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ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS IN PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW1 1 The translation of this article into English was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq/Brasil.


This study aims to analyze the scientific evidence on ethnic-racial relations education in the scope of technical professional education at the secondary level. This is an exploratory and qualitative research, whose integrative literature review technique allowed the systematic selection of reports in six stages. Initially, the search of articles through SciELO, CAPES Journal, and Google Scholar from the terms race, ethnicity, race factor, racism, racial prejudice, racial discrimination, ethnic-racial relations, professional and technological education, and professional education, along with Boolean operators, resulted in 11,336 titles, and after screening, 11 articles were included. For discussion, the following categories were used: institutionalization of Law nº 10.639/2003 and curriculum; structural racism; quota law; nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and indigenous studies, research and extension; pedagogical experiences about ethnic-racial diversity; students' and teachers' perceptions of ethnic-racial diversity in the curriculum; and the role of teachers for the professional education of black women. It was found that there is a long way to go for the institutionalization of Laws 10,639/03 and 11,645/08 in the curricula and in the teaching-learning practices of vocational training, reinforced by the negative perceptions of students and teachers about ethnic-racial diversity in the curricula. of professional and technological education institutions, especially when it comes to integrated courses. However, the quota laws, the implementation of NEABI, and the different teaching experiences stood out as affirmative actions that promoted racial equality.

Professional and technological education; Racism; Ethnic-racial relations; Review


Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as evidências científicas sobre educação das relações étnico-raciais no âmbito da educação profissional técnica de nível médio. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, cuja técnica de revisão integrativa da literatura permitiu a seleção sistemática dos relatos em seis etapas. Inicialmente, a busca dos artigos através do SciELO, Periódico CAPES e Google acadêmico a partir dos termos raça, etnia, fator raça, racismo, preconceito racial, discriminação racial, relações étnico-raciais, educação profissional e tecnológica, e educação profissional, juntamente com operadores booleanos, resultou em 11.336 títulos, e, após a triagem, 11 artigos foram incluídos. Para discussão, foram utilizadas as categorias: institucionalização da Lei nº 10.639/2003 e currículo; racismo estrutural; lei das cotas; núcleo de estudos, pesquisas e extensão afro-brasileiros e indígenas; experiências pedagógicas acerca da diversidade étnico-racial; percepções dos alunos e professores acerca da diversidade étnico-racial no currículo; e a atuação dos professores para educação profissionalizante de mulheres negras. Constatou-se que há um longo percurso a se percorrer para institucionalização das Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/08 nos currículos e nas práticas de ensino-aprendizagem da formação profissionalizante, reforçado pelas percepções negativas dos alunos e professores sobre diversidade étnico-racial nos currículos das instituições educação profissional e tecnológica, principalmente quando se trata dos cursos integrados. No entanto, as leis de cotas, a implantação do NEABI e as diversas experiências de ensino destacaram-se como ações afirmativas promotoras da igualdade racial.

Educação profissional e tecnológica; Racismo; Relações etnico-raciais; Revisão


Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las evidencias científicas sobre la educación de las relaciones étnico-raciales en el campo de la educación profesional técnica en el nivel secundario. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria y cualitativa, cuya técnica integradora de revisión bibliográfica permitió la selección sistemática de informes en seis etapas. Inicialmente, la búsqueda de artículos a través de SciELO, CAPES Journal y Google scholar de los términos raza, etnia, factor racial, racismo, prejuicio racial, discriminación racial, relaciones étnico-raciales, educación profesional y tecnológica, y educación profesional, junto con operadores booleanos, resultó en 11.336 títulos, y después de la selección, se incluyeron 11 artículos. Para la discusión, fueron utilizadas las siguientes categorías: institucionalización de la Ley nº 10.639/2003 y currículo; racismo estructural; ley de cuotas; núcleo de estudios, investigación y extensión afrobrasileños e indígenas; experiencias pedagógicas sobre diversidad étnico-racial; las percepciones de estudiantes y docentes sobre la diversidad étnico-racial en el currículo; y el papel de las docentes para la formación profesional de las mujeres negras. Se constató que hay un largo camino por recorrer para la institucionalización de las Leyes 10.639/03 y 11.645/08 en los currículos y en las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la formación profesional, reforzado por las percepciones negativas de estudiantes y docentes sobre la discriminación étnica- racial. diversidad en los currículos de las instituciones de educación vocacional y tecnológica, especialmente cuando se trata de cursos integrados. Sin embargo, las leyes de cuotas, la implementación del NEABI y las diferentes experiencias docentes se destacaron como acciones afirmativas que promovieron la igualdad racial.

Palabras clave:
Educación vocacional y tecnológica; Racismo; Relaciones étnico-raciales; Revisión


Colonialism, eurocentrism, and capitalism are constituent and specific elements of the global model of hegemonic power, which influenced the daily lives of people around the world (QUIJANO, 2005QUIJANO, Anibal. Colonialidad del poder, eurocentrismo y América Latina. In: LANDER, E. (org.). La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales. Perspectivas Latinoamericanas. Buenos Aires: Clacso, 2005. p. 116-142.). These models of power and domination are based on the racial classification of the population (SANTOS; DE MATOS; EUGENIO, 2019SANTOS, Cledinea Carvalho; DE MATOS, Wesley Santos; EUGENIO, Benedito. Estudos pós-coloniais e educação: diálogos com o currículo escolar e as relações étnico-raciais. RELACult-Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, v. 5, n. 5, 2019. DOI:
) and racism based on race as principles. Although race was considered a central category of analysis because it biologically addressed the diversity of the human species until the mid-20th century, this meaning is currently not scientifically valid. However, from a scientific point of view, race, in its various nuances, is a social category with a great impact on society and its use has been encouraged due to its implications for anti-racist practices (SANTOS et al., 2022SANTOS, Ricardo Ventura et al. Cabem recomendações para usos de “raça” nas publicações em saúde? Um enfático “sim”, inclusive pelas implicações para as práticas antirracistas.Cadernos de Saúde Pública, v. 38, p. e00021922, 2022.).

Racism is a systemic form of discrimination, which appears through conscious or unconscious behavior and, ultimately, leads to disadvantages or privileges, depending on the racial group to which they belong (ALMEIDA, 2019ALMEIDA, Silvio Luiz de. Racismo Estrutural. São Paulo: Sueli Carneiro; Pólen, 2019.). For Almeida (2019ALMEIDA, Silvio Luiz de. Racismo Estrutural. São Paulo: Sueli Carneiro; Pólen, 2019.), racial prejudice is a judgment based on stereotypes about individuals belonging to a certain racial group that may or may not lead to discriminatory practices. Such practices, when committed individually, through insults and rejection of an individual based on preconceived ideas, are characterized by individual racism.

In societies structured based on discrimination, which privileges some races over others, racism is called structural, that is, an element that integrates the economic and political organization of society. This structural racism is present in institutions such as public security and schools, which reproduce it against racialized groups, such as black and indigenous people. Institutional racism is the structural and legalized system of policies, practices, and norms that results in differentiated access to goods and services (JONES, 2002JONES, Camara Phyllis. Confronting institutionalized racism. Phylon, v. 50, n. 1/2, p. 7‐22, 2002. DOI:
). In the school environment, institutional racism can be observed in the pedagogical silence, curricula, and teaching content that strengthen the appreciation of white people and exclude representations of other racialized groups, as well as in the greater presence of white teachers and managers, which strengthens and maintains this group in power.

In Brazil, state racism perpetrated by those who benefit from the silencing of stigmatized and oppressed people (SILVEIRA; NASCIMENTO; ZALEMBESSA, 2021SILVEIRA, Jucimeri Isolda; NASCIMENTO, Sergio Luiz; ZALEMBESSA, Simões. Colonialidade e decolonialidade na crítica ao racismo e às violações: para refletir sobre os desafios educação em direitos humanos. Educar em Revista, v. 37, 2021.), who continue to reap the omens of colonization, maintains inequality through politics, economics, and people's subjectivity, with direct influence on education. Thinking about ethnic-racial relations in terms of coloniality and Eurocentrism is moving towards the invisibility of all other cultures that differ from it, evidenced in gestures in school environments that coincide with the dissemination of hegemonic representations that reinforce discriminatory ideas.

In this sense, school plays an important role in the lives of individuals, and the main one understands formal education as a tool for people's emancipation and a means for social advancement. Furthermore, it is an educational means of socializing the student into the adult social world (LIBÂNEO, 2004), where they learn to live in society. School education is an intentional action that implies interaction between generations, of the oldest (experienced) with the youngest, or with less mastery of knowledge or practices, towards social, moral, cognitive, affective, and, in a context-specific historical, social, and institutional (GATTI, 2013).

On the other hand, if the school encourages prejudice and allows discrimination during the educational process, the individual will naturalize this. Therefore, it is a space for social maintenance, which reproduces and perpetuates racism. This fact is observed in pedagogical activities and content, which historically made up the Brazilian school curriculum, based on Eurocentric ideas of colonial origin (SANTOS; MATOS; EUGENIO, 2019SANTOS, Cledinea Carvalho; DE MATOS, Wesley Santos; EUGENIO, Benedito. Estudos pós-coloniais e educação: diálogos com o currículo escolar e as relações étnico-raciais. RELACult-Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, v. 5, n. 5, 2019. DOI:
), as well as in the prejudiced attitudes and speeches of students and teachers, in the low number of black teachers and teaching teams. Therefore, schools must repudiate racial discrimination and address the most diverse curricular subjects in educational processes, comprising all racial groups present in society, valuing racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity, so that students become aware of the process of racialization that the country went through, which led racialized people to the base of the social pyramid and the worst positions in the job market, and how the knowledge taught always privileged the knowledge of white people, to the detriment of the knowledge of black and indigenous people.

In contrast, the aim of education in ethnic-racial relations is “the training of citizens, women, and men committed to promoting conditions of equality in the exercise of social, political, and economic rights, the rights to be, live, think, specific to different ethnic-racial and social belongings” (GONÇALVES; SILVA, 2007, p. 490). Although this training requires policies that disrupt racism in Brazilian society based on hegemonic representations that reinforce discriminatory ideas, this study focuses on ethnic-racial relations within the scope of young people's professional education for the world of work, considering racial inequities, capitalist dynamics that operate, but also a training of the individual to understand the unexplored meaning of the process of socialization of technical knowledge and its relationship with social entities directly involved in educational policies. These must present affirmative actions that encourage debate about the existence of discrimination and racial inequalities in Brazilian institutions.

Discrimination has several consequences for the lives of young students, in the economic, social, psychological, and biological spheres. This leads the individual to occupy different positions in the social structure and, consequently, variability in the privilege of obtaining limited goods and services in the social environment (FARO; PEREIRA, 2011FARO, André; PEREIRA, Marcos Emanoel. Raça, racismo e saúde: a desigualdade social da distribuição do estresse. Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), v. 16, n. 3, p. 271-278, 2011. DOI:
). In the psychological sphere, it leads to a reduction in self-esteem and mental well-being, but also to greater risks of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and other biological effects (MCKENZIE, 2003MCKENZIE, Kwame. Racism and health. Student BMJ, v. 11, p. 2, 2003. Disponível em: Disponível em: Acesso em:20 Ago. 2021.
). Furthermore, suffering discrimination activates a negative stigma that symbolically affects students' self-concept, and harms their social and psychological functioning (JONES, 2002JONES, Camara Phyllis. Confronting institutionalized racism. Phylon, v. 50, n. 1/2, p. 7‐22, 2002. DOI:
), to outline and limit their educational aspirations for the future.

Studying ethnic-racial relations in basic education curricula is relevant to breaking the silence about African and Afro-Brazilian realities in school curricula and practices and for the affirmation of black history, memory, and identity (GOMES, 2010GOMES, Nilma Lino. Educação, relações étnico-raciais e a Lei nº 10.639/03: breves reflexões. In: Brandão, A. P. (org). Modos de fazer: cadernos de atividades, saberes e fazeres. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Roberto Marinho, 2010, p. 19-26.), contributing to human formation. In this sense, Professional and Technological Education - PTE has become an option for completing secondary education, which comprises the final stage of basic education, in which the country faces traditionally strong and worrying dropout rates, according to the school census carried out by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (BRASIL, 2017CAPP, Edison; NIENOV, Otto Henrique(orgs). Epidemiologia aplicada básica. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2021.), with low educational aspirations of students to continue their studies. It should be noted that PTE is an educational modality that covers different courses such as professional qualification for initial and continuing training of workers; secondary technical professional education; and undergraduate and postgraduate technological professional education (BRASIL, 2021Gerais para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. Brasília, 2021.).

Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the scientific evidence on the education of ethnic-racial relations within the scope of secondary technical professional education.


As a theoretical foundation, the documentary path was mainly based on affirmative actions, such as Laws nº 12,711, approved in 2012 and entitled “Lei das Quotas”, nº 10,639/2003 and nº 11,645/2008, which gave education a character fairer in understanding the democratization of education for people of African descent, to make society aware of the historical situation of black and indigenous people in Brazil, submerging themselves in economic, social and cultural issues consolidated in exclusion and structural racism. The first law includes the inclusion of the theme “Afro-Brazilian History and Culture” in the curriculum of the official primary and secondary education network, which led to changes in the Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB), No. 9,394, of December 20, 1996, in its articles 26-A and 79-A (BRASIL, 2003BRASIL. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Lei nº 10.639, de 9 de janeiro de 2003. Altera a Lei no 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, para incluir no currículo oficial da Rede de Ensino a obrigatoriedade da temática "História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira", e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, DF, 10 jan. 2003, p. 1.).

Law 11,645/2008 expands the theme to “Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture”, which must have its content taught within the entire school curriculum, especially in the areas of artistic education, Brazilian literature, and history (BRASIL, 2008BRASIL. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Lei nº 11.645, de 10 de março de 2008. Brasília, 2008.). The introduction of ethnic-racial themes in curricula can contribute to giving new meaning to polytechnic training, which provides opportunities for the “working class above the levels of the bourgeois and aristocratic classes” (RODRIGUES, 2008RODRIGUES, José. Educação Politécnica. In: PEREIRA, Isabel Brasil; LIMA, Julio Cesar França(Orgs.). Dicionário da educação profissional em saúde. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: EPSJV, 2008. p. 112-119., p. 112), in the school training process, in a specific way in professional education. Furthermore, Marx and Engels clarified that “polytechnic training, defended by proletarian writers, must compensate for the inconveniences that arise from the division of labor, which prevents their apprentices from reaching in-depth knowledge of their role” (2011, p. 140). Therefore, research into cultural, political, and economic aspects as a historical construction instigates reflections and encourages the fight against racism, addressing social, educational, and work relationships.

This is research with an exploratory purpose, used to seek information on certain little-explored topics, without operationalizing hypotheses, and normally precedes other types of investigations such as descriptive or correlational ones (OLIVEIRA, 2018OLIVEIRA, Maria Marly de. Como fazer pesquisa qualitativa. 7 ed. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2018.). It has a qualitative approach, as it focuses on the microsocial universe and the deepening of human phenomena, such as ethnic-racial relations, and recognizes subjectivity, symbolism, and intersubjectivity in these relations, as well as bringing the inseparable overlap between the subject and the object between social participants and the researcher, between fact and meaning, and between structure and representation for internal analysis (MINAYO, 2017MINAYO, Maria Cecília de Souza. Cientificidade, generalização e divulgação de estudos qualitativos. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 22, n. 1, p. 16-17, 2017. DOI:

The method used was the integrative literature review, which is an evidence-based practice instrument (EBP), that allows the synthesis of knowledge and the applicability of the results of the mapped reports, for a systematic and comprehensive analysis of national and international publications obtained about the education of ethnic-racial relations in secondary technical professional education. The study was conducted based on the following steps: 1) research question; 2) literature research; 3) information collection; 4) critical analysis; 5) discussion of results; and 6) presentation of the integrative review (SOUZA, 2010SOUZA, Marcela Tavares de; SILVA, Michelly Dias da; CARVALHO, Rachel de. Revisão Integrativa: O que é? Como fazer isso?Einstein(São Paulo), v. 2, n. 1, p. 102-6, 2010. DOI:

To conduct the research, the following guiding question was created: “What is the scientific evidence on the education of ethnic-racial relations for students enrolled in technical professional education in secondary education?”, elaborated from the acronym PICo - Population, Interest, and Context, which used the terms presented in Chart 1 (CAPP; NIENOV, 2021CAPP, Edison; NIENOV, Otto Henrique(orgs). Epidemiologia aplicada básica. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2021.).

Chart 1
PICo acronym for obtaining terms.

The literature survey was carried out in November 2021 through searches in the SciELO database and in the electronic data sources Portal of CAPES Journal and Google Scholar. Google Scholar was included due to the high number of journals whose scope is publications that address the PTE presents this indexing.

The search strategy used based on the combination of terms and Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” was the following: (race OR ethnicity OR “race factor” OR racism OR “racial prejudice” OR “racial discrimination” OR “ethnic relations -racial”) AND (“professional and technological education” OR “professional education”). To increase the number of studies to be included on the topic, it was decided not to use keywords referring to the population.

The criteria for inclusion were studies published between 2017 and 2021 until the date of collection, in all languages, about ethnic-racial relations in PTE, considering integrated secondary education and subsequent education. The time frame is justified by the need for more recent research on the topic. The exclusion criteria were reviews, editorials, critical reviews, experience reports, dissertations, theses, monographs, chapters, books, and summaries published in event annals.

To select the studies, initially, they were identified in the databases and data sources using the time filter; then, the articles were screened in two stages: in the first, titles and abstracts were read, and, in the second, the full texts of the studies selected in the previous phase were read. The reasons for excluding studies in this last phase were recorded and explained in the results chapter. Finally, studies that met the eligibility criteria were included in the synthesis after reading the articles in full.

To collect data, we chose to use an instrument developed by one of the authors of this manuscript, consisting of six variables: numbering, name of authors and year of publication of the article; title; objectives; and results.

The critical analysis of the evidence found was carried out following Galvão (2006GALVÃO, Cristina Maria. Editorial. Níveis de evidência. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, v. 19, n. 2, p. 5, 2006. DOI:
). At level 1, the evidence comes from a systematic review or meta-analysis of all relevant randomized controlled clinical trials or clinical guidelines based on systematic reviews of randomized controlled clinical trials; level 2, evidence derived from at least one well-designed randomized controlled clinical trial; level 3, evidence obtained from well-designed clinical trials without randomization; level 4, evidence from well-designed cohort and case-control studies; level 5, evidence originating from a systematic review of descriptive and qualitative studies; level 6, evidence derived from a single descriptive or qualitative study; level 7, evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or report from expert committees.

Additionally, an analysis of the quality of publications was carried out from the Sucupira Platform through the ISSN of the journals of the studies included in the synthesis, considering Qualis for the areas of education, teaching, and interdisciplinary evaluation, according to the Quadrennial Journal Classification 2013-2016.

The results were presented through tables containing the narrative synthesis of the research findings that made up the review. To discuss the data, they were grouped into thematic categories based on the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011BARDIN, Laurence. Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70, 2011.), which followed three phases: pre-analysis to organize the corpus resulting from the studies included in the research; exploring the material and choosing categories; and finally, the treatment of results with inference and interpretation of information.

Regarding ethical aspects, the opinion of the ethics committee was not consulted as this was a literature review study. However, copyright was respected when preserving the content exposed by the authors of the primary articles and when referencing information extracted from articles available in the public domain.


In the initial search, 136 studies were found in Capes Journal, 11,200 in Google Scholar, and none in the SciELO database. Initially, the search raised 11,336 titles. On Google, the reading of titles was restricted to the number of pages presented on the platform. After reading the titles and abstracts, 29 articles were selected to be evaluated in full, of which 12 were excluded because they were not complete texts published in scientific journals and three were duplicates so a sample of 11 articles was established to compose the qualitative synthesis, as represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Flowchart for selecting articles in databases.

Regarding nationality, the 11 selected articles were carried out in Brazil and published in different national journals, except for Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, with two publications. Regarding study methods, there was a predominance of the quantitative approach (90%) and only one study presented a sequential explanatory mixed method (10%).

Regarding the classification of journals according to Qualis in the areas of education, teaching, and interdisciplinary, in which the studies were published, only two studies were published in qualified journals in the higher strata for education and teaching - A1 and A2, that is, with high impact factor and national and international relevance. Regarding the level of evidence, 81.8% of the studies presented level 6 and 18.2% level 7 (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Analysis of the quality of publications.

A summary table was prepared, which included the following information: article numbering in descending order; title; journals; objectives; and results, as shown in Chart 3.

Chart 3
Statement of articles that make up the integrative review.

Chart 3
- continuation

Chart 3
- continuation

Chart 3
- continuation

Given the studies presented on the education of ethnic-racial relations in secondary technical professional education, we could list some thematic categories that will be discussed in a continuous text: Institutionalization of Law 10,639/2003 and curriculum; Quota law; Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies, Research and Extension (NEABI- Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Extensão Afro-Brasileiros e Indígenas); Pedagogical experiences about ethnic-racial diversity; Perceptions of students and teachers regarding ethnic-racial diversity in the curriculum; The role of teachers in the professional education of black women.


Alves and Melo (2021ALVES, Diego dos Santos; MELO, Beatriz Medeiros de. A questão quilombola no currículo da EPT: por uma educação omnilateral. Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, v. 5, n. Especial, p. 124-148, 2021. DOI:
) highlight the importance of teaching History to correct mistakes and silencing of the past, to cooperate in overcoming the framework of exclusion, discrimination, and fragmentation of socially and historically fragile subjects, such as quilombolas, who currently still face challenges to access basic social rights. However, his research highlighted, based on reports from students and teachers at the Federal Institute of Alagoas - IFAL, reinforced by the incipience of this debate in textbooks, the absence of the quilombola issue and the need to replan and include a space for Afro-Brazilian culture in curricula, especially the integrated one. Not only that but there is a lack of books written by black authors and aimed at professional education.

In vocational education, the polytechnic perspective is a general vision for the implementation of integrated curricula in Brazil, and when remembering the polytechnic concept, adopted as a possibility of liberating the working class, there is the possibility of dialogue with other epistemological approaches, especially those with African-centered and non-colonial traditions, as an opportunity to overcome the challenges of their implementation in comprehensive courses and the consideration of ethnic-racial diversity in a single educational movement with a liberating nature. However, these differences in belonging become clear when analyzing the studies presented in this review.

Furthermore, in the traditional teaching of history, following the logic of the typical “colonial matrix of power and knowledge” of the West, official narratives about the life and culture of the African people and indigenous peoples of Brazil stand out. This Eurocentric discourse excluded the contributions of the indigenous populations, who inhabited these lands, and Africans, who make up the cultural diversity in this country to this day (BORJA; PEREIRA, 2018BORJA, Maria Eunice Limoeiro; PEREIRA, Cleifson Dias. As leis Nº 10.639/03 e nº 11.645/08: reflexões a partir do pensamento crítico acerca da colonialidade do saber. Cenas Educacionais, v. 1, n. 1, p. 242-270, 2018. Disponível em: Disponível em: ttps:// Acesso em:7 mai. 2022.
). The prevailing narrative about the life and culture of people originating from Africa and native indigenous people in Brazil is based on ideology derived from the colonial matrix of power and knowledge and structural racism.

In bibliographic-documentary research on structural racism in Brazil and challenges for professional education, Barbosa, Kokkonen, Souza (2021BARBOSA, Xênia de Castro; KOKKONEN, Roselaine Luzitana Fracalossi; SOUSA, Sândi Barros de. “Eu não consigo respirar”: racismo estrutural e os desafios da educação para as relações étnico-raciais na rede federal de educação profissional, científica e tecnológica-brasil. Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, v. 5, n. Especial, p. 29-51, 2021. DOI:
) state that, although there is a progressive philosophy committed to the emancipation of the working class and the promotion of fairer relationships in the Federal Network for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (RFEPT-Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica), racism is also present in this national education system. Racism is structural because it integrates the political and economic organization of society and provides meaning, logic, and technology to reproduce the inequalities and forms of violence that mark the daily lives of the black population today (ALMEIDA, 2019ALMEIDA, Silvio Luiz de. Racismo Estrutural. São Paulo: Sueli Carneiro; Pólen, 2019.). This violence can come from racist insults and attacks or, in a more sophisticated, veiled way, through behaviors or speeches that produce ambiguities in the understanding of the act.

The inequalities caused by racism affect the physical and mental health of black people due to the difficulties that these individuals and their families have in obtaining housing, basic sanitation, education, employment, culture, leisure, and protection. Also, due to exposure to dangerous or threatening conditions and the aggressions suffered daily, the biological mechanism of chronic stress leads to increased hormonal levels and oxidative stress at the cellular level. Prolonged exposure to stress hormones, such as cortisol, can cause inflammation and make individuals susceptible to chronic diseases (COHEN, 2012COHEN, Sheldon et al. Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation, and disease risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 109, n. 16, p. 5995-5999, 2012. DOI:
). Therefore, one of the paths to change is to awaken in black and non-black individuals the daily anti-racist practice and the implementation of affirmative policies to promote racial equality.

Examples of public affirmative action policies to promote black people and overcome social inequality instigated by racism are the criminalization of racism, the establishment of quotas, the approval of the racial equality statute, and the institution of the law that makes the teaching of history mandatory and Afro-Brazilian and African culture in institutions. Matos, Bispo, and Lima (2017MATOS, Maurício Sousa.; BISPO, Ana Mary Costa; LIMA, Elane Andrade Correia. Educação antirracista e a Lei 10.639/03: uma proposta de implementação a partir do novembro negro do IFBA. HOLOS, v. 2, p. 349-359, 2017. DOI:
), to collaborate with the fulfillment of Law nº 10.639/03, teachers and students from the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Bahia (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia), Vitória da Conquista campus, in partnership with the State University of Southwest Bahia (Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia), carried out the “Black November” project during a specific week in November in 2011, 2012 and 2013, which later became a habitual practice, in which there is a discussion of the realities in which black people are historically inserted, or even excluded, demonstrating the relevance of such a discussion and expanding the possibilities of understanding the world and its inequalities.

In this sense, Brazorotto (2021), in his research, verified the effective democratization of access to secondary education integrated with vocational training, through affirmative vacancy reservation policies, and concluded that the implementation of the “Quotas Law” advanced toward social equality, considering the CEFET scenario in Minas Gerais, through empirical research, as the majority of respondents declared themselves black and mixed race (54.7%); this indicator is close to the state population (MG: 60.3). However, the author reinforces that, despite the change, it is necessary to move forward and encourage the implementation of affirmative policies in Brazilian public schools and universities.

Ferreira and Coelho (2019) also identified that there was an increase in access for young people of African descent after the quota law, because, according to the Quota Policy Review Report (2012-2013), prepared by the MEC in 2013, 83% of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science, and Technology have already met, from 2012 to 2013, the target of minimum vacancies reserved for 2016. However, these institutions lack concrete actions to guarantee the academic success and permanence of these students. There was a need for financial resources to provide greater assistance to black students and the urgency of formulating recommendations for pedagogical supervision. These students are more likely to abandon the course. This can be explained by the prioritization that educational institutions give concretely to pedagogical knowledge, by the socioeconomic situation, which can present itself as a difficulty in reconciling work and study, or even by low occupational aspiration. However, following Opinion CNE/CP 3/2004, approved on 3/10/2004, which establishes the National Curricular Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, compensation policies aimed at the education of black people must provide a guarantee of access, permanence, and success in school education for this group, in addition to valuing the historical and cultural heritage of Afro-Brazilians and acquiring skills and knowledge considered essential for continuous learning, as well as fulfilling all the conditions required to complete each level of education and being a responsible citizen and participant, in addition to professional qualifications.

However, affirmative policies are not limited to the inclusion of themes and content in the school curriculum but include the expansion of access opportunities for black and indigenous populations to material spaces to produce knowledge, that is, teaching, access to university, professional courses, and integrated curriculum proposals. The presence of these social subjects in educational spaces questions traditional pedagogies that silence other epistemologies hold pedagogical exclusivity, and demand the emergence of other pedagogies, based on listening to the voices of the subjects themselves (ARROYO, 2012ARROYO, Miguel G. Outros sujeitos, outras pedagogias. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2012.).

The implementation of NEABs is an important affirmative policy. The creation of NEABs precedes affirmative policies. They were born as “movements for political formation and the production of knowledge in the fight against racism, especially in Brazilian education” (OLIVEIRA; DA COSTA, 2019OLIVEIRA, Otair Fernandes; DA COSTA, Ricardo Dias. Produção de conhecimentos, formação política e enfrentamento ao racismo na educação brasileira (Dossiê LEAFRO 10 anos). Repecult - Revista Ensaios e Pesquisa em Educação e Cultura - II Dossiê, v. 4, n. 6, p. 1-14, 2019. Disponível em: Disponível em: Acesso em:25 jun. 2021.
, p. 1). Law 10,639/2003 reinforces the importance of NEABs for implementing and strengthening affirmative actions in educational institutions. These centers also have the task of inducing, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation of public affirmative action policies in institutions.

From this perspective, Custódio and Oliveira (2021CUSTÓDIO, Márcia Moreira; DE OLIVEIRA, Talita Lucas Belizário. Entre a legalidade e a legitimidade: os desafios e avanços do NEABI na implementação da temática étnico-racial no currículo. Revista Ciranda, v. 5, n. 3, p. 217-231, 2021. DOI:
) analyzed the objectives proposed in the NEABI Regulation of the Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro regarding the inclusion of ethnic-racial themes in the curriculum of two IFTM campuses based on documentary research. Through theoretical perspectives that discuss the Federal Education Network and curriculum, it was concluded that there is a need to establish strategies and plans aimed at the effective institutionalization of NEABI and to follow steps for its implementation. They also found that it is a complex task to fulfill the objectives of the NEABI/IFTM regulations, such as the curricularization of ethnic-racial themes, as it involves a political pedagogical project, teacher training, introduction of a curricular component in the degree, among others, which requires articulation of a central NEABI, which mediates with the pro-rectors to build strategies to comply with Law 10,645/2008.

For Martins and Souza (2021MARTINS, Luci Helena Silva; DE SOUZA, Valesca Rodrigues. O NEABI e a educação para as relações étnico-raciais. RELACult-Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, v. 7, 2021. DOI:
), the implementation of the aforementioned Laws nº 10,639/03 and nº 10,645/2008 is difficult, as it is not just about inserting the discussion about Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture in the school context, but it is also required to restructure the pedagogical bases through a historical recovery movement with theoretical bases, so that, in this way, a real modification of the teaching-learning process occurs in search of valuing the knowledge of these cultures. Fonseca and Rocha (2019FONSECA, Marcus Vinícius; ROCHA, Laura Fernanda Rodrigues da. O processo de institucionalização da Lei nº. 10.639/2003 na rede federal de educação profissional, científica e tecnológica. Educação em Revista, v. 35, 2019. DOI:
) also analyzed the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) in schools that make up the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific, and Technological Education and found that their process of institutionalizing Law 10,639/03 is still very low.

We need to think beyond the formal curriculum, as intercultural education permeates the school organization and the type of human relationships that exist between professionals and school users. In other words, it refers to a change in mentality, a modification in the way the individual thinks, feels, and behaves towards others (LIBÂNEO, 2013LIBÂNEO, José Carlos. Organização e gestão da escola: teoria e prática. São Paulo: Heccus editora. 2013.), following the assumptions of Law nº 10.639/03 (BRASIL, 2003BRASIL. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Lei nº 10.639, de 9 de janeiro de 2003. Altera a Lei no 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, para incluir no currículo oficial da Rede de Ensino a obrigatoriedade da temática "História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira", e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, DF, 10 jan. 2003, p. 1.), which tries to break the pedagogical stance of not recognizing differences in national training.

Regarding pedagogical practices contextualized with local identities and culture and with the tendency to use information and communication technologies, as a pedagogical tool and an instance of empowerment and appreciation of black identity, for the construction of a Virtual Memorial entitled Pérolas Negras do Rio Aliança, the study by Costa, Rocha, and Santos (2020COSTA, Luciano de Oliveira; ROCHA, José Cláudio; SANTOS, Carla Liane N. dos. Memorial virtual pérolas negras do rio aliança: uma ferramenta pedagógica interdisciplinar no fortalecimento da identidade negra na educação profissional do/no campo. Estudos IAT, v. 5, n. 3, p. 127-138, 2020. Disponível em: Disponível em: Acesso em:02 abr. 2022.
) stands out, reported as a collective experience lived in the focus group. Given the changes that the educational scenario is going through, be they technological, cultural, or organizational, the extent of these transformations is still unknown. Therefore, there must be adaptation of teaching models, enabling dialogue and articulation between collaborative learning systems and technological information and communication tools for teaching Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture.

However, appropriating the education of ethnic-racial relations, understood as a fundamental human right following the constitutional principles of the Education Guidelines and Bases Law, complemented by Opinion CNE/CP 3/2004, by educational institutions, is an instrument fundamental to unite young students in defense of the right to occupational insertion, considering their skills and competencies. Also, not promoting debate on identity issues is exempting oneself from the opportunity to promote the self-esteem of black-mixed women, with their personal stories, when many have already directly or indirectly experienced the rejection of their abilities due to their characteristics (SOARES; SANTOS; VIRGENS, 2017SOARES, Cecília Conceição Moreira; DOS SANTOS, Pedro Paulo Fonseca; DAS VIRGENS, Antônio Mario. Mulher negra no mundo do trabalho: identidade étnico-racial na educação profissional. Linhas Críticas, v. 23, n. 52, p. 677-692, 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em: Acesso em:5 jul. 2021.

The desire for new pedagogical proposals is a need for students, especially interdisciplinary ones (SOUZA; FELZKE, 2020SOUZA, Marcela Tavares de; SILVA, Michelly Dias da; CARVALHO, Rachel de. Revisão Integrativa: O que é? Como fazer isso?Einstein(São Paulo), v. 2, n. 1, p. 102-6, 2010. DOI:
). Soares, Santos, and Virgens (2017SOARES, Cecília Conceição Moreira; DOS SANTOS, Pedro Paulo Fonseca; DAS VIRGENS, Antônio Mario. Mulher negra no mundo do trabalho: identidade étnico-racial na educação profissional. Linhas Críticas, v. 23, n. 52, p. 677-692, 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em: Acesso em:5 jul. 2021.
) propose a reflection on the ethnic-racial issues that exist in professional training at a Professional Education Center in Logistics and Transport, located in Salvador, Bahia, based on the performance of the course teachers, focusing on the professional training of young black women, emphasizing the issue of their self-esteem and ethnic-racial identity. They identified that Laws 10,639/03 and 11,645/08 on the professional training of black women, from the perspective of teachers and students, were not subject to analysis, nor were they in any way included in curricular components that could promote reflection on approaches of these laws. The authors highlight the need to promote the teaching of ethnic-racial education in professional education, as they recognize that its members and future workers, the majority of whom are black, make up a large part of the classrooms.

If there have been no changes regarding teacher training since college, with the incorporation of ethnic-racial education in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses (DIALLO; LIMA, 2022DIALLO, Cíntia Santos; LIMA, Cláudia Araújo de. História dos afro-brasileiros, africanos e a educação antirracista: o olhar das/os professoras/es das licenciaturas. Educação e Pesquisa, v. 48, e234744, 2022. DOI:
), in addition to the continuous updating of the theme and construction of curricula aimed at raising the self-esteem of young black women and contextualize them about the difficulties they suffer in the job market, the demands of feminist movements will continue to exist. For these movements, some analyzed variables and intra-gender conflicts were demonstrated, in which distinctions such as those between race and class emerge.

The naturalization of the condition of subordination and inequality of rights of the black population continues, especially for working women who suffer from gender and racial oppression. This situation is very current, as it can also be seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, and is a consequence of the slavery and colonial heritage that, even after the abolition of slavery, completely neglected the recently freed black population, devoid of any public policy in his favor (GUIMARÃES; VERBICARO, 2020GUIMARÃES, Sandra Suely; VERBICARO, Loiane. Mulheres negras e o mercado de trabalho em tempos de pandemia no Brasil. Rede Brasileira de Mulheres Filósofas, 2020. Disponível em: em:10 mai. 2021.), leaving him with precarious work.

The precariousness of the work of people of African descent remains and only contributes to increasing the social abyss that separates blacks and whites, this being the greatest legacy of slavery and authoritarianism in Brazil, which made race and color markers of oppression and great differences in hierarchy social, defining who is in charge and who obeys, mediated by power relations (GUIMARÃES; VERBICARO, 2020GUIMARÃES, Sandra Suely; VERBICARO, Loiane. Mulheres negras e o mercado de trabalho em tempos de pandemia no Brasil. Rede Brasileira de Mulheres Filósofas, 2020. Disponível em: em:10 mai. 2021.). However, this occurred and still occurs surreptitiously, fueling the idea of racial democracy in the country.

For the defender of Afro-Latin American feminism, Lelia Gonzales, the racism incorporated in and carried out through discriminatory practices is the main determinant of the position of black people in the relations of production. This, like sexism, becomes part of the ideological and political structures of capitalism, reproducing the racial or sexual division of work (GONZALEZ, 2020GONZALEZ, Lélia. Por um feminismo afrolatinoamericano. Editora Schwarcz-Companhia das Letras, 2020.). Latin American racism is an alienation fed through the ideology of whitening, whose internalized desire to “whiten”, in which, at the same time, there is the denial of their race and culture (GONZALEZ et al., 1988GONZALEZ, Lélia et al. A categoria político-cultural de amefricanidade. Tempo brasileiro, v. 92, n. 93, p. 69-82, 1988.), reinforced by the myth of racial democracy in Brazil.

Given the above, young students need to be empowered and knowledgeable about strategies and instruments for coping with the lack of systematization of an ethnic discussion about the places in the world of work for black women, through pedagogical practice that equips them with competitiveness in the market, but which also promotes the continuity of studies concomitant with the identity discourses endorsed in black culture and the resignification of social roles historically constituted by them (SOARES; SANTOS; VIRGENS, 2017SOARES, Cecília Conceição Moreira; DOS SANTOS, Pedro Paulo Fonseca; DAS VIRGENS, Antônio Mario. Mulher negra no mundo do trabalho: identidade étnico-racial na educação profissional. Linhas Críticas, v. 23, n. 52, p. 677-692, 2017. Disponível em:Disponível em: Acesso em:5 jul. 2021.

Regarding the methodological analysis of publications, there was a predominance of studies with a qualitative approach. However, there could be more field studies with professional education students from racialized groups, including indigenous people and quilombolas, in addition to the use of different methods and with higher levels of evidence to address the issue. Only two studies were published in higher education journals for education and teaching, with a lower impact and reach than most of the synthesized studies, which reduces the chances of expanding reflection and debate about ethnic-racial relations in PTE, which is so important for combating racism in Brazil.


When analyzing the studies mapped in this review on the education of ethnic-racial relations within the scope of technical professional education at the secondary level, we found that there is still a long way to go toward the institutionalization of Laws 10,639/03 and 11,645/08 in curricula and the teaching-learning practices of vocational training, reinforced by the negative perceptions of students and teachers regarding ethnic-racial diversity in the curricula of PTE institutions, especially when it comes to integrated courses. However, quota laws, the implementation of NEABI, and the various pedagogical experiences explained in this study highlight the importance of these as affirmative actions to promote equality and participation for all.

Finally, this work can be an instrument to support new studies, as there is a need for other research to be carried out on ethnic-racial relations in professional education, given the relevance of the subject and the incipience of published articles, mainly on databases with greater impact and in journals with national and international coverage. Furthermore, it is important to have a permanent debate about the quality of public basic education in the country and to allocate resources for this, the fight against various forms of daily discrimination, and mainly, structural racism based on cyclical changes in society, to reduce the repercussions on the future of people of African descent.


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  • 1
    The translation of this article into English was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq/Brasil.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


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