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Circulation of information and social representations: cultural criticism in relation to the diversity debate


This paper examines issues related to the representation of non-hegemonic groups in the context of discussions about diversity, focusing on cultural criticism of pop culture products, particularly those disclosed on the internet. Bibliographical and documentary research was used. The article initially addresses the contemporary context of "cultural wars", connecting it to the discussion about the dynamics of the construction of social representations, mainly regarding subaltern groups. It is observed that the set of information circulating in society is reported and depends on knowledge systems - that is, on socio-cultural schemes of interpretation that give them status and value. It is argued that a traditional locus of production of these interpretation schemes is the space of "criticism", considered as a cultural institution of Modernity. After a brief history of its institutionalization, the system of criticism is correlated to a system of production and circulation of information about cultural products. The reviews about comics, and the discussions they provide, were chosen as a guiding thread to reflect on how these socio-cultural schemes of interpretation are constituted contemporaneously. From this perspective, we discuss the way in which the technological context focuses on this process and how diversity in pop culture is perceived. Aspects of gender diversity in some narratives are addressed to reference the discussion. The article concludes with some reflections on the process, highlighting the educational potential of criticism and the role of critics as cultural mediators.

circulation of information; cultural criticism; pop culture; social representations; mediation

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil