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INTERSECTIONALITY: A THEORETICAL EXERCISE BASED ON AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH1 1 This essay results from my participation in a panel discussion entitled “Interseccionalidade e Educação: desafios teóricos e metodológicos” (Intersectionality and Education: theoretical and methodological challenges), which took place during the 39th National Meeting of Anped in October 2019, alongside Patricia Hill Collins and Helena Hirata. I wish to thank Maria Carla Corrochano for the invitation, and Luciana Alves and Cinthia Torres Toledo for reading the manuscript and making comments and suggestions.


In this essay I propose to bring back an approach to intersectionality that is not restricted to the dimension of individual identity, but also includes the symbolic and structural dimensions of society. The article starts with a presentation of the use of the concept of gender and of its articulation with class structure in a qualitative empirical research about the work of elementary school teachers. Next, possible articulations with racial inequality are discussed, and then I conclude by suggesting a few themes linked to school education that might benefit from an intersectional approach of this type.


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