Pure SnO2 sintering was studied by constant heating rate and isothermal sintering. The constant heating rate study showed no macroscopic shrinkage during the sintering process up to 1500 ºC. Pore size distribution measurements, using gas desorption, and grain size and crystallite size measurements of isothermally sintered samples showed no formation of non-densifying microstructures during the sintering process. These results are a strong indication that densification was prevented by thermodynamic factors, mainly the high ratio of gammaGB/gSV. An explanation, based on the nature of covalent bonding and the balance between attractive and repulsive forces, was proposed to explain the high gammaGB/gammaSV ratio in SnO2.
sintering; SnO2; microstructure
A sinterização de SnO2 puro foi estudado por taxa constante de aquecimento e por sinterização isotérmica. O estudo de taxa constante de aquecimento mostrou que não ocorre retração macroscópica durante o processo de sinterização até temperaturas de 1500 ºC. Medidas de distribuição de tamanho de poros, usando adsorção de gás, tamanho de grão e tamanho de cristalito para amostras sinterizadas isotermicamente mostrou a não formação de uma microestrutura não-densificante durante o processo de sinterização. Estes resultados são um forte indicativo que a densificação foi inibida por fatores termodinâmicos, principalmente o alto valor da razão de gamaGB/gSV. Uma explicação, baseada na natureza covalente da ligação química e no balanço entre forças atrativas e repulsivas, é apresentada para explicar o alto valor da razão gamaGB/gamaSV no SnO2.
sinterização; SnO2; microestrutura
Sintering of undoped SnO2
Sinterização de SnO2 não dopado
E. R. LeiteI; J. A. CerriI; E. LongoI; J. A. VarelaII
ILIEC - Department of Chemistry - Federal University of S. Carlos, S. Carlos, SP, Brazil, 13565-905
IIInstitute of Chemistry, UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil, 14.800-900
Pure SnO2 sintering was studied by constant heating rate and isothermal sintering. The constant heating rate study showed no macroscopic shrinkage during the sintering process up to 1500 ºC. Pore size distribution measurements, using gas desorption, and grain size and crystallite size measurements of isothermally sintered samples showed no formation of non-densifying microstructures during the sintering process. These results are a strong indication that densification was prevented by thermodynamic factors, mainly the high ratio of gGB/gSV. An explanation, based on the nature of covalent bonding and the balance between attractive and repulsive forces, was proposed to explain the high gGB/gSV ratio in SnO2.
Keywords: sintering, SnO2, microstructure.
A sinterização de SnO2 puro foi estudado por taxa constante de aquecimento e por sinterização isotérmica. O estudo de taxa constante de aquecimento mostrou que não ocorre retração macroscópica durante o processo de sinterização até temperaturas de 1500 ºC. Medidas de distribuição de tamanho de poros, usando adsorção de gás, tamanho de grão e tamanho de cristalito para amostras sinterizadas isotermicamente mostrou a não formação de uma microestrutura não-densificante durante o processo de sinterização. Estes resultados são um forte indicativo que a densificação foi inibida por fatores termodinâmicos, principalmente o alto valor da razão de gGB/gSV. Uma explicação, baseada na natureza covalente da ligação química e no balanço entre forças atrativas e repulsivas, é apresentada para explicar o alto valor da razão gGB/gSV no SnO2.
Palavras-chave: sinterização, SnO2, microestrutura.
It is a well known fact that the sintering of pure non-oxide covalent compounds (SiC, Si3N4, and others) is controlled by a non-densifying mechanism. This mechanism leads to a grain growth process devoid of macroscopic shrinkage or densification.
Similarly to the non-oxide covalent compounds, sintering of tin oxide (SnO2) is controlled by a non-densifying mechanism [1-3]. Semi-empirical and ab initio theoretical calculations have shown a high degree of covalent bonding between Sn and O [4, 5]. This result suggests that the predominance of the non-densifying mechanism in the SnO2 is related to the nature of the chemical bond and could be similar to the one observed in non-oxide covalent compounds.
In spite of this unequivocal conclusion, the non-densification of SnO2 is not well known. In a recent paper [1], it was shown that, at a low temperature, sintering of ultra-fine SnO2 powder is controlled by surface diffusion and, at high temperature, the sintering process is controlled by the evaporation-condensation process. Thus, sintering of pure SnO2 will always be governed by a non-densifying mechanism. Of course, in this work it was assumed that mechanisms such as surface diffusion and evaporation-condensation are non-densifying.
Recently Shi [6] analyzed the importance of surface diffusion on densification during the sintering process and proposed that surface diffusion is the most probable mass transport mechanism to promote particle coarsening and center approaching between particles or grains.
