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The last bus


The last bus

Mark Strand

It is dark.

A slight rain

dampens the streets.

Nothing moves

in Lota's park.

The palms hang

over the matted grass,

and the voluminous bushes,

bundled in sheets,

billow beside the walks.

The world is out of reach.

The ghosts of bathers rise

slowly out of the surf and turn

high in the spray.

They walk on the beach

and their eyes burn

like stars.

And Rio sleeps:

the sea is a dream

in which it dies and is reborn.

The bus speeds.

A violet cloud

unravels in its wake.

My legs begin to shake.

My lungs fill up with steam.

Sweat covers my face

and falls to my chest.

My neck and shoulders ache.

Not even sure

that I am awake,

I grip the hot

edge of the seat.

The driver smiles.

His pants are rolled above his knees

and his bare calves

gleam in the heat.

A woman tries to comfort me.

She puts her hand under my shirt

and writes the names of flowers

on my back.

Her skirt is black.

She has a tiny skull

and crossbones on each knee.

There is a garden in her eyes

where rows of dull,

white tombstones crowd the air

and people stand,

waving goodbye.

I have the feeling I am there.

She whispers through her teeth

and puts her lips

against my cheek.

The driver turns.

His eyes are closed

and he is combing back his hair.

He tells me to be brave.

I feel my heartbeat

growing fainter as he speaks.

The woman kisses me again.

Her jaw creaks

and her breath clings

to my neck like mist.

I turn to the window's

cracked pane

streaked with rain.

Where have I been?

I look toward Rio –

nothing is the same.

The Christ who stood

in a pool of electric light

high on his hill

is out of sight.

And the bay is black.

And the black city

sinks into its grave.

And I shall never come back.

Rio de Janeiro, 1966

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 June 2005
  • Date of issue
    Aug 1997
Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo Rua da Reitoria,109 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel: (55 11) 3091-1675/3091-1676, Fax: (55 11) 3091-4306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil