The present study aimed to establish, from the generating themes, thematic networks that would enable the transversal organization of financial education in the curriculum of the technical course in information technology integrated with high school education at Campus Sena Madureira, at the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC). In order to obtain the generating themes and to constitute the thematic network, the methodologicals procedures of the Freirian thematic approach dynamics were adopted. The breadth of disciplinary involvement denoted that there were traces of harmonic correlation between the generating themes and financial education as a transversal school thematic axis, which expanded the possibility of offering financial education under dialogical, problematizing, and critical-transforming perspectives. From the investigation of the generative themes, a thematic network was organized that made possible the transversal insertion of financial education in the integrated high school curriculum, configuring itself under a critical-reflective perspective, from the perspective of multidisciplinary and transversal teaching. The contents proposed by the thematic reduction offered a potential and important contribution to the elaboration and implementation of integrative projects, as these are articulators of different fields of knowledge. Finally, the dynamics of Freire's thematic approach were validated as an appropriate method for the transversal insertion of financial education from a critical-transforming perspective, from which it becomes possible to carry out school education based on omnilateral, unitary, and polytechnics.
Financial education; Integrated high school; Freirian thematic approach; Transversality
O presente estudo objetivou constituir, a partir dos temas geradores, redes temáticas que possibilitassem a organização transversal da educação financeira no currículo do curso técnico em informática integrado ao ensino médio do Campus Sena Madureira, no Instituto Federal do Acre (IFAC). Para obter os temas geradores e a constituir a rede temática, foram adotados os procedimentos metodológico da dinâmica de abordagem temática freiriana. A amplitude de envolvimento disciplinar denotou haver traços de correlação harmônica entre os temas geradores e a educação financeira como eixo temático escolar transversal, o que ampliou a possibilidade de oferta da educação financeira sob perspectivas dialógicas, problematizadoras e crítico-transformadoras. A partir da investigação dos temas geradores, organizou-se uma rede temática que viabilizou a inserção transversal da educação financeira no currículo do ensino médio integrado, configurando-se sob uma perspectiva crítico-reflexiva, a partir da ótica de ensino multidisciplinar e transversal. Os conteúdos propostos pela redução temática ofereceram potencial e importante aporte à elaboração e implementação de projetos integradores, já que estes são articuladores dos diferentes campos do conhecimento. Por fim, validou-se a dinâmica de abordagem temática freiriana como um método adequado à inserção transversal da educação financeira sob uma perspectiva crítico-transformadora, a partir da qual se torna possível realizar uma formação escolar que tenha por base os princípios omnilaterais, unitários e politécnicos.
Educação financeira; Ensino médio integrado; Abordagem temática freiriana; Transversalidade
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer, a partir de los temas generadores, redes temáticas que permitan una organización transversal de la educación financiera en el plan de estudios del curso técnico en tecnologías de la información integrado con la educación secundaria en el Campus Sena Madureira, en el Instituto Federal de Acre ( IFAC). Para obtener los temas generativos y una constitución de la red temática, se adoptaron los procedimientos metodológicos de la dinámica del enfoque temático freiriano. La amplitud de la implicación disciplinar denotó que existían rastros de correlación armónica entre los temas generadores y la educación financiera como eje temático transversal de la escuela, lo que amplió la posibilidad de ofrecer educación financiera bajo perspectivas dialógicas, problematizadoras y crítico-transformadoras. A partir de la investigación de los temas generativos, se organizó una red temática que posibilitó la inserción transversal de la educación financiera en el currículo integrado de bachillerato, configurándose bajo una perspectiva crítico-reflexiva, desde la perspectiva de la docencia multidisciplinar y transversal. Los contenidos propuestos por la reducción temática ofrecieron un potencial e importante aporte para la ejecución e implementación de proyectos integradores, ya que estos son articuladores de diferentes campos del conocimiento. Finalmente, se validó la dinámica del enfoque temático de Freire como un método adecuado para la inserción transversal de la educación financiera desde una perspectiva crítica-transformadora, desde la cual se hace posible realizar una educación escolar basada en principios, unidades y politécnicos omnilaterales.
Palabras clave:
Educación financiera; Bachillerato integrado; Enfoque temático freiriano; Transversalidad
Financial education presents itself as an extremely important mechanism for improving the capacity and quality of consumers' financial decisions. Its implementation directly reflects on the general economic performance of society, as consumer behavior is directly related to problems with a country's levels of personal indebtedness, economic development, and investment capacity (CAMPOS; TEIXEIRA; COUTINHO, 2015CAMPOS, Celso Ribeiro; TEIXEIRA, James; COUTINHO, Cileda de Queiroz e Silva. Reflexões sobre a educação financeira e suas interfaces com a educação matemática e a educação crítica. Educação Matemática Pesquisa: revista do programa de estudos pós-graduados em educação matemática da PUC, São Paulo, v.17, n.3, p.556-577, 2015. ISSN 1983-3156. Disponível em: Disponível em: https://revistas.pucsp.br/emp/article/view/25671/pdf . Acesso em: 24 out. 2019.
The constant financial interference practiced by the consumer population has generated considerable levels of apprehension on the part of public authorities, especially those that define educational policies at a national level. As a result, financial education is an increasingly present alternative in the context of public educational policies, especially with a focus on combating the lack of financial self-control, which has driven more dynamic actions about the insertion of the theme in the sphere of basic education, such as its inclusion among the transversal themes foreseen in the new Common National Curriculum Bases (BNCC) (BRASIL, 2018FRIGOTTO, Gaudêncio. Projeto societário, ensino médio integrado e educação profissional: o paradoxo da falta e sobra de jovens qualificados. In: FRIGOTTO, Gaudêncio(org.). Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia: relação com o ensino médio integrado e o projeto societário de desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ, LPP, 2018. p. 41-62. e-ISBN 978-85-92826-14-7. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://bit.ly/2UnH8x4 . Acesso em:25 fev. 2020.
Given this situation, schools emerge as important promoters of financial education, as institutions capable of offering it to a large number of people, minimizing the existing discrepancies concerning the control of personal finances (OECD, 2019OCDE - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PISA 2018: Assessment and Analytical Framework. PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2019. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.1787/b25efab8-en. Acesso em: 08 nov. 2019.
In the context of Professional and Technological Education (EPT), from the creation of Federal Institutes of Education (IF's), which value training based on omnilateral, unitary, technological, or polytechnic education (FRIGOTTO, 2018FRIGOTTO, Gaudêncio. Projeto societário, ensino médio integrado e educação profissional: o paradoxo da falta e sobra de jovens qualificados. In: FRIGOTTO, Gaudêncio(org.). Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia: relação com o ensino médio integrado e o projeto societário de desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ, LPP, 2018. p. 41-62. e-ISBN 978-85-92826-14-7. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://bit.ly/2UnH8x4 . Acesso em:25 fev. 2020.
), the insertion of education gains importance from the perspective of autonomous education of students, preparing them for their insertion in the world of work and to deal safely and consciously with the relations of consumption, savings and investment, present in contemporary life.
Also within the EPT, particularly in the integrated high school curriculum, financial education can be addressed through educational practices that value transversal approaches, whose pedagogical activities seek to contribute to raising awareness for a more mature and financially disciplined consumption (THEODORO; GINDRO; COLENCI JUNIOR, 2010THEODORO, Flavio Roberto Faciolla; GINDRO, Wagner; COLENCI JUNIOR, Alfredo. A educação econômico-financeira como tema transversal nos cursos de tecnologia. In: Vworkshop de pós-graduação e pesquisa do Centro Paula Souza- 2010. Anais eletrônicos do Centro Paula Souza. São Paulo, SP - Brasil, 21 e 22 de outubro de 2010. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.pos.cps.sp.gov.br/files/artigo/file/760/92d7e1f36aa4e8cf15de8af301e18e8b.pdf . Acesso em: 02 abr. 2020.
; BRITO et al, 2012BRITO, Lucas da Silva et al. A importância da educação financeira nos contextos acadêmico e profissional: um levantamento de dados com alunos universitários. In: IXSimpósio de excelência em gestão e tecnologia, 2012. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://www.aedb.br/seget/arquivos/artigos12/49616595.pdf . Acesso em:01 abr. 2020.
In the transversal teaching proposal, the contents of financial education must be introduced through the different disciplines, each one of them dealing with a certain subject according to its specificities, representing a vast educational potential. The possibility of transition between different types of knowledge articulates several disciplines from different areas, implying new attitudes towards this same knowledge, in a perspective of critical and collaborative learning construction (GALLO, 2001GALLO, Sílvio. Transversalidade e meio ambiente. In. Ciclo de palestras sobre meio ambiente. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, Brasília: MEC; SEF, 2001. e-ISBN 978-85-92826-14-7. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://portal.mec.gov.br/secad/arquivos/pdf/educacaoambiental/ciclodepalestras.pdf . Acesso em: 05 jun 2021.
Thus, as a transversal theme, financial education must be configured as a longitudinal axis, which function is to structure the entire system of traditional subjects, which would be in a transversal axis. Thus structured, both financial education (longitudinal axis) and the system of traditional subjects (transversal axis) would act according to a common axis, in which knowledge would be subordinated to the context experienced by students, manifesting itself in different ways around the same curricular structure of subjects (SOUZA, 1998SOUZA, Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de. Temas transversais em educação: bases para uma educação integral (resenha). Educação e Sociedade, v.19, nº 62, 1998. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.1590/S0101-73301998000100010. Acesso em:07 jun. 2021.).
From the perspective of critical education, a strategy to promote transversal education, which objective is the integral development of students, is through the investigation of generating themes and the process of thematic reduction, through the methodology of the Freirian thematic approach. This is because it enables the integration of a specific thematic approach to various political, economic, historical, and cultural issues in which students are inserted (FREITAS; MEIRELLES, 2017FREITAS, Renata Gomes de Abreu; MEIRELLES, Rosane Moreira Silva de. Abordagem socioambiental na educação profissionalizante: uma experiência via investigação temática. Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, vol.12, n.2- p. 40-63, 2017. Disponível em:https://doi.org/10.18675/2177-580X.vol12.n2.p40-63. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2020.
Given this, the following question was insinuated: How to establish, from generative themes, thematic networks that enable the transversal organization of financial education in the curriculum of the technical course in information technology integrated with high school education at Campus Sena Madureira? The present study aimed to establish, from the generating themes, thematic networks that would enable the transversal organization of financial education in the curriculum of the technical course in information technology integrated with high school education at Campus Sena Madureira, at the Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC).
Seeking to meet the object of the proposed research, the investigative works were developed in one of the educational units that make up the network of basic, technical and technological education institutions at IFAC, the Campus Sena Madureira. This unit is located in Sena Madureira, a city located approximately 140 km from the capital Rio Branco, which started its activities in 2010. Currently, it is committed to offering integrated, subsequent, and higher technical courses and has an infrastructure consisting of large classrooms, a library, laboratories, a cafeteria, ample parking, an auditorium, a swimming pool, and a multi-sports court (IFAC, 2021IFAC, Instituto Federal do Acre. Campi: Sena Madureira. Site institucional do IFAC. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://www.ifac.edu.br/campi . Acesso em: 18 jun. 2021.
The Freirian educational methodology has its conception based on dialogic bases, on the problematization of the situations experienced, and the awareness of people who live and hang out in the community (FREIRE, 1989FREIRE, Paulo. A importância do ato de ler: em três artigos que se completam. São Paulo: Cortez, 1989.).
Such teaching practice, once linked to the generative themes, is capable of providing an education that liberates, emancipates, and contributes to the formation of a more conscious and critical position of individuals, inspiring them to have a proactive and responsible behavior in cultural, social, political and economic aspects of the society in which they live (TORRES, 2010TORRES, Juliana Rezende. Educação Ambiental crítico-transformadora e abordagem temática freireana. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Científica e Tecnológica) - Programa em Educação Científica e Tecnológica, Centro de Ciências Biológicas: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2010. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/93568?show=full . Acesso em: 15 maio 2020.
Freire's educational curriculum design is based on awareness, problematization, and dialogue around reality and contradictory experiences lived by students in their real context of culture and social trajectory. Finally, its philosophical proposal is to inspire individuals to participate responsibly in the economic, social, political, and cultural processes of the world in which they live (MIRANDA; PAZINATO; BRAIBANTE, 2017MIRANDA, Ana Carolina Gomes; PAZINATO, Maurícius Selvero; BRAIBANTE, Mara Elisa Fortes. Temas geradores através de uma abordagem temática freireana: contribuições para o ensino de ciências. Revista de Educação, Ciências e Matemática v.7 n.3, p. 73-92, set/dez 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://publicacoes.unigranrio.edu.br/index.php/recm/article/view/4060 . Acesso em: jan. 2021.
Because of this, for the curricular organization of contents based on the reality experienced by students, the school curriculum must be built from generative themes, which must include the limit-situations4 4 A term used by Freire to refer to the limited understanding of situations of oppression experienced by the people and that, because they are naively limited to a minimalist and uncritical perception of the situation that surrounds them, they are unable to circumvent it. , obtained through a process of investigation and thematic reduction, in addition to coding5 5 A term that refers to the critical apprehension/understanding of the entire set of existential situations experienced by the people. and decoding6 6 A term that refers to the critical analysis of the codified situation, representing an interaction movement between the subject and his concrete existential situation, in which he is inserted. of the students' speeches (FREIRE, 1967FREIRE, Paulo. Educação como prática da liberdade. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1967.; 1987).
This process, which had its conception focused on popular education, based on the writings contained in the Freirian work Pedagogia do Oprimido (FREIRE, 1987FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia do oprimido. 17ª. ed. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1987.), was systematized for the school reality, specifically for the teaching of Science, by Demétrio Delizoicov (2008DELIZOICOV, Demétrio. La educación en ciencias y la perspectiva de Paulo Freire. Alexandria Revista de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia, v.1, n.2, p.37-62, jul. 2008. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/alexandria/article/view/37486 . Acesso em:20 fev. 2020.
). Since then, it has been understood as a dynamic of the Freirian Thematic Approach (TORRES, 2010TORRES, Juliana Rezende. Educação Ambiental crítico-transformadora e abordagem temática freireana. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Científica e Tecnológica) - Programa em Educação Científica e Tecnológica, Centro de Ciências Biológicas: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2010. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/93568?show=full . Acesso em: 15 maio 2020.
, FREITAS; MEIRELLES, 2017FREITAS, Renata Gomes de Abreu; MEIRELLES, Rosane Moreira Silva de. Abordagem socioambiental na educação profissionalizante: uma experiência via investigação temática. Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, vol.12, n.2- p. 40-63, 2017. Disponível em:https://doi.org/10.18675/2177-580X.vol12.n2.p40-63. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2020.
), and was later systematized by Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), in his studies on interdisciplinarity.
According to Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), the methodological challenge is to establish paths aimed at enabling organizational moments that result in the implementation of educational practices aimed at building a critical popular curriculum, constituted through interdisciplinary projects, via generative themes.
It is a movement that aims to overcome conventional pedagogical practices, seeking, above all, the collective construction of the curriculum, the achievement of autonomy, and the emancipation of students. For this, it is always necessary to start from the significant speeches of the community in order to reach contextualized practices, through problematizing rationality, which is necessary for the construction of the critical popular curriculum (SILVA, 2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
Following the example of transposition of the Freirian thematic approach to the use of science education by Delizoicov (2008DELIZOICOV, Demétrio. La educación en ciencias y la perspectiva de Paulo Freire. Alexandria Revista de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia, v.1, n.2, p.37-62, jul. 2008. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/alexandria/article/view/37486 . Acesso em:20 fev. 2020.
), Freitas and Meirelles (2017FREITAS, Renata Gomes de Abreu; MEIRELLES, Rosane Moreira Silva de. Abordagem socioambiental na educação profissionalizante: uma experiência via investigação temática. Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, vol.12, n.2- p. 40-63, 2017. Disponível em:https://doi.org/10.18675/2177-580X.vol12.n2.p40-63. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2020.
), used the aforementioned methodology, but using it in the context of Environmental Education for integrated secondary education, concluding that this method enables the organization of critical curricula, based on contextualization and problematization, allowing the integration of knowledge and the transversality of the environment theme through the investigation of the generating themes.
In addition, other studies that address the methodology for obtaining generative themes have contributed to the critical training of students and teachers in recent years, such as the works of Torres and Maestrelli (2011TORRES, Juliana Rezende. MAESTRELLI, Sylvia Regina Pedrosa. A concepção educacional freireana e o contexto escolar: subsídios à efetivação das dimensões “pesquisa e ação” em educação ambiental na escola. In: VIencontro de pesquisa em educação ambiental. Anais do VI EPEA. Pesquisa em educação ambiental e a pós-graduação no Brasil. Universidade de São Paulo, Campus Ribeirão Preto, 04 a 07 de setembro de 2011. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://www.epea.tmp.br/viepea/epea2011_anais/busca/pdf/epea2011-0150-2.pdf . Acesso em: 04 maio 2021.
; 2012), Demartini (2017DEMARTINI, Gabriel Ribeiro. Abordagem Temática Freireana em uma Escola Estadual no Maranhão. In: XIEncontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências. Anais eletrônicos do XI ENPEC. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC - 3 a 6 de julho de 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://www.abrapecnet.org.br/enpec/xi-enpec/anais/resumos/R1415-1.pdf . Acesso em: 26 ago. 2020.
), Miranda, Pazinato, and Braibante (2017MIRANDA, Ana Carolina Gomes; PAZINATO, Maurícius Selvero; BRAIBANTE, Mara Elisa Fortes. Temas geradores através de uma abordagem temática freireana: contribuições para o ensino de ciências. Revista de Educação, Ciências e Matemática v.7 n.3, p. 73-92, set/dez 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://publicacoes.unigranrio.edu.br/index.php/recm/article/view/4060 . Acesso em: jan. 2021.
) and Novais et al. (2017NOVAIS, Edcleide da Silva Pereira et al. O Processo de Redução Temática na Formação de Professores em Iguaí-BA. ALEXANDRIA: Revista de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Florianópolis, v. 10, n.1, p. 77-103, novembro, 2017. Disponível em: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.5007/1982-5153.2017v10n2p77. Acesso em: 15 maio 2020.
Given this, it is through the Freirian thematic approach methodology that this study proposes to organize, in a transversal way, a curriculum in financial education based on the investigation of generating themes and their thematic reduction within the scope of EPT, especially in integrated high school of the Sena Madureira Campus.
This study is structured based on the qualitative approach (MINAYO, 2016MINAYO, Maria Cecília de Souza(org.). Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. Petrópolis-RJ: Vozes, 2016.) and the nature of applied research (GERHARDT; SILVEIRA, 2009GERHARDT, Tatiana Engel(org.); SILVEIRA, Denise Tolfo. Métodos de pesquisa. Universidade Aberta do Brasil - UAB/UFRGS e Curso de Graduação Tecnológica - Planejamento e Gestão para o Desenvolvimento Rural da SEAD/UFRGS. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2009.). To obtain the generating themes and the constitution of the thematic network, the methodology of the dynamics of the Freirian thematic approach was adopted, based on the assumptions of Freire (1987FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia do oprimido. 17ª. ed. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1987.), Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), and Delizoicov (2008DELIZOICOV, Demétrio. La educación en ciencias y la perspectiva de Paulo Freire. Alexandria Revista de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia, v.1, n.2, p.37-62, jul. 2008. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/alexandria/article/view/37486 . Acesso em:20 fev. 2020.
To meet the object of this study and start data collection, invitations were sent to all students and teachers of the 3rd year group of the technical course in information technology integrated with high school at Campus Sena Madureira/IFAC, to collaborate with this research. To students and their parents or guardians, the invitation is made through a messaging app, via smartphone.
As for the Freirian thematic approach method, this required the investigation of the generative themes. For this, the first four steps listed by Delizoicov (2008DELIZOICOV, Demétrio. La educación en ciencias y la perspectiva de Paulo Freire. Alexandria Revista de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia, v.1, n.2, p.37-62, jul. 2008. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/alexandria/article/view/37486 . Acesso em:20 fev. 2020.
) were adopted in the Freirian Thematic Approach dynamics, associated with moments II to IV systematized by Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
) in his proposal for the construction of the interdisciplinary curricular praxis by the generator theme. Thus, the thematic investigation followed the following steps:
Stage I - preliminary survey of the students' local reality: comprises a survey of socio-economic and historical-cultural conditions. This step was carried out through two questionnaires: the first, applied to students via google forms; and the second, applied to their respective parents or guardians, via email. The questionnaire applied to students contained 21 questions, while the one applied to their parents or guardians consisted of 15 questions, both consisting of open and closed questions about aspects related to the socio-economic life of the research participants.
Stage II - analysis of situations and choices of encodings: in this stage, moment II of Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
) was used, which included the rescue of significant speeches, represented by explanatory limits related to conflicts, problems, needs, contradictions, and social difficulties of students, in addition to characterizing and selecting generating themes and counter-themes.
Stage III - decoding dialogues: this stage was delineated from activities to problematize the significant speeches obtained in stage II, thus contributing to the process of critical analysis of the encodings and validation of the students' significant speeches as generative themes.
The problematization was carried out from activities consisting of the exhibition of comic strips7 7 It is a textual genre composed of a sequence of comics in which, in most situations, it presents itself critically on certain issues and social values. It is usually found in print and electronic newspapers and magazines or on some websites. , cartoons8 8 It is an atextual genre that expresses a critical view of the facts through caricatures, which may or may not contain subtitles and speech clouds, generally using humor. , and pictures, taken from the internet and accompanied by the presentation of problem situations based on the significant speeches of the participants. The problematization activities were presented in two distinct but complementary moments.
At first, the problem-solving activities were carried out through the presentation of three problem-solving situations, made available via google forms, being analyzed and answered remotely by the students. In the second moment, the same problematic situations of the first moment were presented, however, starting now from the dialogue between researcher and students, in an activity carried out through video conference.
Stage IV - thematic reduction: this is the moment of elaboration and order of the programs and curricular contents, which were used to understand the significant situations contained in the generating themes. This stage had the collaboration of the group of professors who teach in the 3rd year of the technical course in information technology integrated to the high school of the Campus Sena Madureira/IFAC, above all, among those who were willing to contribute to the process.
After conducting a previous consultation about the interest in participating in this research and the subsequent manifestation of the consulted segments, confirmation and effective collaboration of approximately 62% of the teachers, 41% of the students, and 38% of the parents or guardians in the process of investigation of the generative themes was obtained.
Next, the procedures used in the process of elaboration and thematic reduction carried out in collaboration with the research participants will be described.
Survey of the local reality of students
As for the reality of the students who participated in this research, these are young people aged between 17 and 19 years old who still live with their parents. As for the family nucleus, most households, approximately 64% of them, are composed of 4 people or more.
About 93% of students claimed to have joined IFAC due to the quality of education and infrastructure provided by the institution. Also declaring that they do not have income from employment, internship, or similar activities; despite 21% of all students claiming to receive an allowance from their parents. All students who participated in the survey claimed to be public school graduates.
Still, the collected data reveals that a significant portion (46%) of the students' families receive gross income between 1 and 1.5 monthly minimum wages, which the main source of income in the family budget comes from the parents of these students. Approximately 71% of students receive assistance in school at the institution where they study, which reveals a situation of predominant family socio-economic fragility, justifying the need for the financial support received.
Part of the students lives in neighborhoods far from the central area of the city, where there are usually problems with paving infrastructure, public lighting, crime, and, in some cases, subject to flooding from rivers in the region, that often reach their homes.
Identification of significant situations
After completing the stage corresponding to the preliminary survey of the local reality, the speeches that were given by the students and their parents or guardians were analyzed, which resulted in the selection of eight statements that expressed possible anxieties, tensions, conflicts, and other situations that seemed significant to the researcher.
This set of significant speeches, taken as generative themes, expressed several possible situations, especially regarding issues involving the use of financial resources such as expenses, costs, income, and other socio-economic aspects involving students and their families, as can be seen in Box 1.
The set of speeches presented here expresses the organizational synthesis of the significant speeches of the research participants, which should guide the systematization of the pedagogical dynamics to be implemented through the educators' critical view (SILVA, 2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
). Otherwise, it is based on this set of statements that the dialogue between the worldviews of students and educators must be established, the result of which must be the problematization of situations that express contradictions and conflicts.
Problematization of significant speech
In order to validate the significant speeches as generative themes, some problematization activities were carried out, which involved the presentation of comic strips, cartoons, and images to students, all of them with the theme of financial education as a backdrop.
Activity I consisted of questioning the following speech:
Speech 01: “I keep (money) to use in some important situation, like helping to buy food” (student).
This speech was considered significant because it involves one of the most important social issues of our time, the precariousness of work, which makes full family support unfeasible and further aggravates the lack of family planning, especially the economically most vulnerable, culminating in the manifestation of financial difficulties. This prematurely pressures young people to search for alternative sources to make up the family income at the expense of studies, showing the social vulnerability in which they are inserted, unlike the reality experienced by young people whose families enjoy better socio-economic conditions.
As an explanatory limit, it was considered important that the parents/guardians are not able to meet all the necessary expenses to support the home, which puts pressure on the children to feel the obligation to contribute financially to the parents, in matters involving domestic support.
Thus, to problematize the situation contained in the selected speech, an image and a cartoon were used (Figure 1), as follows:
This figure, on the reader's left, intends a situation in which the family, composed of three members, apparently does not have problems with basic sustenance, especially about the purchase of food. The situation represented by the opposite side (reader's right), on the other hand, refers to financial difficulties faced by another family, this time composed of five people, and the children, observing the situation of financial fragility faced by the parents, seek to help in some way, even without having sufficient resources or the necessary means for this.
To encourage discussions about the situations presented in Figure 1, the following statements were presented to the students for further discussions:
Parents are the only ones responsible for providing for the home and children.
Children must collaborate with their parents in supporting the home.
Regarding the first statement, the students predominantly expressed that the responsibility for sustaining the house belongs to the parents, and good family and financial planning allows families to approach the situation presented on the left side of Figure 1, in a context of greater financial stability, especially with the consumption of basic goods for sustenance such as food and housing.
On the other hand, when discussing the second statement, the students revealed that the involvement of younger people in containing extra expenses and unnecessary expenses is essential, and they should even seek alternative sources of income such as internships, employment as a young apprentice, or even open their own business, contributing to the family's livelihood. Due to the lack of financial resources, it is observed that young people, pressured by the state of financial deprivation, take upon themselves the duty of collaborating with the family support, as observed in Speech 02.
Speech 02: “I keep it, but then I spend it on food, accessories, clothes... sometimes the parents need it too” (student).
The analysis of the situation presented turns out to reveal a contradiction in the view of the young students since, at the same time that they attribute the full family support to the parents' responsibility, they claim part of this responsibility for themselves, despite still being in a physical, cognitive, emotional, social and moral values development phase (FERREIRA; FARIAS; SILVARES, 2009). At this time, young people should fully dedicate themselves to basic studies, leisure, and professional training, having work as an educational principle and not being linked to work due to the need for sustenance, due to their socio-economic precariousness (RAMOS, 2014RAMOS, Marise Nogueira. História e política da educação profissional. Curitiba: Instituto Federal do Paraná, 2014. Coleção formação pedagógica; v. 5. Disponível em: Disponível em: https://curitiba.ifpr.edu.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Hist%C3%B3ria-e-pol%C3%ADtica-da-educa%C3%A7%C3%A3o-profissional.pdf . Acesso em: 18 abr. 2021.
It is important to highlight that part of the debts incurred by some families come from the unnecessary consumption of young people, such that parents, to meet their children's wishes, give in to what the young people ask for, corroborating speeches 07 and 08, as follows:
Speech 07: “I don't know, because everything they (the children) want, I buy, for this reason, I have a lot of debts” (mother of a student).
Speech 08: “I say I can't (afford it), but I always find a way to buy” (student's mother).
This situation reveals a social fragility, as low-income families do not have full financial conditions to support their children in their basic needs such as food and education, despite continuing to incur debts due to the wishes of the children. Due to the lack of family financial planning, their social conditions are aggravated by the lack of employment, or its precariousness, and by the also precarious educational and professional training, contributing to the fact that, at an early age, young people need to enter the labor market to help support their familiar livelihoods.
Activity II consisted of the problematization of speeches 03 and 04, which answers came from a question made to students about the existence of strategies for achieving a stable source of income and subsequent formation of financial wealth, after completing high school.
Here are the speeches:
Speech 03: “Yes, studying and graduating from some college to work in the future” (student).
Speech 04: “[...] I think about getting a part-time job to support myself while I study” (student).
From these speeches, a problematization was carried out based on strips (Figure 2) that present two situations about job offers based on minimum qualification requirements for the job.
To boost the dialogues consistent with the activity, the following statements were made available for reflection and discussion:
Completing university studies means securing a job and, consequently, building financial wealth.
A person, being a university student, is better able to get a paid work.
Regarding the first statement, the students considered that university education does not guarantee the achievement of employment, unless they complete a college in "elite areas", such as a medical course, which is generally far from the reality of low-income students. Thus, this position binds them to an insurmountable transposition of reality, due to their socio-economic conditions, feeling increasingly distant from a reality in which they can have a good university and professional education, in addition to decent financial and social conditions.
When dealing with the second statement, they emphasized that a paid occupation during the university course is something necessary, but very difficult to achieve, mainly due to the lack of experience, the lack of opportunity to obtain such experience through internships, the swelling of the work market and the inability of companies to create new vacancies. This positioning can be correlated with the following speeches:
"[...] companies usually do not make the job market rotate to give opportunities to others, they hire a professional, and if he is good, the company does not even open other positions to help those who want to enter the labor market" (student).
“No, it's not that easy[...], sometimes the requirements are two years of experience and the person who has just graduated is left out” (student).
“The job market for university students would be a gateway to the job market that would bring financial remuneration, but currently this market is very restricted and not very inclusive” (student).
In this context, there is a need to work during college education to supplement the income needed to cover the expenses related to the university, thus demonstrating a situation of socio-economic weakness in which students and their families live, revealing the anxieties and tensions regarding permanence in studies and insertion in the labor market.
Activity III sought to problematize situations related to financial difficulties faced concerning domestic and family support. As significant lines, speeches 05 and 06 were selected, as they best represent a limit-situation, in the context analyzed:
Speech 05: “I believe that, for a father or mother of a family, one of the biggest difficulties that can be faced is the issue of food. The bills and payment slips can always wait a little longer, but the children's food becomes more important than anything else” (student's mother).
Speech 06: “My biggest difficulties are the high cost of products, especially in food” (student's mother)
According to what was exposed in the first speech, the priority is to buy food for the children, leaving aside the other expenses, bills, and costs that are also necessary to support the family over the months. The second speech ratifies the first and brings an important element as to the justification for going through such difficulties, which is the high cost of food.
For these reasons, the statements were considered significant, as they disregard important elements such as low education - which leads to precariousness and uberization9 9 For many specialists, uberization has become synonymous with precarious work. This is because, by having their services contracted informally, people who find work through applications do not have labor rights or guarantees, such as 13th salary, paid vacation, sick leave, and other social security benefits. of work - and the generalized increase in prices caused by inflation.
Thus, to carry out the problematization of speeches 05 and 06, two cartoons were presented to students, which represent situations of domestic financial difficulties, as shown in Figure 3.
After the presentation of Figure 3, two statements were made available for discussion by the students, as shown below:
The main financial difficulty that parents have today when it comes to providing for the home, is related to the purchase of food for themselves and their children.
The priority is to buy food for the children. The rest of the bills can always wait a little longer.
After analyzing the elements contained in the speeches of the students, in general, it was observed that the issue of food, despite being a priority, is not the only one that afflicts family members in terms of livelihood. Other difficulties were also attributed as essential elements, such as rents, energy, water, and other costs of basic goods that, currently, are constantly affected by inflation, due to the current national economic instability10 10 IPEA - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. Institute of Economic Applied Research. Ipea indicator records high inflation for all income groups in May. Published on the IPEA portal on 06/14/2021. Available at: https://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38089&catid=3&Itemid=3. Accessed on: 06/14/2021. .
In addition, other important elements were identified as aggravating the financial precariousness of families, such as issues of low income, precarious employment, indebtedness due to lack of financial organization, and unregulated consumption. Such elements were detected from the answers given by the students, when asked about what would be the biggest difficulties faced by the parents, in the support of their families. As a result, the following responses were obtained:
“The financial organization, as there is never anything left”.
“The biggest difficulty might be the children... maybe the child asks for something and the father goes and ends up giving in and, he goes and buys and then realizes that he shouldn't have done that. There is also 'the' person not knowing how to manage their money correctly and this makes it very difficult”.
“It's the financial organization and maintaining an income, as not everyone has a regular income. There are self-employed jobs that don't have a regular monthly income compromising the family's income, others have but don't organize themselves”.
It is also observed that the second speech presented here refers once again to the significant speeches 07 and 08, a situation in which parents, despite having a limited budget, end up increasing their often unnecessary debts to meet the children's desire for consumption.
Definition of the generating themes and the counter themes
After completing the problematization activities with the students, the significant speeches obtained were analyzed using the schematic table11
The model given by Geovana Mulinari Stuani to teacher Juliana Torres (2010), based on an interview carried out in 2008.
(Box 2) developed by Stuani (2008 apud TORRES, 2010TORRES, Juliana Rezende. Educação Ambiental crítico-transformadora e abordagem temática freireana. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Científica e Tecnológica) - Programa em Educação Científica e Tecnológica, Centro de Ciências Biológicas: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2010. Disponível em:Disponível em:https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/93568?show=full . Acesso em: 15 maio 2020.
) based on elements of the dynamics of Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), in which the explanatory limits of the students to the questions raised were placed to, then, confirm such speeches as generative themes.
Based on the elements present in the students' “worldview” (explanatory limits), the educator-researcher's worldview (counter-themes) was defined regarding the generative themes that, according to Silva (2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), behave as a “compass” that guides the search for more comprehensive solutions for understanding and transforming the local reality, allowing the appropriation and reconstruction of knowledge necessary to overcome the problem-situations experienced.
The thematic reduction process
After validating the speeches as generative themes and defining their respective counter-themes, it was necessary to build a thematic network that, constituted from the elements present in the worldview of the research participants, enabled the organization of content for the transversal teaching of financial education.
Organizing the thematic network
The systematization of the thematic network allowed the elements found in the students' worldview to be constituted in a connected way so that the researcher started his analysis starting from the local dimension and then proceeding to the analysis of the micro and macro levels of social organization.
Thus, the construction of the network started from the base-top structuring logic (SILVA, 2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
), in which the chain of ideas is represented by Arabic numerals arranged along the network, suggesting a sequence of reading and, consequently, of apprehension of the content therein, as presented below:
It is about “[...] a dynamic and participative systematization of sociocultural and political representation [...]” which, conceived in the form of a network, starts from a problematizing political-pedagogical process and not just as a cognitive technique for the selection of content (SILVA, 2004SILVA, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da. A construção do currículo na perspectiva popular crítica: das falas significativas às práticas contextualizadas. 405 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação. Pontifícia Universidade Católica. São Paulo, 2004. Disponível em: Disponível em: http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2010/artigos_teses/Ciencias/Teses/tese_gouvea.pdf . Acesso em:18 ago. 2021.
, p. 334).
The organization of content via generating themes
After completing the investigation, problematization and validation procedures of the speeches as generative themes, which involved the process of encoding, problematizing and decoding the students' concrete existential situation, the organization of the contents for financial education was carried out via generative themes, a step that included the process of thematic reduction.
In the case of this particular work, the proposal of thematic reduction took financial education as its core element, in which learning contents were prepared by the group of teachers who teach in the 3rd year of the technical course in information technology integrated into the high school of the Sena Madureira Campus/ IFAC, especially with the participation of those who work in the areas of Physical Education, Geography, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Portuguese, Psychology, and Sociology.
Given the breadth of aspects that involved the generative themes found and the specificity of the subject dealt with, which is financial education, it became convenient to define only one generative question: "What socio-economic, political, geographic, social and historical factors contribute to social disparities and what are the possible ways to mitigate the financial vulnerability conditions of families?"
That said, it is advisable to make available the school schedule with the selection of learning contents and respective pedagogical intentions for the approach of financial education from generative themes, as shown in Box 3.
The learning contents arranged in the work plan proposed by Box 3 represent the effort of the teaching group to seek the systematization of contents relevant to financial education, starting from different areas of knowledge, observing the elements brought by the generating themes and respective thematic network defined in research.
Thus, such curricular organization was carried out from an integrative perspective, in which the inclusion of financial education was proposed to reach, transversely, the different school subjects. Thus, financial education came to be presented as a core element of the approach, around which the various disciplinary areas were organized and which, according to Gallo (2001GALLO, Sílvio. Transversalidade e meio ambiente. In. Ciclo de palestras sobre meio ambiente. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, Brasília: MEC; SEF, 2001. e-ISBN 978-85-92826-14-7. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://portal.mec.gov.br/secad/arquivos/pdf/educacaoambiental/ciclodepalestras.pdf . Acesso em: 05 jun 2021.
), ends up attributing new meanings to the school subjects themselves.
It is important to emphasize that the proposed transversality model does not intend to create a new disciplinary component, but rather to seek to reduce the rigidity of knowledge that exists between the different disciplines of the technical course in information technology integrated into high school education at Campus Sena Madureira. In this sense, transversality in financial education sought to present itself as a “[...] meaning axis of the educational process [...]”, capable of moving between the disciplinary knowledge that configures the traditional curriculum (GALLO, 2001GALLO, Sílvio. Transversalidade e meio ambiente. In. Ciclo de palestras sobre meio ambiente. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, Brasília: MEC; SEF, 2001. e-ISBN 978-85-92826-14-7. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://portal.mec.gov.br/secad/arquivos/pdf/educacaoambiental/ciclodepalestras.pdf . Acesso em: 05 jun 2021.
, p. 22).
It is a process of resizing curricular subjects that must be subordinated to the most urgent educational needs of students and consider, as a starting point for learning, their socio-cultural and socio-economic context (SOUZA, 1998SOUZA, Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de. Temas transversais em educação: bases para uma educação integral (resenha). Educação e Sociedade, v.19, nº 62, 1998. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.1590/S0101-73301998000100010. Acesso em:07 jun. 2021.).
