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Animal assisted therapy: systematic review of literature



to verify the applications of AAT in health by performing a systematic review of the literature.

Research strategy

a survey was carried out in four databases with the descriptors: animal assisted therapy, horse assisted therapy, speech therapy.

Selection criteria

article published between 2010 and 2018, in Portuguese or English, free electronic access and that mentioned the characteristics of the intervention program.

Data analysis

criteria: casuistry, area of knowledge, program characteristic, type of research, year and language of publication, nationality, periodical and impact factor.


43 articles published in 30 journals, 16 with impact factor, were reviewed. Clinical studies prevailed (93.02%), 37.20% were from Medicine, the population studied had different diagnoses and ages, 55.81% with adults / elderly. AAT was used preferentially for physical rehabilitation (67.44%) and the main mediator was the dog, mentioned in 72.09% of the articles. Eight (n = 8) programs with a focus on communication intervention were described.


There is scientific evidence on the use of AAT published in the period studied, in Brazil and in the world. The programs were used by different health and education professionals. The AAT goals were specific to the profile of the participants, and consistent with the characteristics of the mediator animal and the site.

Animal Assisted Therapy; Autistic Disorder; Equine-Assisted Therapy; Speech, Language and Hearing



Verificar evidências sobre aplicação da TAA na saúde realizando revisão sistemática da literatura.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Foi realizado levantamento em quatro bases de dados com os descritores: terapia assistida por animais (Animal Assisted Therapy), terapia assistida por cavalos (Equine-Assisted Therapy), fonoaudiologia (speech therapy).

Critérios de seleção

Artigo publicado entre 2010 e 2018, em português ou inglês, com acesso eletrônico livre e que mencionava as características do programa de intervenção.

Análise dos dados

Critérios: casuística, área do conhecimento, característica do programa, tipo de pesquisa, ano e língua de publicação, nacionalidade, periódico e fator de impacto.


43 artigos publicados em 30 periódicos, 16 com fator de impacto, foram revisados. Os estudos clínicos prevaleceram (93,02%), 37,20% eram da Medicina, a população estudada tinha diferentes diagnósticos e idades, sendo 55,81% com adultos/idosos. A TAA foi usada preferencialmente para reabilitação física (67,44%) e o principal mediador foi o cão citado em 72,09% dos artigos. Foram descritos oito (n=8) programas com foco na intervenção em comunicação.


Há evidências científicas sobre o uso da TAA publicadas no período estudado, no Brasil e no mundo. Os programas eram utilizados por diferentes profissionais da saúde e educação. As metas da TAA eram específicas para o perfil dos participantes e condizentes com as características do animal mediador e do local.

Terapia Assistida por Animais; Transtorno Autístico; Terapia Assistida por Cavalos; Fonoaudiologia


The inclusion of animals within the therapeutic environment has existed since the end of the seventeenth century. According to the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO)(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from:, the American organization responsible for analyzing human-animal interaction through practice, research and education and training of animals in their different modalities, Animal Assisted Interventions include Activity, Education and Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT).

The AAA refers to the development of entertainment, recreation, motivation to improve quality of life, while in AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy) there is a targeted intervention, performed by a health professional with clear goals and directed to develop and/or improve social, physical, emotional and cognitive aspects of the people involved(22 Kruger KA, Serpell JA. Animal-Assisted Interventions in Mental Health: Definitions and Theoretical Foundations. In: Fine AH. Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: theoretical foundations and guidelines for practice. London: Elsevier; 2006. p. 21-38.,33 Nogueira MTD, Nobre MO. Terapia assistida por animais e seus benefícios. Pubvet. 2015;9(9):414-7.

Although AAT is scientifically recognized in several countries, studies in Brazil are still restricted to some areas of health, referring in large part to physical rehabilitation(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.

5 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.

6 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.

7 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Effects of animal-assisted activity on self reported feelings of pain in hospitalized children and adolescents. Psicol Reflex Crit. 2016;29(1):43.

8 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
-99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
), which demonstrates the importance of conducting new studies in this area(33 Nogueira MTD, Nobre MO. Terapia assistida por animais e seus benefícios. Pubvet. 2015;9(9):414-7.

4 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.
-55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,1010 Pereira MJF, Pereira L, Ferreira ML. Os benefícios da Terapia Assistida por Animais: uma revisão bibliográfica. Saúde Coletiva. 2007;4(14):62-6.

11 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.

12 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.

13 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.

14 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.

15 Ko HJ, Youn CH, Kim SH, Kim SY. Effect of pet insects on the psychological health of community-dwelling elderly people. Gerontology. 2016;62(2):200-9. PMid:26383099.

16 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.

17 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.
-1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.

In order to deepen the reflection on this practice and verify the application of AAT, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, in order to summarize the existing evidence(1919 De-La-Torre-Ugarte-Guanilo MC, Takahashi RF, Bertolozzi MR. Revisão sistemática: noções gerais. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(5):1260-6. PMid:22031392.
,2020 Galvão TF, Pereira BMG. Revisões sistemáticas da literatura: passos para sua elaboração. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2014;23(1):183-4.
) about this modality in the health area.


Check existing evidence on AAT application in the health area.


Reaserch strategies

This is an exploratory descriptive research based on a synthesis and evidence method through a systematic review of the literature, whose design was based on scientific recommendations, adopting the following procedures: a) problem definition and revision proposal; b) preparation of the registration form; c) definition of research equations (descriptors and combinations) and identification of sources; d) scope of the research (type of material and period); d) inclusion and exclusion criteria; e) identification, quality assessment and selection of primary study by judges; f) data extraction, analysis and synthesis of results(1919 De-La-Torre-Ugarte-Guanilo MC, Takahashi RF, Bertolozzi MR. Revisão sistemática: noções gerais. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2011;45(5):1260-6. PMid:22031392.
,2020 Galvão TF, Pereira BMG. Revisões sistemáticas da literatura: passos para sua elaboração. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2014;23(1):183-4.

The guiding question was: “for what and how is the practice assisted by animals in the health area?”. The terms used to search for articles were selected from the list of Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), edition 2016, selecting the following: “terapia assistida por animais”, “terapia assistida por cavalos”, “fonoaudiologia”, their between-terms and their equivalents, in English: “Animal Assisted Therapy”, “Equine-Assisted Therapy”, “speech therapy”. We organized the search strategy in different ways, with the support of a librarian, considering the specificities of each database, using the logical operators OR and AND for the combination of the terms used in the search of the publications.

The electronic databases Medical Literature Library of Medicine (MedLine) (accessed by PubMed), Scopus, Latin American and Caribbean Literature (Lilacs) and Scientific Electronic Library (Scielo) were defined as source. The selection criteria were: a scientific paper published in a periodical between January 2010 and October 2018, written in Portuguese or English, full article available for free electronic access, articles that clearly answered the guiding question and mentioned the characteristics of the rehabilitation program, as a resource for intervention in the health area, excluding recreational and/or leisure use.

For the organization of the obtained data, the Mendeley® program was used as tool.

Data analysis

After searching all the databases, the identification of primary studies was performed by the title and abstract by two judges, independently, based on the selection criteria, with an agreement level of 80%. The judges answered the following question: “The articles clearly described the characteristics of the rehabilitation program as a resource for the intervention in the area of health as to the location, type of animal and rehabilitation objective (physical, cognitive, communication, educational or multimodal)?”.

All selected articles were full read for extracting data related to the following categories: I) casuistry (number of participants, age group, gender and diagnosis); II) area of knowledge; III) characteristic of the rehabilitation program in relation to 3.1) place of accomplishment; 3.2) type of animal; 3.3) rehabilitation objective (physical, cognitive, communication, educational or multimodal) and 3.4) description of results. As complementary data were identified: a) type of research, b) year of publication, c) nationality of research, d) number of articles published per year, e) language in which it was published, f) periodical/area of knowledge, g) impact factor. In order to record the data, a form has been prepared and completed. Figure 1 represents the steps of the method performed for the preparation and conclusion of the review.

Figure 1
Stages of the method performed for the preparation and conclusion of the review



2059 productions classified in the databases were identified. Of these articles, 35% (721) were cataloged in two or more databases and were excluded. There were 1338 primary articles left and 335 were not freely accessible. Thus, the title and abstract of 1070 papers were read and 535 were excluded by the selection criteria. Thus, 436 papers were selected for the evaluation of the judges and, at the end, 43 papers were analyzed (level of agreement of 80%) (Table 1).

Table 1
Reference of articles selected in the literature review


The casuistry portrayed in the studies had great diversity regarding the number, diagnosis and age group of the participants. On average, the studies reviewed were performed with 43 participants, ranging from 1 to 1960 participants, with ages ranging from 3 to 99 years, of both genders. It was found that the population studied had different diagnoses, with predominance of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (n=7)(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.

22 Lanning BA, Baier MEM, Ivey-Hatz J, Krenek N, Tubbs JD. Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(8):1897-907. PMid:24526337.

23 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.

24 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.

25 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
-2626 Tan VXL, Simmonds JG. Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018;48(3):759-69. PMid:29196865.
), Dementia (n=6)(1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.
,1616 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.
,2727 Edwards NE, Beck AM, Lim E. Influence of Aquariums on Resident Behavior and Staff Satisfaction in Dementia Units. West J Nurs Res. 2014;36(10):1309-22. PMid:24643090.

28 Nordgren L, Engström G. Animal-Assisted intervention in dementia: Effects on quality of life. Clin Nurs Res. 2014;23(1):7-19. PMid:23800890.
-2929 Swall A, Ebbeskog B, Lundh Hagelin C, Fagerberg I. Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one’s past and present life in persons with Alzheimers disease? Int J Older People Nurs. 2014;10(2):84-93. PMid:24814254.
), cancer (n=5)(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
,99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
,3030 Fleishman SB, Homel P, Chen MR, Rosenwald V, Abolencia V, Gerber J, et al. Beneficial effects of animal-assisted visits on quality of life during multimodal radiation-chemotherapy regimens. J Community Support Oncol. 2015;13(1):22-6. PMid:25839062.

31 White JH, Quinn M, Garland S, Dirkse D, Wiebe P, Hermann M, et al. Animal-Assisted therapy and counseling support for women with breast cancer: An exploration of patient’s perceptions. ICT. 2015;14(5):460-7. PMid:25897045.
-3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
), Cerebral Palsy (n=4)(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.,1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,3333 Hsieh YL, Yang CC, Sun SH, Chan SY, Wang TH, Luo HJ. Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(17):1703-13. PMid:27440177.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
), various psychiatric disorders (n=5)(1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
,3535 Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V, Marchetti L, Ferrari B, Forlani C, et al. Pet therapy in elderly patients with mental illness. Psychogeriatrics. 2011;11(2):125-9. PMid:21707862.

36 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.

37 Calvo P, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Macías C, Bowen J, Garcia ML, et al. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized controlled trial. Front Psychol. 2016;7:1-13. PMid:27199859.
-3838 Hall D. Nursing campus therapy dog: A pilot study. Teach Learn Nurs. 2018;13(4):202-6.
), pain (n=4)(66 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.
,77 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Effects of animal-assisted activity on self reported feelings of pain in hospitalized children and adolescents. Psicol Reflex Crit. 2016;29(1):43.
,3939 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.
,4040 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.
), and two (n=2) healthy participants(55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,1515 Ko HJ, Youn CH, Kim SH, Kim SY. Effect of pet insects on the psychological health of community-dwelling elderly people. Gerontology. 2016;62(2):200-9. PMid:26383099.
).A survey was conducted with hypertension(4141 Berry A, Borgi M, Terranova L, Chiarotti F, Alleva E, Cirulli F. Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: A pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2012;12(3):143-50. PMid:22994611.
), obesity(4242 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
), Stroke(4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
), and Down Syndrome(4444 Satiansukpong N, Pongsaksri M, Sasat D. Thai Elephant-Assisted therapy programme in children with down syndrome. Occup Ther Int. 2016;23(2):121-31. PMid:26728446.
). Communication disorders were specifically cited as diagnoses in three studies(1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,4545 Giuliani F, Jacquemettaz M. Animal-assisted therapy used for anxiety disorders in patients with learning disabilities: An observational study. Eur J Integr Med. 2017;14:13-9.
,4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
) (n=3).

The infant population was a sample of 19 articles (44.19% of the sample), the majority of which dealt with the use of AAT in ASD(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.

22 Lanning BA, Baier MEM, Ivey-Hatz J, Krenek N, Tubbs JD. Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(8):1897-907. PMid:24526337.

23 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.

24 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.

25 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
-2626 Tan VXL, Simmonds JG. Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018;48(3):759-69. PMid:29196865.
), Cerebral Palsy(1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,3333 Hsieh YL, Yang CC, Sun SH, Chan SY, Wang TH, Luo HJ. Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(17):1703-13. PMid:27440177.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
), and communication disorders(1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
), as well as surgical procedures(4747 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.
), cancer(99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
,3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
), pain(66 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.
,77 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Effects of animal-assisted activity on self reported feelings of pain in hospitalized children and adolescents. Psicol Reflex Crit. 2016;29(1):43.
), Down syndrome(4444 Satiansukpong N, Pongsaksri M, Sasat D. Thai Elephant-Assisted therapy programme in children with down syndrome. Occup Ther Int. 2016;23(2):121-31. PMid:26728446.
). and obesity(4242 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
). In the adult/elderly phase, the AAT was studied as a resource for physical rehabilitation (32.55%)(55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
,1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.
,2727 Edwards NE, Beck AM, Lim E. Influence of Aquariums on Resident Behavior and Staff Satisfaction in Dementia Units. West J Nurs Res. 2014;36(10):1309-22. PMid:24643090.
,3030 Fleishman SB, Homel P, Chen MR, Rosenwald V, Abolencia V, Gerber J, et al. Beneficial effects of animal-assisted visits on quality of life during multimodal radiation-chemotherapy regimens. J Community Support Oncol. 2015;13(1):22-6. PMid:25839062.
,3838 Hall D. Nursing campus therapy dog: A pilot study. Teach Learn Nurs. 2018;13(4):202-6.

39 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.

40 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.
-4141 Berry A, Borgi M, Terranova L, Chiarotti F, Alleva E, Cirulli F. Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: A pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2012;12(3):143-50. PMid:22994611.
,4545 Giuliani F, Jacquemettaz M. Animal-assisted therapy used for anxiety disorders in patients with learning disabilities: An observational study. Eur J Integr Med. 2017;14:13-9.
,4848 Binfet JT, Passmore HA, Cebry A, Struik K, McKay C. Reducing university students’ stress through a drop-in canine-therapy program. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):197-204. PMid:29265945.
,4949 Wood E, Ohlsen S, Thompson J, Hulin J, Knowles L. The feasibility of brief dog-assisted therapy on university students stress levels: the PAwS Study. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):263-8. PMid:28984144.

These findings reinforced that AAT can be indicated for intervention with different objectives, among them, intervention in physical, cognitive, communication and emotional aspects for different populations. Eight (n=8) programs with intervention in communication purposes were described(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
,1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.
,2323 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.
,2424 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.
,4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
,4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
). However, it was found that most publications focused on physical intervention (n=29).

Interventions using AAT were performed in most publications in institutions for the elderly(55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.
,1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
,2828 Nordgren L, Engström G. Animal-Assisted intervention in dementia: Effects on quality of life. Clin Nurs Res. 2014;23(1):7-19. PMid:23800890.
,2929 Swall A, Ebbeskog B, Lundh Hagelin C, Fagerberg I. Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one’s past and present life in persons with Alzheimers disease? Int J Older People Nurs. 2014;10(2):84-93. PMid:24814254.
,3535 Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V, Marchetti L, Ferrari B, Forlani C, et al. Pet therapy in elderly patients with mental illness. Psychogeriatrics. 2011;11(2):125-9. PMid:21707862.
,4141 Berry A, Borgi M, Terranova L, Chiarotti F, Alleva E, Cirulli F. Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: A pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2012;12(3):143-50. PMid:22994611.
) and hospital services(66 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.

7 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Effects of animal-assisted activity on self reported feelings of pain in hospitalized children and adolescents. Psicol Reflex Crit. 2016;29(1):43.

8 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
-99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
,3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
,3636 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.
,3737 Calvo P, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Macías C, Bowen J, Garcia ML, et al. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized controlled trial. Front Psychol. 2016;7:1-13. PMid:27199859.
,3939 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.
,4545 Giuliani F, Jacquemettaz M. Animal-assisted therapy used for anxiety disorders in patients with learning disabilities: An observational study. Eur J Integr Med. 2017;14:13-9.
,4747 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.
). It was verified that only five (n=5) works were developed in specific centers for the practice, such as riding center and/or equine therapy(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
,2323 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.

24 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.
-2525 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
). The other places were clinics, rehabilitation centers and classrooms. The AAT can be adopted and practiced in different health and even educational settings, since they go beyond the use of large animals, such as the horse, as mediator. Using the animal can also be interesting in the educational context, as the work carried out in the classroom of elementary education(1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.
) and university education(4848 Binfet JT, Passmore HA, Cebry A, Struik K, McKay C. Reducing university students’ stress through a drop-in canine-therapy program. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):197-204. PMid:29265945.
,4949 Wood E, Ohlsen S, Thompson J, Hulin J, Knowles L. The feasibility of brief dog-assisted therapy on university students stress levels: the PAwS Study. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):263-8. PMid:28984144.
) pointed out. And, at the university level, it also contributed to reduce student stress(4848 Binfet JT, Passmore HA, Cebry A, Struik K, McKay C. Reducing university students’ stress through a drop-in canine-therapy program. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):197-204. PMid:29265945.
,4949 Wood E, Ohlsen S, Thompson J, Hulin J, Knowles L. The feasibility of brief dog-assisted therapy on university students stress levels: the PAwS Study. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):263-8. PMid:28984144.

The reviewed articles cited as mediators the dog, horse, elephant, association between dog and cat, insect (cricket), fish (aquarium) and guinea pig, and in 72.09% (n=31) (Chart 1) the dog participated in the AAT, followed by horse with 18.60% (n=8). Evidence of different positive effects of mediation with dogs(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.

5 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.

6 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.

7 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Effects of animal-assisted activity on self reported feelings of pain in hospitalized children and adolescents. Psicol Reflex Crit. 2016;29(1):43.

8 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
-99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
,1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.
,1616 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.

17 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.
-1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.
,2525 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
,2828 Nordgren L, Engström G. Animal-Assisted intervention in dementia: Effects on quality of life. Clin Nurs Res. 2014;23(1):7-19. PMid:23800890.

29 Swall A, Ebbeskog B, Lundh Hagelin C, Fagerberg I. Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one’s past and present life in persons with Alzheimers disease? Int J Older People Nurs. 2014;10(2):84-93. PMid:24814254.

30 Fleishman SB, Homel P, Chen MR, Rosenwald V, Abolencia V, Gerber J, et al. Beneficial effects of animal-assisted visits on quality of life during multimodal radiation-chemotherapy regimens. J Community Support Oncol. 2015;13(1):22-6. PMid:25839062.

31 White JH, Quinn M, Garland S, Dirkse D, Wiebe P, Hermann M, et al. Animal-Assisted therapy and counseling support for women with breast cancer: An exploration of patient’s perceptions. ICT. 2015;14(5):460-7. PMid:25897045.
-3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
,3535 Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V, Marchetti L, Ferrari B, Forlani C, et al. Pet therapy in elderly patients with mental illness. Psychogeriatrics. 2011;11(2):125-9. PMid:21707862.

36 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.

37 Calvo P, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Macías C, Bowen J, Garcia ML, et al. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized controlled trial. Front Psychol. 2016;7:1-13. PMid:27199859.

38 Hall D. Nursing campus therapy dog: A pilot study. Teach Learn Nurs. 2018;13(4):202-6.

39 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.

40 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.

41 Berry A, Borgi M, Terranova L, Chiarotti F, Alleva E, Cirulli F. Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: A pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2012;12(3):143-50. PMid:22994611.

42 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
-4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
,4545 Giuliani F, Jacquemettaz M. Animal-assisted therapy used for anxiety disorders in patients with learning disabilities: An observational study. Eur J Integr Med. 2017;14:13-9.

46 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.

47 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.

48 Binfet JT, Passmore HA, Cebry A, Struik K, McKay C. Reducing university students’ stress through a drop-in canine-therapy program. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):197-204. PMid:29265945.
-4949 Wood E, Ohlsen S, Thompson J, Hulin J, Knowles L. The feasibility of brief dog-assisted therapy on university students stress levels: the PAwS Study. J Ment Health. 2018;27(3):263-8. PMid:28984144.
) was attributed to the characteristics of this animal, such as: ability to be domesticated (hierarchical nature), ease of feeding and reproduction(5050 Ribeiro, AFA. Cães domesticados e os benefícios da interação. Rev Bras Direito Animal. 2011;8:249-262.), size, natural affection for people and responding quickly and positively to the touch, facilitating their training and their acceptance(5151 Jofré LM. Visita terapéutica de mascotas en hospitales. Rev Chilena Infectol. 2005;22(3):257-63. PMid:16077894.
). Domestic dogs are exceptionally qualified for the social and communicative behavior of human beings(5252 Hare B, Tomasello M. Human-like social skills in dogs? Trends Cogn Sci. 2005;9(9):439-44. PMid:16061417.
), since they foster feelings such as trust, loyalty and respect, which can benefit social, psychological and physiological aspects for both, based mainly on emotion(5050 Ribeiro, AFA. Cães domesticados e os benefícios da interação. Rev Bras Direito Animal. 2011;8:249-262.). It brings emotional benefits to people of different age groups, social classes and health conditions, such as improving the quality of life of the visually impaired in the case of the guide dog(5353 Anderlini GPOS. Cão-guia, muito mais do que uma companhia: Uma profissão. Revista CFMV. 2009;15(47):8-12.).

