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The aduditory perception of the paralanguage of the patient after subtotal thyroidectomy: education and research in nursing

Percepção Auditiva; Comunicação; Tireoidectomia; Pesquisa em Enfermagem; Educação em Enfermagem


The aduditory perception of the paralanguage of the patient after subtotal thyroidectomy: education and research in nursing

Aline da Costa MarinsI; Sílvia Teresa Carvalho de AraújoII

IEscola de Enfermagem Anna Nery da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. e-mail:

IICo-ordinator and supervisor of the Project. Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

When delineating the object of inquiry through scientific initiation scholarship, with financing of the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation of Support to the Research of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), we had already adopted as correct the premise of that the nursing assistance must be fulfilled of scientific knowledge capable to develop sensitivity in the human relations. The valuation of the communication, especially of the non-verbal type, defines the degree of complexity of the answers of the body, as those resultants of the physical, biological, social order, spiritual, psychic and energy of the citizen in the nursing process.

Associating the data of the research to the experiences in field of period of training supervised in the graduation, I verified that the patient, during the anesthetical recovery of thyroidectomy subtotal, tries pain, fatigue or another sensation, producing an internal, conscientious dialogue or not, that if exteriorize, as consequence, through different corporal manifestations.

In this surgical stage, the act to take care of is become rich when the observer, the professional of nursing of the surgical center, perceives and decodes the cinesics not-verbal expressions and of paralanguage of the patient, so that, thus, he can adjust the singularity of the care. In this search, the gestures, the phisyonomics positions, expressions and the sounds gain relief in the care, therefore they result of other ackward and bothering sensations felt and used by the patients to be communicated. It fits to the nursing professional to develop, continuously, abilities techniques and human beings to intervine, what demand the development of its capacity in communicating themselves.

When elaborating an instrument of field comment, we not only search the auditory perception of the paralanguage and the cinesys revealed for the patient, but also analyzing as the nursing professional perceives and takes care of the implicit necessities in these manifestations.

If the paralanguage is translated as different sounds of the voicer device that are not expressed in words, when investigating it in a systemize form, we understand, along with the cinesy of the patient, its attempts in been understand.

The relevance of this study is expressed in the possibility of opening of the directions, to redimentionning the look to the intersubjetives aspects in the interaction with the patients submitted to the thyroidectomy subtotal in the postoperative. Of the type exploratory-description, the study it is using the comment method non-participant and is being carried through in the sector of anesthetical recovery (RA) of the surgical center of a important hospital of Rio de Janeiro.

The script of systemize observation uses the suitable experience of the partner- communicatives senses of the body, created for Araújo, to exercise the scope of the directions. The observation occurred during the first hour of anesthetical recovery, and was carried through, later, an interview with the patients for the understanding of the sensations attributed to the observed manifestations.

The study, with duration foreseen for two years (June 2005 - May 2007), it was approved by the CEP of the research scene and meets in progress. So far it contemplates the comment and interview with six citizens between 20 and 60 years old, of both the genders, tracked in the operatory map and observed by the type of corporal cinesy and paralanguage. These patients, had presented the great corporal mobility, what it can be influenced not alone for the medicine effect, as also intensified for the resultant effect of the endocrin riot revealed by these patients. About the decodification of the paralanguage revealed for the citizens, it can be perceived with cough and grunt. The paralanguistics signals demonstrate feelings, characteristics of the personality, attitudes, interpersonal relationship and self-concept. The citizens of the research, for having been submitted to a surgical procedure next to the vocal ropes, initially presented a verbalization difficulty.

About the decodification of the paralanguage revealed for the citizens, it can be perceived with cough and grunt. The paralanguistics signals demonstrate feelings, characteristics of the personality, attitudes, interpersonal relationship and self-concept. The citizens of the research, for having been submitted to a surgical procedure next to the vocal ropes, initially presented a verbalization difficulty.

The cinesys most significant had been mobility of the arms, neck, head, hands, partial and total opening of the eyes, rise of trunk in 45° and 90°. How much to its validations, we can detach the sleepiness, pain, agitation, bother, calling, anxiety, gratefulness, rejection, protection and attention.

The majority of the not-verbal manifestations had been perceived by the nursing team that attended them. However, the attendance to the same ones was delayed, only effected after three or more attempts of the patient, many followed times of verbalization. The communication must establish an interaction accomplishes with the patient, the objective to offer support, comfort and information to it, and to awake its reliable feeling and of self-steem.

The sector of anesthetical recovery possesss as characteristic an equation that relates innumerable related 0 variable the environment, people and tasks, what it can result in a care many times mechanical, technician and routinist.

This study will include more ten citizens and it will search to extend and to deepen the analysis. In this direction, it is important to prioritize the perception of the not-verbal communication in the care to the patient submitted to the thyroidectomy subtotal, therefore, although it to possess a certain organic limitation due to the effect anaesthetic, obtains to communicate through corporal movements and sounds to be led in consideration, so that its necessities are taken care of with quality.

Keywords: Auditory Perception. Communication. Thyroidectomy. Nursing Research. Education, Nursing.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Dec 2009
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2006


  • Accepted
    12 Nov 2006
  • Reviewed
    30 Oct 2006
  • Received
    20 Oct 2006
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil