A.Relação entre alunos e alunas (Relationship among students) |
1. To draw the distribution of boys and girls throughout the classroom (...) |
To draw the distribution of boys and girls throughout the classroom (...) |
Dibuja la distribución de niñas y niños en el aula. Puede utilizar A para las niñas y O para los niños. |
3. Observation of interactions in the break |
Observation of interactions in the break |
Observe las interacciones en el recreo |
3-g) Real sentimental demonstrations have been observed between: 1. Present A/O: S N 2. Intensity: M P (*a, b, c, d, e) |
Real sentimental demonstrations have been observed between: 1. (...) 2. Intensity: (...) N (*... f, g) |
¿Has observado muestras afectivas concretas entre: 1. Presente A/O: S N 2. Intensidad: M P (*a, b, c, d, e, f, g) |
3-j) What kind of aggressions happens in: verbal or physical. A-O, O-O, A-A. Other observations |
What kind of aggressions happen in: verbal2 or physical3 aggressions. A-O, O-O, A-A. Other observations2 Insults, swear words, derogatory nicknames or otherwise. 3Hits, pushes, nips, bites, kicks, punches or otherwise.
Qué tipo de agresiones ocurren en las riñas: verbales2 o físicas3. A-O, O-O, A-A. Otras observaciones. 2Ofensas, insultos, apodos u otra). 3Golpe, empujones, pellizcos, mordidas, patadas, u otras. |
B.Atitude dos(as) professores(as) para com os(as) alunos(as) (Attitude of teachers towards students) |
1. In relation to the tone of voice they use to address their students O/A ___ Strong ___ Smooth |
In relation to the tone of voice4 (...) D/S 4Voice intonation change upwards [strong] and downwards [smooth] |
Con relación al tono de voz4 que usan para dirigirse a los alumnos y alumnas O/A -Fuerte - Suave Cambios en la entonación de la voz para encima [fuerte] y para abajo [suave] |
2. (to observe) if sentimental responses (caresses, kind words, positive expressions) are more plentiful when they are addressed: __ O ___ A __ Am |
To evaluate/observe if sentimental responses (...) |
Sobre las respuestas afectivas (abrazos, palabras amables, expresiones positivas) de niños y niñas. Son más expresivas cuando se dirigen:__ O ___ A __ Am |
4. When they address their students the gender used is: ___ generic male ___ male and female |
When they address the group, the following expression is used: Boys, girls, kids Others (to specify)
Cuándo se dirigen al grupo, utiliza la expresión: Niño, Niña, Otros (especificar) |
5. Are there differences in punishments to the students? S N N/A |
Is it observed if there are disciplinary actions to students? S N (If YES, answer the item a). a) Are there differences in disciplinary actions to boys and girls? S N (If YES: What differences?
¿Observe si hay aplicación de medidas disciplinarias a los/as alumnos/as? S N En caso a respuesta sea SI, observar las diferencia en las medidas disciplinares aplicadas entre A/O |
C.Atitude dos(as) alunos(as) para com os(as) professores(as) (Attitude of students towards teachers) |
1. They are more communicative when they address the teacher: __ O ___ A __ Am |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
4. Positive reinforcemnt is more effective with: __ O ___ A __ Am. Final observations |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
Final observations: |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
Sem modificação (Without modification) |
Caption The italicized texts were additions to the instrument Presente (Present): S – Si/Sim (Yes) N – No/Não (No) N/O – Não Observado/No Observado (Not observed) Intensidad/Intensidade (Intensity): M – Mucha/Muita(o) (Many) P – Poca/Pouca/o (Few) N – Nenhuma (None) NA – No se aplica/Não se aplica (Not Applied) Códigos (Codes):1 A=abraços (hugs), PA=palavras amáveis (kind words), EP=expressões positivas (positive expressions), TS=toque suave (soft touch), TF=toque forte (strong touch), O=outras (others). D/S= depende da situação (depends on the situation)
(*a, b, c, d, e, f, g) a. Niños y niñas/Meninos e meninas (Boys and girls) b. Niños y niños/Meninos e meninas (Boys and girls) c. Niñas y niñas/Meninos e meninas (Boys and girls) d. Niños y profesor(a)/Meninos e meninas (Boys and teacher) e. Niñas y profesor(a)/ Meninos e meninas (Girls and teacher) f. Meninos e outras pessoas da escola inspetorr, coordenador, diretor e outros)/(Niños y otras persona de la escuela (Director, subdirector y otras) (Boys and other people from school (monitor, coordinator, principal and others) g. Meninas e outras pessoas da escola (inspetor, coordenador, diretor e outros/(Niña y otras persona de la escuela (Director, subdirector y otras) (Girls and other people from school (monitor, coordinator, principal and others) |