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One of the aims of Cadernos EBAPE.BR is to publish robust research in Administration, studies that use reliable methodology and present clear and well-based conclusions. We are proud to disseminate studies based on a diversity of theoretical paradigms, promoting the debate between different currents of thought; even though our editorial line consists of Organizational Studies and Critical Theory, we advocate for the importance of the democratic debate in Brazilian academia. The majority of the studies in this issue are about improving research in Administration, working on sustainability and on Organizational Studies in general. The articles propose the definition of concepts, with higher methodological rigor and clarifying themes and specific terms. Notwithstanding, they point out a research agenda based on the analysis of articles of the field.

Thus, the article “Actor-network theory in organizational studies: analysis of scientific production in Brazil” analyzes the literature on Network Theory and suggests directions for further research; the article “Conceptual reflections on co-production of public policies and directions for future research” proposes a definition for terms and concepts related to the coproduction of public policies; the article “Self-management, solidarity economy and collectivist organizations of joint production: toward a conceptual accuracy” defines and provides a concept for the issue of self-management; the articles “Grassroots approach and resistance: upgrading the concept of sustainable development” and “Sustainability and sustainable development: unraveling overlays and scope of their meanings” propose a higher methodological and conceptual rigor in research on sustainable development and sustainability in general. The article “Buen Vivir Andino: Resistance and/or alternative to the model of hegemonic development” proposes and defines a new concept, still not well-used in research on economic development and public policy: bien vivir, which influences public management in South American countries; the article “Unconscious manifestations in the leader-follower relationship: contributions of psychoanalytic theory to organizational studies” defines concepts related to organizational psychoanalysis, also requesting for higher conceptual and methodological rigor. As for the bibliographic review, “Rethinking organizational studies: a new theory of knowledge” presents a book by Ana Paula Paes de Paula discussing research paradigms.

Because this issue of Cadernos EBAPE.BR focuses on epistemological and methodological discussion, we present another three article with themes on specific areas of knowledge: the article by Clarice Secches Kogut and Denise Fleck discuss professional management comparing it to family management in Brazilian companies in fashion retail. The other two articles “When feds and locals do not speak the same language: an analysis of dissonances in federative cooperation” and “Partnership inside Governance Spaces: the case of the Municipal Development Forum of Igarapé-Açú,Pará, Amazonia” show studies gathering concepts related to public policies and to sustainability. Therefore, sustainability, sustainable development, social justice, inclusion and self-management continue among the main themes developed by the authors we publish.

Below are the details of each of the articles.

We wish you a pleasant read!

PhD. Isabella F Freitas Gouveia de Vasconcelos

PhD. Dr. Hélio Artur Reis Irigaray

Article 1 - “Professional versus family management in Brazilian fashion retail companies: exploring value-investors’ perceptions” by Clarice Secches Kogut and Denise Fleck, discusses the advantages and shortcomings of family and professional management in Brazilian fashion retail companies, seeking to understand which of the two types of management might be better in terms of delivering long term performance and value creation to shareholders.

Article 2 - “Actor-network theory in organizational studies: analysis of scientific production in Brazil” by the authors Adonai José Lacruz, Bruno Luiz Américo and Fagner Carniel investigates studies that have adopted the paradigm of actor-network theory in organizational studies, analyzing 15 articles published in Brazilian journals considered as A2 in the national Qualis/Capes classification system for quality of academic production (quadrennium 2013-2016) in the fields of ‘​​Public Administration and Business, Accounting and Tourism’. The article proposes directions for further research based on the results of the bibliographic analysis carried out.

Article 3 - “Unconscious manifestations in the leader-follower relationship: contributions of psychoanalytic theory to organizational studies”, by Christiane Kleinubing Godoi, Fabíola Radae Gewehr Cargnin and Antonio Giovanni Gigliuolo Uchoa, aimed to understand the unconscious manifestations that transgress the leader-follower relationship in organizations. These dyads were formed by opposing dependent pairs, namely: transference-counter transference; projection-introjection; idealization-identification - Freud’s constructs and all of them unconscious phenomena. The article analyzes these phenomena and proposes conclusions in the area of Organizational Psychoanalysis.