Chart 1
Characteristics of Rehabilitation Programs

The AAT using dogs or cynotherapy is based on sensitivity, concentration and socialization(5050 Ribeiro, AFA. Cães domesticados e os benefícios da interação. Rev Bras Direito Animal. 2011;8:249-262.). It can be developed and used as a public health support tool to aid in the rehabilitation process of children(1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
) and institutionalized elderly with potential to improve living conditions and overcoming the general state of inactivity(4141 Berry A, Borgi M, Terranova L, Chiarotti F, Alleva E, Cirulli F. Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: A pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2012;12(3):143-50. PMid:22994611.
). In addition to providing innovative and useful complementary therapy, such as in children undergoing surgical procedures(4747 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.
) and in patients with fibromyalgia in outpatient clinics(3939 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.
,4040 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.
), it can significantly improve the emotional distress of family members and friends who accompany patients visits and outpatient clinic staff(3939 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.
). Its effects on neurological, cardiovascular and endocrine responses to stress and pain in the immediate postoperative period in children submitted to surgical procedures found that, after the dog's entrance, the fastest beta activity of the diffuse electroencephalogram was obtained in all the children of the AAT group and lower pain perception in relation to the control group. Therapy dogs facilitated rapid recovery of surveillance and activity following anesthesia, modifying pain perception, inducing a pre-frontal emotional response and adaptive cardiovascular response(4747 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.

The individual and social benefits obtained by the AAT with dogs can contribute to preventive, improvement and development aspects of children with various types of deficiencies(1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
), may be due to the feeling of security, permanence and immutability that the dog makes possible, acting as a connection between the inanimate world and the real world(5050 Ribeiro, AFA. Cães domesticados e os benefícios da interação. Rev Bras Direito Animal. 2011;8:249-262.). It is a plausible possibility, recognized by parents and nurses, to associate it with traditional therapeutics in the hospital environment, aiming at the well-being of children and adolescents with cancer(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
). Significant effect was evidenced in a comparative study between patients with psychiatric disorders aged between 11 and 17 years and their controls. After the application of the standard therapeutic protocol, there was a statistically significant improvement in overall functioning and school attendance in the group that participated in the AAT(3636 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.

The incorporation of dogs into programs for overweight children in outpatient training helped motivate them to perform physical exercises and promote sustainable lifestyle changes(4242 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
). They contributed to a greater independence in the execution of activities of daily living, such as posture changes, incitement to approach and the exchange of affections of an adolescent with cerebral palsy with their relatives and close associates(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.) and were promising in improving motor skills of children with developmental dysphasia(4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.

In elderly patients with Alzheimer's, interventions using dogs have confirmed to be applicable and effective to stimulate cognition and improve mood(1616 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.
). And they benefited a patient with stroke, compared to the modalities of regular therapy, being verified the reduction of stress and the distraction of their aphasia(4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
). They have been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of depression in institutionalized elderly, indicating promising results in the perception of the disease schedule and treatment control(1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
) and significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in adults aged from 21 to 56 years, students of nursing(3838 Hall D. Nursing campus therapy dog: A pilot study. Teach Learn Nurs. 2018;13(4):202-6.

The horse, the second most used animal (18.60%), was mentioned as a mediator for the treatment of ASD, also showing positive effects(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
,2222 Lanning BA, Baier MEM, Ivey-Hatz J, Krenek N, Tubbs JD. Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(8):1897-907. PMid:24526337.

23 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.

24 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.

25 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
-2626 Tan VXL, Simmonds JG. Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018;48(3):759-69. PMid:29196865.
) on communicative ability, social interaction, measures of irritability and hyperactivity, executive functioning and sensory and Cerebral Palsy processing in children(3333 Hsieh YL, Yang CC, Sun SH, Chan SY, Wang TH, Luo HJ. Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(17):1703-13. PMid:27440177.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
) and as a strategy for physical rehabilitation. It also showed beneficial effects on functions, activities and body perception(3333 Hsieh YL, Yang CC, Sun SH, Chan SY, Wang TH, Luo HJ. Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(17):1703-13. PMid:27440177.
) and statistically significant changes in spasticity of hip adductors in the short term(3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.

The results of this review showed a great diversity in the objectives of the programs. Most of the articles discussed the use of AAT as a strategy of physical rehabilitation(2929 Swall A, Ebbeskog B, Lundh Hagelin C, Fagerberg I. Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one’s past and present life in persons with Alzheimers disease? Int J Older People Nurs. 2014;10(2):84-93. PMid:24814254.
), followed by cognitive(1010 Pereira MJF, Pereira L, Ferreira ML. Os benefícios da Terapia Assistida por Animais: uma revisão bibliográfica. Saúde Coletiva. 2007;4(14):62-6.), communication(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
), emotional(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.), and educational(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from: Nine (20.93%) studies mentioned multimodal intervention(1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
,2323 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.
,2727 Edwards NE, Beck AM, Lim E. Influence of Aquariums on Resident Behavior and Staff Satisfaction in Dementia Units. West J Nurs Res. 2014;36(10):1309-22. PMid:24643090.
,3030 Fleishman SB, Homel P, Chen MR, Rosenwald V, Abolencia V, Gerber J, et al. Beneficial effects of animal-assisted visits on quality of life during multimodal radiation-chemotherapy regimens. J Community Support Oncol. 2015;13(1):22-6. PMid:25839062.
,4040 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.
,4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
), of which six used physical intervention.

Regarding intervention in the communication area, it was observed that AAT was applied to cases of ASD(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.), stroke(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from:, learning delay(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from:, depression and anxiety(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from:, and developmental dysphasia(11 IAHAIO: International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations [Internet]. Triennial International Conference: Humans and Animals: the inevitable bond. Chicago: IAHAIO; 2013 [cited 2018 fev 5] Available from:

Data on the characteristics of rehabilitation programs are presented in Chart 1.

Three (6.97%) studies mentioned interprofessional intervention(2626 Tan VXL, Simmonds JG. Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018;48(3):759-69. PMid:29196865.
,3535 Moretti F, De Ronchi D, Bernabei V, Marchetti L, Ferrari B, Forlani C, et al. Pet therapy in elderly patients with mental illness. Psychogeriatrics. 2011;11(2):125-9. PMid:21707862.
,4242 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
), but, despite its interdisciplinary nature, AAT is still restricted in some cases to particular initiatives(55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
) of some professionals, who have aptitude and easy access to animals, and some entities. It was observed (Chart 2) that most of the productions were Medicine (n=16, 37.20%), 16.27% (n=7) were Speech Therapists, of which 13.95% were specific to this area.

Chart 2
Characteristics of the primary studies

As to the type of study (Chart 2), 93.02% were clinical studies (n=40) and 6.97%, case studies (n=3), of which 17 used the control group(1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.

15 Ko HJ, Youn CH, Kim SH, Kim SY. Effect of pet insects on the psychological health of community-dwelling elderly people. Gerontology. 2016;62(2):200-9. PMid:26383099.
-1616 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.
,2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.
,2222 Lanning BA, Baier MEM, Ivey-Hatz J, Krenek N, Tubbs JD. Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(8):1897-907. PMid:24526337.
,2424 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.
,2525 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
,3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
,3636 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.
,3737 Calvo P, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Macías C, Bowen J, Garcia ML, et al. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized controlled trial. Front Psychol. 2016;7:1-13. PMid:27199859.
,3939 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Pain Med. 2012;13(1):45-57. PMid:22233395.
,4040 Marcus DA, Bernstein CD, Constantin JM, Kunkel FA, Breuer P, Hanlon RB. Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Outpatients with Fibromyalgia. Pain Med. 2013;14(1):43-51. PMid:23170993.
,4242 Wohlfarth R, Mutschler B, Beetz A, Kreuser F, Korsten-Reck U. Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Front Psychol. 2013;4:1-7. PMid:24194726.
,4444 Satiansukpong N, Pongsaksri M, Sasat D. Thai Elephant-Assisted therapy programme in children with down syndrome. Occup Ther Int. 2016;23(2):121-31. PMid:26728446.
,4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
,4747 Calcaterra V, Veggiotti P, Palestrini C, De Giorgis V, Raschetti R, Tumminelli M, et al. Post-operative benefits of animal-assisted therapy in pediatric surgery: A randomised study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):1-13. PMid:26039494.
), making it possible to compare the results obtained statistically, and three were case studies(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.,1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.,4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
). The highest percentage of publications occurred between 2014 and 2018 (83.72%), with seven articles published in 2014, seven in 2015, eleven in 2016, two in 2017 and nine in 2018, there was a gradual increase of publications between 2011 and 2018, with 20.93% published in 2018, which contributes to the scientific basis of the AAT, with the publication of the different methods and their results. After this review, it can be verified that the positive effects were attested in groups of people with Mental Disorders(1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.
,1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,1414 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.
,2727 Edwards NE, Beck AM, Lim E. Influence of Aquariums on Resident Behavior and Staff Satisfaction in Dementia Units. West J Nurs Res. 2014;36(10):1309-22. PMid:24643090.
,2828 Nordgren L, Engström G. Animal-Assisted intervention in dementia: Effects on quality of life. Clin Nurs Res. 2014;23(1):7-19. PMid:23800890.
,3636 Stefanini MC, Martino A, Allori P, Galeotti F, Tani F. The use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in adolescents with acute mental disorders: A randomized controlled study. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21(1):42-6. PMid:25701449.
,3737 Calvo P, Fortuny JR, Guzmán S, Macías C, Bowen J, Garcia ML, et al. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) program as a useful adjunct to conventional psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia: results of a small-scale randomized controlled trial. Front Psychol. 2016;7:1-13. PMid:27199859.
), ASD(2121 O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, McCune S, Slaughter V. Effects of classroom animal-assisted activities on social functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med. 2014;20(3):162-8. PMid:24156772.

22 Lanning BA, Baier MEM, Ivey-Hatz J, Krenek N, Tubbs JD. Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(8):1897-907. PMid:24526337.

23 Holm MB, Baird JM, Kim YJ, Rajora KB, D’Silva D, Podolinsky L, et al. Therapeutic horseback riding outcomes of parent-identified goals for children with autism spectrum disorder: An ABA multiple case design examining dosing and generalization to the home and community. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014;44(4):937-47. PMid:24091469.

24 Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew J, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized controlled trial of therapeutic horseback riding in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(7):541-9. PMid:26088658.

25 Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, et al. Effectiveness of a standardized equine-assisted therapy program for children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2016;46(1):1-9. PMid:26210515.
-2626 Tan VXL, Simmonds JG. Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018;48(3):759-69. PMid:29196865.
), Cancer(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
,99 Silva NB, Osório FL. Impact of an animal-assisted therapy programme on physiological and psychosocial variables of pediatric oncology patients. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):1-15.
,3030 Fleishman SB, Homel P, Chen MR, Rosenwald V, Abolencia V, Gerber J, et al. Beneficial effects of animal-assisted visits on quality of life during multimodal radiation-chemotherapy regimens. J Community Support Oncol. 2015;13(1):22-6. PMid:25839062.

