leaves collected were carefully stored in paper bags and dried in an oven with air circulation at 40 °C until they reached constant mass. Around 270 g of dry P. amalago leaves were subjected to the hydrodistillation process in a Clevenger-type device for 4 h following the methodology recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia for the extraction of volatile oils (Anvisa 2022[Anvisa] Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (2022). Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. 6th ed. Brazil: Anvisa. Available at: Accessed on: Nov. 15, 2023.
). The EO was extracted and subsequently stored in a freezer at 4 °C until further analysis. The yield of EO was calculated as a percentage, through the ratio between the mass of EO and the mass of dry plant material, expressed in % (m/m).

The chemical composition of EO from P. amalago leaves was analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID, Shimadzu QP2010SE, Kyoto, Japan) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS, Shimadzu QP2010SE, Japan). Identification of the components was done according to the methodology described by Mendes et al. (2017)Mendes, L. A., Martins, G. F., Valbon, W. R., de Souza, T. D. S., Menini, L., Ferreira, A. and Ferreira, M. F. S. (2017). Larvicidal effect of essential oils from Brazilian cultivars of guava on Aedes aegypti L. Industrial Crops and Products, 108, 684-689.

Phytotoxic activity

The phytotoxic effect of P. amalago EO in B. pilosa and L. sativa was determined by pre-emergence Petri dish assays. Bidens pilosa seeds were disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO, 0.5%) for 5 minutes and washed multiple times with distilled water. Five concentrations of EO (1,500; 750; 375; 187.5 and 0 µg·mL-1) were prepared by diluting them in solvent [acetone (2%) and tween 80 (0.05%)]. The solvent (1,500 µg·mL-1) served as an analysis white (0.0 µg·mL-1) of the EO. Distilled water was used as a negative control and the herbicide glyphosate (1 mL·L-1) as a positive control.

To carry out the tests, 25 seeds from each plant were placed on filter paper moistened with 3 mL of the concentrations. To prevent evaporation of the solution, the plates were wrapped in plastic film. The plates were then placed in a germination chamber set at (24 ± 2) °C with a 16-hour light/8-hour dark photoperiod. After seven days, the germination rate and the length of the root and shoot (coleoptile) were determined for B. pilosa. In L. sativa, the germination rate and root length were measured after two days of exposure, and the shoot length was measured after five days (Mendes et al. 2023Mendes, L. A., Vasconcelos, L. C., Fontes, M. M. P., Martins, G. S., Bergamin, A. D. S., Silva, M. A., Silva, R. R. A., Oliveira, T. V., Souza, V. G. L., Ferreira, M. F. S., Teixeira, R. R. and Lopes, R. P. (2023). Herbicide and Cytogenotoxic Activity of Inclusion Complexes of Psidium gaudichaudianum Leaf Essential Oil and β-Caryophyllene on 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. Molecules, 28, 5909.

Cytogenotoxic activity

The cytogenotoxicity of P. amalago EO was evaluated using L. sativa. Seeds of L. sativa were subjected to the same experimental conditions as the pre-emergence test. Distilled water was used as a negative control. After 48 h of exposure to EO concentrations (1,500; 750; 375; 187.5 and 0 µg·mL-1), root tips measuring 2–3 cm in length were fixed in a solution of Carnoy (ethanol: acetic acid, 3:1 v/v) and stored at -18 °C. To study the cell cycle and chromosomes, meristematic slides were prepared using the crushing technique and were stained with 2% acetic orcein. The slides were observed under an optical microscope to determine the different phases of mitosis. A total of 1,000 cells per slide was evaluated, totaling 5,000 cells per concentration. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the mitotic index (MI), and genotoxicity was determined by the frequencies of cells with chromosomal alterations (CAs) (Mendes et al. 2023Mendes, L. A., Vasconcelos, L. C., Fontes, M. M. P., Martins, G. S., Bergamin, A. D. S., Silva, M. A., Silva, R. R. A., Oliveira, T. V., Souza, V. G. L., Ferreira, M. F. S., Teixeira, R. R. and Lopes, R. P. (2023). Herbicide and Cytogenotoxic Activity of Inclusion Complexes of Psidium gaudichaudianum Leaf Essential Oil and β-Caryophyllene on 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. Molecules, 28, 5909.

Statistical analysis

Phytotoxicity and cytogenotoxicity tests were carried out in a completely randomized design with five replications per concentration. Phytotoxicity tests were carried out in a double factorial scheme and involved two factors: EO and the different concentrations used. The normality of errors and homogeneity of variances were verified using the Shapiro-Wilk’s and Bartlett’s tests, respectively. All data were subjected to analysis of variance, and mean values were compared using the Tukey’s test (p ≤ 0.05). Statistical analyses were performed using the package within R software version 4.3.2 (R Core Team 2023R Core Team (2023). R: A language and environment for statistical computing (Computer software). Vienna: R Core Team. Available at: Accessed on: June 10, 2023.


Chemical composition and yield

Piper amalago EO exhibited varying colors based on the collection period (Fig. 2a). The EO from the rainy season (PAEOR) exhibited a light green color, while the EO from the dry period (PAEOD) exhibited a dark blue-green hue. The productivity of P. amalago EO also showed significant differences considering seasonality, with higher productivity in the rainy period, at 0.075% (m/m), compared to the dry period, which was at 0.063% (m/m) (Fig. 2b).

Figure 2
The yield of Piper amalago essential oils obtained in the rainy (PAEOR) and dry (PAEOD) seasons. Equal letters do not differ by Tukey’s test (p > 0.05).

Chemical analysis identified a total of 15 different compounds, including two monoterpenes and 13 sesquiterpenes, at the collection stations, representing 86–91.1% of the oils (Table 2). Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons presented a greater relative area in both EO, with a higher concentration during the rainy season (73.8%) compared to the dry season (63.8%). The predominant compound among the EOs studied was β-elemene, followed by germacrene A, linalool, and β-caryophyllene. Although the main compounds remained consistent in the EO, their relative concentrations varied depending on the harvest time. During the rainy season, hydrocarbon sesquiterpenes such as β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, and germacrene A were more abundant, while the oxygenated monoterpene linalool was more abundant during the dry season. The compounds α-cubene, α-copaene, and caryophyllene oxide were produced exclusively during the dry season, while allo-aromadendrene and valencene were identified exclusively during the rainy season.

Table 2
Phytochemical profiling of Piper amalago essential oils obtained in the rainy (PAEOR) and dry (PAEOD) seasons.

Phytotoxic effects

The analysis of variance found a significant interaction between the sources of variation, that is, the harvest time (rainy period and dry period), and the concentrations of EO for the variables germination percentage and shoot length of B. pilosa (p ≤ 0.001 by F test). In L. sativa, the interaction between factors was also significant for root length (p ≤ 0.05 by F test). This indicates that both factors have a joint effect on these variables, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3
Analysis of variance of phytotoxic effects on germination and initial growth of Bidens pilosa subjected to Piper amalago essential oil from the dry and rainy season and its different concentrations.

Considering the effects of each EO on B. pilosa, the concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1 of PAEOD inhibited germination by 50%, surpassing the effect of PAEOR by 48.3% (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, all PAEOD concentrations, except for 375 µg·mL-1, resulted in shorter shoot lengths than corresponding PAEOR concentrations. The concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1 of PAEOD completely inhibited the development of the aerial part, overcoming the effect of the herbicide glyphosate. All PAEOR concentrations also resulted in shorter shoot lengths compared to the negative control, with the 1,500 µg·mL-1 concentration showing a similar effect to glyphosate (Fig. 3c). PAEOD and PAEOD had the same effect on the root length of B. pilosa, showing no statistical difference. Both PAEOD and PAEOR reduced root length compared to water. Concentrations of 1,500 µg·mL-1 of PAEOR and PAEOD demonstrated the same effect as glyphosate, suppressing root length by 61.83 and 76.19%, respectively (Fig. 3b).

Figure 3
Phytotoxic effects of Piper amalago essential oils obtained in the rainy (PAEOR) and dry (PAEOD) seasons on germination rate (a,d), root length (b,e) and shoot length (c, f) of Bidens pilosa and Lactuca sativa. Bars (mean ± standard error; n = 5) with equal letters (uppercase between essential oils and lowercase for concentrations and controls within each essential oil) do not differ by Tukey’s test (p > 0.05).

For L. sativa, the concentration of 187.5 µg·mL-1 of PAEOD resulted in the lowest root length compared to the same concentration of PAEOR. All concentrations of PAEOD and PAEOR reduced root length compared to water, showing similarities to glyphosate (Fig. 3e). Regarding germination rate, the two highest concentrations of PAEOD and PAEOR significantly reduced this variable compared to controls (Fig. 3d).

PAEOD and PAEOR had the same effect on the germination and shoot length of L. sativa, showing no statistical difference. Concentrations of 750 and 1,500 µg·mL-1 of PAEOD inhibited germination by 44.71 and 57.81%, respectively, while the same concentrations of PAEOR exhibited higher inhibition rates of 64.92 and 74.36% (Figs. 3d and 3f). In terms of shoot length, concentrations of 375, 750, and 1,500 µg·mL-1 of PAEOR and PAEOD resulted in shorter lengths compared to water, with higher concentrations responsible for greater inhibitions, similar to glyphosate (Fig. 3f).

Cytogenotoxic effects

The cytogenotoxicity of P. amalago EO was assessed by analyzing changes in MI and CAs in L. sativa root tip meristematic cells (Tables 4 and 5). PAEOR exhibited dose-dependent effects, reducing MI at concentrations equal to or greater than 187.5 µg·mL-1 and inducing CAs at concentrations equal to or greater than 375 µg·mL-1. The concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1 resulted in an 84.05% increase in CAs to the negative control. Increased interphase frequencies were observed at concentrations equal to or greater than 187.5 µg·mL-1, while the prophase frequency decreased. The metaphase frequency also increased with concentrations equal to or greater than 375 µg·mL-1. PAEOD also negatively affected the MI and increased the frequency of interphases at concentrations equal to or greater than 375 µg·mL-1. Concentrations of 750 and 1,500 µg·mL-1 induced a 49.27% increase in CAs to the negative control. At the concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1, the metaphase frequency increased significantly (58.88%), while the prophase frequency decreased (31.32%) compared to the negative control.

Table 4
Effect of Piper amalago essential oil obtained from the rainy season (PAEOR) on the mitotic and phase index in meristematic cells of the root of Lactuca sativa* * Data represented as mean ± standard error (n = 5). .
Table 5
Effect of Piper amalago essential oil obtained from the dry season (PAEOD) on the mitotic and phase index in meristematic cells of the root of Lactuca sativa* * Data represented as mean ± standard error (n = 5). .

About individual chromosomal changes, aneugenic changes (action on the mitotic spindle), chromosomal adhesion, c-metaphases, chromosomal loss, and anaphase delays were found (Fig. 4). PAEOR significantly increased the frequency of c-metaphases from the concentration of 375 µg·mL-1 to water. The concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1 tripled the frequency of this change. PAEOD also affected the frequency of c-metaphases, doubling it to water at the concentration of 1,500 µg·mL-1. The frequency of chromosomal adhesion was tripled in cells exposed to the concentration of 187.5 µg·mL-1 of PAEOD (Fig. 5).

Figure 4
Chromosomal abnormalities observed in meristematic cells of Lactuca sativa roots exposed to Piper amalago essential oils. (a) Metaphase with chromosome loss, (b) c-metaphase, (c) metaphase with chromosome adhesion, (d) anaphase delay. Scale bar = 20 μm.
Figure 5
Frequency of chromosomal abnormalities observed in meristematic cells of Lactuca sativa roots exposed to Piper amalago essential oils obtained from the rainy (PAEOR) and dry (PAEOD) seasons. The lowercase letters above the boxplots indicate a significant difference between the treatments by Tukey’s test (p < 0.05).


The present study observed that the EO of P. amalago had a higher yield during the rainy season, contradicting previous results suggesting that seasonality does not significantly impact the production of EO in this species (Perigo et al. 2016Perigo, C. V., Torres, R. B., Bernacci, L. C., Guimaraes, E. F., Haber, L. L., Facanali, R., Vieira, M. A. R., Quecini, V. and Marques, M. O. M. (2016). The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of eleven Piper species from distinct rainforest areas in Southeastern Brazil. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 528-539.
). The reduction in EO production during the dry period appears to be related to the scarcity of water and the high incidence of light, characteristics of the dry period. Water stress disrupts metabolic processes, altering metabolic pathways (Ciarmiello et al. 2011Ciarmiello, L. F., Woodrow, P., Fuggi, A., Pontecorvo, G. and Carillo, P. (2011). Plant genes for abiotic stress. In A. Shanker and B. Venkateswarlu (Eds.). Abiotic stress in plants: mechanisms and adaptations (p. 283-308). Croatia: In Tech.). Solar exposure intensified by the lack of clouds and limited rainfall may have affected the accumulation of photoassimilates. This could lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species and, consequently, the production of EO (Oliveira et al. 2016Oliveira, G. C., Vieira, W. L., Bertolli, S. C. and Pacheco, A. C. (2016). Photosynthetic behavior, growth and essential oil production of Melissa officinalis L. cultivated under colored shade nets. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 76, 123-128.
). Studies involving other Piper species have revealed variable EO productivity in response to solar intensity and shading (Mattana et al. 2010Mattana, R. S., Vieira, M. A. R., Marchese, J. A., Ming, L. C. and Marques, M. O. M. (2010). Shade level effects on yield and chemical composition of the leaf essential oil of Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miquel. Scientia Agricola, 67, 414-418.
, Ramos et al. 2021Ramos, Y. J., Costa-Oliveira, C. D., Candido-Fonseca, I., Queiroz, G. A. D., Guimarães, E. F., Defaveri, A. C. A. E., Sadgrove, N. J. and Moreira, D. D. L. (2021). Advanced chemophenetic analysis of essential oil from leaves of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth (piperaceae) using a new reduction-oxidation index to explore seasonal and circadian rhythms. Plants, 10, 2116.
). This diversity in EO production in response to solar intensity highlights the importance of understanding the specificities of each Piper species.

Considering the relative area of the compounds, we observed that hydrocarbon sesquiterpenes were more abundant in the rainy season, with higher concentrations of the major compounds: β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, and germacrene. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures during the dry season may have led to the degradation of sesquiterpenes (An et al. 2016An, K., Zhao, D., Wang, Z., Wu, J., Xu, Y. and Xiao, G. (2016). Comparison of different drying methods on Chinese ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe): Changes in volatiles, chemical profile, antioxidant properties, and microstructure. Food Chemistry, 197, 1292-1300.
), explaining the lower concentration of hydrocarbon sesquiterpenes, as well as the lower EO yield.

The highest EO productivity of P. amalago was observed during the flowering and early fruiting phases (rainy period), following a trend consistent with other Piper species (Ramos et al. 2020Ramos, Y. J., Machado, D. B., de Queiroz, G. A., Guimarães, E. F., Defaveri, A. C. A., Sadgrove, N. J. and Moreira, D. L. (2020). Chemical composition of the essential oils of circadian rhythm and of different vegetative parts from Piper mollicomum Kunth-A medicinal plant from Brazil. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 92, 104116.
, Ramos et al. 2021Ramos, Y. J., Costa-Oliveira, C. D., Candido-Fonseca, I., Queiroz, G. A. D., Guimarães, E. F., Defaveri, A. C. A. E., Sadgrove, N. J. and Moreira, D. D. L. (2021). Advanced chemophenetic analysis of essential oil from leaves of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth (piperaceae) using a new reduction-oxidation index to explore seasonal and circadian rhythms. Plants, 10, 2116.
). The growth of reproductive organs induces stress in several plant species due to the reallocation of energy reserves for the growth of flowers/inflorescences and defense mechanisms. Consequently, plants direct their metabolic activities towards the biosynthesis of primary and secondary metabolites. Given this evidence, it is possible to anticipate variations in EO content during plant growth, and the ideal phase for maximum accumulation may differ between species (Farhadi et al. 2020Farhadi, N., Babaei, K., Farsaraei, S., Moghaddam, M. and Pirbalouti, A. G. (2020). Changes in essential oil compositions, total phenol, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity of Achillea millefolium at different growth stages. Industrial Crops and Products, 152, 112570.