Article 4 - “Conceptual reflections on co-production of public policies and directions for future research” by Gemael Chaebo and Janann Joslin Medeiros identifies and discusses the concepts in the literature on coproduction, which are used to outline a robust and integrated theoretical framework of this paradigm and to justify the use of this approach in the area of ​​public policies.

Article 5 - “Self-management, solidarity economy and collectivist organizations of joint production: toward a conceptual accuracy”, José Henrique de Faria, shows that conceptual precision is a crucial element in scientific activity. The article presents a theoretical essay in order to, based on the already established concept of self-management - especially in its social dimension - to distinguish it from management experiences with self-managing characteristics. In addition, the article analyzes the concept of Collectivist Organizations of Joint Production and proposes directions for research on the subject.

Article 6 - “Grassroots approach and resistance: upgrading the concept of sustainable development” the authors Augusto Marcos Carvalho de Sena , Fátima Regina Ney Matos, Rafael Fernandes de Mesquita and Diego Queiroz Machado presents a theoretical essay whose objective is to conceive alternatives to the standard concept of sustainable development, considering aspects of the grassroots approach, relevant for this purpose. The article concludes that the traditional version of sustainable development can be updated using alternative elements coming from the grassroots approach.

Article 7 - “Sustainability and sustainable development: unraveling overlays and scope of their meanings” by Alexandre André Feil and Dusan Schreiber, presents a study that aims to analyze the attributes of ‘sustainable’, ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’ in order to contribute to the axiom of the concepts. It is a qualitative, bibliographic and interpretative research designed to contribute to the clarification of these concepts in research linked to the issue of sustainability.

Article 8 - “Buen Vivir Andino: Resistance and/or alternative to the model of hegemonic development” by Klaus Pereira Silva and Ana Lúcia Guedes, problematizes the ethics of Buen Vivir as a form of resistance and/or alternative to the model of hegemonic development that has been disseminated and implemented by international organizations and corporations. After the declaration of the United Nations on the rights of indigenous people in 2007 (MAMANI, 2010), the Buen Vivir achieved official status in the Constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia and its propositions are presented and analyzed critically in this article.

Article 9 - “When feds and locals do not speak the same language: an analysis of dissonances in federative cooperation” the authors Eduardo José Grin and Fernando Luiz Abrucio discusses the problems that may appear in the federative cooperation between the central level and municipalities and generate divergence around offered programs. Empirically, we analyze the National Program of Support to Fiscal and Administrative Management of Brazilian Municipalities (PNAFM) turned to modernize municipal management because it permits to evaluate the contrasting viewings between federal agencies (Department of the Treasury (MF)/Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF)) and municipalities.

Article 10 - “Partnership inside Governance Spaces: the case of the Municipal Development Forum of Igarapé-Açú, Pará, Amazonia” by Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinho and Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira, discusses how partnership between local organisations and Government inside governance spaces affects local development. The aim is to raise some critical issues about the concept of partnership and about partnership effectively for municipal development. The research explores to what extent partnership is an effective strategy for local development in areas of historical conflict between local Government and local organisations in Pará State, Brazilian Amazonia. It focuses particularly on the municipality of Igarapé-Açú, located in north-east of Pará State.

11 - Bibliographic Review - “Rethinking organizational studies: a new theory of knowledge” is the book by Ana Paula Paes de Paula, reviewed by Bruno Eduardo Freitas Honorato, Felipe Fróes Couto and Felipe Marques Carabetti Gontjio. The review emphasizes that one of the first dilemmas faced by almost every researcher in the field of organizational studies concerns the field’s paradigmatic positioning in terms of writing and research, and, more broadly, the understanding and form of science in organizational studies. Perhaps it can be said that this is the main issue discussed by Ana Paula Paes de Paula in her work “Rethinking organizational studies: a new theory of knowledge” (2015), critically reviewed in this piece.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    July 2017
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 - sala 107, 22231-010 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel.: (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil