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Adversities stimulating advances


We have been facing a banking system vaccinated through the years of hyperinflation and other economic problems. There has been a need for several regulations in order to control social problems caused by the uncontrolled rise of prices. It was precisely this high immunity, considered by many as a disproportional and damaging intervention of the State on economy, which had prevented us from the bank negative exposure that other countries had faced during the world economic crisis.

Our health system-widely criticized and, indeed, yet so destitute-has an abundance of positive examples for developed countries. The assistance we provide to people with HIV is an international model of excellence. Generic drugs have made medical treatment more accessible to the entire population. In addition, we have the largest world public system of oral health, although still not the best. The specialized dental clinics (CEOs) freely offer specialized treatments to several Brazilian cities. The small town known as 'Brejo da Madre de Deus', located in the arid and remote interior of Pernambuco state, is proud of displaying an outdoor at the entrance of the city with the following headlines: 'first Brazilian city to offer Orthodontics through the Unique National Health System'.

Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics is itself an example of how adversities have become a fuel for advancement. At the time this magazine was launched, its modest aim was to be a vehicle for knowledge dissemination for many Brazilian orthodontists who were not able to read in English. All articles of the initial editions were legal translations of papers published in international journals, and their distribution was free for specialists in Orthodontics. The seriousness of their purpose, the correct actions, and the quality of the people involved in this project have made the embryo to turn into an important publication for the orthodontic community. While the magazine was been developed, it encouraged Brazilian researchers to present their study, as well as it contributed to the improvement of Orthodontics in Brazil, which is currently among the world's most productive ones.

Paradoxically, the development of the Journal led it to a reverse path from its origin. It was originally born to translate articles written by foreign authors to Brazilian readers, but it is from this edition on to be officially published in English in order to provide foreign readers with information produced in Brazil. In addition, studies carried out in other countries will be more intensely published.

This modification will not eliminate the Portuguese version, since our original mission will not be forgotten. Two magazines with the same content will be edited: the official one in English, and the other in Portuguese.

The examples above are fruits of meritocratic environment prevalence. They show that the pressures caused by selection make us think, innovate and develop. I wish you to have a pleasant reading. A better future is only built with information.

Jorge Faber


  • Adversities stimulating advances

    The economic crisis is over. At least that's what we observe when analyzing different indexes, that is, industry, Bovespa activity, and unemployment. The course and submission of the crisis have instilled a feeling that we would only sporadically experience: we have really been living in a great country. And at this time it is not the country of the future, but the present one. We have found that several of our recognized weaknesses, were, in fact, our greatest force. This is what this editorial refers to: how adversities stimulate advances.
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      03 May 2010
    • Date of issue
      Feb 2010
    Dental Press International Av. Luís Teixeira Mendes, 2712 , 87015-001 - Maringá - PR, Tel: (55 44) 3033-9818 - Maringá - PR - Brazil