When analyzing the phytotoxic effects of EO, it is important to consider that these effects result from the interaction between their different components. Phytotoxic activities have been reported in EO containing germacrene A, β-caryophyllene, β-elemene, and linalool (Dutra et al. 2020Dutra, Q. P., Christ, J. A., Carrijo, T. T., de Assis Alves, T., de Assis Alves, T., Mendes, L. A. and Praça-Fontes, M. M. (2020). Phytocytotoxicity of volatile constituents of essential oils from Sparattanthelium Mart. species (Hernandiaceae). Scientific Reports, 10, 12213.
, Jiang et al. 2021Jiang, C., Zhou, S., Liu, L., Toshmatov, Z., Huang, L., Shi, K., Zhang, C. and Shao, H. (2021). Evaluation of the phytotoxic effect of the essential oil from Artemisia absinthium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 226, 112856.
, Mendes et al. 2023Mendes, L. A., Vasconcelos, L. C., Fontes, M. M. P., Martins, G. S., Bergamin, A. D. S., Silva, M. A., Silva, R. R. A., Oliveira, T. V., Souza, V. G. L., Ferreira, M. F. S., Teixeira, R. R. and Lopes, R. P. (2023). Herbicide and Cytogenotoxic Activity of Inclusion Complexes of Psidium gaudichaudianum Leaf Essential Oil and β-Caryophyllene on 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. Molecules, 28, 5909.
, Veryer and Bozok 2023Veryer, K. and Bozok, F. (2023). Chemical constituents of Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants essential oil: herbicidal and antimicrobial activities. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 26, 411-419.
), main compounds of P. amalago EO. Based on this, the phytotoxic activity of P. amalago EO can be attributed to these compounds, although it was not possible to determine whether the major components acted alone or in synergism/antagonism with other components.

In the present study, P. amalago EO showed different phytotoxic effects on the plants studied. For development of L. sativa, PAEOD and PAEOR had a similar effect. On the other hand, PAEOD caused more significant phytotoxic effects on B. pilosa compared to PAEOR. This suggests that plant responses to EO may be influenced by species-specific factors such as metabolism, seed coat permeability, absorption, and translocation mechanisms (Mendes et al. 2022Mendes, K. F., Mielke, K. C., D’Antonino, L. and Silva, A. A. (2022). Retention, Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Herbicides in Plants. In K. F. Mendes and A. A. Silva (Eds). Applied Weed and Herbicide Science (p. 157-186). Cham: Springer.

PAEOD showed a greater relative area of linalool and a presence of caryophyllene oxide. Linalool was identified as the main active phytotoxic compound in the EO of Artemisia absinthium L., being reported to suppress root elongation and completely inhibit germination of Amaranthus retroflexus L., Medicago sativa L., Triticum aestivum L., and Poa annua. L. Scanning electron microscopy image analyses further revealed that linalool inhibited root hair formation and metaxylem development (Jiang et al. 2021Jiang, C., Zhou, S., Liu, L., Toshmatov, Z., Huang, L., Shi, K., Zhang, C. and Shao, H. (2021). Evaluation of the phytotoxic effect of the essential oil from Artemisia absinthium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 226, 112856.
). Caryophyllene oxide was one of the main components of EO reported to cause phytotoxic effects, such as reducing germination and root length of weeds (Moraes et al. 2023Moraes, Â. A. B., Cascaes, M. M., do Nascimento, L. D., Franco, C. J. P., Ferreira, O. O., Anjos, T. O. D., Karakoti, H., Kumar, H., Souza-Filho, A. P. S., Oliveira, M. S. and Andrade, E. H. A. (2023). Chemical Evaluation, Phytotoxic Potential, and In Silico Study of Essential Oils from Leaves of Guatteria schomburgkiana Mart. and Xylopia frutescens Aubl. (Annonaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon. Molecules, 28, 2633.
) such as B. pilosa (El-Gawad et al. 2019El-Gawad, A. A., Elshamy, A., El Gendy, A. E. N., Gaara, A. and Assaeed, A. (2019). Volatiles profiling, allelopathic activity, and antioxidant potentiality of Xanthium strumarium leaves essential oil from Egypt: Evidence from chemometrics analysis. Molecules, 24, 584.
). Based on this, the higher concentrations of these compounds may have contributed to the greater phytotoxicity of PAEOD, especially the monoterpene oxygenated linalool. Monoterpenes are potent inhibitors of plant growth and germination (Galán-Pérez et al. 2022Galán-Pérez, J. A., Gámiz, B., Pavlovic, I. and Celis, R. (2022). Enantiomer-selective characterization of the adsorption, dissipation, and phytotoxicity of the plant monoterpene pulegone in soils. Plants, 11, 1296.
). They also affect chlorophyll content, cellular respiration, DNA synthesis, cell proliferation, and the activity of enzymes involved in glycolysis. Additionally, they can cause oxidative damage (Kaur et al. 2010Kaur, S., Singh, H. P., Mittal, S., Batish, D. R. and Kohli, R. K. (2010). Phytotoxic effects of volatile oil from Artemisia scoparia against weeds and its possible use as a bioherbicide. Industrial Crops and Products, 32, 54-61.
, Macías et al. 2007Macías, F. A., Molinillo, J. M., Varela, R. M. and Galindo, J. C. (2007). Allelopathy—a natural alternative for weed control. Pest Management Science: Formerly Pesticide Science, 63, 327-348.
, Nishida et al. 2005Nishida, N., Tamotsu, S., Nagata, N., Saito, C. and Sakai, A. (2005). Allelopathic effects of volatile monoterpenoids produced by Salvia leucophylla: inhibition of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in the root apical meristem of Brassica campestris seedlings. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 31, 1187-1203.

Phytotoxic effects, such as inhibition or abnormal growth, can result from the cytotoxic action of a compound or substance on the cell cycle. This happens because plant tissue growth depends on cell division and elongation during differentiation and development (Aragão et al. 2015Aragão, F. B., Palmieri, M. J., Ferreira, A., Costa, A. V., Queiroz, V. T., Pinheiro, P. F. and Andrade-Vieira, L. F. (2015). Phytotoxic and cytotoxic effects of Eucalyptus essential oil on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Allelopathy Journal, 35, 259-272., Singh et al. 2020Singh, N., Singh, H. P., Batish, D. R., Kohli, R. K. and Yadav, S. S. (2020). Chemical characterization, phytotoxic, and cytotoxic activities of essential oil of Mentha longifolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 13512-13523.
). In this study, P. amalago EO reduced the MI of L. sativa. The MI, a key cytotoxic parameter, reflects the frequency of cell division and is crucial for determining root growth rate (Silveira et al. 2017Silveira, G. L., Lima, M. G. F., Dos Reis, G. B., Palmieri, M. J. and Andrade-Vieria, L. F. (2017). Toxic effects of environmental pollutants: Comparative investigation using Allium cepa L. and Lactuca sativa L. Chemosphere, 178, 359-367.
). A decrease in MI indicates a disturbance in the cell cycle (Fiskesjo 1997Fiskesjo, G. (1997). Allium test for screening chemicals; evaluation of cytological parameters. In W. Wang, J. W. Gorsuch and J. S. Hughes (Eds.). Plants for environmental studies (p. 308-329). New York: Lewis.), which may result from a prolonged S phase and the inhibition of DNA and nucleoprotein synthesis. This leads to a blockade of the G1 and G2 phases and inhibition of microtubule formation (Türkoğlu 2012Türkoğlu, Ş. (2012). Determination of genotoxic effects of chlorfenvinphos and fenbuconazole in Allium cepa root cells by mitotic activity, chromosome aberration, DNA content, and comet assay. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 103, 224-230.
). The observed increase in cells in interphase and the decrease in cells in prophase, marking the start of mitotic division, show a slowdown in cell progression in L. sativa, explaining the reduction in root growth. Similarly, a decrease in MI in B. pilosa could also reduce root growth. Zomba et al. (2024)Zomba, D., Sharma, M., Jandrotia, R., Singh, H. P. and Batish, D. R. (2024). Chemical profiling, phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity, and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of a high-altitude plant, Allardia tridactylites, from the Trans-Himalayan Region, Ladakh. Chemical Papers, 78, 1887-1896.
reported similar results, noting a reduction in the MI of Allium cepa L. (another plant model for cytotoxicity and genotoxicity analyses) and in the growth of B. pilosa treated with EO of Allardia tridactylites (Kar. & Kir.) Sch. Beep. Other studies also link reduced root growth to a decline in the MI in meristematic cells (Parveen et al. 2024Parveen, N., Mondal, P., Vanapalli, K. R., Das, A. and Goel, S. (2024). Phytotoxicity of trihalomethanes and trichloroacetic acid on Vigna radiata and Allium cepa plant models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 5100-5115.
, Pinheiro et al. 2024Pinheiro, P. F., da Costa, T. L. M., Corrêa, K. B., Bastos Soares, T. C., Parreira, L. A., Werner, E. T., de Paula, M. S. A. T., Pereira, U. A. and Praça-Fontes, M. M. (2024). Synthesis and Phytocytogenotoxic Activity of N-Phenyl-2-phenoxyacetamides Derived from Thymol. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72, 4610-4621.