31 White JH, Quinn M, Garland S, Dirkse D, Wiebe P, Hermann M, et al. Animal-Assisted therapy and counseling support for women with breast cancer: An exploration of patient’s perceptions. ICT. 2015;14(5):460-7. PMid:25897045.
-3232 McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, et al. Measuring the effects of an animal- assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2018;35(3):159-77. PMid:29268667.
), Cerebral Palsy(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.,1313 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.
,3333 Hsieh YL, Yang CC, Sun SH, Chan SY, Wang TH, Luo HJ. Effects of hippotherapy on body functions, activities and participation in children with cerebral palsy based on ICF-CY assessments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(17):1703-13. PMid:27440177.
,3434 Lucena-Antón D, Rosety-Rodríguez I, Moral-Munoz JA. Effects of a hippotherapy intervention on muscle spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;31:188-92. PMid:29705454.
), Alzheimer's(1616 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.
,2929 Swall A, Ebbeskog B, Lundh Hagelin C, Fagerberg I. Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one’s past and present life in persons with Alzheimers disease? Int J Older People Nurs. 2014;10(2):84-93. PMid:24814254.
), Down Syndrome(4444 Satiansukpong N, Pongsaksri M, Sasat D. Thai Elephant-Assisted therapy programme in children with down syndrome. Occup Ther Int. 2016;23(2):121-31. PMid:26728446.
) and Stroke(4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
), among others.

The United States of America published 27.90% (n=12), Brazilian researchers produced seven articles in the period (16.27%) and in Italy, 16.27% were produced. It is also necessary to publish national clinical evidence, since seven studies (16.27%), among 43 articles reviewed, were conducted in Brazil, of which four studies (9.30%) were published in Brazilian Portuguese and the other in English, confirming other findings(33 Nogueira MTD, Nobre MO. Terapia assistida por animais e seus benefícios. Pubvet. 2015;9(9):414-7.
,66 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.
). It can be assumed that internationally there is the scientific recognition of AAT as a rehabilitation strategy. This assertion is based on the number of international publications (39 studies) and impact factor of journals.

The articles were published in 30 journals and 16 had an impact factor in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) 2016. In seven of these journals (Psychogeriatrics, Journal Autism Dev Disord, Frontiers in Psychology, Pain Medicine, American Journal of Alzheimer's disease & Other Dementias, PlosOne and Journal of Mental Health), with an impact factor between 1,693 and 3,332 (Chart 2), there was more than one published article. From the different ways to evaluate a scientific journal, the impact factor of the publications is what presents notoriety and prioritization by the development agencies(5454 Marziale MHP, Mendes IAC. O fator de impactos das publicações científicas. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem. 2002;10(4):466-7.
). Its value is obtained by dividing the total number of citations of the articles, accumulated in the last two years, by the cumulative total of articles published by the journal in said period(5454 Marziale MHP, Mendes IAC. O fator de impactos das publicações científicas. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem. 2002;10(4):466-7.

Regarding the technical term, was observed the use of animal therapy, AAT, AAA and ET as synonyms for AAT. It is important that there is a consensus among the researchers about the theoretical basis for their work and/or research, because, in addition to bringing scientific credibility, it contributes to the reapplication of the method in other researches.

The main characteristics of the studies included in this review regarding authors, year of publication, original language, country of origin, periodical, impact factor, professional area of knowledge and type of study are shown in Chart 2.

This review has shown, therefore, that AAT can provide therapeutic efficacy, since animal involvement brings biopsychosocial benefits in all age groups(5555 Fischer ML, Amorim Zanatta A, Rezende Adami E. Um olhar da bioética para a zooterapia. Rev. Latinoam. Bioet. 2016;16(1):174-97.), extending over the life of patients(4343 Burres S, Edwards NE, Beck AM, Richards E. Incorporating Pets into Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Case Study. Rehabil Nurs. 2016;41(6):336-41. PMid:26956570.
), but little knowledge about the use of this practice was pointed out as a detrimental factor to the incorporation of AAT into the clinical routine(55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
), mainly with animal management(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.
), and additional research is required(44 Porto JR, Quatrin LB. Efeito da Terapia Assistida por Animais nos aspectos motores e interação socioafetiva de um adolescente com paralisia cerebral: um estudo de caso. Cons. Saúde. 2014;13(4):625-32.,55 Cechetti F, Pagnussat AS, Marin KE, Bertuol P, Todero FZ, Ballardim SAO. Terapia assistida por animais como recurso fisioterapêutico para idosos institucionalizados. Sci Med. 2016;26(3):1-6.
,1111 Nordgren L, Engström G. Effects of animal-assisted therapy on behavioral and/or psychological symptoms in dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012;27(8):625-32. PMid:23100630.

12 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.

13 Elmaci DT, Cevizci S. Dog-Assisted therapies and activities in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and physical and mental disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(5):5046-60. PMid:25985307.

14 Friedmann E, Galik E, Thomas SA, Hall S, Chung SY, McCune S. Evaluation of a pet-assisted living intervention for improving functional status in assisted living residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2015;30(3):276-89. PMid:25118333.

15 Ko HJ, Youn CH, Kim SH, Kim SY. Effect of pet insects on the psychological health of community-dwelling elderly people. Gerontology. 2016;62(2):200-9. PMid:26383099.

16 Menna LF, Santaniello A, Gerardi F, Di Maggio A, Milan G. Evaluation of the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy based on the reality orientation therapy protocol in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics. 2016;16(4):240-6. PMid:26370064.

17 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.
-1818 Ambrosi C, Zaiontz C, Peragine G, Sarchi S, Bona F. Randomized controlled study on the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on depression, anxiety, and illness perception in institutionalized elderly. Psychogeriatrics. 2018;18(6). PMid:30221438.
). In therapeutic riding, for example, future studies should investigate reports of families, teachers and instructors and standardized measures of child behavior, as well as compare the results with other alternative leisure interventions, such as other forms of AAT(1212 Ward SC, Whalon K, Rusnak K, Wendell K, Paschall N. The association between therapeutic horseback riding and the social communication and sensory reactions of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013;43(9):2190-8. PMid:23371511.
). The positive effects of AAA evidenced in communication and social interaction of a child with complaints of aggression, hyperactivity, frequent behavior of isolation, fights and refusal to participate in group activities, using a dog as a mediator, also suggests the relevance of research that analyze their effectiveness in the school environment(1717 Oliveira GR, Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal Assisted Activity: effects in communication and interpersonal relations inside the school environment. Distúrb Comun. 2016;28(4):759-63.). But it is also necessary to consider access and care with the animal and the technical preparation of the professional as a limiting factor of the practice, in addition to issues related to its regulation in Brazil. Several countries already have legislation on animal-assisted intervention or specific legislation on the use of assisted intervention dogs or animals (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Spain, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, among others)(5656 Cunha JSF, Zanoni E. Ensaios de uma cosmovisão teleológica para elaboração de uma legislação específica da TAA (Terapia Assistida por Animais). RJLB. 2017;3(6):1287-319.), which could justify the findings obtained in this review. In Brazil, to date, the use of animals in assisted intervention has been regulated exclusively in relation to the guide dog (Law no. 11,126, of June 27, 2005) and is in progress in the Federal Chamber, Bill No. 5,083, of 2016, which provides for the IAA and the use of assisted intervention animals. AAT researchers understand the Brazilian Law on Inclusion of People with Disabilities (Law No. 13,146, of 2015), in which assistive technology or technical assistance aims to promote the functionality of the activity and participation of people with disabilities or reduced mobility for autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion, as being regulating, even though AAT latere(5656 Cunha JSF, Zanoni E. Ensaios de uma cosmovisão teleológica para elaboração de uma legislação específica da TAA (Terapia Assistida por Animais). RJLB. 2017;3(6):1287-319.). Therefore, public hearings are required in Federal and Municipal Chambers, Legislative Assemblies and Courts, involving the Federal and State Councils to better delineate the attributions of health professionals (physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and veterinarians) and should be considered animal welfare and health and safety criteria(5656 Cunha JSF, Zanoni E. Ensaios de uma cosmovisão teleológica para elaboração de uma legislação específica da TAA (Terapia Assistida por Animais). RJLB. 2017;3(6):1287-319.), since the animal should not only be seen as a tool(5555 Fischer ML, Amorim Zanatta A, Rezende Adami E. Um olhar da bioética para a zooterapia. Rev. Latinoam. Bioet. 2016;16(1):174-97.), but ethical aspects and animal welfare should be considered(5050 Ribeiro, AFA. Cães domesticados e os benefícios da interação. Rev Bras Direito Animal. 2011;8:249-262.). Hence, there is a need for standardization, intermediation and follow-up of a Bioethics committee for issues related to institutions, professionals, patients and animals. The variables should be weighed and strategies developed that result in the patient's and the animal physical and mental well-being(5555 Fischer ML, Amorim Zanatta A, Rezende Adami E. Um olhar da bioética para a zooterapia. Rev. Latinoam. Bioet. 2016;16(1):174-97.).

There is still a lack of knowledge both of health professionals and families about this practice and, although they recognize it as beneficial, they do not know the true therapeutic objective and its applications. In addition, there are many doubts and fears related to AAT, especially in children with cancer, due to the state of immunosuppression that favors the appearance of opportunistic infections(88 Moreira RL, Gubert FA, Sabino LMM, Benevides JL, Tomé MABG, Martins MC, et al. Terapia assistida com cães em pediatria oncológica: percepção de pais e enfermeiros. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016;69(6):1188-94. PMid:27925097.

Ergo, it is necessary to expand the number of studies in Brazil that scientifically describe the use of AAT in different settings(33 Nogueira MTD, Nobre MO. Terapia assistida por animais e seus benefícios. Pubvet. 2015;9(9):414-7.
), involving different pathologies(66 Ichitani T, Cunha MC. Animal-assisted activity and pain sensation in hospitalized children and adolescents. Rev Dor. 2016;17(4):270-3.
), such as facial paralysis, Parkinson's disease, among others(4646 Machová K, Kejdanová P, Bajtlerová I, Bajtlerová R, Svobodová I, Mezian K. Canine-assisted Speech Therapy for Children with Communication Impairments: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anthrozoos. 2018;31(5):587-98.
), to improve it as a complementary method in the different health areas.


There was a great diversity in the practice of AAT, performed by several professionals in the areas of health and education, mostly in the medical field, but few programs used interprofessional intervention. Different animals were used as mediators of the therapeutic intervention, predominating the dog for the different diagnoses, while the horse, specifically for the ASD. The programs were carried out in different health and education settings, with different populations regarding the number of participants, age group, gender and diagnosis (with and without comorbidities), with a predominance of physical rehabilitation followed by cognitive, communication, emotional and educational rehabilitation and multimodal intervention, with positive effects in different genders and age groups, extending from pre-school age to senility.

  • Study conducted at Departamento de Ciências da Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto – FMRP, Universidade de São Paulo – USP - Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brasil.
  • Financial support: nothing to declare.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 June 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    18 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    29 Nov 2018
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