This article aims to understand conceptions, challenges, and strategies for the internationalization of higher education in Brazil according to the “Universities for the World” reports issued in the years 2018 and 2019 by the British Council. The international and national theoretical references used are students of the internationalization of higher education. The methodological and data analysis procedures are based on the precepts of documentary analysis by Cellard (2012). The data indicate that multilateral and private organizations acquire and conquer an increasing space as executors of educational policies, guided by coherent conceptions and consonant with discussions of inclusive aspects, but it is necessary to analyze in detail how these processes develop. The topics highlighted in the reports are events for discussions on advances in internationalization processes; development of language policies; internal, interinstitutional, and international cooperation strategies; quality parameters, such as inclusion and diversity. Generally, point to the challenges of progression through internationalization at home.
Keywords: Internationalization; Internationalization of Higher Education; British Council; Internationalization policies