Greskovich [7] explains the non-densification of Si considering the development of a non-densifying microstructure. This idea is based on the fact that pore growth is promoted by the disconnection of the solid phase at various points of the microstructure. This phenomenon results basically from surface diffusion or evaporation-condensation and the development of a non-densifying microstructure takes into account local shrinkage. In that model, local shrinkage is due to surface diffusion or evaporation-condensation processes. Lange suggests that the development of a non-densifying microstructure during sintering of a powder compact is caused by a de-sintering phenomenon similar to the one observed in the matrix of ceramic composites, thin films and fibers [8]. In this case, the local shrinkage is basically caused by the non-uniformity of the compact powder.
From the point of view of thermodynamics, it was proposed that during the sintering of covalent compounds, densification is prevented by a high ratio of grain-boundary to solid-vapor surface energies (gGB/gSV) [9]. High gGB/gSV ratios prevent densification, even of pores surrounded by three grains (in this situation gGB/gSV must be >). A pore surrounded by a small number of grains is thermodynamically unstable when the gGB/gSV ratio is lower than . A high gGB/gSV ratio could be related to the nature of the chemical bond, since it is often present in covalent compounds.
The main purpose of this work is to understand SnO2 sintering and to find an answer to the question: "Why is densification not observed during SnO2 sintering?"
Table I shows some of the physical characteristics of the SnO2 powder used in this work. This powder was synthesized by the polymeric precursor method using a tin citrate aqueous solution prepared from SnCl2.2H2O (Mallinckrodt Baker, USA, purity > 99.9%) and citric acid (E. Merck, Germany, purity > 99.9%). Ethylene glycol was added to the citrate solution at a mass ratio of 40:60 in relation to the citric acid to trigger a polymerization reaction. After polymerization at 120 ºC for several hours, the solid resin was treated at 400 ºC for 2 h. The resulting polymer was ground in a ball mill and calcined at 500 ºC for 4 h in air. After this step, the powder was heat treated at 400 ºC for 12 h in an air flow. An X-ray diffraction analysis of this powder showed a single SnO2 tetragonal phase.
To study the sintering process, the powder was isostatically pressed, attaining a green density of 54% of the theoretical density. The samples were then sintered both in a dilatometer with a heating rate of 10 ºC/min up to 1550 ºC (model 402E Netzsch, Germany) and in a tube furnace for an isothermal study. Both experiments were performed in air.
The grain growth measurement of the sintered pellets was accompanied by the measurement of the surface area, using the BET method. The mean grain size was estimated from the surface area using the relation:
where GBET is the mean grain size, rT the theoretical density, and SBET the surface area.
Measurements of the surface area, hysteresis curve, and pore size distribution of the sintered pellets were obtained using nitrogen adsorption/desorption analysis. The Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method, considering the desorption curves, was used to determine pore size distribution [11]. A Gaussian function was used to fit the pore size distribution curve.
The crystallite size of the sintered pellets was determined using the diffraction peaks of the (110) and (101) SnO2 planes and the Scherrer equation:
where l is the wavelength (CuKa1), q the diffraction angle, K a constant, and b the corrected half-width of the diffraction peak. In this study, the diffraction peak profile was fitted using a pseudo-Voigt function to calculate the full width at half maximum (FWHM). Only CuKa1 radiation was considered; CuKa2 radiation was subtracted via a computer software program (FIT Program, Diffract AT, Siemens, Germany). The b value was determined considering the following equation:
where B0bs is the FWHM that is related to the sample and b is the FWHM of the external standard (quartz (SiO2)).
Pore Evolution
The dilatometric results of the SnO2 pellets showed no macroscopic shrinkage up to 1550 ºC. These results suggest that no densification occurred during SnO2 sintering.
Fig. 1 shows the pore size distribution curve, determined by the BJH method, for the SnO2 pellets sintered at different temperatures. A mono-modal pore size distribution with a mean pore diameter of 15.1 nm can be observed at 500 ºC (Fig.1a). With the increased sintering temperature (Fig 1b, 1c, 1d), an increase in pore diameter is observed, as well as a modification in the shape of the pore size distribution curve. With the increased temperature, the single mode pore population shifts to a bimodal pore population, with two pore diameters appearing most frequently.
The plot in Fig. 2 shows the total pore volume (VT), measured by the BJH method as a function of the temperature. A decrease in VT is observed between 500 ºC and 600 ºC and, from 600 ºC to 900 ºC, the VT values are virtually constant. The decrease between 500 ºC and 600 ºC could be caused by a particle rearrangement, as suggested in [12] or it could be the result of localized shrinkage, since the decreased VT value did not alter the macroscopic shrinkage. The analysis given in Figs. 1 and 2 suggests that the reduction in the VT value modifies the pore size distribution curve, resulting in a bimodal pore population.