This process can be associated with the concept of integration and humanization, in which the subjects' relationship with the environment does not simply depend on "being in it", as an object or something static, but also on being "with it", in an interaction movement and active participation in everyday transformations. It is a symbiotic relationship between man and concrete reality in which, the more one intervenes in it, the more dynamic, humanized, and molded to their own wills this reality becomes, which leads to the path of liberation referred to by Paulo Freire ( 1967FREIRE, Paulo. Educação como prática da liberdade. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1967.).
Corroborating Freire's liberating pedagogy, Young (2007YOUNG, Michael. Para que servem as escolas?Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, vol. 28, n. 101, p. 1287-1302, set./dez. 2007. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.1590/S0101-73302007000400002. Acesso em: 08 jun. 2021.
) and Sacristán (2013SACRISTÁN, José Gimeno. Saberes e incertezas sobre o currículo. 1. ed., [s/l]: Editora Penso, 2013.) additionally observe that, for the student, the path to intellectual liberation must be followed through curricular integration among the various school disciplines. Above all, it must occur through dialogic teaching, based on the analysis of the social context and reinforced by scientific knowledge that helps to understand the social reality experienced by students.
Similarly, the perspective of curricular integration based on polytechnic, omnilateral and unitary training bases serves as a guiding thread to broaden the understanding of the reality in which students are inserted, enabling them to intervene in it critically (RAMOS, 2008RAMOS, Marise Nogueira. Currículo integrado. In: Isabel Brasil Pereira e Júlio César França Lima(orgs.). Dicionário da educação profissional em saúde. 2.ed.rev. ampl. Rio de Janeiro: EPSJV, 2008. 478 p. ISBN: 978-85-987-36-6.).
Thus, the school must undertake a critical pedagogy, capable of taking into account the ethical aspects of knowledge and the social relations to which students are inserted while addressing the historical and spatial context of the community's daily life (SANTOMÉ, 1998SANTOMÉ, Jurjo Torres. Globalização e interdisciplinariedade: o currículo integrado. Trad. Cláudia Schilling. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1998.).
Therefore, it is in this sense of critical, transversal, polytechnic, omnilateral, and unitary education that the investigation and thematic reduction present in this study was proposed.
In summary, this study sought to establish, from the generative themes, the transversal organization of financial education in the curriculum of the technical course in information technology integrated with high school education at Campus Sena Madureira. To this end, procedures inherent to the dynamics of Freire's thematic approach were carried out, which enabled the successful construction of a thematic network contextualized with the situations experienced by students, in which the axis of meaning of the educational process revolved around the theme of financial education.
The investigation process of generating themes required a critical-investigative posture from the teacher-researcher, moving away from the conservative standards of the educational routine characterized by the search for syllabus contents in predefined teaching materials. Mainly, it required the realization of a theoretical-methodological deepening that would enable a path towards the apprehension of the socio-economic reality of the students, whose process demanded observation, questioning, reflection and action.
As a result of this process, a thematic network was created aimed at organizing the curriculum around the generating themes, which enabled the transversal insertion of financial education in the curriculum of integrated secondary education, in the locus of study. This insertion was configured under a perspective that permeates the elementary aspects of financial education, thus enabling students to carry out critical reflections on their living conditions and those of their families, from a multidisciplinary and transversal teaching perspective.
Still, regarding the investigation process of the generative themes, it is important to highlight the plurality of disciplines that contributed to the constitution of the thematic network and the programmatic contents articulated from it, especially, highlighting the areas of Physical Education, Geography, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Portuguese, Psychology, and Sociology, as shown in Box 3.
In this way, the syllabus resulting from the thematic reduction (Box 3), as they were elaborated from a thematic intersection perspective among several subjects and curricular contents, offers a potential and important contribution to the elaboration and implementation of integrative projects, as they have, according to Rosa (2020ROSA, Gabriella Brito. A organização curricular do curso técnico em química integrado ao ensino médio do campus bacabal: caminhos para construção do currículo integrado. Dissertação (Mestrado profissional de Educação profissional e Tecnológica) - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará, 2020. Disponível em:Disponível em:http://biblioteca.ifce.edu.br/index.html . Acesso em: 06 out. 2020.
), the ability to articulate different fields of knowledge.
Finally, the dynamics of Freire's thematic approach was validated as an appropriate method for the transversal insertion of financial education from a critical-transforming perspective, being possible, also, through dialogic processes of obtaining the generative themes and thematic reduction, a school education that has for a base the principles of omnilateralism, the unitary school, and polytechnics.
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A term used by Freire to refer to the limited understanding of situations of oppression experienced by the people and that, because they are naively limited to a minimalist and uncritical perception of the situation that surrounds them, they are unable to circumvent it.
A term that refers to the critical apprehension/understanding of the entire set of existential situations experienced by the people.
A term that refers to the critical analysis of the codified situation, representing an interaction movement between the subject and his concrete existential situation, in which he is inserted.
It is a textual genre composed of a sequence of comics in which, in most situations, it presents itself critically on certain issues and social values. It is usually found in print and electronic newspapers and magazines or on some websites.
It is an atextual genre that expresses a critical view of the facts through caricatures, which may or may not contain subtitles and speech clouds, generally using humor.
For many specialists, uberization has become synonymous with precarious work. This is because, by having their services contracted informally, people who find work through applications do not have labor rights or guarantees, such as 13th salary, paid vacation, sick leave, and other social security benefits.
IPEA - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. Institute of Economic Applied Research. Ipea indicator records high inflation for all income groups in May. Published on the IPEA portal on 06/14/2021. Available at: https://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38089&catid=3&Itemid=3. Accessed on: 06/14/2021.
The model given by Geovana Mulinari Stuani to teacher Juliana Torres (2010), based on an interview carried out in 2008.
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10 June 2022 -
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20 Aug 2021 -
29 Mar 2022