Piper amalago EO also increased the frequency of CAs. CAs are changes in the structure or number of chromosomes, resulting from the action of genotoxic agents. These agents can have two mechanisms of action: clastogenic, leading to damage, breakage, or exchange of chromosomal materials in the DNA molecule, or aneugenic, characterized by the absence or poor formation of the mitotic spindle (Silveira et al. 2017Silveira, G. L., Lima, M. G. F., Dos Reis, G. B., Palmieri, M. J. and Andrade-Vieria, L. F. (2017). Toxic effects of environmental pollutants: Comparative investigation using Allium cepa L. and Lactuca sativa L. Chemosphere, 178, 359-367.

Among the chromosomal changes observed, PAEOR and PAEOD significantly induced cells with aneugenic c-metaphase and chromosomal adhesion changes. C-metaphases occur when the chromosome centromeres are not linked to the mitotic spindle, due to their malfunction or inactivation. This abnormality compromises the cell cycle, paralyzing it in metaphase (Freitas et al. 2016Freitas, A. S., Cunha, I. M. F., Andrade-Vieira, L. F. and Techio, V. H. (2016). Effect of SPL (Spent Pot Liner) and its main components on root growth, mitotic activity and phosphorylation of Histone H3 in Lactuca sativa L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 124, 426-434.

Chromosome adhesion is characterized by chromosomes surrounded by a viscous matrix of chromatin rather than DNA. This change is due to damage to chromatin organization due to the denaturing action on its proteins or its inadequate folding (El-Ghamery et al. 2003El-Ghamery, A. A., El-Kholy, M. A. and Abou El-Yousser, M. A. (2003). Evaluation of cytological effects of Zn2+ in relation to germination and root growth of Nigella sativa L. and Triticum aestivum L. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 537, 29-41.
). Chromosomal adhesion is irreversible and can lead to death and consequently to the decline of MI (Zhang et al. 2014Zhang, H., Jiang, Z., Qin, R., Zhang, H., Zou, J., Jiang, W. and Liu, D. (2014). Accumulation and cellular toxicity of aluminum in seedling of Pinus massoniana. BMC Plant Biology, 14, 264.
). Silveira et al. (2017)Silveira, G. L., Lima, M. G. F., Dos Reis, G. B., Palmieri, M. J. and Andrade-Vieria, L. F. (2017). Toxic effects of environmental pollutants: Comparative investigation using Allium cepa L. and Lactuca sativa L. Chemosphere, 178, 359-367.
suggested that the high frequency of chromosomal adhesion may have activated the cell death mechanisms of L. sativa exposed to cadmium, causing reduction in root growth. In this sense, this change may have prevented L. sativa and B. pilosa cells from completing the mitotic cycle, leading to the observed reduction in root growth.

The increase in the frequency of c-metaphases and chromosome adhesion explains why the frequency of metaphase cells exposed to PAEOD and PAEOR increases. Given these results, the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects caused by the aneugenic mechanism of action of P. amalago EO on cell division and formation of the mitotic spindle of L. sativa can elucidate the phytotoxic effects observed in B. pilosa.


The EO from P. amalago has promising potential in controlling weeds. Higher yields were obtained with leaves collected in the rainy season, but leaf collection in the dry season is recommended due to the greater phytotoxic effect on the germination rate, root length, and aerial part length of B. pilosa and L. sativa. Cytogenotoxic analyses showed that P. amalago EO interfere with cell division and the formation of the mitotic spindle through aneugenic mechanisms of action.


Not applicable.

  • How to cite: Silva, M. B. P., Coelho, C. M. M. and Siega, Y. P. (2024). Evaluation of biochemical component determinants for superior seedling performance in high-vigor maize seeds under accelerated aging stress. Bragantia, 83, e20230297.

    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
    Finance Code 001
    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina
    Grant No: 2023TR332
    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
    Grant No: PQ1C


The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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Edited by

Section Editor: Gabriel Constantino Blain

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Apr 2024
  • Accepted
    15 July 2024
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