Fig. 3 shows the nitrogen adsorption/desorption curves for the SnO2 pellets sintered at 500 ºC and 800 ºC for 2 h. The analysis in Fig. 3 displays a Type II adsortion/desorption curve and Type H-1 hysteresis for both pellets. These results suggest the presence of mesopores and open porosity with a cylindrical geometry [13, 14]. It should be noted that there was no change in pore geometry during the sintering process.
Grain size and crystallite size evolution
Fig. 4 presents the variation of grain (GBET) and crystallite (GXRD) sizes in the <110> direction as a function of the temperature for the pellets sintered for 2 h. At temperatures above 500 ºC, grain sizes are always larger than crystallite sizes. However, in that temperature range, the crystallite and grain sizes are of the same order of magnitude (the GBET/GXRD ratio < 2). This suggests that grain sizes are formed by a single crystal and that no geometrical changes occur during the sintering process, but only an increase in grain size.
The constant GBET/GXRD ratio observed suggests that grain growth occurs by coalescence or by displacement of the grain boundary line toward the smaller particle [15], without densification of nanometric grain clusters. Cluster densification produces polycrystalline grains with GBET bigger than GXRD [16]. This result is an indication that the reduced pore volume observed between 500 ºC and 600 ºC is caused by rearrangements rather than by local shrinkages. Crystallite sizes measured in the <101> direction showed values similar to those measured in the <110> direction. These results indicated a non-preferential crystallite growth.
The results reported in this work indicate that no macroscopic shrinkage is observed during pure SnO2 sintering and that only pore and grain growth are observed during the heat treatment.
Table II shows the most-frequent pore diameter (dP) of the two pore size populations (dP1 for the first and dP2 for the second pore size population), with the mean grain size (GBET), and the dP/GBET ratio for the pellets sintered at different temperatures. It can be observed that the GBET is larger than dP1 and dP2, indicating that these pores are formed by primary particles. The small dP/GBET ratio suggests a small number of particles around a pore (small coordination number). The dP/GBET ratio is small even in the case of the larger pores (dP2). These results suggest that a non-densifying microstructure was not formed during the SnO2 sintering process.
Our analysis lead us to conclude that densification is prevented by thermodynamic factors, mainly the high gGB/gSV ratio. However, it is not clear why this ratio is so high in covalent compounds such as SnO2. An analysis of this ratio shows that its high values may be due to a high value for gGB or a low value for gSV or to a combination of both. It is probable that both these effects occur in covalent compounds, i.e., high gGB and low gSV .
Considering the potential energy (EP ) of the interaction between two clusters of molecules, EP is given by:
where ER is the repulsive energy and EA is the attractive energy.
In a cluster formed by covalent molecules, there are few degrees of freedom to decrease ER and to minimize EP. This behavior is due to the nature of the covalent bond. In order to form covalent bonds between the clusters, the atoms must be arranged in such a way as provide the bonds with a fixed directional relationship to each other. Based on this point of view, the interaction between two clusters of covalent compounds normally results in a high value of EP .
Considering the first law of thermodynamics:
where dE is the internal energy variation, dW is the work variation and dq is the heat variation.
In a system where dq = 0 (no heat transference), dE is given by:
By definition, g is written as:
where dA is the area variation. Based on equations (F) and (G), one can write the following relation:
Considering that DE is equal to EP, one can state that EP is proportional to gGB. Thus, in a covalent solid, the gGB will be high due to the high value of EP. The high EP value stems from the high value of ER and is related to the nature of the covalent bond. The most favorable condition for a low gGB value is a grain boundary formed by grains of the same crystallographic orientation or by a low angle grain boundary.
In addition to their high gGB value, covalent compounds may present a low gSV value due to the adsorption of impurities in the solid/vapor interface (pore). The adsorption of impurities decreases the number of broken chemical bonds, thus causing a decrease in the gSV value.
In this study it was observed that no macroscopic shrinkages occur during the pure SnO2 pellet sintering process. The microstructures developed at different sintering temperatures showed that a non-densifying microstructure was not formed. This result strongly indicates that densification is prevented by thermodynamics factors, mainly the high gGB/gSV ratio. An explanation, based on the nature of the covalent bond and the balance between the attractive and repulsive forces, was proposed to explain the high gGB/gSV ratio in covalent compounds such as SnO2.
Rec. 02/02/03
Ac. 14/03/03
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