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Antonio José Almeida Filho ; Lúcia Helena Silva Corrêa Lourenço; Fernando Ramos Porto

Members of the Nuphebras Collegiate Board

This article published by Haydée Guanais Dourado in Annals of Nursing, in 1952, had as central subject the "Perfectioning of the Privative Professors", understood as such the proper faculty of the nursing school, or either, with devotion in integral time to one determined nursing school. The author understands that the faculty of a nursing school is the "alive part that will go to promote the growth of the entity and will go to keep the balance at the moments of difficulties". She considered as requisite for the formation of a consistent teaching nucleus that the same had communion of ideas concerning the philosophy of the school, fitting to the director three essential qualities to the performance of the together function of leadership to the teaching group: to have moral stature and professional capacity that did not have to be on this side of the ones of its pairs; to have understanding of the personality human being; e to have capacity to exert influence. A Faculty, in accordance with Haydée Guanais Dourado, constitute itself of "a set of decurrent attitudes of its functioning"; for in such a way the accomplishment of periodic meetings would be important, being valued the uprising of all. It could be observed that the author attributed great emphasis to the paper of the Faculty, and adds that the integrity of exactly would be threatened to the measure that the individuals that composed it left to share of same loyalties, of the same feelings, the same attitudes, of the same points of view. In the moving to the nursing school, as the author, would fit to the direction of the same a responsibility to act in order to facilitate the personal and professional growth of the professors, socializing among the group: the concept of the school, its philosophy and its objectives; to reorganize the establishment; e to stimulate the formation of the attitudes, ideas and habits that must be common to all. The author concluded presenting eight recommendations concerning the paper of the school in the contribution of the perfectioning of the faculty, amongst which detach the importance of if extending the cultural capital of exactly. As we can observe, Haydée Guanais Dourado demonstrated a vision that still today is supported as basic for the consolidation of the scientific production and for the education of nursing, as, for example, the exclusive devotion of professors to the education institutions. In the same way, the author tells the necessity of uniformity of attitudes and points of view, what it would be nowadays a questionable initiative and of difficult implementation; however, she is waited that the faculty exhibits, as defends the author, universal moral principles that can serve there of reference in the process of professional formation, assured the religious diversities, politics, etc. With this, we evidence that Haydée Dourado one more time was placed in the vanguard, some aspects, concerning the professional formation, mainly when considering the faculty and the school of nursing as responsible nucleus for playing such function.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Nov 2009
  • Date of issue
    June 2007
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil